90 research outputs found

    Sonnien mittauksia yksilötestausasemilla

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    Children’s Peer Interaction While Playing the Digital Emotion Detectives Game

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    Collaborative learning and collaborative use of digital technologies are essential skills in the twenty-first century. The aim of this study was to explore the features and types of interaction that can be identified during children’s digital gameplay while playing in pairs. The following research questions were addressed: 1) What are the interactional play features that characterize the play sessions? 2) Which play types can be identified based on these interactional play features? 3) How do the interactional features and play types change during the eight-week play period? In this study, 16 children aged 5–6 years played the Emotion Detectives (ED) game in pairs at day care centres for 15–30 minutes per week. During the eight-week period, the children’s gameplay was video-recorded, and three play sessions from each pair were explored using content analysis. The results of this study deepen our understanding of the features of children’s playing in pairs and extend our knowledge of the suitability of the ED game for joint gameplay. On this basis, we make some recommendations for educational settings

    Tunne-etsivÀt-pelin vaikuttavuus lasten sosioemotionaalisen kehityksen tukemisessa

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    TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin joihinkin kommunikointihĂ€iriöryhmiin kuuluvien 6–10-vuotiaiden lasten taitoja erottaa tunteita puheesta ja kasvoilta ja lisĂ€ksi muita tunnetaitoja. Tutkittavina oli 35 lasta, joilla oli jokin autismin kirjon hĂ€iriö (useimmiten Aspergerin oireyhtymĂ€), ADHD, kielellinen erityisvaikeus tai kuulovika ja joilla vanhemmat, opettajat ja/tai kuntouttajat olivat havainneet olevan hankaluuksia tunteiden tunnistamisessa. KoeryhmĂ€n lapset harjoittelivat tunteiden erottelua ja muita taitoja internetissĂ€ pelattavan Tunne-etsivĂ€t-pelin avulla kahden kuukauden ajan keskimÀÀrin tunnin viikossa. Taitoja testattiin ennen interventiota, heti sen pÀÀtyttyĂ€ ja vielĂ€ kuukauden kuluttua pelaamisjakson pÀÀttymisen jĂ€lkeen. Lasten arkipĂ€ivĂ€n sosioemotionaalisia taitoja tarkasteltiin vanhempien tĂ€yttĂ€mien kyselylomakkeiden avulla (VAS-arviot tunteiden tunnistamiskyvystĂ€ ja Vahvuuksien ja vaikeuksien kyselylomake, SDQ). KoeryhmĂ€n lasten tunteiden erottelutaito oli ennen pelaamisjaksoa kaikissa tehtĂ€vissĂ€ heikompi kuin ikĂ€tovereilla (N = 101). Taidot olivat peli-intervention jĂ€lkeen kuitenkin tilastollisesti merkitsevĂ€sti lĂ€htötilannetta paremmat sekĂ€ heti peli-intervention jĂ€lkeen ettĂ€ vielĂ€ kuukausi sen pÀÀttymisestĂ€. Taidot paranivat eri tehtĂ€vissĂ€ keskimÀÀrin 5–19 prosenttiyksikköÀ ja ne vastasivat pelijakson pÀÀtyttyĂ€ ikĂ€tovereiden taitoja kaikissa paitsi yhdessĂ€ tehtĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€. Vanhempien VAS-asteikolla antamat arviot lapsensa tunteiden tunnistamistaidoista ja SDQ-kyselylomakkeen avulla antamat arviot sosioemotionaalisista vahvuuksista ja vaikeuksista eivĂ€t sen sijaan muuttuneet pelaamisjakson jĂ€lkeen. Toisin kuin ennen pelaamisjaksoa, peli-intervention jĂ€lkeen vanhempien VAS-arviot lapsensa tunteiden tunnistustaidosta kasvoilta vastasivat kuitenkin kohtalaisesti testaustilanteessa todettuja lapsen taitoja FEFA2-testissĂ€ ja tehtĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€, jossa oli eroteltava tunteita valokuvista.peerReviewedVertaisarvioit

    Teacher–child interactions as a context for developing social competence in toddler classrooms

