1,256 research outputs found

    River Steward Takes on Honduras!

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    This pass January I had the opportunity to travel to southern Honduras with Saint Louis University students who are apart of a program called Global Brigade. They were broken down into nine different brigades and I went on the Water Brigades. On this trip several different universities and colleges and community members participated in this mission. Our project was to build a water system for one community. We had to dig about one mile of trenches, move boulders (no joke!), and glue PVC piping. I was completely amazed how much work was put into water system. It was hard work! They are hoping to finish this project by the end of this month. Before they even started this project, they created a Water Council. This council consisted members of the community and leaders of Water Brigades. Together, they discussed on the best sustainable solution for their community. The universities and colleges come in take that idea and produced the product

    Media Education at school – Blind spots and potential conflict areas in a culture of digitality

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    Schule als medienpädagogisches Handlungsfeld ist schon lange im Fokus medienpädagogischer Forschung und Praxis. Die Notwendigkeit der Förderung von Medienkompetenz bei Schüler/innen konnte aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven untermauert werden: gesellschaftlich-soziale Begründungen wurden dabei ebenso ins Feld geführt wie berufsbezogene und pädagogische Argumente. Aufbauend auf diesen haben sich verschiedene Konzepte der Integration von digitalen Medien in der Schule etabliert. Wechselt man die Blickrichtung hin zum Medienhandeln, werden bereits hier erste blinde Flecken sichtbar: So fehlt beispielsweise die Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, welche Auswirkungen das Handeln in Netzwerken, die sowohl global als auch transmedial agieren auf Gesellschaft, Kultur und Bildung hat. Zu analysieren wäre auch, welche kulturellen Veränderungen zu beobachten sind, wie Subjekte in (transmedialen) Netzen agieren und welche Folgen sich daraus für (medien-)pädagogisches Handeln insbesondere in Bildungsinstitutionen ergeben. Die bisherige Nicht-Bearbeitung dieser Felder zeigt, dass die meisten Diskurse um Medien in der Schule blinde Flecken aufweisen, da sie sich nur auf bestimmte Teile von Schule (nämlich Unterricht) beschränken. Weniger reflektiert wird Medialität für menschliche Kommunikations- und Bildungsprozesse und die Folgen einer Kultur der Digitalität für die Schule. Massnahmen zur Integration von Medien in Schule, die als Schulentwicklung gefasst werden, greifen zu kurz, wenn sie nicht die Relationierung von Schule in einer Kultur der Digitalität reflektieren. Damit erscheint es notwendig, ausgehend von gesellschaftlich-medialen Entwicklungen danach zu fragen, welche Implikationen diese für die Gestaltung von Schule haben. Unter Bezugnahme auf Felix Stalders Ausführungen zur Kultur der Digitalität werden blinde Flecken sowohl in der öffentlichen wie auch der medienpädagogischen Diskussion um digitale Medien in der Schule aufgezeigt.The understanding of how to foster the ability for digital media literacy has received much attention recently in educational science: socio-cultural, professional and educational justifications have been made. On the basis of these findings, different concepts regarding the integration of digital media have become established, especially the teachers role, to enable the development of learners' digital media literacy competency. However their remains many unanswered questions in regards to our understanding on the impact of digital media upon education environments. To date little is known about what are the resultant cultural and societal changes due to the emergence of modern transmedia learning environments, or how learners make use of the new possibilities afforded by such advancements in media technologies. In addition, how has the school culture developed, under conditions of such socio-cultural change? Previous investigations exploring these topics have been confined to a specific part of school: teaching and learning. Conversely, the use of emerging digital media for communication and educational processes within education systems are seldom discussed. In this current paper, a deeper examination of the recent media developments and their consequential impact on society, culture, and school systems is presented, building upon Felix Stalder's remarks on the emergence of the digital culture in society and education

    Shorebirds in western Tennessee : migration ecology and evaluation of management effectiveness

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    The loss of wetlands and shifting public interest towards the conservation of biological diversity and ecosystem management have encouraged wetland managers to consider managing more than just waterfowl. Because of the unique habitat requirements and the limited information available on migrant shorebirds in Tennessee, it has been challenging for wetland managers to formulate sound shorebird management plans. The goal of this project was to describe shorebird migration chronology in western Tennessee, document effects of management on three state wildlife management areas (WMAs) in western Tennessee, and discover which habitat variables influenced shorebird use of areas. Data from 2 related studies were collected during peak spring and fall shorebird migrations. Two state Wildlife Management Areas were monitored in 1994 prior to active shorebird management, and five study areas were monitored along the Mississippi River in western Tennessee from spring 1996 through fall 1997. Three of these five areas were WMA\u27s managed specifically for shorebirds, the others were known for abundant shorebird activity. Shorebird use and habitat conditions were recorded on study areas 2-5 times weekly. A total of 29 species of shorebirds were recorded on study areas in 1994 -1997. The 7 most common species (descending order) were: pectoral sandpipers (Calidris melanotos), least sandpipers (Calidris minutilla), lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes), semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla), American golden plovers (Pluvialis dominica), greater yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca), and solitary sandpipers (Tringa solitaria). Management for shorebirds was effective, but shorebird use did not increase consecutively each year. Average water depth and percent of area in sparse vegetative cover were related to shorebird use. Waterfowl use of WMAs increased after shorebird management was enacted. Based on the study results, careful management of water levels and vegetation density is necessary for maximizing shorebird use. Management of multiple units on WMAs will ensure that habitat is available throughout entire migration seasons. Smaller units with good water control capabilities can produce higher use per area than larger units with poor water control capabilities with habitat that is not as suitable

