4,288 research outputs found

    Multi-stage hyper-heuristics for optimisation problems

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    There is a growing interest towards self configuring/tuning automated general-purpose reusable heuristic approaches for combinatorial optimisation, such as, hyper-heuristics. Hyper-heuristics are search methodologies which explore the space of heuristics rather than the solutions to solve a broad range of hard computational problems without requiring any expert intervention. There are two common types of hyper-heuristics in the literature: selection and generation methodologies. This work focuses on the former type of hyper-heuristics. Almost all selection hyper-heuristics perform a single point based iterative search over the space of heuristics by selecting and applying a suitable heuristic to the solution in hand at each decision point. Then the newly generated solution is either accepted or rejected using an acceptance method. This improvement process is repeated starting from an initial solution until a set of termination criteria is satisfied. The number of studies on the design of hyper-heuristic methodologies has been rapidly increasing and currently, we already have a variety of approaches, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. It has been observed that different hyper-heuristics perform differently on a given subset of problem instances and more importantly, a hyper-heuristic performs differently as the set of low level heuristics vary. This thesis introduces a general "multi-stage" hyper-heuristic framework enabling the use and exploitation of multiple selection hyper-heuristics at different stages during the search process. The goal is designing an approach utilising multiple hyper-heuristics for a more effective and efficient overall performance when compared to the performance of each constituent selection hyper-heuristic. The level of generality that a hyper-heuristic can achieve has always been of interest to the hyper-heuristic researchers. Hence, a variety of multi-stage hyper-heuristics based on the framework are not only applied to the real-world combinatorial optimisation problems of high school timetabling, multi-mode resource-constrained multi-project scheduling and construction of magic squares, but also tested on the well known hyper-heuristic benchmark of CHeSC 2011. The empirical results show that the multi-stage hyper-heuristics designed based on the proposed framework are still inherently general, easy-to-implement, adaptive and reusable. They can be extremely effective solvers considering their success in the competitions of ITC 2011 and MISTA 2013. Moreover, a particular multi-stage hyper-heuristic outperformed the state-of-the-art selection hyper-heuristic from CHeSC 2011

    Multi-stage hyper-heuristics for optimisation problems

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    There is a growing interest towards self configuring/tuning automated general-purpose reusable heuristic approaches for combinatorial optimisation, such as, hyper-heuristics. Hyper-heuristics are search methodologies which explore the space of heuristics rather than the solutions to solve a broad range of hard computational problems without requiring any expert intervention. There are two common types of hyper-heuristics in the literature: selection and generation methodologies. This work focuses on the former type of hyper-heuristics. Almost all selection hyper-heuristics perform a single point based iterative search over the space of heuristics by selecting and applying a suitable heuristic to the solution in hand at each decision point. Then the newly generated solution is either accepted or rejected using an acceptance method. This improvement process is repeated starting from an initial solution until a set of termination criteria is satisfied. The number of studies on the design of hyper-heuristic methodologies has been rapidly increasing and currently, we already have a variety of approaches, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. It has been observed that different hyper-heuristics perform differently on a given subset of problem instances and more importantly, a hyper-heuristic performs differently as the set of low level heuristics vary. This thesis introduces a general "multi-stage" hyper-heuristic framework enabling the use and exploitation of multiple selection hyper-heuristics at different stages during the search process. The goal is designing an approach utilising multiple hyper-heuristics for a more effective and efficient overall performance when compared to the performance of each constituent selection hyper-heuristic. The level of generality that a hyper-heuristic can achieve has always been of interest to the hyper-heuristic researchers. Hence, a variety of multi-stage hyper-heuristics based on the framework are not only applied to the real-world combinatorial optimisation problems of high school timetabling, multi-mode resource-constrained multi-project scheduling and construction of magic squares, but also tested on the well known hyper-heuristic benchmark of CHeSC 2011. The empirical results show that the multi-stage hyper-heuristics designed based on the proposed framework are still inherently general, easy-to-implement, adaptive and reusable. They can be extremely effective solvers considering their success in the competitions of ITC 2011 and MISTA 2013. Moreover, a particular multi-stage hyper-heuristic outperformed the state-of-the-art selection hyper-heuristic from CHeSC 2011

    An adaptive multi meme memetic algorithm embedding choice function hyper-heuristic

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    Heuristic methodologies appears for solving optimisation problems. Hyper-heuristics focus on search spaces to select or generate the suitable low-level heuristics to solve computationally difficult problems rather than focusing on finding solutions directly. The main goal is to develop more generally applicable search methodologies. The selection hyper-heuristics will be the core of designing the proposed algorithm and consist of two stages: the selection stage of low-level heuristics, and the acceptance stage of the solutions. An Evolutionary Algorithm approach produces high quality hyper-heuristics which can find optimal solutions for optimisation problems effectively. The Memetic Algorithms are evolutionary intelligent algorithms combining Genetic Algorithm with local search components. A Multi-Meme Memetic Algorithm presented in this project as a population based search method with Choice Function as a selection mechanism for low-level heuristics. The selection mechanism is encoded by multi-meme self-adaptation strategy for automating tuning of the choice function parameters. For each individual in the population, a meme encodes which setting is the best for Choice Function parameters for each operator type and relevant parameters of a chosen operator. Multi-Meme strategy is considered as a self-adaptive mechanism using a reward points system to increase the score for the meme that shows local improvement and uses these scores in the selection process. The proposed hyper-heuristics is tested and compared with the performance of previous hyper-heuristics which competed in the CHeSC2011 challenge across 9 problem domains. The achieved result was remarkable in some problem domains and opens some scope for further improvement in the proposed hyper-heuristic to improve the result in the rest of the problem domains

