143 research outputs found

    Transcriptome changes in Hirschfeldia incana in response to lead exposure

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    Hirschfeldia incana, a pseudometallophyte belonging to the Brassicaceae family and widespread in the Mediterranean region, was selected for its ability to grow on soils contaminated by lead (Pb). The global comparison of gene expression using microarrays between a plant susceptible to Pb (Arabidopsis thaliana) and a Pb tolerant plant (H. incana) enabled the identification of a set of specific genes expressed in response to lead exposure. Three groups of genes were particularly over-represented by the Pb exposure in the biological processes categorized as photosynthesis, cell wall, and metal handling. Each of these gene groups was shown to be directly involved in tolerance or in protection mechanisms to the phytotoxicity associated with Pb. Among these genes, we demonstrated that MT2b, a metallothionein gene, was involved in lead accumulation, confirming the important role of metallothioneins in the accumulation and the distribution of Pb in leaves. On the other hand, several genes involved in biosynthesis of ABA were shown to be up regulated in the roots and shoots of H. incana treated with Pb, suggesting that ABA-mediated signaling is a possible mechanism in response to Pb treatment in H. incana. This latest finding is an important research direction for future studies

    The Lectin ArtinM Induces Recruitment of Rat Mast Cells from the Bone Marrow to the Peritoneal Cavity

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    Background: The D-mannose binding lectin ArtinM is known to recruit neutrophils, to degranulate mast cells and may have potential therapeutic applications. However, the effect of ArtinM on mast cell recruitment has not been investigated. Methodology: Male Wistar rats were injected i.p. with ArtinM or ConA (control). The ability of the lectin to degranulate peritoneal and mesenteric mast cells was examined. Recruitment of mast cells to the peritoneal cavity and mesentery after ArtinM injection was examined with or without depletion of peritoneal mast cells by distilled water. Results: ArtinM degranulated both peritoneal and mesentery mast cells in vitro. Three days after i.p. injection of the lectin there were reduced numbers of mast cells in the peritoneal lavage, while at 7 days post injection of ArtinM, the number of peritoneal mast cells was close to control values. Since immature mast cells are recruited from the bone marrow, the effect of the lectin on bone marrow mast cells was examined. Injection of ArtinM resulted in an increased number of mast cells in the bone marrow. To determine if degranulation of mast cells in the peritoneal cavity was required for the increase in bone marrow mast cells, the peritoneal cavity was depleted of mast cells with ultrapure water. Exposure to ArtinM increased the number of mast cells in the bone marrow of rats depleted of peritoneal mast cells. Conclusions: The ArtinM induced recruitment of mast cells from the bone marrow to the peritoneal cavity may partiall

    Interobserver variability of ultrasound parameters in portal hypertension

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    The aim of this study was to assess interobserver agreement of ultrasound parameters for portal hypertension in hepatosplenic mansonic schistosomiasis. Spleen size, diameter of the portal, splenic and superior mesenteric veins and presence of thrombosis and cavernous transformation were determined by three radiologists in blinded and independent fashion in 30 patients. Interobserver agreement was measured by the kappa index and intraclass correlation coefficient. Interobserver agreement was considered substantial (κ = 0.714-0.795) for portal vein thrombosis and perfect (κ = 1) for cavernous transformation. Interobserver agreement measured by the intraclass correlation coefficient was excellent for longitudinal diameter of the spleen (r = 0.828-0.869) and splenic index (r = 0.816-0.905) and varied from fair to almost perfect for diameter of the portal (r = 0.622-0.675), splenic (r = 0.573-0.913) and superior mesenteric (r = 0.525-0.607) veins. According to the results, ultrasound is a highly reproducible method for the main morphological parameters of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis patients.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Diagnóstico por ImagensUniversidade de Brasília Faculdade de MedicinaUNIFESP, Depto. de Diagnóstico por ImagensSciEL

    Self-reported data: a major tool to assess compliance with anti-malarial combination therapy among children in Senegal

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    Background: Although there are many methods available for measuring compliance, there is no formal gold standard. Different techniques used to measure compliance were compared among children treated by the anti-malarial amodiaquine/sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (AQ/SP) combination therapy, in use in Senegal between 2004 and 2006. Methods: The study was carried out in 2004, in five health centres located in the Thies region (Senegal). Children who had AQ/SP prescribed for three and one day respectively at the health centre were recruited. The day following the theoretical last intake of AQ, venous blood, and urine samples were collected for anti-malarial drugs dosage. Caregivers and children above five years were interviewed concerning children's drug intake. Results: Among the children, 64.7% adhered to 80% of the prescribed dose and only 37.7% were strict full adherent to the prescription. There was 72.7% agreement between self-reported data and blood drug dosage for amodiaquine treatment. Concerning SP, results found that blood dosages were 91.4% concordant with urine tests and 90% with self-reported data based on questionnaires. Conclusion: Self-reported data could provide useful quantitative information on drug intake and administration. Under strict methodological conditions this method, easy to implement, can be used to describe patients' behaviors and their use of new anti-malarial treatment. Self-reported data is a major tool for assessing compliance in resource poor countries. Blood and urine drug dosages provide qualitative results that confirm any drug intake. Urine assays for SP could be useful to obtain public health data, for example on chemoprophylaxis among pregnant women

