20 research outputs found

    Design of Communication Protocols and Administration Interface for System Netspot

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    Import 03/11/2016Cílem této diplomové práce je vytvoření administračního rozhraní pro vzdálenou správu Netspotu (přístupového bodu produktu Netspot) a srovnání produktu Netspot s produkty s podobnou funkcionalitou nebo se zařízeními disponujícími funkcemi, které se ve všeobecném povědomí zastřešují výrazem hotspot. Čtenář je nejprve uveden do problematiky firmware Netspotu a seznámen s historií jeho vývoje. Následuje popis webové služby, která je polotovarem administračního rozhraní požadovaného v zadání práce. v další části je řeč o webové administraci, představující syntézu moderních programovacích trendů a vhodné kombinace historií prověřených technologických postupů, jenž spolu s webovou službou naplňuje ambice zadání v bodě vytvoření administračního rozhraní pro vzdálenou správu Netspotu. Výstupům a diagnostice včetně monitoringu Netspotu jsou věnovány samostatné kapitoly.The aim of this thesis is to create Netspot (access point of Netspot product) remote management interface, and to compare Netspot product to other products with similar functionality, or to devices with generally known functions of hotspot. Firstly, the Netspot firmware issues and its development history are introduced to the reader. Subsequently, a description of a Web service, which is a semi-product of the remote management interface, as required by the thesis assignment, is provided. In the following part, there is presented a Web administration, which is a synthesis of modern programming trends and historically proven technological methods, and which along with the Web service fulfills the objectives of the thesis assignment regarding creation of Netspot remote management interface. The outputs and diagnosis, including monitoring, are dealt in separate chapters.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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    The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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    The FLUXNET2015 dataset provides ecosystem-scale data on CO2, water, and energy exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere, and other meteorological and biological measurements, from 212 sites around the globe (over 1500 site-years, up to and including year 2014). These sites, independently managed and operated, voluntarily contributed their data to create global datasets. Data were quality controlled and processed using uniform methods, to improve consistency and intercomparability across sites. The dataset is already being used in a number of applications, including ecophysiology studies, remote sensing studies, and development of ecosystem and Earth system models. FLUXNET2015 includes derived-data products, such as gap-filled time series, ecosystem respiration and photosynthetic uptake estimates, estimation of uncertainties, and metadata about the measurements, presented for the first time in this paper. In addition, 206 of these sites are for the first time distributed under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license. This paper details this enhanced dataset and the processing methods, now made available as open-source codes, making the dataset more accessible, transparent, and reproducible.Peer reviewe

    ELPOD: A Comprehensive Study of the Implementation of Sales on Internet

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    Import 03/08/2012Obsahem této bakalářské práce je vytvoření studijního manuálu, který bude popisovat přípravu pro online podnikání v oboru ecommerce. Tato práce se zaměřuje a vyčleňuje vhodné partnery pro obchodní spolupráci. Popisuje typický proces nasazení elektronického obchodu se všemi věcně právními důsledky, které reflektují vlastní zkušenosti z affiliate ecommerce. Čtenář je nejdříve seznámen s legislativními požadavky v ČR, členským státem EU a následně je seznamován s modely obchodních vztahu k dodavatelům nebo selektivním výběrem partnerů. Samostatná kapitola se zabývá zhodnocením dosažených výsledků s návrhy na zlepšení.The aim of this Bachelor thesis is the study manual that will describe the preparation of an online business in ecommerce. This works focuses and separates suitable partners for business cooperation. It describes the typical process of deploying ecommerce all the substantive legal consequences that reflect the experience of the affiliate ecommerce. A reader is first acquainted with the legislative requirements in the Republic, EU Member State and subsequently learn about the business models related to the selective choice of suppliers or partners. A separate chapter deals with evaluation of the results with suggestions for improvement.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Heat Treatment of Collectors of SG WWER 1200

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    Import 01/09/2009Prezenční636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívýborn

    Fyzikální metalurgie ocelí a slitin pro jadernou energetiku

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    Import 23/10/2007Prezenční636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstv

