1,768 research outputs found

    Cross-talk between lipoproteins and inflammation : The role of microvesicles

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    Atherothrombosis is the principal underlying cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Microvesicles (MV) are small blebs originated by an outward budding at the cell plasma membranes, which are released in normal conditions. However, MV release is increased in pathophysiologic conditions such as CVD. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and MV contribute to atherothrombosis onset and progression by promoting inflammation and leukocyte recruitment to injured endothelium, as well as by increasing thrombosis and plaque vulnerability. Moreover, (oxidized)LDL induces MV release and vice-versa, perpetuating endothelium injury leading to CVD progression. Therefore, MV and lipoproteins exhibit common features, which should be considered in the interpretation of their respective roles in the pathophysiology of CVD. Understanding the pathways implicated in this process will aid in developing novel therapeutic approaches against atherothrombosis

    Descobreixen un mecanisme d'acumulació massiva de colesterol

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    Científics del Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques i de l'Institut Català de Ciències Cardiovasculars han descobert el receptor responsable de la captació selectiva de colesterol esterificat en la paret vascular. Aquest tipus de colesterol s'acumula en l'organisme i pot agreujar les lesions vasculars fins a generar en trombosi.Científicos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ydel Instituto Catalán de Ciencias Cardiovasculares (ICCC) handescubierto el receptor responsable de la captación selectiva decolesterol esterificado en la pared vascular. Este tipo de colesterol seacumula en el organismo en forma de pequeñas gotas de grasa quepueden agravar las lesiones vasculares hasta generar una trombosis.Researchers of the Spanish National Research Council and CatalanInstitute of Cardiovascular Sciences have discovered the receiverresponsible for the selective collection of esterified cholesterol in thevascular wall. This type of cholesterol is accumulated in the organismlike small drops of fat that can aggravate the vascular injuries andgenerate thrombosis

    Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis: Insights from Large Animal Models

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    Atherosclerosis and its thrombotic complications are responsible for remarkably high numbers of deaths. The combination of in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo experimental approaches has largely contributed to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the atherothrombotic process. Indeed, different animal models have been implemented in atherosclerosis and thrombosis research in order to provide new insights into the mechanisms that have already been outlined in isolated cells and protein studies. Yet, although no model completely mimics the human pathology, large animal models have demonstrated better suitability for translation to humans. Indeed, direct translation from mice to humans should be taken with caution because of the well-reported species-related differences. This paper provides an overview of the available atherothrombotic-like animal models, with a particular focus on large animal models of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, and examines their applicability for translational research purposes as well as highlights species-related differences with humans

    Repensar i repracticar l'educació des de la idea de xarxa

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    Curs 2012-2013Aquest treball és una recerca entorn la necessitat de repensar i repracticar l‟educació des de l‟idea de xarxa. Està estructurat en tres grans blocs: un primer, on es justifica des de l‟àmbit personal, educatiu i científic el per què de la tria de la nostra recerca i on es planteja la pregunta inicial des de la qual es desenvoluparà tot el treball: En quina situació es troba el treball educatiu en xarxa en les escoles Pereanton, Camí del mig, Guillem de Mont-rodon i Artur Martorell?. Un segon, centrat en la fonamentació conceptual del que els referents teòrics han dit sobre el tema. I un tercer, de caire més pràctic, on per una banda s‟exposa el paradigma, la orientació metodològica i les eines de recollida de dades utilitzades en l‟estudi de camp . I per altra, s‟analitzen les informacions obtingudes amb l‟objectiu de determinar quin és el grau d‟aplicació de treball en xarxa a cada un dels centres estudiats. Finalment la recerca es tanca amb les conclusions pràctiques fruit del contrast entre el marc teòric i el resultat pràctic obtingut de l‟anàlisi de la visita als centres.This research project talks about the necessity of rethinking and reconsidering the education model from a net-working perspective. The project is organized in three sections: the first one argues the justification and the reason for doing this research from the personal, educational and scientific perspective and also sets out our main question that structures all the project; What is the net-working situation in the schools of Pereanton, Camí del mig, Guillem de Mont-rodon and Artur Martorell?. The second part is focused on the conceptual basis that professional researchers have come up with for this issue. And the last one, based on the praxis, where the paradigm, the methodological orientation and the research tools are presented. It also contains the information analyses that have contributed to determine the net-working ranking of both analyzed centers. Finally, the research is summed up with practical conclusions, which are the result of contrasting the practical and the theoretical aspects of net-working

    DJ-1 interacts with the ectopic ATP-synthase in endothelial cells during acute ischemia and reperfusion

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    Altres ajuts: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. BES Pre-doctoral fellowship (BES-2017-081378).Endothelial cells (ECs) play a central role in ischemia. ATP-Synthase is now recognized to be ectopically expressed in the cell surface of many cell types, with putative roles described in angiogenesis, proliferation, and intracellular pH regulation. DJ-1 is a multifunctional protein, involved in cell protection against ischemia, ischemia-reperfusion (I/R), and oxidative stress, that regulates mitochondrial ATP-synthase. Here we focused on the characterization of the endothelial dynamics of DJ-1, and its implication in the regulation of the ectopic ATP-synthase (ecATP-S) activity, during acute ischemia and I/R in ECs. We found that DJ-1 is secreted from ECs, by a mechanism enhanced in ischemia and I/R. A cleaved form of DJ-1 (DJ-1∆C) was found only in the secretome of ischemic cells. The ecATP-S activity increased following acute ischemia in ECs, coinciding with DJ-1 and DJ-1∆C secretion. The inhibition of DJ-1 expression inhibited the ecATP-S response to ischemia by ∼ 50%, and its exogenous administration maximized the effect, together with an enhanced Akt phosphorylation and angiotube-formation potential at reperfusion. Immunoprecipitation studies showed direct interaction between DJ-1 and the ecATP-S. Altogether suggesting that DJ-1 is actively cleaved and released from ischemic ECs and plays an important role in the regulation of the ecATP-S activity during acute ischemia and reperfusion

    Antithrombotic therapy after myocardial reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction

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    AbstractThe problem of post-thrombolytic reocclusion can be approached in several ways. 1) Better thrombolytic agents with longer duration of effects and more powerful properties aimed at enhanced clot lysis and anticoagulation are under study. 2) The combination of high dose heparin and low dose aspirin is proposed for all patients with an acute myocardial infarction treated with thrombolytic agents. 3) Peptide inhibitors of thrombin and monoclonal antibodies against platelet glycoprotein receptors and adhesive macromolecules are potentially effective inhibitors of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation during or after thrombolytic therapy


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    Benefits and risks of moderate alcohol consumption on cardiovascular disease : Current findings and controversies

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    Alcohol has a hormetic physiological behavior that results in either increased or decreased cardiovascular risk depending on the amount consumed, drinking frequency, pattern of consumption, and the outcomes under study or even the type of alcoholic beverage consumed. However, the vast majority of studies elucidating the role of alcohol in cardiovascular and in the global burden of disease relies on epidemiological studies of associative nature which carry several limitations. This is why the cardiovascular benefits of low-moderate alcohol consumption are being questioned and perhaps might have been overestimated. Thus, the aim of this review was to critically discuss the current knowledge on the relationship between alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease. Besides new evidence associating low and moderate alcohol consumption with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, several questions remain unanswered related to the concrete amount of safe consumption, the type of alcoholic beverage, and the age-, sex-, and genetic/ethnical-specific differences in alcohol consumption