194 research outputs found

    The effect of spatial frequency on peripheral collinear facilitation

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    The detection of a Gabor patch (target) can be decreased or improved by the presence of co-oriented Gabor patches (flankers) having the same spatial frequency as the target. These phenomena are thought to be mediated by lateral interactions. Depending on the distance between target and flankers, commonly defined as a multiple of the wavelength (λ) of the carrier, flankers can increase or decrease a target's detectability. Studies with foveal presentation showed that for target-to-flankers distances 3λ contrast thresholds decrease. Earlier studies on collinear facilitation at the near-periphery of the visual field (4° of eccentricity) showed inconsistent facilitation (Shani & Sagi, 2005, Vision Research, 45, 2009-2024) whereas more recent studies showed consistent facilitation for larger separations (7-8λ) (Maniglia et al., 2011, PLoS ONE, 6, e25568; Lev & Polat, 2011, Vision Research, 51, 2488-2498). However, all of these studies used medium-to-high spatial frequencies (3-8cpd). In this study we tested lower spatial frequencies (1, 2, and 3cpd) with different target-to-flankers distances. The rationale was that near-peripheral vision is tuned for lower spatial frequencies and this could be reflected in collinear facilitation. Results show consistent collinear facilitation at 8λ for all the spatial frequencies tested, but also show collinear facilitation at shorter target-to-flanker distance (6λ) for the lowest spatial frequencies tested (1cpd). Additionally, collinear facilitation decreases as spatial frequency increases; opposite to the findings of Polat (2009, Spatial Vision, 22, 179-193) in the fovea, indicating a different spatial frequency tuning between foveal and peripheral lateral interactions

    DNA Renaturation at the Water-Phenol Interface

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    We study DNA adsorption and renaturation in a water-phenol two-phase system, with or without shaking. In very dilute solutions, single-stranded DNA is adsorbed at the interface in a salt-dependent manner. At high salt concentrations the adsorption is irreversible. The adsorption of the single-stranded DNA is specific to phenol and relies on stacking and hydrogen bonding. We establish the interfacial nature of a DNA renaturation at a high salt concentration. In the absence of shaking, this reaction involves an efficient surface diffusion of the single-stranded DNA chains. In the presence of a vigorous shaking, the bimolecular rate of the reaction exceeds the Smoluchowski limit for a three-dimensional diffusion-controlled reaction. DNA renaturation in these conditions is known as the Phenol Emulsion Reassociation Technique or PERT. Our results establish the interfacial nature of PERT. A comparison of this interfacial reaction with other approaches shows that PERT is the most efficient technique and reveals similarities between PERT and the renaturation performed by single-stranded nucleic acid binding proteins. Our results lead to a better understanding of the partitioning of nucleic acids in two-phase systems, and should help design improved extraction procedures for damaged nucleic acids. We present arguments in favor of a role of phenol and water-phenol interface in prebiotic chemistry. The most efficient renaturation reactions (in the presence of condensing agents or with PERT) occur in heterogeneous systems. This reveals the limitations of homogeneous approaches to the biochemistry of nucleic acids. We propose a heterogeneous approach to overcome the limitations of the homogeneous viewpoint

    Images of photoreceptors in living primate eyes using adaptive optics two-photon ophthalmoscopy

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    In vivo two-photon imaging through the pupil of the primate eye has the potential to become a useful tool for functional imaging of the retina. Two-photon excited fluorescence images of the macaque cone mosaic were obtained using a fluorescence adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope, overcoming the challenges of a low numerical aperture, imperfect optics of the eye, high required light levels, and eye motion. Although the specific fluorophores are as yet unknown, strong in vivo intrinsic fluorescence allowed images of the cone mosaic. Imaging intact ex vivo retina revealed that the strongest two-photon excited fluorescence signal comes from the cone inner segments. The fluorescence response increased following light stimulation, which could provide a functional measure of the effects of light on photoreceptors

    A Survey of Ocean Simulation and Rendering Techniques in Computer Graphics

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    This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean's surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean dynamics with parametric, spectral or hybrid models and use empirical laws from oceanographic research. We will see that this type of methods essentially allows the simulation of ocean scenes in the deep water domain, without breaking waves. On the other hand, physically-based methods use Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE) to represent breaking waves and more generally ocean surface near the shore. We also describe ocean rendering methods in computer graphics, with a special interest in the simulation of phenomena such as foam and spray, and light's interaction with the ocean surface

    Hetero-association of aromatic molecules in aqueous solution

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    Knowledge of the physical chemistry of small molecules complexation (the hetero-association) in aqueous solution is increasingly important in view of the rapidly emerging branch of supramolecular chemistry dealing with the formation of heterogeneous polymeric structures having specific functional roles. In this paper, the 50-year history of scientific studies of hetero-association of heterocyclic aromatic molecules in aqueous solution has been reviewed. Some important correlations of structural and thermodynamic parameters of complexation have been reported based on large data-set of hetero-association parameters accumulated to date. The fundamental problem of ‘energetic composition’ of π-stacking is extensively discussed. The review has shown that there are some gaps in our understanding of heteroassociation, which provides a challenge for further studies in this are

