11 research outputs found

    Data Governance and Sovereignty in Urban Data Spaces Based on Standardized ICT Reference Architectures

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    European cities and communities (and beyond) require a structured overview and a set of tools as to achieve a sustainable transformation towards smarter cities/municipalities, thereby leveraging on the enormous potential of the emerging data driven economy. This paper presents the results of a recent study that was conducted with a number of German municipalities/cities. Based on the obtained and briefly presented recommendations emerging from the study, the authors propose the concept of an Urban Data Space (UDS), which facilitates an eco-system for data exchange and added value creation thereby utilizing the various types of data within a smart city/municipality. Looking at an Urban Data Space from within a German context and considering the current situation and developments in German municipalities, this paper proposes a reasonable classification of urban data that allows the relation of various data types to legal aspects, and to conduct solid considerations regarding technical implementation designs and decisions. Furthermore, the Urban Data Space is described/analyzed in detail, and relevant stakeholders are identified, as well as corresponding technical artifacts are introduced. The authors propose to setup Urban Data Spaces based on emerging standards from the area of ICT reference architectures for Smart Cities, such as DIN SPEC 91357 “Open Urban Platform” and EIP SCC. In the course of this, the paper walks the reader through the construction of a UDS based on the above-mentioned architectures and outlines all the goals, recommendations and potentials, which an Urban Data Space can reveal to a municipality/city. Finally, we aim at deriving the proposed concepts in a way that they have the potential to be part of the required set of tools towards the sustainable transformation of German and European cities in the direction of smarter urban environments, based on utilizing the hidden potential of digitalization and efficient interoperable data exchange.EC/H2020/646578/EU/Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate./TriangulumBMBF, 13NKE012, Datenaustausch und Zusammenarbeit im urbanen Raum - Bestandsanalyse (Urban Data Space

    Open Data zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit

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    Open Data soll die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Behörden verbessern, die Transparenz von Politik erhöhen und neue GeschĂ€ftsmodelle ermöglichen. Die AnsprĂŒche an die Verwaltung sind hoch, doch bei der Umsetzung zeigen sich HĂŒrden. Kritiker fĂŒhren an, dass offene Daten nur selten genutzt werden. Grund genug, eine Zwischenbilanz zu ziehen. Anhand von vier europĂ€ischen Metropolen arbeiten wir in dieser Studie nicht nur Unterschiede in der Umsetzung von Open Data heraus, sondern gehen auch auf die jeweilige Nutzung ein. Was passiert, wenn politische Versprechen auf Verwaltungswirklichkeit treffen? Wir laden Sie zur Beantwortung dieser Frage auf eine Reise nach London, Hamburg, Berlin und Wien ein. Unterwegs erfahren Sie, wie Open-Data-Ökosysteme entstehen und was fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Open Data ausschlaggebend ist

    Diagnosis, treatment and supportive management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia:recommendations of the Dutch HOVON CLL working group

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    Management of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is changing due to considerable advances in the therapeutic armamentarium, and new therapies will possibly continue to emerge in the near future. Therefore, the CLL working group of the Dutch-Belgium Haemato-Oncology Cooperative Group for Adults in the Netherlands (HOVON) necessitated revising the Dutch CLL guidelines. The current guideline is based on the expert opinion of the HOVON CLL working group members and focusses on well-designed clinical trials taking into account efficacy with special emphasis on toxicity, treatment duration and treatment intensity. This article provides recommendations on diagnosis, treatment strategies in front-line and relapsed setting and provides supportive care measurements during novel-based therapies as well as for infectious CLL-related complications. The recommendations presented here are intended to provide guidance for the management of CLL patients in the Netherlands, and take into account the availability of treatment strategies at the time of this publication

    Guidelines for the management of adult lower respiratory tract infections : summary

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    AbstractThis document is an update of Guidelines published in 2005 and now includes scientific publications through to May 2010. It provides evidence-based recommendations for the most common management questions occurring in routine clinical practice in the management of adult patients with LRTI. Topics include management outside hospital, management inside hospital (including community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD), acute exacerbations of bronchiectasis) and prevention. The target audience for the Guideline is thus all those whose routine practice includes the management of adult LRTI

    Guidelines for the management of adult lower respiratory tract infections : full version

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    AbstractThis document is an update of Guidelines published in 2005 and now includes scientific publications through to May 2010. It provides evidence-based recommendations for the most common management questions occurring in routine clinical practice in the management of adult patients with LRTI. Topics include management outside hospital, management inside hospital (including community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD), acute exacerbations of bronchiectasis) and prevention. Background sections and graded evidence tables are also included. The target audience for the Guideline is thus all those whose routine practice includes the management of adult LRTI

    Guidelines for the management of adult lower respiratory tract infections - Summary

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