3,433 research outputs found

    Plaque in Christ Chapel

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    We see them every day and pass them as we rush to class. Painting, monuments, and even old photographs that remind us of Gettysburg’s past. They have become so commonplace that we hardly spare a second glance for them so that they start to fade into the general scenery, eventually losing their meaning and with that, the rich history that they denote. What if one could turn back the clock and return to the beginning of freshman year when every sign and monument was new, worth our attention and more importantly, our curiosity? Although Gettysburg College is well steeped in history, it is meaningless unless one takes the time to uncover and try to understand the object. Let us examine the Reverend Adam Long memorial plaque in Christ Chapel to illustrate the rich history and present day reality that lies right in front of us. [excerpt] Course Information: Course Title: HIST 300: Historical Method Academic Term: Fall 2006 Course Instructor: Dr. Michael J. Birkner \u2772 Hidden in Plain Sight is a collection of student papers on objects that are hidden in plain sight around the Gettysburg College campus. Topics range from the Glatfelter Hall gargoyles to the statue of Eisenhower and from historical markers to athletic accomplishments. You can download the paper in pdf format and click View Photo to see the image in greater detail.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/hiddenpapers/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Kircaoglu and Sanaga, Final Appeal Judgment, No 32960/2010; ILDC 1635 (IT 2010)

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    The Kircaoglu and Sanaga case (Italian Court of Cassation, first criminal section, Judgment of 8 September 2010, No. 32960) concerned the capture by the Italian military vessel of a ship flying the Turkish flag in waters beyond the Italian territorial sea. The vessel was suspected of smuggling people in violation of the Italian law on immigration. The capture of the vessel took place after a hot pursuit commenced, in the view of Italian authorities, when the foreign ship was within the Italian contiguous zone. In this judgment, the Court of cassation addressed the issue of a State\u2019s jurisdiction over the acts committed a foreign vessel in the contiguous zone. The Court held the view that Italy does not have jurisdiction over acts committed within its national contiguous zone by ships flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting party of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 10 December 1982. The decision is of particular interest because of it sheds lights on issues such as whether a State can have a contiguous zone in the absence of a formal proclamation, and whether article 33 of UNCLOS on contiguous zone reflects a rule of general international law

    Le operazioni di contrasto dell\u2019immigrazione clandestina alle frontiere marittime dell'Unione europea e la tutela dei richiedenti asilo

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    Lo scopo dell\u2019articolo \ue8 quello di evidenziare come il contrasto dell\u2019immigrazione clandestina, quando si concretizza in azioni di polizia in mare coordinate a livello dell\u2019Unione europea, attraverso l\u2019Agenzia FRONTEX, ponga problemi in merito all\u2019appli\uaccazione degli strumenti che tutelano il diritto dei migranti a godere, quando ve ne siano i presupposti, della protezione internazionale. L\u2019articolo valuta, infatti, la compatibilit\ue0 della normativa UE riferibile al ruolo di FRONTEX con le norme del diritto internazionale relative alla protezione dei rifugiati e al salvataggio delle vite umane in mare. In questa analisi sono prese in considerazione anche le proposte di riforma del quadro giuridico di FRONTEX. L\u2019analisi condotta mette in rilievo lo scarso numero di operazioni FRONTEX condotte per contrastare l\u2019immigrazione clandestina via mare, riconducendolo proprio alla mancanza di chiarezza del quadro normativo ed operativo nell\u2019ambito del quale l\u2019Agenzia deve muoversi nella sua azione di sostegno agli Stati membri. Il processo di riforma in atto non sembra modificare sostanzialmente questo quadro giuridico

    La parit\ue0 di trattamento tra uomo e donna in materia di sicurezza sociale: profili di diritto comunitario

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    Partendo da una esame comparatp della giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia della Comunit\ue0 europea e della Corte costituzionale, l'artico mette in evidenza come nell\u2019ordinamento italiano si \ue8 realizzata una compiuta attuazione del principio della parit\ue0 di trattamento in materia di regimi legali di sicurezza sociale, garantendo ad uomini e donne gli stessi limiti di et\ue0 per la concessione delle prestazioni previdenziali di vecchiaia, diritto non riconosciuto, invece, dall\u2019ordinamento comunitari
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