748,760 research outputs found

    Operational Research in Education

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    Operational Research (OR) techniques have been applied, from the early stages of the discipline, to a wide variety of issues in education. At the government level, these include questions of what resources should be allocated to education as a whole and how these should be divided amongst the individual sectors of education and the institutions within the sectors. Another pertinent issue concerns the efficient operation of institutions, how to measure it, and whether resource allocation can be used to incentivise efficiency savings. Local governments, as well as being concerned with issues of resource allocation, may also need to make decisions regarding, for example, the creation and location of new institutions or closure of existing ones, as well as the day-to-day logistics of getting pupils to schools. Issues of concern for managers within schools and colleges include allocating the budgets, scheduling lessons and the assignment of students to courses. This survey provides an overview of the diverse problems faced by government, managers and consumers of education, and the OR techniques which have typically been applied in an effort to improve operations and provide solutions

    Fungsi Pengawasan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Dinas Pendidikan Kota Manado (suatu Studi di SDN 04, SDN 21 dan SDN 100 Kota Manado)

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    The supervisory function is an essential part of the management process Operational Assistance(BOS). The purpose of this research is to find out how the supervisory functions of the Fund Schooloperational assistance (BOS) by Education Office city of Manado. The research method used is descriptivequalitativemethod. The location of the research on select three SDN from SDN 04 Manado, Manado, andSDN 21, SDN 100 Manado. Informant research as many as eight people: Head of education city of Manado(one person), the management team School operational assistance BOS from city Education Office (oneperson), Headmaster (three people) and a school Committee/student parents People (three people) datacollection Techniques used are interviews. Data analysis was done with a descriptive-qualitative analysistechniques, interactive model of the Miles and Hubernann. Based on research results drawn conclusion: Thesupervisory function and Operational Assistance School by the education service Manado well implementedthrough the use of the means/methods of supervision that exists: the implementation of the technicalinstructions consistently BOS by schools, socialization and coaching against the school in the managementand reporting of the Fund\u27s School operational assistance (BOS), monitoring or monitoring on a regularbasis, the implementation of the reporting system by the BOS of the school funds on a regular basis, and theevaluation of the implementation of the Fund\u27s School operational assistance (BOS) at the school. Referringto the conclusions of the study results presented suggestions: (1) to be more effective the supervisory functionsof the Fund\u27s boss, let the Manado City Education Office parties set the school superintendent accompanyingthe management team School operational assistance (BOS) in doing the monitoring and supervision of fundmanagement School operational assistance (BOS) at school. (2) the functional Supervision by supervisoryinternal functional apparatus (inspectorates or supervisory area) need to be implemented to support thesupervisory funded by the management team of the city Education Office School operational assistance (BOS)in supervising and checking the use and the School operational assistance BOS at the school. This isimportant to prevent diversion/use of funds misappropriation by the School operational assistance (BOS) ofthe school

    Pengawasan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Untuk Sekolah Dasar (SD) Di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Temanggung

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    School Operational Assistance is the government's program to provide non-personalia operational fund for elementary school as the practitioner of the compulsory education. This research aims to describe and analyze the practice of controlling the School Operational Assistance in Elementary School in Education Board of Temanggung Regency and to identify factors contributing the control of the School Operational Assistance. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The result shows the practice of School Operational Assistance has been going on well based on the control. The factors contributing in the controlling of School Operational Assistance in Elementary School are the change of organization's environment, improvement of organization's complexity, errors and manager's necessary to delegate authority. The control of School Operational Assistance in Elementary School in Education Board of Temanggung Regency need to be improved to minimize errors and increase comprehension of the Technical Instructions. Practitioner time management improvement is needed to increase teamwork in controlling process and meeting schedule for development can be fulfilled in a year

    Establishment of Career Education Model Linked to Curriculum(Ⅲ)

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    This research has as its ultimate goal the establishment of an operational model that effectively integrates the school curriculum's educational objectives and motivations with 'career development capacity.' Such an undertaking is designed to simultaneously develop curriculum education and the career competencies needed throughout one's life. This year's research involved proposing an operational model for curriculum integration that was based on the fundamental research conducted during the first year (2008), and the career education materials collected as part of the pilot study carried out during the second year (2009). Thereafter, the third year of this research was completed with the formulation of career education teaching and learning materials. This study unfolded as follows. First, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Provincial Education Offices, a total of 6 schools (two elementary, middle, and high schools) were chosen as 'research schools'. Monitoring measures and surveys were drafted as part of the framework for the analysis of the operational plans pertaining to integrated career education at the research schools, as well as related procedures, and operational results. Second, based on the operational plans for these research schools, curriculum-integrated career education courses were intensively conducted for 1 semester, namely from March to the end of July 2010. In addition, surveys, participant observation sessions, and interviews were carried out in accordance with the above-mentioned monitoring measures established for the integrated career education schools. Third, the effectiveness of integrated career education and the overall adequacy of pilot schools were analyzed. Fourth, based on a comprehensive analysis of the results, an operational model for curriculum-integrated career education was proposed to the research schools. Finally, the data related to integrated career education was modified, developed, and disseminated to the research schools so that they could incorporate integrated career education within their school curricula. The following results were obtained from the application of integrated career education within the research schools. First, a clear enhancement of the research school teachers' awareness of integrated career education was recorded. Second, when combined with the results of student surveys, we discovered that integrated career education courses had, by a small margin, an effect on increasing students' awareness of career education and career development competencies. The plan to vitalize integrated career education can be broken down into three levels: central government and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the provincial level, and the frontline school level


