858 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Network Robustness Against Disruptions: Topological Analysis, Measurement, and Optimization

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    This paper focuses on understanding the robustness of a supply network in the face of a disruption. We propose a decision support system for analyzing the robustness of supply chain networks against disruptions using topological analysis, performance measurement relevant to a supply chain context and an optimization for increasing supply network performance. The topology of a supply chain network has considerable implications for its robustness in the presence of disruptions. The system allows decision makers to evaluate topologies of their supply chain networks in a variety of disruption scenarios, thereby proactively managing the supply chain network to understand vulnerabilities of the network before a disruption occurs. Our system calculates performance measurements for a supply chain network in the face of disruptions and provides both topological metrics (through network analysis) and operational metrics (through an optimization model). Through an example application, we evaluate the impact of random and targeted disruptions on the robustness of a supply chain network

    Using complex network theory to model supply chain network resilience: a review of current literature

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    Traditionally, supply networks are modelled as multi-agent systems, in order to represent explicit communications between various entities involved. However, due to the increasingly complex and interconnected nature of the global supply networks, a recent trend of research work has focussed on modelling supply networks as complex adaptive systems. This approach has enabled researchers to investigate various topological properties which give rise to resilience characteristics in a given supply network. This paper presents a critical review of the published research work on this field. Key insights provided by this paper include; (1) the importance of defining the concepts of ‘resilience’ and ‘disruptions’ as measurable variables; (2) the limitations of existing network models to realistically represent supply networks; (3) potential improvements to the currently used growth mechanisms, which rely on node ‘degree’ to derive attachment probability instead of the more realistic and relevant node ‘fitness’; (4) importance of incorporating operational aspects, such as flows, costs, and capacities of connections between the nodes as well as topological aspects; and (5) derivation of a new set of resilience metrics capturing operational as well as topological aspects. Finally, a conceptual approach incorporating the above improvements to the existing supply network modelling approach is presented

    Function and form in networks of interacting agents

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    The main problem we address in this paper is whether function determines form when a society of agents organizes itself for some purpose or whether the organizing method is more important than the functionality in determining the structure of the ensemble. As an example, we use a neural network that learns the same function by two different learning methods. For sufficiently large networks, very different structures may indeed be obtained for the same functionality. Clustering, characteristic path length and hierarchy are structural differences, which in turn have implications on the robustness and adaptability of the networks. In networks, as opposed to simple graphs, the connections between the agents are not necessarily symmetric and may have positive or negative signs. New characteristic coefficients are introduced to characterize this richer connectivity structure.Comment: 27 pages Latex, 11 figure

    Synchronization in complex networks

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    Synchronization processes in populations of locally interacting elements are in the focus of intense research in physical, biological, chemical, technological and social systems. The many efforts devoted to understand synchronization phenomena in natural systems take now advantage of the recent theory of complex networks. In this review, we report the advances in the comprehension of synchronization phenomena when oscillating elements are constrained to interact in a complex network topology. We also overview the new emergent features coming out from the interplay between the structure and the function of the underlying pattern of connections. Extensive numerical work as well as analytical approaches to the problem are presented. Finally, we review several applications of synchronization in complex networks to different disciplines: biological systems and neuroscience, engineering and computer science, and economy and social sciences.Comment: Final version published in Physics Reports. More information available at http://synchronets.googlepages.com

    Consumer Surplus based Method for Quantifying and Improving the Material Flow Supply Chain Network Robustness

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    Recent advances in network science has encouraged researchers to adopt a topological view when characterising the robustness of supply chain networks (SCNs). However, topology based characterisations, without considering the heterogeneity among the supply chains which form the SCN, can only provide a partial understanding of robustness. Hitherto, focus of robustness studies have been on cyclic SCNs, with unweighted and undirected links representing general inter-firm interactions. Here, we consider the specific case of a material flow SCN with multi-sourcing, which is characterised by a tiered structure with directed and weighted links. The proposed method uses the multinomial logit model to estimate the utility levels of supply chains within the SCN, as perceived by a focal firm which is indicative of the SCN consumers. The robustness of the SCN is characterised by considering the degree to which supply chains overlap with each other as a cost in the logit formulation. Finally, using a randomisation scheme to generate ensembles of SCN configurations which preserve the number of connections at each firm, the configuration which maximises the consumer surplus for the focal firm is identified. The proposed method is implemented on a real world SCN to identify the optimal configuration in terms of robustness
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