5 research outputs found

    Complexities and complications of extreme obesity

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    Obesity is a common chronic disorder and has detrimental long-term consequences if left untreated. Herein, we report a case of a young lady who suffered from morbid obesity and many of its consequences, and we present a literature review of these complications. While the cause of obesity is multifactorial, the genetic component is particularly important in the pathophysiology of marked obesity. Resistance to Leptin is considered one of the main causes of obesity. There is a unique relationship between polycystic ovary syndrome and obesity, as observed in our case. Obesity is associated with cardiovascular and lung diseases such as heart failure, thromboembolic disease, sleep apnea, and pulmonary hypertension. Our patient had cardiomegaly (730 gm) with eccentric hypertrophy of left and right ventricles. The coronary arteries and aorta were free of atherosclerosis, which is a surprising finding that relates to the mysterious phenomenon of obesity paradox. The terminal event in our young woman was multiple segmental and subsegmental pulmonary arterial thrombi/ thromboemboli superimposed on chronic cardiopulmonary stress due to massive obesity

    Biomechanical Behavior of Bioactive Material in Dental Implant: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis

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    Dental implants are widely accepted for the rehabilitation of missing teeth due to their aesthetic compliance, functional ability, and great survival rate. The various components in implant design like thread design, thread angle, pitch, and material used for manufacturing play a critical role in its success. Understanding these influencing factors and implementing them properly in implant design can reduce cases of potential implant failure. Recently, finite element analysis (FEA) is being widely used in the field of health sciences to solve problems in designing medical devices. It provides valid and accurate assessment in the clinical and in vitro analysis. Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate the impact of thread design of the implant and 3 different bioactive materials, titanium alloy, graphene, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) on stress, strain, and deformation in the implant system using FEA. In this study, the FEA model of the bones and the tissues are modeled as homogeneous, isotropic, and linearly elastic material with a titanium implant system with an assumption of it 100% osseointegrated into the bone. The titanium was functionalized with graphene and graphene oxide. A modeling software tool Catia® and Ansys Workbench® is used to perform the analysis and evaluate the von Mises stress distribution, strain, and deformation at the implant and implant-cortical bone interface. The results showed that the titanium implant with a surface coating of graphene oxide exhibited better mechanical behavior than graphene, with mean von Mises stress of 39.64 MPa in pitch 1, 23.65 MPa in pitch 2, and 37.23 MPa in pitch 3. It also revealed that functionalizing the titanium implant will help in reducing the stress at the implant system. Overall, the study emphasizes the use of FEA analysis methods in solving various biomechanical issues about medical and dental devices, which can further open up for invivo study and their practical uses

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    Not AvailableLive food organisms move in the water column and serve as a source of all the nutrients such as essentialproteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids for larval stages of fish. Hence, they arecommonly known as “living capsules of nutrition”. Most of the fish and shellfish larvae in nature feed on these smallphytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic organisms. Zooplankton is required as the first food for much-cultured fish; for others, itcontributes to faster growth and higher survival. Among zooplankton, rotifers (Phylum: Rotifera) popularly called as wheelanimalcules forms an important group of live food organisms for use in aqua hatcheries. Rotifera includes three classes, theMonogononta, the Bdelloidea, and the marine Seisonidea. Most of the rotifer species vary between 200 to 500 micrometers insize, and are primarily omnivorous, but few species have been known to be cannibalistic. The diet of rotifers is decomposed ordead organic materials, unicellular algae and other phytoplankton. Such feeding habits make rotifers primary consumers.Rotifers in turn act as prey to carnivorous secondary consumers, including shrimp and crabs. Though rotifers are representedby about 2,500 species, the monogonont genus Brachionus is the most known form of all rotifers, and widely distributed inmarine and freshwaters worldwide. They serve as an ideal starter diet for early larval stages of many fish and prawn species inmarine as well as in freshwater, due to its smaller size as compared to Cladocerans. Among Brachionus, B. calyciflorus is themost commonly cultured freshwater rotifer for both freshwater and marine water fish species and shrimps, because of itsnumerous characteristics like small size, slow mobility and easy catchability. Moreover, B. calyciflorus has been found toconserve energy when food is scarce by decreasing its respiration rate, while other species of rotifers show no change in therespiration rate. Generally in laboratory their culture is maintained on algal concentrate with sufficient light, aeration at pHranged between 6-8 and temperature at 25oC. However, there is need to conduct in-depth study to standardize the abioticconditions like light, pH, and hardness for mass-scale production of rotifer to meet the nutritional requirements of young larvaeof fishes that encounter huge mortality during their larval stages. Successful mass scale production of rotifers will hold thekey to higher efficiency in the seed production of important species like Clarias magur, Anabas testudeneus, etcNot Availabl

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    Design of virus-based nanomaterials for medicine, biotechnology, and energy

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