305 research outputs found

    Colonização por ESKAPES e características clínicas de pacientes críticos

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    Objective: To identify colonization by ESKAPES and clinical characteristics of patients admitted in Adult Intensive Care Unit of a mixed hospital in Paraná.Method: Field research, descriptive, documentary and experimental quantitative approach, developed in adult Intensive Care Unit of a mixed hospital in Southwest Paraná, Brazil. The study population consisted of patients with admission from 48 hours in the Intensive Care Unit, from April to August 2018 and April to August 2019. The sample has 102 individuals. For the collection of clinical data, a checklist was used and for microbiological analysis the sample was collected from nasal and oral cavities and tracheal secretion. The analysis of clinical data occurred through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. Descriptive frequency and chi-square test, considering significant p <0,05.Results: A total of 102 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit during the period studied were evaluated. On these ones, 57 (55,8%) were colonized by pathogenic microorganisms. Regarding the colonization of microorganisms, there was predominance of Staphylococcus aureus (61,4%), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (40,4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26,3%) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (21,1%). It is noteworthy that Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus were present in the three regions evaluated.Conclusion: The study identified the presence of colonization in critically ill patients studied, being this colonization, mostly, resistant bacteria belonging to the ESKAPE groupObjetivo: Identificar la colonización por ESKAPES y las características clínicas de los pacientes hospitalizados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos para Adultos de un hospital mixto en Paraná.Método: Investigación de campo, descriptiva, documental y experimental con enfoque cuantitativo, desarollada en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos adultos de un hospital mixto en el suroeste de Paraná, Brasil. La población del estudio consistió en pacientes con ingreso de 48 horas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, de abril a agosto de 2018 y de abril a agosto de 2019. La muestra totalizó 102 individuos. Para la recopilación de datos clínicos, se utilizó un Checklist y para el análisis microbiológico se recogieron muestras de las cavidades nasales y orales y la secreción traqueal. El análisis de los datos clínicos se produjo a través del software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Se realizaron pruebas de frecuencia y chi-cuadrado, teniendo en cuenta la p<0,05 significativa.Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 102 pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos durante el período estudiado. De ellos, 57 (55,8%) fueron colonizados por microorganismos patógenos. En cuanto a la colonización por microorganismos, predominan Staphylococcus aureus (61,4%), seguido de Klebsiella pneumoniae (40,4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26,3%) y Staphylococcus epidermidis (21,1%). Cabe destacar que Klebsiella pneumoniae y Staphylococcus aureus estuvieron presentes en las tres regiones evaluadas.Conclusión: El estudio identificó la presencia de colonización en pacientes en estado crítico estudiados, siendo esta colonización, en su mayoría, por bacterias resistentes pertenecientes al grupo ESKAPE.Objetivo: Identificar a colonização por ESKAPES e características clínicas de pacientes internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto de um hospital misto do Paraná.Método: Pesquisa de campo, descritiva, documental e experimental com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva adulto de um hospital misto do Sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil. A população do estudo constituiu-se pelos pacientes com admissão a partir de 48 horas na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, no período de abril a agosto de 2018 e de abril a agosto de 2019. A amostra totalizou 102 indivíduos. Para a coleta de dados clínicos foi utilizado um Checklist e para a análise microbiológica foram coletadas amostras das cavidades nasal e oral e secreção traqueal. A análise dos dados ocorreu por meio do software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Realizou-se frequência descritiva e teste de qui-quadrado, considerando significativo p <0,05.Resultados: Foram avaliados 102 pacientes admitidos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva durante o período pesquisado. Destes, 57 (55,8%) estavam colonizados por microrganismos patogênicos. Em relação à colonização de microrganismos, houve predominância de Staphylococcus aureus (61,4%), seguido por Klebsiella pneumoniae (40,4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26,3%) e Staphylococcus epidermidis (21,1%). Vale ressaltar que, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Staphylococcus aureus estiveram presentes nas três regiões avaliadas.Conclusão: O estudo identificou a presença de colonização nos pacientes criticamente enfermos pesquisados, sendo essa colonização, em sua maioria, por bactérias resistentes pertencentes ao grupo ESKAPE


