4,150 research outputs found

    Analysis strategy for the SM Higgs boson search in the four-lepton final state in CMS

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    The current status of the searches for the SM Higgs boson in the HH\rightarrowZZ()ZZ^{(*)}\rightarrow44\ell decay channel with the CMS experiment is presented. The selection cuts for suppressing the backgrounds while keeping very high signal efficiencies are described, along with the data-driven algorithms implemented to estimate the background yields and the systematic uncertainties. With an integrated luminosity of 1.66fb11.66 \mathrm{fb}^{-1}, upper limits at 95% CL on the SM-like Higgs cross section ×\times branching ratio exclude cross sections from about one to two times the expected value from the Standard Model in the range 150<mH<420GeV150 < m_{H} < 420 \mathrm{GeV}. No evidence for the existence of the SM Higgs boson has been found so far.Comment: "Presented at the 2011 Hadron Collider Physics symposium (HCP-2011), Paris, France, November 14-18 2011, 3 pages, 5 figures.

    Cellular Automaton for Realistic Modelling of Landslides

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    A numerical model is developed for the simulation of debris flow in landslides over a complex three dimensional topography. The model is based on a lattice, in which debris can be transferred among nearest neighbors according to established empirical relationships for granular flows. The model is then validated by comparing a simulation with reported field data. Our model is in fact a realistic elaboration of simpler ``sandpile automata'', which have in recent years been studied as supposedly paradigmatic of ``self-organized criticality''. Statistics and scaling properties of the simulation are examined, and show that the model has an intermittent behavior.Comment: Revised version (gramatical and writing style cleanup mainly). Accepted for publication by Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 16 pages, 98Kb uuencoded compressed dvi file (that's the way life is easiest). Big (6Mb) postscript figures available upon request from [email protected] / [email protected]

    Agrifood market regulation and contractual relationships in the light of directive (eu) 633/2019

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    Il volume collettaneo analizza le tematiche connesse alla disciplina dei rapporti tra i diversi attori della filiera agroalimentare alla luce della Direttiva UE 2019/633 “in materia di pratiche commerciali sleali nei rapporti tra imprese nella filiera agricola e alimentare” e della sua attuazione negli Stati membri, nell’ottica della più ampia problematica della disciplina del mercato agroalimentare. In tale prospettiva, nella prima parte del volume la disciplina dei rapporti contrattuali della filiera agroalimentare viene inquadrata nell’ambito della PAC e della disciplina della concorrenza, evidenziandosi altresì le connessioni con altri profili di rilievo; nella seconda parte, l’analisi si concentra sull’attuazione della Direttiva UE 2019/633 nei diversi Stati membri, al fine di evidenziare i punti di forza e le debolezze del mutato quadro normativo europeo.The collective volume analyzes the issues related to the regulation of relations between the various parties operating within the agri-food chain in the light of EU Directive 2019/633 "on unfair commercial practices in relations between companies in the agricultural and food chain" and to its implementation in the Member States, with a view to the broader problem of agri-food market regulation. In this perspective, in the first part of the volume the discipline of contractual relations in the agri-food chain is framed in the context of the CAP and of the discipline of competition, also highlighting the connections with other relevant profiles; in the second part, the analysis focuses on the implementation of EU Directive 2019/633 in the various Member States, in order to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the changed European regulatory framework

    Bargaining power and unfair trading practices in the agri-food chain

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    Lo scopo del capitolo è determinare se la decisione del legislatore italiano di eliminare il cosiddetto «meccanismo a scaglioni» previsto dalla Direttiva (UE) 633/2019 renda irrilevanti le diverse dimensioni economiche e il potere contrattuale delle due parti in una relazione commerciale, oppure se la valutazione di tali profili riesca comunque a influenzare l'applicazione e l'interpretazione della legislazione italiana di attuazione, almeno in determinate ipotesi. Pertanto, il Capitolo esamina il cosiddetto «meccanismo a scaglioni» delineato nella direttiva europea, inclusive le sue caratteristiche e potenziali limitazioni (par. 2); esamina in dettaglio i casi di pratiche commerciali sleali contemplati dalla regolamentazione italiana di attuazione al fine di individuare, se del caso, eventuali riferimenti generali o specifici che mettano in evidenza - ai fini del divieto - le diverse dimensioni economiche e il potere contrattuale delle varie parti nella relazione commerciale (par. 3 e seguenti); fornisce alcune considerazioni finali riguardo a una possibile interpretazione migliorativa della disciplina italiana (par. 4)."The purpose of the chapter is to determine whether the Italian legislator’s decision to eliminate the so-called «staggered mechanism» provided by Directive (EU) 633/2019 renders irrelevant the different economic size and bargaining power of the two parties in a commercial relationship, or whether the assessment of such profiles nevertheless finds a way to influence the application and interpretation of the Italian implementing legislation, at least in certain hypotheses. Therefore, the Chapter examines the so-called «staggered mechanism» outlined in the European directive, including its characteristics and potential limitations (par. 2); examines in detail the cases of unfair trading practices contemplated by the Italian implementing regulation in order to identify, where applicable, any general or specific reference that highlights – for the purposes of the prohibition – the different economic dimensions and bargaining power of the various parties in the commercial relationship (par. 3 et seq.); and provides some final remarks regarding a possible improved Italian discipline interpretation (par. 4)