52 research outputs found

    Loron-Lorun i Busuja-Bossolo, PoreÄŤ, Istra-IstraĹľivaÄŤka kampanja u 2011. godini

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    Depuis 2003, le Musée territorial de Poreč, le Centre Ausonius de Bordeaux et l’Institut de topographie antique de Padoue fouillent ensemble le grand atelier d’amphores à huile de Loron ; à cette collaboration internationale s’est adjointe l’Ecole française de Rome en 2007. Parallèlement, dès 2003, le Centre Camille Jullian, toujours avec le Musée de Poreč, a entrepris une série de prospections et de fouilles subaquatiques le long du littoral parentin qui a abouti en novembre 2011 à une publication en français et en italien1, traduite en croate dès l’année suivante2. Malgré des délais très courts, ces chercheurs ont néanmoins pu insérer un minimum d’informations sur la campagne 2011 et la découverte exceptionnelle à laquelle elle a abouti. On trouvera ici le détail de ces travaux. A Loron, nos collègues et amis de l’université de Padoue n’ayant pu venir, la campagne 2011 n’a porté que sur l’aile occidentale de l’atelier, complétant de manière décisive le plan et affinant la datation de la fin du complexe. La surprise est venue de la découverte de trois tombes d’enfants de la dernière période du site. Par ailleurs, l’étude du mobilier s’est poursuivie en vue de la prochaine publication de Loron II, couvrant la période 2000-2011, qui sera assurée par les quatre institutions partenaires de ce projet international.Od 23. svibnja do 10. lipnja 2011. g., sjeverno od zaljeva Busuja u suradnji s V. Kovačićem iz Zavičajnog muzeja Poreštine, jedna podmorska ekipa iz Aix-en-Provenca je istražila čudnu podmorsku potonulu konstrukciju, koja je izgledala kao riblji vivarij (vivarium). Od 18. srpnja do 12. kolovoza druga ekipa Centra Camille Jullien i Centra Ausonius u suradnji sa Zavičajnim muzejom Poreštine i Francuskom arheološkom školom iz Rima, nastavila je istraživanje zapadnog krila keramičarske radionice za amfore u Loronu, tj. velike prostorije na stupove (48), koja je služila kao dvorište za sušenje i prostrane sale (40) koja se otvara na prostor (3) za cirkulaciju. Prostor (40) korišten je u kasnoj antici za ukop djece u amfore, što odgovara situaciji koju je otkrio A. Marchiori na istoku u prostoru (36) istočnog dijela objekta. Treba istaknuti novo otkriće jednog reljefa koji prikazuje falus od 19 cm u istočnoj prostoriji (48). Usporedno, na istočnoj obali zaljeva u blizini Svete Marine (Santa arina), Alexandra Hanry (INRAP) otvorila je jednu sondu. Na naslazi zidova otkrila je postojanje ostave fine keramike iz 1. st. posl. Kr. Zahvaljujući geofizičkim istraživanjima koje je vodila Elise Foret (Sveučilište u Besansonu) otkrivena je, na istoj obali južno od Svete Marine kao i na zapadnom dijelu tlorisa Lorona, građevina koja se može smatrati robovskom četvrti

    Graph-Theoretic Confirmation of Restructuring During Insight

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    The “flash of insight” sometimes observed in problem solving and in scientific discovery has been thought to be due to a sudden cognitive restructuring of the problem situation Direct confirmation of restructuring has been difficult without an independent procedure for determining cognitive structure Graph structures were derived from judgments of concept relatedness made by subjects who had an insight and by several groups who either did not or could not have the insight The graphs of the solvers differed from the graphs of subjects who tried and failed, those who listened to the solvers, and those who were given the solution When other subjects in a subsequent experiment repeatedly judged similarity of pairs of concepts, there was evidence that those connections critical to the new cognitive order were targeted long before there was the breathtaking cognitive reorganizationYeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Loss of dystrophin and the microtubule-binding protein ELP-1 causes progressive paralysis and death of adult C. elegans

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Hueston, J. L. and Suprenant, K. A. (2009), Loss of dystrophin and the microtubule-binding protein ELP-1 causes progressive paralysis and death of adult C. elegans. Dev. Dyn., 238: 1878–1886. doi:10.1002/dvdy.22007, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/dvdy.22007. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.EMAP-like proteins (ELPs) are conserved microtubule-binding proteins that function during cell division and in the behavior of post-mitotic cells. In C. elegans, ELP-1 is broadly expressed in many cells and tissues including the touch receptor neurons and body wall muscle. Within muscle, ELP-1 is associated with a microtubule network that is closely opposed to the integrin-based adhesion sites called dense bodies. To examine ELP-1 function we utilized an elp-1 RNA interference assay and screened for synthetic interactions with mutated adhesion site proteins. We reveal a synthetic lethal relationship between ELP-1 and the dystrophin-like protein, DYS-1. Reduction of ELP-1 in a dystrophin [dys-1(cx18)] mutant results in adult animals with motility defects, splayed and hypercontracted muscle with altered cholinergic signaling. Worms fill with vesicles, become flaccid and die. We conclude that ELP-1 is a genetic modifier of a C. elegans model of muscular dystrophy

    The structure of mercantile communities in the Roman world : how open were Roman trade networks?

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    L’Istrie et la navigation nord-adriatique dans l’Antiquité

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    Loron (Tar-Vabriga, Croatie)

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    Carre Marie-Brigitte, Rousse Corinne, Tassaux Francis. Loron (Tar-Vabriga, Croatie). In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 119, n°1. 2007. Antiquité. pp. 226-229

    Sjeverno priobalje Poreštine u antici

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