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    A exposição crônica a pesticidas e desreguladores endócrinos causam alterações na expressão gênica em tecido mamário, o que torna mulheres submetidas a essa condição mais propicias a desenvolverem o câncer de mama. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar e revisar sistematicamente a correlação entre exposição aos agrotóxicos e a carcinogênese mamária, apontando mecanismos observados in vivo e in situ. Foi utilizado o protocolo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA), a busca foi realizada no PubMed, resultando em 58 artigos, incluídos no presente estudo. Diante do exposto pode-se observar genotoxicidade celular mediado pela exposição a pesticidas de diferentes classes químicas e desreguladores endócrinos, o que em tese desencadeiam o estresse genotóxico em tecido mamário normal promovendo a carcinogênese, e naquelas já diagnosticadas com câncer de mama levam a maior probabilidade de desenvolverem metástases. A presente revisão destaca a necessidade de estudos que explorem e identifiquem os mecanismos envolvidos em tal condição, sendo que evidências inequívocas relacionam a carcinogênese mamária com exposição a compostos químicos e desreguladores endócrinos

    Brief research report pesticide occupational exposure leads to significant inflammatory changes in normal mammary breast tissue

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    Studies have documented the high occurrence of several tumors, including female breast cancer, in populations occupationally exposed to pesticides worldwide. It is believed that in addition to direct DNA damage, other molecular alterations that indicate genomic instability are associated, such as epigenetic modifications and the production of inflammation mediators. The present study characterized the profile of inflammatory changes in the breast tissue of women without cancer occupationally exposed to pesticides. In samples of normal breast tissue collected during biopsy and evaluated as negative for cancer by a pathologist, oxidative stress levels were assessed as inflammatory markers through measurements of lipoperoxides and total antioxidant capacity of the sample (TRAP) by high-sensitivity chemiluminescence, as well as levels of nitric oxide (NOx) metabolites. The levels of inflammation-modulating transcription factors PPAR-γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) and NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B) were also quantified, in addition to the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 12 (IL-12). The levels of lipoperoxides, TRAP, and NOx were significantly lower in the exposed group. On the other hand, PPAR-γ levels were increased in the breast tissue of exposed women, with no variation in NF-κB. There was also a rise of TNF-α in exposed women samples without significant variations in IL-12 levels. These findings suggest an inflammatory signature of the breast tissue associated with pesticide exposure, which may trigger mechanisms related to mutations and breast carcinogenesis

    Eficácia de intervenções imunomoduladoras para o tratamento da Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA)

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    A esclerose lateral amiotrófica (ELA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que afeta as células nervosas responsáveis pelo controle dos músculos voluntários, resultando em fraqueza muscular e atrofia. Nesse contexto, as intervenções imunomoduladoras têm como objetivo modular a resposta imune do organismo, ao reduzir a inflamação e possibilitar a neuroproteção, a partir do uso de anticorpos monoclonais, inibidores de citocinas e moduladores do sistema imunológico. No entanto, a eficácia de tais intervenções no tratamento da ELA ainda é incerta. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a eficácia de intervenções imunomoduladoras para o tratamento da esclerose lateral amiotrófica. Para isso, foram selecionados cinco artigos que abordavam sobre a sua eficácia, por meio de uma estratégia de busca com recorte temporal entre 2017 e 2023, nas bases de dados PubMed (Medline), Cochrane Library e Embase. As intervenções imunomoduladoras, como o uso de inibidores de citocinas, têm demonstrado eficácia no tratamento da esclerose lateral amiotrófica (ELA). Além disso, há evidências de que a inflamação crônica pode estar envolvida em sua patogênese, o que sugere que a modulação do sistema imunológico pode ser uma abordagem terapêutica promissora. Em estudos clínicos recentes, a terapia com inibidores de citocinas mostrou-se capaz de reduzir a progressão da doença e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com ELA. Ademais, há evidências que o uso de células-tronco pode melhorar o status funcional em pacientes com a doença. Entretanto, são necessários mais estudos, como ensaios clínicos randomizados e revisões sistemáticas com meta-análises, a fim de ratificar a eficácia das estratégias imunomoduladoras para a patologia

