4 research outputs found

    Polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-3: a target engagement marker for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 in peripheral blood

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    Background: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 is a rare neurodegenerative disease caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the ataxin-3 gene. Although no curative therapy is yet available, preclinical gene-silencing approaches to reduce polyglutamine (polyQ) toxicity demonstrate promising results. In view of upcoming clinical trials, quantitative and easily accessible molecular markers are of critical importance as pharmacodynamic and particularly as target engagement markers. Objective: We aimed at developing an ultrasensitive immunoassay to measure specifically polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Methods: Using the novel single molecule counting ataxin-3 immunoassay, we analyzed cross-sectional and longitudinal patient biomaterials. Results: Statistical analyses revealed a correlation with clinical parameters and a stability of polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 during conversion from the pre-ataxic to the ataxic phases. Conclusions: The novel immunoassay is able to quantify polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 in plasma and CSF, whereas ataxin-3 levels in plasma correlate with disease severity. Longitudinal analyses demonstrated a high stability of polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 over a short period. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder SocietyFunding agencies: This project is supported by the EU Joint Programme—Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) through the following funding organizations under the aegis of JPND: Germany, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; funding codes 01ED1602A/B); Netherlands, The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development; Portugal, Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, grant number JPCOFUND/0001/2015), and Regional Fund for Science and Technology of the Azores; and United Kingdom, Medical Research Council. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement number 643417. In addition, support has been received by the BIONIC project (number 733050822, which has been made possible by ZonMW as part of “Memorabel,” the research and innovation program for dementia, as part of the Dutch national “Deltaplan for Dementia”: zonmw.nl/dementiaresearch), the CAF[1]E project (the National Institutes of Health, USA, grant number 5R01NS104147-02), and a grant from the Selfridges Group Foundation (NR170024). The BIONIC project is a consortium of Radboudumc, LUMC, ADX Neurosciences, and Rhode Island University

    Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies

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    Quels rapports les sociétés humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passé et quels récits font-elles du temps révolu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies, 157 spécialistes représentant 88 institutions académiques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l’historien et déchiffrent les nombreuses modalités (« scientifiques », littéraires, artistiques, monumentales…) de l’écriture du passé. Évoquant tour à tour l’Afrique, l’Amérique latine, l’Asie, l’Océanie, les 216 notices de l’ouvrage présentent des matériaux historiques de toute nature, issus de toutes les époques, souvent méconnus, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs usages. L’entreprise collective qu’est l’Encyclopédie se veut novatrice : il s’agit de susciter une réflexion historiographique résolument non-occidentalo-centrée qui complète utilement les démarches épistémologiques traditionnelles. Nouvel outil de connaissance historique forgé à l’heure de la mondialisation, l’Encyclopédie des historiographies est aussi une véritable invitation au voyage.What are the different types of relations that non-Western societies upkeep with their past and how are narratives about the past produced by them? In this first volume of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography: Africa, America, Asia, 157 specialists from 88 international academic institutions explore the wealth of evidence that constitutes source material for historians. They also examine the immensely diverse modes or genres of narrated history: “scientific”, literary, artistic, architectural, etc. 216 entries dealing with Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, cover a large variety of sources, including many which are unfamiliar to the Western or non-Western reader, along with the history of how they have been exploited. By bringing together for the first time such an abundance of material the reader is offered the possibility of exploring continents and building meaningful connections across space and time. In addition to being a new tool for historical enquiry in an era of globalization, this encyclopaedia is also an invitation to travel the world

    D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.

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    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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