253 research outputs found

    A mitochondrial-derived vesicle HOPS to endolysosomes using Syntaxin-17.

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    Damaged mitochondrial content is packaged in mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDVs), which are targeted for degradation through an unclear mechanism. McLelland et al. (2016. J. Cell Biol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201603105) show that the SNARE Syntaxin-17 mediates MDV fusion with endolysosomes, promoting the delivery of mitochondrial cargo to lysosomes for degradation

    Drosophila Parkin requires PINK1 for mitochondrial translocation and ubiquitinates Mitofusin

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    Loss of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin causes early onset Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder of unknown etiology. Parkin has been linked to multiple cellular processes including protein degradation, mitochondrial homeostasis, and autophagy; however, its precise role in pathogenesis is unclear. Recent evidence suggests that Parkin is recruited to damaged mitochondria, possibly affecting mitochondrial fission and/or fusion, to mediate their autophagic turnover. The precise mechanism of recruitment and the ubiquitination target are unclear. Here we show in Drosophila cells that PINK1 is required to recruit Parkin to dysfunctional mitochondria and promote their degradation. Furthermore, PINK1 and Parkin mediate the ubiquitination of the profusion factor Mfn on the outer surface of mitochondria. Loss of Drosophila PINK1 or parkin causes an increase in Mfn abundance in vivo and concomitant elongation of mitochondria. These findings provide a molecular mechanism by which the PINK1/Parkin pathway affects mitochondrial fission/fusion as suggested by previous genetic interaction studies. We hypothesize that Mfn ubiquitination may provide a mechanism by which terminally damaged mitochondria are labeled and sequestered for degradation by autophagy

    Formation of cristae and crista junctions in mitochondria depends on antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g

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    Crista junctions (CJs) are important for mitochondrial organization and function, but the molecular basis of their formation and architecture is obscure. We have identified and characterized a mitochondrial membrane protein in yeast, Fcj1 (formation of CJ protein 1), which is specifically enriched in CJs. Cells lacking Fcj1 lack CJs, exhibit concentric stacks of inner membrane in the mitochondrial matrix, and show increased levels of F1FO–ATP synthase (F1FO) supercomplexes. Overexpression of Fcj1 leads to increased CJ formation, branching of cristae, enlargement of CJ diameter, and reduced levels of F1FO supercomplexes. Impairment of F1FO oligomer formation by deletion of its subunits e/g (Su e/g) causes CJ diameter enlargement and reduction of cristae tip numbers and promotes cristae branching. Fcj1 and Su e/g genetically interact. We propose a model in which the antagonism between Fcj1 and Su e/g locally modulates the F1FO oligomeric state, thereby controlling membrane curvature of cristae to generate CJs and cristae tips

    What is the function of mitochondrial networks? A theoretical assessment of hypotheses and proposal for future research

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    Mitochondria can change their shape from discrete isolated organelles to a large continuous reticulum. The cellular advantages underlying these fused networks are still incompletely understood. In this paper, we describe and compare hypotheses regarding the function of mitochondrial networks. We use mathematical and physical tools both to investigate existing hypotheses and to generate new ones, and we suggest experimental and modelling strategies. Among the novel insights we underline from this work are the possibilities that (i) selective mitophagy is not required for quality control because selective fusion is sufficient; (ii) increased connectivity may have non-linear effects on the diffusion rate of proteins; and (iii) fused networks can act to dampen biochemical fluctuations. We hope to convey to the reader that quantitative approaches can drive advances in the understanding of the physiological advantage of these morphological changes

    Regulation of the Stress-Activated Degradation of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complexes in Yeast

