10 research outputs found

    Il modello MOND, un'alternativa alla materia oscura

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    In questo elaborato sono analizzate le prove che nel corso dell’ultimo secolo hanno portato all’introduzione del concetto di materia oscura, a partire dal lavoro di Fritz Zwicky. Ne viene poi stimata la densità nell’universo e vengono discusse le principali teorie riguardo alla sua composizione (Capitoli 1 e 2). In seguito (Capitolo 3) sono introdotte due prove che evidenziano una relazione tra materia oscura e materia barionica, quali la relazione di Tully Fisher e la correlazione tra l’accelerazione dovuta ai barioni e accelerazione totale osservata. Per giustificare queste viene dunque proposto un modello alternativo che non prevede la materia oscura (Capitolo 4). Questo modello, chiamato MOND, propone una modificazione della dinamica newtoniana (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) per accelerazioni inferiori ad un dato a0. Applicato alla teoria della gravitazione universale esso giustifica i risultati sperimentali sia del capitolo 2, che del capitolo 3. Infine (Capitolo 5) si cerca di dare supporto teorico a questo modello di natura empirica, rifacendosi all’interpretazione fluida del cosmo ed alla trattazione corpuscolare delle gravità

    When management meets science: adaptive analysis for the optimization of the eradication of the Northern raccoon ( Procyon lotor )

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    AbstractThe EU Regulation no.1143/2014 on invasive species requires the EU Member States to respond promptly and efficiently in eradicating the invasive alien species listed as species of Union concern. The Northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) was introduced in Northern Italy along the river Adda and we carried out its eradication campaign between 2016 and 2019. We used an integrated approach of camera traps and live traps. A standardized approach to the camera trap survey (2904 camera trap-nights) revealed that the detectability of raccoons (0.27 ± 0.07 SD) increased in the proximity of the river and their occupancy (0.15 ± 0.09 SD) was higher in urban areas. These results allowed us to increase the trapping success whilst reducing the effort. During the captures, systematic collection of catch and effort data allowed to estimate population size (65 ± 7.8 raccoons) and thus to have a continuous update on how far the campaign was from the complete eradication of the species, allowing to adjust the trapping effort accordingly. We captured 69 raccoons (7279 cage trap nights) thanks to both systematic trapping and opportunistic activation of traps following stakeholders' reports. Stakeholders supported the campaign and some of them played an important role in reporting sightings, signs, and allowing access to their private land. Camera trap data also allowed us to make a Rapid Eradication Assessment that estimated an eradication probability of 99% after 6 months without detections. We finally give indications for future control campaigns on the species to increase removal success, reducing the effort

    The masked invader strikes again: The conquest of Italy by the Northern raccoon

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    The Northern raccoon Procyon lotor is a species native to North and Central America, but alien populations have established in Europe, several Caribbean islands, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Japan, being introduced for fur farming, hunting, or as pets/attraction in animal parks. In the introduced range, raccoons may impact on breeding birds and amphibians, exert crop damages and transmit pathologies to wild species and humans. The species has been introduced also in Italy, where the only known reproductive population is observed since 2004 in Lombardy, along the Adda river. We reconstructed the current distribution range of the Northern raccoon in Italy, collecting information from scientific papers, articles in newspapers and books, as well from experts and local reporters. A total of 53 occurrence points were collected from observation sites. Since 2008, records from Lombardy increased, and sporadic observations were reported from seven other regions. A complete lack of records from the Northernmost provinces of Lombardy (Varese, Como and Sondrio) suggests that the only Italian population does not derive from a range expansion from Switzerland, but it should be considered as an independent, new introduction. Accidental observations of single individuals possibly escaped from captivity are often ignored, and only few animals were removed from the wild. An analysis of the potential distribution of the species was performed in a species distribution modeling framework (MaxEnt). A global model was built up considering the occurrences of reproductive populations from the native range and introduced areas in Europe and Japan and then projected to Italy. The model suggested a good suitability for the plains in Central-Northern Italy and a very low suitability of the Alpine region, thus providing support to the hypothesis that the Italian population did not derive from dispersal from Switzerland. If escapes or releases of raccoons will continue, there is a risk that the species could colonize other areas, making its containment more difficult

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Habitat use and diet of the Eurasian scops owl otus scops in the breeding and wintering periods in central Italy

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    The Eurasian scops owl is one of the least known European nocturnal raptors. The species is declining throughout its distributional range, thus giving concern for its conservation status. We investigated seasonal shifts in its habitat use and diet in central Italy, where scops owl is a resident species in Central Tuscany. The owls used grasslands and human settlements during the breeding period, while woodlands were mainly used during the winter. The main prey species in the diet during the warm period were grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae), whereas shrews (Soricomorpha) constituted the main prey during the winter. Thus, protecting extensive grassland would not suffice to conserve resident populations of Eurasian scops owls and preservation of mature deciduous woodlands with trunk cavities is also recommended

    Records of introduced stripe-necked terrapins (Mauremys species) in Italy

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    Freshwater turtles belong to the most popular pets and are often introduced outside their native range. Some species are highly invasive and may compete with native species. Three Mauremys species are naturally distributed in the Mediterranean region, but none is native to Italy. In this work we summarize records of Mauremys spp. in Italy. Records exist for 9 regions, but there are no verified breeding records. Reproduction could have happened in southern Tuscany for M. leprosa

    The principle of coherence in multi-level brain information processing

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