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    One of the government's efforts in equitable distribution of education is to launch the PAUD Regional Operational Assistance (BOSDA) program by providing financial assistance for each PAUD with underprivileged students. This Regional Operational Assistance (BOSDA) aims to reduce the cost of education for underprivileged children, so that they can obtain early childhood education services that can optimally foster, grow, and develop the full potential of early childhood. The problem that occurs is the Determination of Regional Operational Assistance Recipients (BOSDA) which is not optimal and not right on target. The purpose of this research is to facilitate the UPT employees of the Education Office in determining the recipients of the Regional Operational Assistance (BOSDA) program with the right decision results. Therefore, the UPT Department of Education requires the right technology to assist employees in determining the recipients of PAUD Regional Operational Assistance (BOSDA). In achieving the research objectives, the analysis used is data analysis with quantitative methods which is a data analysis used if the conclusions obtained can be proven by numbers and also in the calculation of formulas that have to do with research analysis. The calculation process uses the WP method, so that the results of the assessment that have been carried out go through many calculation processes, ranging from weighting the values ​​of all criteria and determining the value to getting a candidate for PAUD Regional Operational Assistance (BOSDA) at the UPT of the Buntu Pane District Education Office

    Upaya Dinas Pendidikan Kota Dumai Mengoptimalkan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Tingkat SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai Tahun 2015

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    The research problems are how the efforts of the Department of Education Dumai optimize School Operational Assistance junior level State in Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai 2015 and what are the factors inhibiting the City Department of Education Dumai in optimizing the School Operational Assistance junior level State in Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai 2015. the purpose of this study was to determine the Dumai City Department of Education effort to optimize the School Operational assistance level in Sungai SMP Negeri Sembilan Kota Dumai year 2015 and to determine the factors inhibiting Dumai City Department of Education in order to optimize the School Operational assistance level in Sungai SMP Negeri Sembilan Kota Dumai 2015.This research was conducted at the Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai. The method used is a qualitative research, data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentationBased on the survey results revealed that efforts to optimize Dumai City Department of Education School Operational Assistance level in Sungai SMP Negeri Sembilan Kota Dumai 2015 in the implementation of distribution, data collection, monitoring is still considered weak. The scarcity of regular meetings and pertmuan done periodically to certain officials. Factors inhibiting the City Department of Education Dumai in optimizing the School Operational Assistance junior level State in Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai 2015 are: 1) internal factors, namely, the school does not have specialized personnel in the field of administration to menangai BOS program, disbursements Bos seem complicated, because many the administration must be completed, 2) external factors, namely, the network is often busy and cause the server to die, difficult for schools to raise money for community participation


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    Education is two of the four national aims specifically in order to advance general prosperity and to develop the nation’s intellectual life. In the present time, the accessibility of education in remote areas, the building of characters, as well as the advances of technology has become challenges of education system due to lack of capabilities of skilled resources. In coping with those matters, the government allocates the Affirmation and Performance School Operational Assistance Funds in conjunction with the school's digitalization program to deal with 4.0 industrial revolution. This research is aimed at finding out the process of distribution of the Affirmation and Performance School Operational Assistance Funds in State Treasury Services Office I of Medan and the management implementation of the Performance School Operational Assistance Funds in St. Ignasius Medan High School. This research uses qualitative methods by using the ATLAS.ti application tools to create network knowledge. The research findings show that the distribution and management of the Affirmation and Performance School Operational Assistance Funds has been progressing well despite having some issues. Some of the issues are the invalid school account data and the changing of School Operational Assistance Funds regulations. Those issues resulted in the high return of accounts and the difficulty in formulating financial reporting of the Performance School Operational Assistance Funds

    The Development of Charater Education Model to Improve Students’ Academic Independence in Islamic Boarding School in Sinjai District, Indonesia.

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    Abstrak The Objektive of this research and development is to crate a description of the operational model of character education amnd to determine the effectiveness of a character education model in ebhancing students’ academic independence. There are some results of this research. First, the description of the prototype model if character education to enhare stuents academic independence consists of five parts, namely rationalization of character education model; Supporting theries of character education for using character education models ; and development of character education model. Second, the operational model of character education is supported by development tool and developed at five stages, namely analysis, desigen, development, implementation, and evaluation. Third, the character education model is effective to enhance students’ academic independence in Islamic Boarding School, Sinjai. Keyword : character education, academic independence, Islamic boarding Schoo

    Controlling the Discipline: Education, Intention, Assumption, Prejudice

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    This paper explores, from a philosophical and speculative rather than empirical perspective, and within the design disciplines in general, the complex relationships, between practice and education, and their respective assumptions and prejudices. The paper begins by characterising design education from three perspectives: first, education 'about' the discipline, in the sense of providing information that explicates the general disciplinary ‘content’ and focus; second, education 'for' the discipline, which usually accords to notions of training; and third, education as the ‘instilling’ of discipline itself, the elucidation and establishment of rigour and control. It then explores the nature of disciplinary 'for practice' education and sets out the extensive range of presumptions which often underlies the relationship between education and practice. Examining the current relationship between disciplinary education and tertiary studies, the paper looks at critical inquiry and disciplinary research, before focusing on competing institutional values and their operational and material consequences. The paper concludes with the example of architectural education's response to the demise of modernism, and at the lessons that might be learned from such educational change. Keywords: design education; design philosophy; ideology; training; disciplinarity</p