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis

    Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

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    Background Underweight and obesity are associated with adverse health outcomes throughout the life course. We estimated the individual and combined prevalence of underweight or thinness and obesity, and their changes, from 1990 to 2022 for adults and school-aged children and adolescents in 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 3663 population-based studies with 222 million participants that measured height and weight in representative samples of the general population. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in the prevalence of different BMI categories, separately for adults (age ≥20 years) and school-aged children and adolescents (age 5–19 years), from 1990 to 2022 for 200 countries and territories. For adults, we report the individual and combined prevalence of underweight (BMI <18·5 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). For schoolaged children and adolescents, we report thinness (BMI <2 SD below the median of the WHO growth reference) and obesity (BMI >2 SD above the median). Findings From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity in adults decreased in 11 countries (6%) for women and 17 (9%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 that the observed changes were true decreases. The combined prevalence increased in 162 countries (81%) for women and 140 countries (70%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. In 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity was highest in island nations in the Caribbean and Polynesia and Micronesia, and countries in the Middle East and north Africa. Obesity prevalence was higher than underweight with posterior probability of at least 0·80 in 177 countries (89%) for women and 145 (73%) for men in 2022, whereas the converse was true in 16 countries (8%) for women, and 39 (20%) for men. From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of thinness and obesity decreased among girls in five countries (3%) and among boys in 15 countries (8%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80, and increased among girls in 140 countries (70%) and boys in 137 countries (69%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. The countries with highest combined prevalence of thinness and obesity in school-aged children and adolescents in 2022 were in Polynesia and Micronesia and the Caribbean for both sexes, and Chile and Qatar for boys. Combined prevalence was also high in some countries in south Asia, such as India and Pakistan, where thinness remained prevalent despite having declined. In 2022, obesity in school-aged children and adolescents was more prevalent than thinness with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 among girls in 133 countries (67%) and boys in 125 countries (63%), whereas the converse was true in 35 countries (18%) and 42 countries (21%), respectively. In almost all countries for both adults and school-aged children and adolescents, the increases in double burden were driven by increases in obesity, and decreases in double burden by declining underweight or thinness. Interpretation The combined burden of underweight and obesity has increased in most countries, driven by an increase in obesity, while underweight and thinness remain prevalent in south Asia and parts of Africa. A healthy nutrition transition that enhances access to nutritious foods is needed to address the remaining burden of underweight while curbing and reversing the increase in obesit

    Search for anomalous couplings in boosted WW/WZ -> l nu q(q)over-bar production in proton-proton collisions at root s=8TeV

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    Search for heavy resonances decaying to two Higgs bosons in final states containing four b quarks

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    A search is presented for narrow heavy resonances X decaying into pairs of Higgs bosons (H) in proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at root s = 8 TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb(-1). The search considers HH resonances with masses between 1 and 3 TeV, having final states of two b quark pairs. Each Higgs boson is produced with large momentum, and the hadronization products of the pair of b quarks can usually be reconstructed as single large jets. The background from multijet and t (t) over bar events is significantly reduced by applying requirements related to the flavor of the jet, its mass, and its substructure. The signal would be identified as a peak on top of the dijet invariant mass spectrum of the remaining background events. No evidence is observed for such a signal. Upper limits obtained at 95 confidence level for the product of the production cross section and branching fraction sigma(gg -> X) B(X -> HH -> b (b) over barb (b) over bar) range from 10 to 1.5 fb for the mass of X from 1.15 to 2.0 TeV, significantly extending previous searches. For a warped extra dimension theory with amass scale Lambda(R) = 1 TeV, the data exclude radion scalar masses between 1.15 and 1.55 TeV

    Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton and multiple jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Measurement of the top quark mass using charged particles in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

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