955 research outputs found

    The Europeanization of official development assistance: EU governance by cooperation - communication and domestic change

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    Development policy and official development assistance belong to domestic policies where Europeanization has appeared almost from the very beginning of the European integration process. However, the official development assistance (ODA) has been Europeanized in the cooperation - communication governance mode which is less intensively studied by scholars than other, more strict governance patterns. Based on a three-dimensional governance Europeanization model, the paper hopes to capture the key trends in the evolution of the cooperation - communication governance mode within the area, as well as related changes in volumes, geographical assistance, and thematic focus of national ODA programmes. In doing so, it emphasizes the relationship between the form of the cooperation - communication mode (which is showed to change considerably over time) and the up-loading, cross-loading, and downloading of ODA patterns within the EU

    Influence of the radiation spectral composition on plant growth

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    Cílem této práce je přestavit charakteristické požadavky na osvětlení rostlin a zdroje záření podporující růst rostlin. Část práce se věnuje vazbě mezi energetickými jednotkami a účinností fotosynteticky aktivního záření. Jsou zde také uvedeny světelné veličiny a jejich jednotky, pomocí kterých se posuzuje vhodnost osvětlení pro rostliny. Praktická část práce je věnována návrhu soustavy zářičů pro skleník a dále pak prezentaci a zhodnocení výsledků měření fotosynteticky aktivního záření.The aim of this work is to render characteristic requirements for plant lighting and sources of radiation supporting plant growth. Part of the work deals with the connection between energy units and the effectiveness of photosynthetically active radiation. Luminous quantities and their units are also provided to assess the suitability of lighting for plants. The practical part is devoted to the design of the system of emitters for the greenhouse and also to the presentation and evaluation of the results of photosynthetically active radiation measurements.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikydobř

    Modeling of Traffic Flow

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    Tato bakalářská práce uvádí přehled základních matematických modelů dopravního toku vozidel na jednoproudé silnici. Zabývá se jak mikroskopickými modely, tak i makroskopickými modely. Studuje jejich vlastnosti a odlišnosti.This bachelor’s thesis presents an overview of the most common mathematical models of trac ow of vehicles on silgle lane. It deals with both microscopic and macroscopic models. It studies their properties and dierences.

    Food products with probiotics

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    Fermentované mléčné výrobky s obsahem probiotických mikroorganismů, které se vyznačují příznivými účinky na střevní mikroflóru, jsou v dnešní době konzumovány ve velkém množství. Nabídka výrobků, do kterých jsou mikroorganismy přidávány, se v posledních letech velmi rozšířila. V současné době jsou na trhu dostupné nejen mléčné, ale například i masné či zeleninové výrobky tohoto typu. Cílem práce je seznámení se s probiotickými mikroorganismy, popis jejich využití v potravinářství a toho, zda mají pro nás ,,Homo sapiens sapiens‘‘ příznivé či nepříznivé účinky a dokázat přítomnost těchto bakterií ve vybraných fermentovaných mléčných výrobcích.Fermented dairy products containing probiotic microorganisms which are distinguished by favorable effects on the intestinal microflora, are in present time consumed in large quantities. Products range in which microorganisms are contained in recent years expanded greatly. On the market are currently available not only milk, but also meat or vegetable products of this type. The aim of work was to get acquainted with probiotic microorganisms, a description of their use in food industry, and whether they have for us “Homo sapiens sapiens,, favorable or unfavorable effects. In the practical part of work was showed the presence of probiotic bacteria in fermented dairy product using the polymerase chain reaction methods.


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    Laminated glass combines two remarkable materials: glass and a polymer ply. While glass is stiff and brittle, the polymer ply is a rate-dependent compliant material. Together, they form a material which keeps the aesthetic value of glass, and due to the polymer, no fragile collapse appears. The polymer ply exhibits time- and temperature-dependency, whereas glass suffers from brittle fracture, which makes the analysis difficult. In this article, a 2D sectional plane-stress model for the viscoelastic analysis of laminated glass is presented. This study presents one step in the development of a phase-field-based damage solver for laminated glass to select the optimal time-integration scheme for a quasistatic-analysis and later also for dynamics. The validation against experimental data is provided, and the model reduction is also discussed