    Towards the Design of Heuristics by Means of Self-Assembly

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    The current investigations on hyper-heuristics design have sprung up in two different flavours: heuristics that choose heuristics and heuristics that generate heuristics. In the latter, the goal is to develop a problem-domain independent strategy to automatically generate a good performing heuristic for the problem at hand. This can be done, for example, by automatically selecting and combining different low-level heuristics into a problem specific and effective strategy. Hyper-heuristics raise the level of generality on automated problem solving by attempting to select and/or generate tailored heuristics for the problem at hand. Some approaches like genetic programming have been proposed for this. In this paper, we explore an elegant nature-inspired alternative based on self-assembly construction processes, in which structures emerge out of local interactions between autonomous components. This idea arises from previous works in which computational models of self-assembly were subject to evolutionary design in order to perform the automatic construction of user-defined structures. Then, the aim of this paper is to present a novel methodology for the automated design of heuristics by means of self-assembly

    Operational Research in Education

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    Operational Research (OR) techniques have been applied, from the early stages of the discipline, to a wide variety of issues in education. At the government level, these include questions of what resources should be allocated to education as a whole and how these should be divided amongst the individual sectors of education and the institutions within the sectors. Another pertinent issue concerns the efficient operation of institutions, how to measure it, and whether resource allocation can be used to incentivise efficiency savings. Local governments, as well as being concerned with issues of resource allocation, may also need to make decisions regarding, for example, the creation and location of new institutions or closure of existing ones, as well as the day-to-day logistics of getting pupils to schools. Issues of concern for managers within schools and colleges include allocating the budgets, scheduling lessons and the assignment of students to courses. This survey provides an overview of the diverse problems faced by government, managers and consumers of education, and the OR techniques which have typically been applied in an effort to improve operations and provide solutions

    A learning automata based multiobjective hyper-heuristic

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    Metaheuristics, being tailored to each particular domain by experts, have been successfully applied to many computationally hard optimisation problems. However, once implemented, their application to a new problem domain or a slight change in the problem description would often require additional expert intervention. There is a growing number of studies on reusable cross-domain search methodologies, such as, selection hyper-heuristics, which are applicable to problem instances from various domains, requiring minimal expert intervention or even none. This study introduces a new learning automata based selection hyper-heuristic controlling a set of multiobjective metaheuristics. The approach operates above three well-known multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and mixes them, exploiting the strengths of each algorithm. The performance and behaviour of two variants of the proposed selection hyper-heuristic, each utilising a different initialisation scheme are investigated across a range of unconstrained multiobjective mathematical benchmark functions from two different sets and the realworld problem of vehicle crashworthiness. The empirical results illustrate the effectiveness of our approach for cross-domain search, regardless of the initialisation scheme, on those problems when compared to each individual multiobjective algorithm. Moreover, both variants perform signicantly better than some previously proposed selection hyper-heuristics for multiobjective optimisation, thus signicantly enhancing the opportunities for improved multiobjective optimisation

    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and hyper-heuristics for wind farm layout optimisation

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    Wind farm layout optimisation is a challenging real-world problem which requires the discovery of trade-off solutions considering a variety of conflicting criteria, such as minimisation of the land area usage and maximisation of energy production. However, due to the complexity of handling multiple objectives simultaneously, many approaches proposed in the literature often focus on the optimisation of a single objective when deciding the locations for a set of wind turbines spread across a given region. In this study, we tackle a multi-objective wind farm layout optimisation problem. Different from the previously proposed approaches, we are applying a high-level search method, known as selection hyper-heuristic to solve this problem. Selection hyper-heuristics mix and control a predefined set of low-level (meta)heuristics which operate on solutions. We test nine different selection hyper-heuristics including an online learning hyper-heuristic on a multi-objective wind farm layout optimisation problem. Our hyper-heuristic approaches manage three well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms as low-level metaheuristics. The empirical results indicate the success and potential of selection hyper-heuristics for solving this computationally difficult problem. We additionally explore other objectives in wind farm layout optimisation problems to gain a better understanding of the conflicting nature of those objectives

    Fairness in nurse rostering

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    Multi-objective Optimisation of a Water Distribution Network with a Sequence-based Selection Hyper-heuristic

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher.Multi-objective hyper-heuristics are fast becoming an efficient way of optimising complex problems. The water distribution network design problem is an example of such a problem, and this work employs a recent hyper-heuristic that generates sequences of low-level heuristics to solve the multi-objective water distribution design problem. The results presented are comparable to those generated by state-of-the-art metaheuristics, as well as a single-objective version of the algorithm from the literature. The information revealed from analysing the sequences generated to solve the problem reveal important information about the nature of the problem space that is not available from the metaheuristics, and the entire Pareto front can be explored in a single run as opposed to the multiple runs needed with the original single-objective algorithm