39 research outputs found

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018):a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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    The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (“MISEV”) guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these “MISEV2014” guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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    The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (“MISEV”) guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these “MISEV2014” guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points


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    The town of Tuxpan is located five kilometers east of the city of Iguala, Gro. The Laguna de Tuxpan is the main body of water in the area. It is located at coordinates 18°20'57″N-99°28'43″W at an altitude of 757 meters above sea level. The contamination of the lagoon is generated by different activities of the same population, as well as by the sewage from Colonia El Tomatal, which reaches the lagoon through the El Tomatal River. The Mexican Institute of Water Technology carried out the identification, gauging and characterization of five sampling points along the Tomatal River and three wastewater discharges in the El Tomatal neighborhood. The Tomatal River, despite its degree of contamination, is "ACCEPTABLE", according to the water quality index. The three discharges identified generally do not comply with the parameters of fats and oils, chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids and fecal coliforms with respect to the maximum permissible limits of NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996 and the Federal Rights Law. It is proposed for both localities, the construction of decentralized wastewater treatment plants and a sewage network for the conduction to said plants. As a second option, the construction of a sewage network, so that the wastewater generated is conducted for treatment to the PTAR Iguala Gro.El poblado de Tuxpan se encuentra cinco kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Iguala, Gro. La Laguna de Tuxpan es el principal cuerpo de agua de la zona. Se localiza en las coordenadas 18°20′57″N-99°28′43″O a una altitud de 757 msnm. La contaminación de la laguna es generada por diferentes actividades de la misma población, así como, por las aguas negras de la Colonia El Tomatal, que llegan a la laguna por medio del río El Tomatal. El Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua realizó la identificación, aforó y caracterizó cinco puntos de muestreo en el trayecto del río Tomatal y tres descargas de agua residual en la colonia El Tomatal. El río Tomatal a pesar de su grado de contaminación, se encuentra “ACEPTABLE”, de acuerdo al índice de calidad del agua. Las tres descargas identificadas, en general incumplen con los parámetros de grasas y aceites, demanda química de oxígeno, sólidos suspendidos totales y coliformes fecales con respecto a los límites máximos permisibles de la NOM-001- SEMARNAT-1996 y la Ley Federal de Derechos. Se propone para ambas localidades, la construcción de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales descentralizadas y una red de alcantarillado para la conducción a dichas plantas. Como una segunda opción, la construcción de una red de alcantarillado, para que las aguas residuales generadas, sean conducidas para su tratamiento a la PTAR Iguala Gro.A cidade de Tuxpan está localizada a cinco quilômetros a leste da cidade de Iguala, Gro. A Laguna de Tuxpan é o principal corpo de água da região. Está localizado nas coordenadas 18°20'57″N-99°28'43″W a uma altitude de 757 metros acima do nível do mar. A contaminação da lagoa é gerada por diferentes atividades da mesma população, bem como pelo esgoto da Colônia El Tomatal, que chega à lagoa através do rio El Tomatal. O Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia da Água realizou a identificação, aferição e caracterização de cinco pontos de amostragem ao longo do rio Tomatal e três descargas de águas residuais no bairro El Tomatal. O Rio Tomatal, apesar de seu grau de contaminação, é "ACEITÁVEL", segundo o índice de qualidade da água. As três descargas identificadas geralmente não atendem aos parâmetros de gorduras e óleos, demanda química de oxigênio, sólidos totais em suspensão e coliformes fecais em relação aos limites máximos permitidos da NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996 e da Lei Federal de Direitos. Propõe-se para ambas as localidades, a construção de estações de tratamento de águas residuais descentralizadas e uma rede de esgotos para a condução às referidas estações. Como segunda opção, a construção de uma rede de esgotos, para que as águas residuais geradas sejam conduzidas para tratamento ao PTAR Iguala Gro