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    The present study investigates the quality and variability of teacher–child interactions in relation to children’s social competence in Finnish toddler classrooms. The participants included 242 toddlers (114 girls, 128 boys) and their teachers (N = 42). The quality of teacher–child interactions (i.e., emotional and behavioral support; engaged support for learning) was observed using the CLASS-Toddler observation instrument (La Paro et al., 2012), and the average amount of within-day variability was calculated from the observed cycles. Teachers rated toddler’s social competence with the Multisource Assessment of Social Competence Scale (MASCS; Junttila et al., 2006) in relation to the toddlers’ cooperation, empathy, impulsivity, and disruptiveness. The results revealed that observed engaged support for learning was positively associated with the classroom average level of empathy in the spring when accounting for previous levels of empathy in the fall. In addition, a higher variability in engaged support for learning was negatively related to the empathy. The results emphasize the importance of active facilitation, well-timed feedback, and verbally rich support by teachers in promoting toddlers’ empathy throughout one’s daily activities, hence attesting to both the quality and consistency of such practices. The results are particularly useful for initial teacher training and in-service training.The present study investigates the quality and variability of teacher–child interactions in relation to children’s social competence in Finnish toddler classrooms. The participants included 242 toddlers (114 girls, 128 boys) and their teachers (N = 42). The quality of teacher–child interactions (i.e., emotional and behavioral support; engaged support for learning) was observed using the CLASS-Toddler observation instrument (La Paro et al., 2012), and the average amount of within-day variability was calculated from the observed cycles. Teachers rated toddler’s social competence with the Multisource Assessment of Social Competence Scale (MASCS; Junttila et al., 2006) in relation to the toddlers’ cooperation, empathy, impulsivity, and disruptiveness. The results revealed that observed engaged support for learning was positively associated with the classroom average level of empathy in the spring when accounting for previous levels of empathy in the fall. In addition, a higher variability in engaged support for learning was negatively related to the empathy. The results emphasize the importance of active facilitation, well-timed feedback, and verbally rich support by teachers in promoting toddlers’ empathy throughout one’s daily activities, hence attesting to both the quality and consistency of such practices. The results are particularly useful for initial teacher training and in-service training

    Pienten lasten osallisuus vuorohoidon iltojen vuorovaikutustilanteissa

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, kuinka pienten lasten osallisuus toteutuu vuorohoidon iltojen vuorovaikutustilanteissa ja millaisia haasteita tĂ€hĂ€n liittyy. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin havainnoimalla 20–36 kk ikĂ€isten lasten iltoja kahdessa erilaisessa vuoropĂ€ivĂ€kodissa. Temaattisen analyysin perustana toimivat Lundyn (2007) kuvaamat, Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien (YK) lapsen oikeuksien sopimuksen artiklaan 12 pohjautuvat lasten osallisuuden edellytykset. Huomion kohteena olivat erityisesti työntekijöiden toiminta ja sen lapsille luomat mahdollisuudet ilmaista mielipiteitÀÀn sekĂ€ tulla kuulluksi ja huomioiduksi. Muuttuva iltaryhmĂ€ sekĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€kodin rutiinit ja sÀÀnnöt rajoittivat toisinaan lasten osallisuuden toteutumista tutkimukseen osallistuneissa pĂ€ivĂ€kodeissa. Haasteiden rinnalla esiintyi kuitenkin paljon vuorovaikutusta, jossa työntekijĂ€ edisti lapsen mielipiteen ilmaisua sekĂ€ kuunteli ja huomioi lapsen mielipiteen. Tutkimuksen perusteella pienet ryhmĂ€t ja joustavat toimintatavat avaavatkin hyviĂ€ mahdollisuuksia pienten lasten osallisuuden toteutumiselle vuorohoidon iltojen vuorovaikutustilanteissa.The study explores the actualization of young children’s participation rights in evening early childhood education and care (ECEC). Data were collected by observing the evenings of 20 to 36-month-old children in two Finnish centres providing flexibly scheduled ECEC. Interactional situations were thematically analysed by applying Lundy’s (2007) model for conceptualizing children’s participation rights (Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child). Particular attention was paid to educators’ actions and the related possibilities of children to express their views, be heard, and influence the flow of events. The actualization of children’s participation rights was found to be challenged by changes in evening group composition and the institutional routines and norms of the ECEC centre. Despite this, many interactional situations were observed in which educators supported, listened to and considered children’s views. The results indicate that the small groups and flexible practices characteristic of evening ECEC support interaction in which children’s participation rights are actualized

    Fatty Fish Intake Decreases Lipids Related to Inflammation and Insulin Signaling—A Lipidomics Approach

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    The evidence of the multiple beneficial health effects of fish consumption is strong, but physiological mechanisms behind these effects are not completely known. Little information is available on the effects of consumption of different type of fish. The aim of this study was to investigate how fatty fish or lean fish in a diet affect serum lipidomic profiles in subjects with coronary heart disease.A pilot study was designed which included altogether 33 subjects with myocardial infarction or unstable ischemic attack in an 8-week parallel controlled intervention. The subjects were randomized to either fatty fish (n = 11), lean fish (n = 12) or control (n = 10) groups. Subjects in the fish groups had 4 fish meals per week and subjects in the control group consumed lean beef, pork and chicken. A fish meal was allowed once a week maximum. Lipidomics analyses were performed using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and gas chromatography. Multiple bioactive lipid species, including ceramides, lysophosphatidylcholines and diacylglycerols, decreased significantly in the fatty fish group, whereas in the lean fish group cholesterol esters and specific long-chain triacylglycerols increased significantly (False Discovery Rate q-value <0.05).The 8-week consumption of fatty fish decreased lipids which are potential mediators of lipid-induced insulin resistance and inflammation, and may be related to the protective effects of fatty fish on the progression of atherosclerotic vascular diseases or insulin resistance.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00720655

