216 research outputs found

    ‘Pretty much the whole of Education’: virtue and performance in the Laws

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    L’architecture gothique dans les îles Britanniques : orientations et perspectives de la recherche

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    L’étude de l’architecture gothique anglaise est aujourd’hui pluridisciplinaire : des chercheurs de formations variées enquêtent sur ce domaine en se servant de méthodes et de techniques différentes les unes des autres. Cet article prend la mesure des forces et des limites de la recherche récente, en mettant l’accent sur la nécessité d’un nouveau cadre conceptuel dans lequel serait ressaisie l’écriture de l’histoire traditionnelle. Il subsiste une incertitude concernant l’orientation à prendre par l’histoire de l’architecture : doit-elle se concentrer principalement sur le style et les monuments prestigieux ou s’intéresser également à tous les bâtiments, quelle que soit leur nature et leur statut ? L’article passe en revue certains de ces points à la lumière des publications récentes : de quelle manière et pour quelles raisons l’Angleterre a-t-elle produit un gothique singulier ? Dans quelle mesure l’architecture anglaise reflète-t-elle le sentiment de plus en plus prégnant d’une identité nationale ? Et comment les bâtiments étaient-ils perçus et utilisés par les contemporains ? Ainsi la dimension coloniale du gothique anglais, telle qu’elle est perceptible par exemple en Écosse et en Irlande, est-elle mise en lumière dans ses grandes lignes, et peut-on conclure sur la nécessité d’une approche plus européenne et moins anglo-centrique.The study of English Gothic architecture is now a multi-disciplinary occupation, as scholars from various backgrounds apply different methodologies and techniques. This article considers the strengths and limitations of recent scholarship, stressing the need for new conceptual frameworks to replace the traditional linear narrative. There is still uncertainty about whether the history of architecture should be concerned principally with style and the elite monuments or with buildings of every type and status. The article goes on to review some pertinent issues in the light of recent publications: how and why did England formulate an alternative Gothic, to what extent did English architecture reflect a growing sense of national identity, and how were the buildings used and understood by contemporaries? It highlights the colonial dimension of English Gothic as reflected in Scotland and Ireland, and concludes by stressing the need for a more European and less anglo-centric approach.Die Erforschung der britischen Gotikarchitektur ist heute pluridisziplinär. Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Bereichen bearbeiten dieses Thema mit Hilfe von sehr unterschiedlichen Methoden und Techniken. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die Stärken und Grenzen der jüngeren Forschung, indem er die Notwendigkeit eines neuen konzeptuellen Rahmens zur Erfassung der traditionellen Geschichtsschreibung herausstellt. Unsicherheit bleibt jedoch in Bezug auf die zu wählende Richtung in der Architekturgeschichte. Sollte sie sich vorrangig auf den Stil und die renommierten Bauten konzentrieren oder jegliche Bauwerke, welcher Art oder Bedeutung auch immer, mit einbeziehen? Der Artikel vollzieht einige dieser Punkte anhand der jüngeren Publikationen nach. Auf welche Weise und aus welchen Gründen hat sich in England eine eigene, singuläre Gotik entwickelt? Inwiefern spiegelt die britische Architektur das immer stärker werdende Gefühl einer nationalen Identität wider? Wie wurden diese Bauwerke von ihren Zeitgenossen wahrgenommen und benutzt? In diesem Sinne kommt der koloniale Kontext der britischen Gotik weitestgehend zum Tragen, wie er sich zum Beispiel in Schottland und Irland ausgeprägt hat, und verweist damit auf die Notwendigkeit einer stärker europäisch und weniger englisch ausgerichteten Herangehensweise.Lo studio dell’architettura gotica inglese è ai giorni nostri un insegnamento pluridisciplinare ; ricercatori dalla diversa formazione indagano su questo campo utilizzando spesso metodi e tecniche disparati. Questo articolo valuta i punti di forza e i limiti della ricerca recente insistendo sulla necessità di una nuova impostazione concettuale che possa sostituire la linea interpretativa tradizionale. Persiste un’incertezza che riguarda l’orientamento che deve prendere la storia dell’architettura: se essa si debba concentrare principalmente sullo stile e sui monumenti prestigiosi oppure interessarsi di tutti i monumenti, senza distinzione di natura o statuto. L’articolo esamina alcuni di questi argomenti alla luce delle pubblicazioni recenti: in quale misura l’architettura inglese riflette il sentimento sempre più presente di un’identità nazionale? Com’erano percepiti e utilizzati i monumenti dai contemporanei? In questo modo, si chiarisce a grandi linee la dimensione coloniale del gotico inglese, secondo la sua percezione, per esempio, in Scozia e in Irlanda, giungendo alla conclusione della necessità di un approccio più europeo e meno anglo-centrico.El estudio de la arquitectura gótica inglesa es hoy pluridisciplinar : investigadores de formaciones variadas trabajajan sobre este ámbito utilizando unos métodos y técnicas diferentes los unos de las otras. Este artículo toma en cuenta las fuerzas y los límites de la investigación reciente, subrayando la necesidad de un nuevo contexto conceptual en el cual se recobraría la escritura de la historia tradicional. Queda una incertidumbre relativa a la orientación que debe tomar la historia de la arquitectura: ¿debe concentrarse principalmente sobre el estilo y los monumentos prestigiosos o interesarse también por todos los edificios, no obstante su naturaleza y su estatuto? El artículo examina algunos de estos puntos a la luz de las recientes publicaciones: ¿cómo y por qué razones Inglaterra produjo un gótico singular? ¿En qué medida la arquitectura inglesa refleja el sentimiento cada vez más fuerte de una identidad nacional? ¿Y cómo los edificios eran percibidos y utilizados por los contemporáneos? Así se subraya a grandes rasgos la dimensión colonial del gótico inglés tal como es perceptible por ejemplo en Escocia e Irlanda, y se puede concluir sobre la necesidad de un enfoque más europeo y menos anglo-centrico

