652 research outputs found

    ¿El censor ineficaz? Una lectura histórico-jurídica del índice de libros prohibidos

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    Este breve ensayo discute el tópico del “incumplimiento” de las disposiciones en materia de censura de libros entre los siglos XVI y XVIII, uno de los lugares comunes de la historiografía sobre el tema. Se sostiene la inadecuación de la dicotomía “eficacia versus incumplimiento”, o del supuesto abismo entre “teoría y práctica”, tomando en consideración las características definitorias del orden jurídico de la época, marcado, entre otros elementos, por la apertura, la indeterminación, la flexibilidad o su carácter incompleto, que condicionaron tanto las prácticas sociales como la normativa vigenteThe failure to enforce the laws and enactments regarding book censorship between the 16th and the 18th centuries is a common topic of discussion among historians of the early modern period. This brief essay claims that the dichotomy between “enforcement” and “failure to enforce” falls short to analyze the social practices and the legislation regarding book censorship. The legal culture of the time was known by its indeterminacy, its openness and its flexibility – utterly distinct from today’s legal formalism. Therefore, these aspects should not only be taken into account but should orient any investigation on social practices and offi cial rules on the censorship of books in the early modern centurie

    El "Premio Joven Investigador": Un proyecto para la facultad de derecho de la UAM

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    ‘Memoria de los libros que son necesarios para pasar’ Lecturas del jurista en el siglo XVI ibérico

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    The Modos de pasar en Derechos (ways of ‘passing’ laws) consisted of a type of study guide, which contained moral prescriptions and practical advice about the books, the authorities, the subjects, the order, and the time required to prepare for academic examinations. These study guides were especially designed to instruct candidates in obtaining the licentiate degree in Salamanca, the so-called licentia docendi in both civil and canon law. They also offer a rich source for the history of legal education in the early modern Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, the Modos de pasar functioned as tools for the selfrepresentation to the public of an image of academic excellence and distinction, which was of immense importance for the process of elite formation. The social group formed by tenured professors (catedráticos), licentiates, and doctors in law struggled to enhance their privileges in a period of conflict and institutional change in the old University of Salamanca. In this article, I propose to analyze these study guides as a specific legal-pedagogical genre within the broader spectrum of early modern juridical literature. The features of this corpus of texts can be clearly displayed in the Modo de pasar del doctor Diego Enrríquez (1587), one of the most remarkable examples of this genre, since it includes a comprehensive list of suggested readings for law students (Memoria de los libros que son necesarios para pasar). An edition of this manuscript (Modo de pasar del doctor Diego Enrríquez, 1587, Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Mss. 206, fols. 259v-262r) is added as an appendix.Los Modos de pasar en Derechos consistían en una especie de guías de lectura, con consejos detallados sobre la disciplina, los libros, las autoridades, las materias, el orden y el tiempo que deberían emplearse en la preparación de la licentia docendi en Leyes y Cánones. De origen salmantino y proyección ibérica, constituyen una fuente de gran interés para la historia de la educación de los juristas en los siglos modernos. Funcionaron, además, como vehículos de legitimación de una determinada imagen pública de excelencia y distinción de la élite académica de catedráticos, licenciados y doctores, en un contexto de conflictos y transformaciones institucionales. Tomando como ejemplo el Modo de pasar del catedrático de la Facultad de Leyes Diego Enríquez, que contenía una sugerente Memoria de los libros que son necesarios para pasar, en estas páginas se esboza una propuesta de identificación de estas pequeñas guías de estudio como un corpus específico en el conjunto de la literatura jurídico-pedagógica del Antiguo régimen. En el apéndice se incluye la transcripción del Modo de pasar del doctor Diego Enrríquez (1587) que alberga la Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Mss. 206, fols. 259v-262r)

    Consumo de drogas ilegales, apoyo familiar y factores relacionadosen estudiantes universitarios. Un estudio transversal basado en datosdel Proyecto uniHcos