    Timing of Thermal Overprints in the Silvermines Granite and Associated Diabase Intrusions, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri

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    Igneous rocks exposed in the St. Francois Mountains record the geologic history of volcanic activity and plutonic intrusions contributing to the growth and stabilization of the continental crust during the Precambrian. These igneous rocks also contain evidence of thermal overprinting both in the isotope chemistry and the crystalline structures. This study presents new isotopic, mineral and petrologic data to support the timing of dike emplacement and thermal overprinting in the host rock. The study area for this research is along the East Fork of the St. Francis River at the Silver Mines Recreation Area where diabase dikes intrude the surrounding granite. Samples of the Silvermines granite and diabase were collected for petrologic study and isotopic analyses. Thin section analyses revealed minerals and textures that suggest magmatic segregation as well as thermal variation in the diabase intrusions. The surrounding granite exhibits thermal alteration at the contact with the diabase. X-ray diffraction patterns support the thin section analyses and provide clarification on opaque minerals. An x-ray diffraction pattern for the granite also indicates orthoclase, supporting existing data sets for structural resetting of K-feldspar in both the volcanic and plutonic rocks in the area. Mineral separates were prepared for granite samples at the contact with the diabase and at a distance of 10 m from the contact. Gas ages were determined using Ar-Ar methodologies for the diabase groundmass as well as K-feldspar, biotite, and amphibole in the host granite. According to the Ar-Ar data collected, the total gas age for the diabase is 1167.1 7.9 Ma. Ar-Ar data from the granite is more complex indicating Precambrian timing with total gas ages of 904, 1066, 1119, and 1258 Ma. Based on this information, it is evident that a significant thermal event altered the Silvermines granite as early as 1258 Ma to as late as 904 Ma. This thermal event may be associated with the intrusion of the Silver Mines dike swarm and its magmatic source

    Editorial: Medienpädagogik und Erwachsenenbildung

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    Anliegen des vorliegenden Themenheftes ist es, das Verhältnis von Medienpädagogik und Erwachsenenbildung zu diskutieren, als auch die Aufmerksamkeit beider Bereiche im Sinne möglicher gegenseitiger Impulse aufeinander zu lenken. Medienpädagogik kann «als übergeordnete Bezeichnung für alle pädagogisch orientierten Beschäftigungen mit Medien in Theorie und Praxis» (Baacke 2007, 7) verstanden werden, die als Querschnittsdisziplin in Beziehung zu allen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen und Fachrichtungen steht. Da die Medialität aber andersherum auch «jede Bildungssituation und jeden pädagogischen Handlungszusammenhang betrifft (...) muss sich auch jede Subdisziplin – ob es die Schulpädagogik, die Didaktik, die Sozialpädagogik, die Behindertenpädagogik oder die Erwachsenenbildung ist – sich [sic!] mit den Medien der Darstellung, der Verständigung und der Interaktion in ihrem Bereich beschäftigen.» (Meder 2017, 15, Hervorhebung durch Autoren)

    Back to the Future. Requirements for media education in teacher training based on the example of a practical and developmental project

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    Der folgende Artikel diskutiert aus subjektorientierter Perspektive, wie die Auseinandersetzung mit digitalen Medien in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung erfolgen kann. Es wird dafür plädiert, statt der Integration digitaler Medien in das Studium die Perspektive auf das Studium als soziale Praxis und damit die Aneignungsprozesse Studierender zu wenden. Unter Bezugnahme auf Medienbildung als Selbst- und Uns-Gestaltung zur Entwicklung kollektiver Praktiken wird insbesondere der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen als berufsbiographische Entwicklungsaufgabe Rechnung getragen. Anhand einer filmischen Metapher, theoretisch-konzeptioneller Überlegungen und einem Beispiel eines Praxis- und Entwicklungsprojekts (die BMBF-geförderten OERlabs) wird gezeigt, wie subjektorientierte Auseinandersetzungsformen mit/über/durch Medien insbesondere in der ersten Phase der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen adressiert werden könnten, damit sie Lehramtsstudierenden und den (möglicherweise) spezifischen Anforderungen des Lehramtsstudiums gerecht werden. Mit dem Artikel schauen wir hinter die Fassade eines bildungspolitischen Hypes. Thematisiert werden insbesondere pädagogischen Grundverständnisse einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänomen OER.The following article discusses how teacher training deals with digital media from a subject-oriented perspective. Open Educational Resources (OER) have enormous potential to enable effective alternative social and collaborative learning processes during teacher training. We present the initial stages of development of the OERlabs project (funded by BMBF), which aims at operationalizing the potential of OER for biographical learning. Considerations of theoretical concepts are addressed including the potential of OERlabs as a valuable vocational education platform that enables effective collaborative learning, but more importantly addresses the specific individual needs of each learner, especially at the initial stages of teacher training.This paper takes a look behind the curtain of an educational and political hype, while particularly focussing on fundamental pedagogical principles underlying the OER phenomenon


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    Digital media play an increasingly important role in all areas of society. As a result, media literacy is one of the key qualifications for our information society. It enables social participation and opens up opportunities for professional development. Media literacy is not a static construct though – due to technological progress it must be continually developed. For this reason, adult education has a central function in promoting media literacy. At the same time, for education too new opportunities for promoting learning are constantly opening up via digital media. The media education competencies of adult educators are therefore of central significance for assessing and utilising the opportunities and risks of current developments. In light of this, this article discusses the current situation with regards to standards and pathways of professionalization of adult educators in terms of media pedagogic competences in Europe.  Article visualizations
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