1,034 research outputs found

    Wynagrodzenia pracowników w majątku ziemskim Nieborów Janusza Radziwiłła w latach 30. XX w.

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    Badania na temat poziomu wynagrodzeń pracowników Janusza Radziwiłła w majątku nieborowskim możliwe były do przeprowadzenia dzięki archiwaliom zachowanym w Muzeum w Nieborowie, stanowiącym częśc akt podworskich. Są to zestawienia kadrowe i księgowe dawnej Administracji Dóbr i Interesów Księcia Janusza Radziwiłła. Istniejące akta w większości obejmuią dokumenrację z lat 30. XX w.Jarosław Durk

    Cosmological consequences of the NonCommutative Geometry Spectral Action

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    Cosmological consequences of the noncommutative geometry spectral action are presented. Neglecting the nonminimal coupling of the Higgs field to the curvature, background cosmology remains unchanged, and only the inhomogeneous perturbations will evolve differently from the equivalent classical system. However, considering the nonminimal coupling, corrections will be obtained even at the level of the background cosmologies. Finally, the Higgs field may act as an inflaton field, due to its nonminimal coupling with geometry.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX. Invited talk at the XXV Max Bonn Symposium "Physics at the Planck Scale", in Wroclaw (Poland), 29th June-3rd July 2009. To appear in the Conference Proceeding

    Geometrizing the Quantum - A Toy Model

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    It is shown that the equations of relativistic Bohmian mechanics for multiple bosonic particles have a dual description in terms of a classical theory of conformally "curved" space-time. This shows that it is possible to formulate quantum mechanics as a purely classical geometrical theory. The results are further generalized to interactions with an external electromagnetic field.Comment: Talk given the XXV Max Born Symposium, 6 pages, no figur

    Korespondencja dyrekcji fabryki papieru w Myszkowie z zarządami Standard-Nobel w Polsce S.A. i Vacuum Oil Company S.A. w latach 1928-1939. Materiały do dziejów przemysłu paliwowego w Polsce

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    Materials include correspondence between the direction of a paper factory in Myszkow and boards Standard-Nobel in Poland SA and the Vacuum Oil Company SA in the years 1928-1939. They are an interesting source for the history of the oil industry in Poland. Represent the negotiations on the establishment of service stations in a paper factory. Describes the station equipment. Suggest legal solutions needed to conclude such agreements at the time

    AdS--Maxwell superalgebra and supergravity

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    In this paper we derive the Anti de Sitter counterpart of the super-Maxwell algebra presented recently by Bonanos et.\ al. Then we gauge this algebra and derive the corresponding supergravity theory, which turns out to be described by the standard N=1 supergravity lagrangian, up to topological terms.Comment: 8 pages, in v2 reference adde

    Quantum geometry and quantum dynamics at the Planck scale

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    Canonical quantum gravity provides insights into the quantum dynamics as well as quantum geometry of space-time by its implications for constraints. Loop quantum gravity in particular requires specific corrections due to its quantization procedure, which also results in a discrete picture of space. The corresponding changes compared to the classical behavior can most easily be analyzed in isotropic models, but perturbations around them are more involved. For one type of corrections, consistent equations have been found which shed light on the underlying space-time structure at the Planck scale: not just quantum dynamics but also the concept of space-time manifolds changes in quantum gravity. Effective line elements provide indications for possible relationships to other frameworks, such as non-commutative geometry.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of "The Planck Scale" (XXV Max Born Symposium, Wroclaw

    Deformed BF theory as a theory of gravity and supergravity

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    Thesis provides an analysis of various aspects theory of gravity seen as a deformation of a topological SO(2,3) BF theory. Considered framework, originating from the 70's and known as MacDowell-Mansouri gravity, assures the most general form of action, containing the Einstein-Cartan action with a negative cosmological constant, the Holst term, and the topological Euler, Pontryagin and Nieh-Yan invariants. Main goal was to investigate the presence of Barbero-Immirzi parameter in the context of supergravity, as well as black hole thermodynamics arising from the gravitational Noether charges.Comment: 84 pages, Ph.D. thesis, Institute for Theoretical Physics at University of Wroclaw, 201