7 research outputs found
A first-principles study of bilayer 1T'-WTe2/CrI3: A candidate topological spin filter
The ability to manipulate electronic spin channels in 2D materials is crucial
for realizing next-generation spintronics. Spin filters are spintronic
components that polarize spins using external electromagnetic fields or
intrinsic material properties like magnetism. Recently, topological protection
from backscattering has emerged as an enticing feature through which the
robustness of 2D spin filters might be enhanced. In this work, we propose and
then characterize one of the first 2D topological spin filters: bilayer
CrI3/1T'-WTe2. To do so, we use a combination of Density Functional Theory and
maximally localized Wannier functions to demonstrate that the bilayer (BL)
satisfies the principal criteria for being a topological spin filter; namely
that it is gapless, exhibits charge transfer from WTe2 to CrI3 that renders the
BL metallic despite the CrI3 retaining its monolayer ferromagnetism, and does
not retain the topological character of monolayer 1T'-WTe2. In particular, we
observe that the atomic magnetic moments on Cr from DFT are approximately 3.2
mB/Cr in the BL compared to 2.9 mB/Cr with small negative ferromagnetic (FM)
moments induced on the W atoms in freestanding monolayer CrI3. Subtracting the
charge and spin densities of the constituent monolayers from those of the BL
further reveals spin-polarized charge transfer from WTe2 to CrI3. We find that
the BL is topologically trivial by showing that its Chern number is zero.
Altogether, this evidence indicates that BL 1T'-WTe2/CrI3 is gapless, magnetic,
and topologically trivial, meaning that a terraced WTe2/CrI3 BL heterostructure
in which only a portion of a WTe2 monolayer is topped with CrI3 is a promising
candidate for a 2D topological spin filter. Our results further suggest that 1D
chiral edge states may be realized by stacking strongly hybridized FM
monolayers, like CrI3, atop 2D nonmagnetic Weyl semimetals like 1T'-WTe2
Self-consistent convolutional density functional approximations: Application to adsorption at metal surfaces
The exchange-correlation (XC) functional in density functional theory is used
to approximate multi-electron interactions. A plethora of different functionals
is available, but nearly all are based on the hierarchy of inputs commonly
referred to as "Jacob's ladder." This paper introduces an approach to construct
XC functionals with inputs from convolutions of arbitrary kernels with the
electron density, providing a route to move beyond Jacob's ladder. We derive
the variational derivative of these functionals, showing consistency with the
generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and provide equations for variational
derivatives based on multipole features from convolutional kernels. A
proof-of-concept functional, PBEq, which generalizes the PBE framework
where is a spatially-resolved function of the monopole of the electron
density, is presented and implemented. It allows a single functional to use
different GGAs at different spatial points in a system, while obeying PBE
constraints. Analysis of the results underlines the importance of error
cancellation and the XC potential in data-driven functional design. After
testing on small molecules, bulk metals, and surface catalysts, the results
indicate that this approach is a promising route to simultaneously optimize
multiple properties of interest