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    [EN] Repair and removal of damaged mitochondria is a key process for eukaryotic cell homeostasis. Here we investigate in the yeast model how different protein complexes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain are subject to specific degradation upon high respiration load and organelle damage. We find that the turnover of subunits of the electron transport complex I equivalent and complex III is preferentially stimulated upon high respiration rates. Particular mitochondrial proteases, but not mitophagy, are involved in this activated degradation. Further mitochondrial damage by valinomycin treatment of yeast cells triggers the mitophagic removal of the same respiratory complexes. This selective protein degradation depends on the mitochondrial fusion and fission apparatus and the autophagy adaptor protein Atg11, but not on the mitochondrial mitophagy receptor Atg32. Loss of autophagosomal protein function leads to valinomycin sensitivity and an overproduction of reactive oxygen species upon mitochondrial damage. A specific event in this selective turnover of electron transport chain complexes seems to be the association of Atg11 with the mitochondrial network, which can be achieved by overexpression of the Atg11 protein even in the absence of Atg32. Furthermore, the interaction of various Atg11 molecules via the C-terminal coil domain is specifically and rapidly stimulated upon mitochondrial damage and could therefore be an early trigger of selective mitophagy in response to the organelles dysfunction. Our work indicates that autophagic quality control upon mitochondrial damage operates in a selective manner.This work was funded by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (BFU2011-23326) and from Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (BFU2016-75792-R). AT-G received a pre-doctoral fellowship from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (JAE-Pre).Timón Gómez, A.; Sanfeliu-Redondo, D.; Pascual-Ahuir Giner, MD.; Proft, MH. (2018). Regulation of the Stress-Activated Degradation of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complexes in Yeast. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.00106S

    Redox control of protein degradation

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    Intracellular proteolysis is critical to maintain timely degradation of altered proteins including oxidized proteins. This review attempts to summarize the most relevant findings about oxidant protein modification, as well as the impact of reactive oxygen species on the proteolytic systems that regulate cell response to an oxidant environment: the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), autophagy and the unfolded protein response (UPR). In the presence of an oxidant environment, these systems are critical to ensure proteostasis and cell survival. An example of altered degradation of oxidized proteins in pathology is provided for neurodegenerative diseases. Future work will determine if protein oxidation is a valid target to combat proteinopathies

    The making of a mammalian peroxisome, version 2.0: mitochondria get into the mix

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via the DOI in this record.A recent report from the laboratory of Heidi McBride (McGill University) presents a role for mitochondria in the de novo biogenesis of peroxisomes in mammalian cells (1). Peroxisomes are essential organelles responsible for a wide variety of biochemical functions, from the generation of bile, to plasmalogen synthesis, reduction of peroxides, and the oxidation of very long chain fatty acids (2). Like mitochondria, peroxisomes proliferate primarily through growth and division of pre-existing peroxisomes (3-6). However, unlike mitochondria, peroxisomes do not fuse (5,7); further, and perhaps most importantly, they can also be born de novo, a process thought to occur through the generation of pre-peroxisomal vesicles that originate from the endoplasmic reticulum (reviewed in (8,9). De novo peroxisome biogenesis has been extensively studies in yeast, with a major focus on the role of the ER in this process. Comprehensive studies in mammalian cells are, however, scarce (5,10-12). By exploiting patient cells lacking mature peroxisomes, Sugiura et al. (1) now assign a role to ER and mitochondria in de novo mammalian peroxisome biogenesis by showing that the formation of immature preperoxisomes occurs through the fusion of Pex3- / Pex14-containing mitochondriaderived vesicles with Pex16-containing ER-derived vesicles

    ATG5 is essential for ATG8-dependent autophagy and mitochondrial homeostasis in Leishmania major

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    Macroautophagy has been shown to be important for the cellular remodelling required for Leishmania differentiation. We now demonstrate that L. major contains a functional ATG12-ATG5 conjugation system, which is required for ATG8-dependent autophagosome formation. Nascent autophagosomes were found commonly associated with the mitochondrion. L. major mutants lacking ATG5 (Δatg5) were viable as promastigotes but were unable to form autophagosomes, had morphological abnormalities including a much reduced flagellum, were less able to differentiate and had greatly reduced virulence to macrophages and mice. Analyses of the lipid metabolome of Δatg5 revealed marked elevation of phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) in comparison to wild type parasites. The Δatg5 mutants also had increased mitochondrial mass but reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and higher levels of reactive oxygen species. These findings indicate that the lack of ATG5 and autophagy leads to perturbation of the phospholipid balance in the mitochondrion, possibly through ablation of membrane use and conjugation of mitochondrial PE to ATG8 for autophagosome biogenesis, resulting in a dysfunctional mitochondrion with impaired oxidative ability and energy generation. The overall result of this is reduced virulence