    Luminance, colour, viewpoint and border enhanced disparity energy model

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    The visual cortex is able to extract disparity information through the use of binocular cells. This process is reflected by the Disparity Energy Model, which describes the role and functioning of simple and complex binocular neuron populations, and how they are able to extract disparity. This model uses explicit cell parameters to mathematically determine preferred cell disparities, like spatial frequencies, orientations, binocular phases and receptive field positions. However, the brain cannot access such explicit cell parameters; it must rely on cell responses. In this article, we implemented a trained binocular neuronal population, which encodes disparity information implicitly. This allows the population to learn how to decode disparities, in a similar way to how our visual system could have developed this ability during evolution. At the same time, responses of monocular simple and complex cells can also encode line and edge information, which is useful for refining disparities at object borders. The brain should then be able, starting from a low-level disparity draft, to integrate all information, including colour and viewpoint perspective, in order to propagate better estimates to higher cortical areas.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); LARSyS FCT [UID/EEA/50009/2013]; EU project NeuroDynamics [FP7-ICT-2009-6, PN: 270247]; FCT project SparseCoding [EXPL/EEI-SII/1982/2013]; FCT PhD grant [SFRH-BD-44941-2008

    The spatial range of peripheral collinear facilitation

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    Contrast detection thresholds for a central Gabor patch (target) can be modulated by the presence of co-oriented and collinear high contrast Gabors flankers. In foveal vision collinear facilitation can be observed for target-to-flankers relative distances beyond two times the wavelength (λ) of the Gabor's carrier, while for shorter relative distances (<2λ) there is suppression. These modulatory influences seem to disappear after 12λ. In this study, we measured contrast detection thresholds for different spatial frequencies (1, 4 and 6 cpd) and target-to-flankers relative distances ranging from 6 to 16λ, but with collinear configurations presented in near periphery at 4° of eccentricity. Results showed that in near periphery collinear facilitation extends beyond 12λ for the higher spatial frequencies tested (4 and 6 cpd), while it decays already at 10λ for the lowest spatial frequency used (i.e., 1 cpd). In addition, we found that increasing the spatial frequency the peak of collinear facilitation shifts towards larger target-to-flankers relative distances (expressed as multiples of the stimulus wavelength), an effect never reported neither for near peripheral nor for central vision. The results suggest that the peak and the spatial extent of collinear facilitation in near periphery depend on the spatial frequency of the stimuli used

    Neural network model of the primary visual cortex: From functional architecture to lateral connectivity and back

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    The role of intrinsic cortical dynamics is a debatable issue. A recent optical imaging study (Kenet et al., 2003) found that activity patterns similar to orientation maps (OMs), emerge in the primary visual cortex (V1) even in the absence of sensory input, suggesting an intrinsic mechanism of OM activation. To better understand these results and shed light on the intrinsic V1 processing, we suggest a neural network model in which OMs are encoded by the intrinsic lateral connections. The proposed connectivity pattern depends on the preferred orientation and, unlike previous models, on the degree of orientation selectivity of the interconnected neurons. We prove that the network has a ring attractor composed of an approximated version of the OMs. Consequently, OMs emerge spontaneously when the network is presented with an unstructured noisy input. Simulations show that the model can be applied to experimental data and generate realistic OMs. We study a variation of the model with spatially restricted connections, and show that it gives rise to states composed of several OMs. We hypothesize that these states can represent local properties of the visual scene

    Thermal desorption effects on fragment ion production from multi-photon ionized uridine and selected analogues

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    Experiments on neutral gas-phase nucleosides are often complicated by thermal lability. Previous mass spectrometry studies of nucleosides have identified enhanced relative production of nucleobase ions (e.g. uracil+ from uridine) as a function of desorption temperature to be the critical indicator of thermal decomposition. On this basis, the present multi-photon ionization (MPI) experiments demonstrate that laser-based thermal desorption is effective for producing uridine, 5-methyluridine, and 2’-deoxyuridine targets without thermal decomposition. Our experiments also revealed one notable thermal dependence: the relative production of the sugar ion C5H9O4+ from intact uridine increased substantially with the desorption laser power and this only occurred at MPI wavelengths below 250 nm (full range studied 222-265 nm). We argue that this effect can only be rationalized plausibly in terms of changing populations of different isomers, tautomers, or conformers in the target as a function of the thermal desorption conditions. Furthermore, the wavelength threshold behavior of this thermally-sensitive MPI channel indicates a critical dependence on neutral excited state dynamics between the absorption of the first and second photons. The experimental results are complemented by density functional theory (DFT) optimizations of the lowest-energy structure of uridine and two further conformers distinguished by different orientations of the hydroxymethyl group on the sugar part of the molecule. The energies of the transitions states between these three conformers are low compared with the energy required for decomposition

    Reparameterization of RNA χ Torsion Parameters for the AMBER Force Field and Comparison to NMR Spectra for Cytidine and Uridine

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    A reparameterization of the torsional parameters for the glycosidic dihedral angle, χ, for the AMBER99 force field in RNA nucleosides is used to provide a modified force field, AMBER99χ. Molecular dynamics simulations of cytidine, uridine, adenosine, and guanosine in aqueous solution using the AMBER99 and AMBER99χ force fields are compared with NMR results. For each nucleoside and force field, 10 individual molecular dynamics simulations of 30 ns each were run. For cytidine with AMBER99χ force field, each molecular dynamics simulation time was extended to 120 ns for convergence purposes. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, including one-dimensional (1D) 1H, steady-state 1D 1H nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), and transient 1D 1H NOE, was used to determine the sugar puckering and preferred base orientation with respect to the ribose of cytidine and uridine. The AMBER99 force field overestimates the population of syn conformations of the base orientation and of C2′-endo sugar puckering of the pyrimidines, while the AMBER99χ force field’s predictions are more consistent with NMR results. Moreover, the AMBER99 force field prefers high anti conformations with glycosidic dihedral angles around 310° for the base orientation of purines. The AMBER99χ force field prefers anti conformations around 185°, which is more consistent with the quantum mechanical calculations and known 3D structures of folded ribonucleic acids (RNAs). Evidently, the AMBER99χ force field predicts the structural characteristics of ribonucleosides better than the AMBER99 force field and should improve structural and thermodynamic predictions of RNA structures