    Adam Smith and the theory of punishment

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    A distinctive theory of punishment plays a central role in Smith's moral and legal theory. According to this theory, we regard the punishment of a crime as deserved only to the extent that an impartial spectator would go along with the actual or supposed resentment of the victim. The first part of this paper argues that Smith's theory deserves serious consideration and relates it to other theories such as utilitarianism and more orthodox forms of retributivism. The second part considers the objection that, because Smith's theory implies that punishment is justified only when there is some person or persons who is the victim of the crime, it cannot explain the many cases where punishment is imposed purely for the public good. It is argued that Smith's theory could be extended to cover such cases. The third part defends Smith's theory against the objection that, because it relies on our natural feelings, it cannot provide an adequate moral justification of punishment

    Polypseudologarithms revisited

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    Lee, in a series of papers, described a unified formulation of the statistical thermodynamics of ideal quantum gases in terms of the polylogarithm functions, Lis(z)\textup{Li}_{s} (z). It is aimed here to investigate the functions Lis(z),\textup{Li}_{s} (z), for s=0,1,2,...,s = 0, -1, -2, ..., which are, following Lee, referred to as the polypseudologarithms (or polypseudologs) of order nn. Various known results regarding polypseudologs, mainly obtained in widely differing contexts and currently scattered throughout the literature, have been brought together along with many new results and insights and they all have been proved in a simple and unified manner. In addition, a new general explicit closed-form formula for these functions involving the Carlitz--Scoville higher tangent numbers has been established.Comment: 10 page

    Parametric Images in Assessing Bone Grafts Using Dynamic 18F-Fluoride PET

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    The early identification of graft failure would improve patient management. 18F-fluoride is a suitable tracer for quantifying bone metabolism. Performance of parametric images constructed by Patlak graphical analysis (PGA) with various time periods was evaluated in the analysis of dynamic 18F-fluoride PET studies of eight patients with fibula bone grafts after limb salvage surgery. The PGA parametric image approach tended to underestimate influx rate. The linear portion of PGA analysis was found to be from 10 to 50 min. It shows promise in providing a quantitative assessment of the viability of bone grafts

    Reid on Scepticism about Agency and the Self

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    Performance of nano-structured multilayer PVD coating TiAlN/VN in dry high speed milling of aerospace aluminium 7010-T7651

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    A low-friction and wear resistant TiAlN/VN multilayer coating with TiAlN/VN bilayer thickness 3 nm has been grown by using the combined cathodic arc etching and unbalanced magnetron sputtering deposition on high speed steel tools for dry cutting of aluminium alloys. In this paper, in-lab and industrial high speed milling tests have been performed on an aerospace aluminium alloy 7010-T7651. The results show that the TiAlN/VN coated tools achieved lower cutting forces, lower metal surface roughness, and significantly longer tool lifetime by three times over the uncoated tools as a result of the low friction and eliminated tool-metal adhesion. Under the same conditions, a TiAlN based multicomponent coating TiAlCrYN also increased the tool lifetime by up to 100% despite the high cutting forces measured