1,426 research outputs found

    Nonlinear normal modes and spectral submanifolds: Existence, uniqueness and use in model reduction

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    We propose a unified approach to nonlinear modal analysis in dissipative oscillatory systems. This approach eliminates conflicting definitions, covers both autonomous and time-dependent systems, and provides exact mathematical existence, uniqueness and robustness results. In this setting, a nonlinear normal mode (NNM) is a set filled with small-amplitude recurrent motions: a fixed point, a periodic orbit or the closure of a quasiperiodic orbit. In contrast, a spectral submanifold (SSM) is an invariant manifold asymptotic to a NNM, serving as the smoothest nonlinear continuation of a spectral subspace of the linearized system along the NNM. The existence and uniqueness of SSMs turns out to depend on a spectral quotient computed from the real part of the spectrum of the linearized system. This quotient may well be large even for small dissipation, thus the inclusion of damping is essential for firm conclusions about NNMs, SSMs and the reduced-order models they yield.Comment: To appear in Nonlinear Dynamic

    Excitations with projected entangled pair states using the corner transfer matrix method

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    We present an extension of a framework for simulating single quasiparticle or collective excitations on top of strongly correlated quantum many-body ground states using infinite projected entangled pair states, a tensor network ansatz for two-dimensional wave functions in the thermodynamic limit. Our approach performs a systematic summation of locally perturbed states in order to obtain excited eigenstates localized in momentum space, using the corner transfer matrix method, and generalizes the framework to arbitrary unit cell sizes, the implementation of global Abelian symmetries and fermionic systems. Results for several test cases are presented, including the transverse Ising model, the spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg model and a free fermionic model, to demonstrate the capability of the method to accurately capture dispersions. We also provide insight into the nature of excitations at the k=(Ï€,0)k=(\pi,0) point of the Heisenberg model.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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