    Detekce analytických povrchů v modelech exportovaných z CAD

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    3D modely exportované z CAD systémů mají jistá specifika, která ovlivňují jejeich následné zpracování. Typicky, na rozdíl od povrchů získaných skenováním, vrcholy exportovaných sítí leží témař přesně na analytických površích používaných v CAD modelování. Na druhou stranu triangulace exportovaných modelů je obvykle přímo určena požadavkem na nejmenší možný počet primitiv, což vede k velmi nerovnoměrné hustotě vzorkování a běžný výskyt velmi velkých a velmi malých vnitřních úhlů trojúhelníků. Pro aplikace jakými jsou např. klasifikace, kategorizace, automatické značkování nebo výběr založený na tvarové podobnosti je často nutné identifikovat významné charakteristiky exportovaného modelu, jako např. planární, kulové, válcové či kuželové oblasti a jejich vlastnosti. Ačkoli je tato informace přirozeně dostupná v původním CAD systému, jen zřídka je exportována spolu s povrchovým modelem. V této práci diskutujeme dva přístupy k identifikaci analytických oblastí v trojúhelníkové síti se zohledněním specifik modelů exportovaných z CAD, a uvádíme kvantitativní srovnání jejich úspěšnosti.3D models exported from CAD systems have certain specifics, that influence their subsequent processing. Typically, in contrast with scanned surface meshes, vertices of exported meshes lie almost exactly on analytic surfaces used in CAD modeling. On the other hand, the triangulation of exported models is usually dictated by the requirement of having the lowest possible number of primitives, which results in highly uneven sampling density and common appearance of extremely large and small triangle inner angles. For applications such as classification, categorization, automatic labeling or similarity based retrieval, it is often necessary to identify significant features of an exported model, such as planar, cylindrical, spherical or conical regions, and their properties. While this type of information is naturally available in the original CAD system, it is only rarely exported together with the surface model. In this paper, we discuss two means of identifying analytic regions in triangle meshes, taking into account the specifics of CAD-exported models, and provide a quantitative comparison of their performance

    Data from: Vertical canopy gradient shaping the stratification of leaf-chewer-parasitoid interactions in a temperate forest

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    Knowledge about herbivores and their parasitoids in forest canopies remains limited, despite their diversity and ecological importance. Thus, it is important to understand the factors that shape the herbivore–parasitoid community structure, particularly the effect of vertical gradient. We investigated a quantitative community dataset of exposed and semiconcealed leaf‐chewing larvae and their parasitoids along a vertical canopy gradient in a temperate forest. We sampled target insects using an elevated work platform in a 0.2 ha broadleaf deciduous forest plot in the Czech Republic. We analyzed the effect of vertical position among three canopy levels (first [lowest], second [middle], and third [highest]) and tree species on community descriptors (density, diversity, and parasitism rate) and food web structure. We also analyzed vertical patterns in density and parasitism rate between exposed and semiconcealed hosts, and the vertical preference of the most abundant parasitoid taxa in relation to their host specificity. Tree species was an important determinant of all community descriptors and food web structure. Insect density and diversity varied with the vertical gradient, but was only significant for hosts. Both host guilds were most abundant in the second level, but only the density of exposed hosts declined in the third level. Parasitism rate decreased from the first to third level. The overall parasitism rate did not differ between guilds, but semiconcealed hosts suffered lower parasitism in the third level. Less host‐specific taxa (Ichneumonidae, Braconidae) operated more frequently lower in the canopy, whereas more host‐specific Tachinidae followed their host distribution. The most host‐specific Chalcidoidea preferred the third level. Vertical stratification of insect density, diversity, and parasitism rate was most pronounced in the tallest tree species. Therefore, our study contradicts the general paradigm of weak arthropod stratification in temperate forest canopies. However, in the network structure, vertical variation might be superseded by variation among tree species

    Data from: Avoiding erroneous citations in ecological research: read before you apply

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    The Shannon–Wiener index is a popular nonparametric metric widely used in ecological research as a measure of species diversity. We used the Web of Science database to examine cases where papers published from 1990 to 2015 mislabelled this index. We provide detailed insights into causes potentially affecting use of the wrong name ‘Weaver’ instead of the correct ‘Wiener’. Basic science serves as a fundamental information source for applied research, so we emphasize the effect of the type of research (applied or basic) on the incidence of the error. Biological research, especially applied studies, increasingly uses indices, even though some researchers have strongly criticized their use. Applied research papers had a higher frequency of the wrong index name than did basic research papers. The mislabeling frequency decreased in both categories over the 25-year period, although the decrease lagged in applied research. Moreover, the index use and mistake proportion differed by region and authors’ countries of origin. Our study also provides insight into citation culture, and results suggest that almost 50% of authors have not actually read their cited sources. Applied research scientists in particular should be more cautious during manuscript preparation, carefully select sources from basic research, and read theoretical background articles before they apply the theories to their research. Moreover, theoretical ecologists should liaise with applied researchers and present their research for the broader scientific community. Researchers should point out known, often-repeated errors and phenomena not only in specialized books and journals but also in widely used and fundamental literature