8 research outputs found

    Predictors of intact and C-terminal fibroblast growth factor 23 in Gambian children

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    Elevated C-terminal fibroblast growth factor 23 (C-FGF23) concentrations have been reported in Gambian children with and without putative Ca-deficiency rickets. The aims of this study were to investigate whether i) elevated C-FGF23 concentrations in Gambian children persist long term; ii) they are associated with higher intact FGF23 concentrations (I-FGF23), poor iron status and shorter 25-hydroxyvitamin D half-life (25OHD-t1/2); and iii) the persistence and predictors of elevated FGF23 concentrations differ between children with and without a history of rickets. Children (8-16 years, n=64) with a history of rickets and a C-FGF23 concentration >125 RU/ml (bone deformity (BD), n=20) and local community children with a previously measured elevated C-FGF23 concentration (LC+, n=20) or a previously measured C-FGF23 concentration within the normal range (LC-, n=24) participated. BD children had no remaining signs of bone deformities. C-FGF23 concentration had normalised in BD children, but remained elevated in LC+ children. All the children had I-FGF23 concentration within the normal range, but I-FGF23 concentration was higher and iron status poorer in LC+ children. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D was the strongest negative predictor of I-FGF23 concentration (R(2)=18%; P=0.0006) and soluble transferrin receptor was the strongest positive predictor of C-FGF23 concentration (R(2)=33%; P≤0.0001). C-FGF23 and I-FGF23 concentrations were poorly correlated with each other (R(2)=5.3%; P=0.07). 25OHD-t1/2 was shorter in BD children than in LC- children (mean (s.d.): 24.5 (6.1) and 31.5 (11.5) days respectively; P=0.05). This study demonstrated that elevated C-FGF23 concentrations normalised over time in Gambian children with a history of rickets but not in local children, suggesting a different aetiology; that children with resolved rickets had a shorter 25OHD-t1/2, suggesting a long-standing increased expenditure of 25OHD, and that iron deficiency is a predictor of elevated C-FGF23 concentrations in both groups of Gambian children

    Vitamin D expenditure is not altered in pregnancy and lactation despite changes in vitamin D metabolite concentrations.

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    Pregnancy and lactation are associated with changes in vitamin D and calcium metabolism but the impact of these changes on vitamin D expenditure is unknown. We measured plasma 25(OH)D3 half-life with a stable-isotope tracer and investigated relationships with vitamin D metabolites in pregnant, lactating and 'non-pregnant, non-lactating' (NPNL) women. Vitamin D metabolites, vitamin D binding protein (DBP), PTH and 25(OH)D3 half-life were measured in third-trimester pregnant women (n22) and repeated during lactation 12 weeks post-partum (n14) and twice in NPNL women (n23 and n10, respectively) in rural Gambia where calcium intakes are low with little seasonality in UVB-exposure. 25(OH)D3 half-life was not significantly different between groups (mean(SD): 20.6(6.8), 22.6(7.7), 18.0(4.7) and 17.7(9.5) days in pregnant, lactating and NPNL women, respectively). Plasma 25(OH)D3, 1,25(OH)2D, and DBP were higher in pregnancy, and calculated free-25(OH)D3 and PTH were lower (P < 0.05). In lactation, 25(OH)D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 were lower compared to pregnant (P < 0.001, P = 0.02) and NPNL women (P = 0.04, P = 0.07). Significant associations were observed between half-life and 25(OH)D3 (+ve) in pregnancy, and in all groups between 25(OH)D3 and free-25(OH)D3 (+ve) and PTH and 25(OH)D3 (-ve) (P < 0.0001). These data suggest that adaptive changes in pregnancy and lactation occur that prevent pronounced changes in vitamin D expenditure

    Formation of Nε-(Carboxymethyl)lysine and loss of lysine in casein glucose-fatty acid model systems

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    Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and advanced lipoxidation end-products (ALEs) form when proteins are heated with reducing sugar or lipid. N?-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) is the most commonly studied AGE/ALE in foods, but the relative importance of dietary sugar and lipid as its precursors is uncertain. The aim of this study was to determine the relative amounts of CML formed from fatty acid and glucose in a model food system. Model systems were prepared by heating casein (3.2%) with glucose or fatty acid (oleic, linoleic, linolenic, or arachidonic acid) (200 mM) or a mixture of glucose and linolenic acid (200 mM of each precursor) at 95 °C for up to 8 h. CML was determined by ultrapressure liquid chromatography?tandem mass spectrometry. The amount of CML formed from casein and glucose incubated at 95 °C for 8 h was 15-fold higher than that obtained when casein was heated with arachidonic acid under the same conditions. However, the loss of lysine in the casein?arachidonic acid incubations was 83% compared to 54% loss in the casein?glucose incubations. The loss of lysine in casein?fatty acid model systems increased with degree of unsaturation of the fatty acid. The formation of lipid peroxidation products during oxidation of fatty acids might be a potent factor for loss of lysine in the casein?fatty acid systems