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of illegal drug use in college students on any previous occasion, duringthe previous year and the previous month, and to analyze the relationship between illegal drug use andfamily support and other factors.Methods: A cross-sectional study using data from students participating in the uniHcos project (n = 3767)was conducted. The prevalence and age of onset of consumption of cannabis, non-prescription sedatives,stimulants and depressants was evaluated. Polyconsumption was also assessed. The independent vari-ables were: family support, age, residence, and employment status. To determine the factors related todrug use multivariate logistic regression models stratified by gender were fitted.Results: Differences between men and women in prevalence of illegal drug use except non-prescriptionsedatives were observed. In both genders, less family support was associated with higher consumptionof all drugs, except depressants, and with polyconsumption. To be studying and looking for work wasrelated to cannabis and stimulant use and to polyconsumption among women, but only to cannabis useamong men.Conclusions: These results support the notion that the start of university studies is a particularly relevantstage in the onset of illegal drug use and its prevention, and that consumption may be especially associatedwith family support.Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del consumo de drogas ilegales en estudiantes universitarios y analizarla relación entre dicho consumo, el apoyo familiar y otros factores.Método: Se realizó un dise?no transversal basado en datos de participantes en el proyecto uniHcos (n =3767). Se evaluaron la prevalencia y la edad de inicio del consumo de cannabis, tranquilizantes sin receta,estimulantes y depresores, y el policonsumo. Como variables independientes se consideraron el apoyofamiliar, la edad, la residencia y la situación laboral. Para la determinación de los factores asociados alconsumo de drogas se ajustaron modelos de regresión logística estratificados por sexo.Resultados: Se observaron diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en la prevalencia del consumo de todaslas drogas ilegales, excepto tranquilizantes sin receta. En ambos sexos, cuanto peor apoyo familiar, mayorconsumo de todas las drogas, excepto depresores y policonsumo. Encontrarse estudiando y buscandotrabajo se relacionó con el consumo de cannabis, estimulantes y policonsumo en las mujeres, y solo concannabis en los hombres.Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio aportan nueva evidencia a favor de que el inicio de la etapauniversitaria es un momento de especial relevancia en el inicio del consumo de drogas ilegales y suprevención, pudiendo este consumo estar especialmente relacionado con el apoyo familiar

    Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    Measurements are presented of production properties and couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson using the decays into boson pairs, H →γ γ, H → Z Z∗ →4l and H →W W∗ →lνlν. The results are based on the complete pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at centre-of-mass energies of √s = 7 TeV and √s = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 25 fb−1. Evidence for Higgs boson production through vector-boson fusion is reported. Results of combined fits probing Higgs boson couplings to fermions and bosons, as well as anomalous contributions to loop-induced production and decay modes, are presented. All measurements are consistent with expectations for the Standard Model Higgs boson

    Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011

    Measurement of the top quark-pair production cross section with ATLAS in pp collisions at \sqrt{s}=7\TeV

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    A measurement of the production cross-section for top quark pairs(\ttbar) in pppp collisions at \sqrt{s}=7 \TeV is presented using data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events are selected in two different topologies: single lepton (electron ee or muon μ\mu) with large missing transverse energy and at least four jets, and dilepton (eeee, μμ\mu\mu or eμe\mu) with large missing transverse energy and at least two jets. In a data sample of 2.9 pb-1, 37 candidate events are observed in the single-lepton topology and 9 events in the dilepton topology. The corresponding expected backgrounds from non-\ttbar Standard Model processes are estimated using data-driven methods and determined to be 12.2±3.912.2 \pm 3.9 events and 2.5±0.62.5 \pm 0.6 events, respectively. The kinematic properties of the selected events are consistent with SM \ttbar production. The inclusive top quark pair production cross-section is measured to be \sigmattbar=145 \pm 31 ^{+42}_{-27} pb where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The measurement agrees with perturbative QCD calculations.Comment: 30 pages plus author list (50 pages total), 9 figures, 11 tables, CERN-PH number and final journal adde