    Manifestações do grupo fotográfico La Carpeta de los Diez nos últimos quinze anos no mercado da arte em Buenos Aires

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    La intención del presente trabajo radica en indagar la recuperación del grupo fotográfico La Carpeta de los Diez desde el mercado del arte de Buenos Aires en los últimos quince años a partir de la obra de algunos de sus miembros más destacados, en contraste con el escaso desarrollo de estudios sobre el grupo por parte de la academia y la historia de la fotografía. Se realizará un relevamiento de las diversas apariciones de La Carpeta y sus miembros desde inicios de este siglo en galerías y ferias, y se buscará comprender cómo y por qué su obra es retomada por dichas instituciones especializadas en comercialización de arte.This paper investigates the recovery of the work of the photographic group La Carpeta de los Diez, which was carried out by the art market of Buenos Aires during the last fifteen years. This recovery contrasts with the lack of study of the same work on behalf of the scholars specialized in the history of photography. By surveying the different appearances of La Carpeta since the beginning of this century, it will become clear that its work has recently become very relevant for the art market, being taken up by fairs and specialized institutions. This study will seek to understand the reasons behind this trend.A intenção do presente trabalho consiste em estudar a recuperação do grupo fotográfico La Carpeta de los Diez no mercado da arte de Buenos Aires nos últimos quinze anos, a partir da obra de alguns dos seus membros mais destacados, em contraste com o escasso desenvolvimento de estudos sobre o grupo por parte da academia e da história da fotografia. Realiza-se um mapeamento das diversas manifestações do grupo La Carpeta e dos seus membros desde o início deste século em galerias e feiras, e procura-se compreender como e por que a sua obra é retomada pelas instituições especializadas na comercialização de arte.Fil: Pestarino, Julieta. Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Centro de Investigación del Imaginario Visual; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Structuring the bacterial genome: Y1-transposases associated with REP-BIME sequences†

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    REPs are highly repeated intergenic palindromic sequences often clustered into structures called BIMEs including two individual REPs separated by short linker of variable length. They play a variety of key roles in the cell. REPs also resemble the sub-terminal hairpins of the atypical IS200/605 family of insertion sequences which encode Y1 transposases (TnpAIS200/IS605). These belong to the HUH endonuclease family, carry a single catalytic tyrosine (Y) and promote single strand transposition. Recently, a new clade of Y1 transposases (TnpAREP) was found associated with REP/BIME in structures called REPtrons. It has been suggested that TnpAREP is responsible for REP/BIME proliferation over genomes. We analysed and compared REP distribution and REPtron structure in numerous available E. coli and Shigella strains. Phylogenetic analysis clearly indicated that tnpAREP was acquired early in the species radiation and was lost later in some strains. To understand REP/BIME behaviour within the host genome, we also studied E. coli K12 TnpAREP activity in vitro and demonstrated that it catalyses cleavage and recombination of BIMEs. While TnpAREP shared the same general organization and similar catalytic characteristics with TnpAIS200/IS605 transposases, it exhibited distinct properties potentially important in the creation of BIME variability and in their amplification. TnpAREP may therefore be one of the first examples of transposase domestication in prokaryotes

    A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Support of Science, Policy, and Action

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    The health of the ocean, central to human well-being, has now reached a critical point. Most fish stocks are overexploited, climate change and increased dissolved carbon dioxide are changing ocean chemistry and disrupting species throughout food webs, and the fundamental capacity of the ocean to regulate the climate has been altered. However, key technical, organizational, and conceptual scientific barriers have prevented the identification of policy levers for sustainability and transformative action. Here, we recommend key strategies to address these challenges, including (1) stronger integration of sciences and (2) ocean-observing systems, (3) improved science-policy interfaces, (4) new partnerships supported by (5) a new ocean-climate finance system, and (6) improved ocean literacy and education to modify social norms and behaviors. Adopting these strategies could help establish ocean science as a key foundation of broader sustainability transformations

    Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018.

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    Over the past decade, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) has formulated guidelines for the definition and interpretation of cell death from morphological, biochemical, and functional perspectives. Since the field continues to expand and novel mechanisms that orchestrate multiple cell death pathways are unveiled, we propose an updated classification of cell death subroutines focusing on mechanistic and essential (as opposed to correlative and dispensable) aspects of the process. As we provide molecularly oriented definitions of terms including intrinsic apoptosis, extrinsic apoptosis, mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT)-driven necrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, parthanatos, entotic cell death, NETotic cell death, lysosome-dependent cell death, autophagy-dependent cell death, immunogenic cell death, cellular senescence, and mitotic catastrophe, we discuss the utility of neologisms that refer to highly specialized instances of these processes. The mission of the NCCD is to provide a widely accepted nomenclature on cell death in support of the continued development of the field