    La ezquizofrenia simbólica de lo femenino en Julián del Casal y Gustave Moreau

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    Actas XIIº Congreso de la Asociación Española de Americanistas, Huelva, 2007; 14 p.[EN] This paper analyzes a three-voice dialogue, which was maintained by three different languages: painting, prose, and poetry. This conversation began in 1874-1876. During this period, Gustave Moreau created the paintings titled Salome Dancing before Herod and The Apparition. Furthermore, in 1884 it appeared the novel Against Nature written by Joris-Karl Huysmans. Eventually, this dialogue lasted until 1890, when Julián del Casal published in La Habana Elegante the poem “Salomé”. This text was grouped with other eleven poems in the book Mi museo ideal: diez cuadros de Gustave Moreau. This exchange was sustained by the ekphrasis of some paintings of Moreau that the Cuban poet and the French writer carried out. Along this process, the approaches to certain female archetypes were evolved in order to become richer and more complex.[ES] Este trabajo indaga en un diálogo a tres voces, sostenido con tres lenguajes distintos: el de la pintura, el de prosa y el de la poesía. Una conversación que se inicia entre 1874-1876, fechas entre las que se data la creación de Salomé danzante y La aparición, cuadros de Gustave Moreau, y llega hasta principios de la década de 1890 (en ese mismo año aparece en La Habana elegante “Salomé” de Julián del Casal, que será agrupado con otros once poemas más en Mi museo ideal: diez cuadros de Gustave Moreau), pasando por 1884, cuando sale de la imprenta A contrapelo, de Joris- Karl Huysmans. Nos estamos refiriendo a las écfrasis que de determinados cuadros de Moreau realizan tanto el poeta cubano como el novelista francés. En este proceso el tratamiento de ciertos arquetipos femeninos sufrirá modulaciones y reapropiaciones que los enriquecerán y harán más complejos.Peer reviewe

    UPLC-MS/MS Determination of Deuterated 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (d3-25OHD3) and Other Vitamin D Metabolites for the Measurement of 25OHD Half-Life

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    Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) half-life (25OHDt 1/2) is a dynamic marker of vitamin D metabolism that can be used to assess vitamin D expenditure and help inform vitamin D requirements. Our group recently established an approach to determine the 25OHDt 1/2 as an alternative biomarker of 25OHD expenditure in humans. The approach uses a small oral dose of stable isotope labeled 25OHD3 [3-2H-25OHD3 (6,19,19-d3)] (d3-25OHD3) (tracer), which is distinguishable from endogenous 25OHD by liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We report here the method, which relies on protein precipitation, purification with solid phase extraction, derivatization with 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione (PTAD), and determination of the compounds by isotope-dilution UPLC-MS/MS. The method proved to be rapid and sensitive (LOQ 0.2 nmol/L) for the quantification of this tracer as well as the other vitamin D metabolites: 25OHD3, 25OHD2, and 24,25(OH)2D3 in human plasma

    Control of the Maillard reaction by ferulic acid

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    This study investigated how ferulic acid (FA) affects the formation of certain Maillard reaction products (MRPs), i.e., early MRPs, fluorescent and non-fluorescent advanced glycation end products (ACES), and melanoidins in model systems. Glycation mixtures were prepared containing soy glycinin or bovine serum albumin (final concentration 10 mg/ml) and fructose (222 mM) in 0.2% KOH in the presence or absence of FA (12.95 mM) and incubated at 60 degrees C for 60 min. The extent of the MR was estimated by analysis of free amino groups, the incorporation of sugar into the protein backbone as well as the formation of N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), fluorescent AGES (lambda(exc) = 337 nm, lambda(em) = 350-550 nm) and melanoidins (absorbance at 420 nm). Formation of CML and fluorescent AGEs was reduced by nearly 90% by the addition of FA while early MRPs and melanoidins were inhibited to a lesser extent (similar to 10% and 28%, respectively) compared to AGE formation. A controlled formation of early MRPs was achieved by use of FA, and it is a new finding. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time the use of FA as a reliable means of obtaining novel glycoprotein preparations containing low amounts of AGEs, with the potential to be used as functional food ingredients, is proposed

    Role of Rad51 and DNA repair in cancer: A molecular perspective

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