63 research outputs found

    Polyethylenimine-Enhanced Alumina Nanoscale Adjuvant for Cancer Vaccine

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    Aluminum oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3 NPs) have been shown to increase the efficiency of cell-mediated immune response. Specifically, CD8 and CD4 immune response is required for T cell activation by dendritic cells. These nanoparticles, when functionalized with peptides and other molecules, can be used as vaccine in cancer treatment. In this study, Al2O3 NPs were attached to E6/E7 proteins. HPV-induced cervical cancer expresses E6/E7 antigens. E6/E7 proteins were attached using surface modification of the Al2O3 NPs; different types of molecules were tested to see which adhered the highest amount of protein and produced the strongest cell response. Protein measurements were done using bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA assay) and spectrophotometry. CD8 and CD4 immune response was measured in vivo using flow cytometry. In vitro measurements of immune response were done using B3Z T cells. When coated on the nanoparticles and conjugated with E6E7 protein, the polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) proved to be most effective at strengthening the immune response in vaccinated mice. The NPs were characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Our findings in this study demonstrate the growing importance of applied physics in the fields of medicine and biology. Fabrication and characterization of nano-materials are important for improving vaccine delivery and ensuring effectiveness

    The ASTRO-H X-ray Observatory

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    The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions initiated by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). ASTRO-H will investigate the physics of the high-energy universe via a suite of four instruments, covering a very wide energy range, from 0.3 keV to 600 keV. These instruments include a high-resolution, high-throughput spectrometer sensitive over 0.3-2 keV with high spectral resolution of Delta E < 7 eV, enabled by a micro-calorimeter array located in the focal plane of thin-foil X-ray optics; hard X-ray imaging spectrometers covering 5-80 keV, located in the focal plane of multilayer-coated, focusing hard X-ray mirrors; a wide-field imaging spectrometer sensitive over 0.4-12 keV, with an X-ray CCD camera in the focal plane of a soft X-ray telescope; and a non-focusing Compton-camera type soft gamma-ray detector, sensitive in the 40-600 keV band. The simultaneous broad bandpass, coupled with high spectral resolution, will enable the pursuit of a wide variety of important science themes.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray

    The Quiescent Intracluster Medium in the Core of the Perseus Cluster

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    Clusters of galaxies are the most massive gravitationally-bound objects in the Universe and are still forming. They are thus important probes of cosmological parameters and a host of astrophysical processes. Knowledge of the dynamics of the pervasive hot gas, which dominates in mass over stars in a cluster, is a crucial missing ingredient. It can enable new insights into mechanical energy injection by the central supermassive black hole and the use of hydrostatic equilibrium for the determination of cluster masses. X-rays from the core of the Perseus cluster are emitted by the 50 million K diffuse hot plasma filling its gravitational potential well. The Active Galactic Nucleus of the central galaxy NGC1275 is pumping jetted energy into the surrounding intracluster medium, creating buoyant bubbles filled with relativistic plasma. These likely induce motions in the intracluster medium and heat the inner gas preventing runaway radiative cooling; a process known as Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback. Here we report on Hitomi X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster core, which reveal a remarkably quiescent atmosphere where the gas has a line-of-sight velocity dispersion of 164+/-10 km/s in a region 30-60 kpc from the central nucleus. A gradient in the line-of-sight velocity of 150+/-70 km/s is found across the 60 kpc image of the cluster core. Turbulent pressure support in the gas is 4% or less of the thermodynamic pressure, with large scale shear at most doubling that estimate. We infer that total cluster masses determined from hydrostatic equilibrium in the central regions need little correction for turbulent pressure.Comment: 31 pages, 11 Figs, published in Nature July

    Mechanism of Cancer Cell Death Induced by Depletion of an Essential Replication Regulator

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    Background: Depletion of replication factors often causes cell death in cancer cells. Depletion of Cdc7, a kinase essential for initiation of DNA replication, induces cancer cell death regardless of its p53 status, but the precise pathways of cell death induction have not been characterized. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have used the recently-developed cell cycle indicator, Fucci, to precisely characterize the cell death process induced by Cdc7 depletion. We have also generated and utilized similar fluorescent cell cycle indicators using fusion with other cell cycle regulators to analyze modes of cell death in live cells in both p53-positive and-negative backgrounds. We show that distinct cell-cycle responses are induced in p53-positive and-negative cells by Cdc7 depletion. p53-negative cells predominantly arrest temporally in G2-phase, accumulating CyclinB1 and other mitotic regulators. Prolonged arrest at G2-phase and abrupt entry into aberrant M-phase in the presence of accumulated CyclinB1 are followed by cell death at the post-mitotic state. Abrogation of cytoplasmic CyclinB1 accumulation partially decreases cell death. The ATR-MK2 pathway is responsible for sequestration of CyclinB1 with 14-3-3s protein. In contrast, p53-positive cancer cells do not accumulate CyclinB1, but appear to die mostly through entry into aberrant S-phase after Cdc7 depletion. The combination of Cdc7 inhibition with known anti-cancer agents significantly stimulates cell death effects in cancer cells in a genotype-dependent manner, providing a strategic basis for future combination therapies

    Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite

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    The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E  >  2  keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft x-rays to gamma rays. After a successful launch on February 17, 2016, the spacecraft lost its function on March 26, 2016, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the onboard instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements


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    Fundamental nursing practice, the first step of clinical practice, is important for nursing students to facilitate their early, gradual introduction to clinical practice. As part of this fundamental nursing practice, first-year students have been exposed to nursing practice on one day in June for the past 4 years. Factors related to the effects of this early exposure of students to fundamental nursing practice on their learning and levels of satisfaction with this style of clinical practice were investigated based on their self-evaluation. 1) Students\u27 relevant experiences before entering the college included admission to a hospital (31.6%) and one-day nursing experience (48.8%). 2) Nursing roles they had successfully observed included monitoring/recording/reporting, understanding the patient, daily life support, ensuring security and safety, environmental adjustment, respecting the patient\u27s independence, empathizing with the patient, assistance during treatment, mental support, cooperating with other professions, and guiding the patient. 3) The achievement levels of the practice goals "to observe the site of nursing practice" (p<0.01) and "to observe nurses actively performing duties" (p<0.05) were significantly correlated with students\u27 satisfaction levels. 4) The effectiveness of prior study or individual guidance on self-defined targets, an orientation held in the ward, and observation of nurses in service had significantly affected students\u27 satisfaction levels. A student\u27s success in understanding a nurse\u27s roles in the practice was significantly correlated with his/her satisfaction level. 5) An effective commitment of the tutor nurse to students\u27 learning had a significant impact on their satisfaction levels. 6) Students\u27 attitudes toward the clinical practice, such as viewing it as preferable, interesting, or wanting to be a nurse, were significantly correlated with their satisfaction levels. 7) Providing students with an opportunity to communicate with patients in the practice was significantly correlated with their satisfaction levels. These findings suggested that students viewed their early exposure to nursing practice as a valuable learning experience, and used it to develop themselves and prepare for the future. Since their interest in the clinical practice promotes their willingness to learn nursing, it is necessary to help them feel positive about the practice. Besides the importance of cooperation between clinical workers including the tutor nurse and teaching staff, and their explanations to students about the practice goals and levels, there is a need for those involved in teaching to review the practice contents. The necessity of appropriately designing the contents to facilitate students\u27 communication with patients was also suggested