    Kaivosten jÀtevakuuden alan laajentamisen ympÀristönsuojelullinen vaikuttavuus ja kustannukset

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    Kaivosten jÀtevakuuden alan laajentamisen ympÀristönsuojelullinen vaikuttavuus ja kustannuksetHankkeen taustalla on hallitusohjelman kirjaus kaivosten ympÀristönsuojelun parantamisesta muun ohella vakuussÀÀntelyÀ kehittÀmÀllÀ. Nykytilanteessa vakuussÀÀntely ei kata useita olennaisia vesijakeita ja niihin liittyviÀ vastuita, kuten louhosten ylivuotovesien hallintaa. Hankkeessa tuotettiin tietoa kaivoksilla syntyvien vesijakeiden mÀÀrÀstÀ ja laadusta sekÀ kaivosten vesienhallinta- ja kÀsittelytekniikoista, tarkkailusta ja lopettamis- ja jÀlkihoitovaiheen kustannuksista. Hankkeessa tuotettiin myös tietoa tekijöistÀ, jotka vaikuttavat vesijakeiden ominaisuuksiin, vesienkÀsittelytavan valintaan, tarkkailuun ja kustannuksiin. Hankkeessa analysoitiin myös vakuussÀÀntelyn nykytila katvealueineen kaivosten vesienhallinnan, vesienkÀsittelyn ja ympÀristötarkkailun nÀkökulmista sekÀ kehitettiin sÀÀntelymalli nÀihin vastaamiseksi. SÀÀntelymallissa YSL:n mukaisen vakuuden ala laajenisi jÀtteiden kÀsittelytoiminnasta koko kaivostoimintaan. Malliin sisÀltyisi sÀÀntelyÀ kaivostoiminnan sulkemissuunnitelmasta, vesienhallinta- ja vesienkÀsittelysuunnitelmasta, seuranta- ja tarkkailusuunnitelmasta sekÀ uudesta kaivostoiminnan vakuudesta. Vakuuden laajentamisen taloudellisen merkityksen suuruusluokka voi yksittÀisellÀ kaivoksella jÀÀdÀ pienimmillÀÀn alle sadantuhannen. Suurimmillaan, lÀhinnÀ ÀÀritapauksissa, lisÀkustannukset voivat olla kymmenen miljoonan suuruusluokkaa.TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta valtioneuvoston nÀkemystÀ

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Genome-wide association identifies nine common variants associated with fasting proinsulin levels and provides new insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes.

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    OBJECTIVE: Proinsulin is a precursor of mature insulin and C-peptide. Higher circulating proinsulin levels are associated with impaired ÎČ-cell function, raised glucose levels, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Studies of the insulin processing pathway could provide new insights about T2D pathophysiology. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We have conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association tests of ∌2.5 million genotyped or imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and fasting proinsulin levels in 10,701 nondiabetic adults of European ancestry, with follow-up of 23 loci in up to 16,378 individuals, using additive genetic models adjusted for age, sex, fasting insulin, and study-specific covariates. RESULTS: Nine SNPs at eight loci were associated with proinsulin levels (P < 5 × 10(-8)). Two loci (LARP6 and SGSM2) have not been previously related to metabolic traits, one (MADD) has been associated with fasting glucose, one (PCSK1) has been implicated in obesity, and four (TCF7L2, SLC30A8, VPS13C/C2CD4A/B, and ARAP1, formerly CENTD2) increase T2D risk. The proinsulin-raising allele of ARAP1 was associated with a lower fasting glucose (P = 1.7 × 10(-4)), improved ÎČ-cell function (P = 1.1 × 10(-5)), and lower risk of T2D (odds ratio 0.88; P = 7.8 × 10(-6)). Notably, PCSK1 encodes the protein prohormone convertase 1/3, the first enzyme in the insulin processing pathway. A genotype score composed of the nine proinsulin-raising alleles was not associated with coronary disease in two large case-control datasets. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified nine genetic variants associated with fasting proinsulin. Our findings illuminate the biology underlying glucose homeostasis and T2D development in humans and argue against a direct role of proinsulin in coronary artery disease pathogenesis
