35 research outputs found

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it

    Hacia un hospital sin Látex

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    Artículos originales[ES] El objetivo principal de este trabajo es, describir los pasos que se han dado en un hospital público para ir "Hacia un Hospital sin Látex". El aumento de la prevalencia de las enfermedades alérgicas, nos lleva a realizar una serie de actuaciones englobadas dentro de una política hospitalaria para disminuir la presencia de látex en el hospital. Con ello, queremos conseguir disminuir la alergia al látex de los trabajadores y evitar en los pacientes especialmente sensibles las posibles reacciones alérgicas al ser intervenidos quirúrgicamente. [EN] The main objective of this work is to describe the steps that hand been given in a public hospital in order to go "Towards a hospital without latex". The increasing of allergy illness is the reason because of that; we have to make a number of actions in a hospitable policy, with the purpose of decreasing the latex content in the hospital. With theses actions we want to get a latex allergy decreasing in the workers avoiding in the sensitive patients the possible allergy reactions when they are performed an operation.N

    Safety basic rules when handling non-ionizing radiation equipment

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    Actualizaciones y revisiones[ES] La preocupación creciente de los trabajadores hacia los posibles efectos nocivos de la exposición a campos electromagnéticos, está suponiendo una percepción desproporcionada de los riesgos derivados de la exposición. En la actualidad, no existe evidencia científica sobre dichos efectos nocivos, siendo aconsejable la vigilancia sobre las exposiciones que están fuera de los límites de seguridad. Desde este Servicio de Prevención y en colaboración con el Servicio de Física Médica, hemos elaborado un procedimiento que garantice, mediante criterios preventivos básicos, la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores que manejan equipos emisores de radiaciones no ionizantes, en nuestro hospital y centros de especialidades. Para la elaboración de este procedimiento hemos revisado la literatura científica relativa a los efectos de los campos electromagnéticos sobre la salud, reuniones periódicas de trabajo entre ambos servicios, identificación y ubicación de los equipos de radiaciones no ionizantes, y asesoramiento por expertos en la materia. El procedimiento establece medidas de control para los trabajadores, y medidas de control para los equipos. Con la finalidad de conseguir una buena difusión e implantación de dicho procedimiento, hemos elaborado dípticos y carteles, donde reflejamos las medidas de control para trabajadores y equipos: Onda Corta, Microondas, Magnetoterapia, Resonancia Magnética Nuclear, Láser y Ultravioleta El procedimiento con sus carteles explicativos ha sido distribuido específicamente por servicios, realizando formación e información de los trabajadores que maneja dichos equipos[EN] Employee increasing concern about possible dangerous effects of the exposure to electromagnetic fields is meaning a distorted perception of the exposure related risks. Currently, there is no scientific evidence of the dangerous effects mentioned although surveillance over the exposures out of the safety limits is recommended. Within this Prevention Department in cooperation with The Medical Physics Department a procedure based on basic preventive criteria has been elaborated to guarantee health and safety of the employees who handle non-ionizing radiation emitting equipment in our hospital and specialized centers. To draw the procedure: scientific literature related to the electromagnetic fields effects over health has been checked, periodical working meetings have been held between both above mentioned departments; non-ionizing radiation equipment have been identified as well as the places they are based or used; and expert people advice has been used. The procedure sets control and follow-up measurements both for people and equipment such as follows: Shortwave, microwave and magnetic therapy, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Laser, Ultraviolet radiation. The procedure and illustrative posters have been deployed to the linked departments, the information and training having been given to the employees who work with kind of equipment.N

    Normas básicas de seguridad durante el manejo de equipos de radiaciones no ionizantes Safety basic rules when handling non-ionizing radiation equipment

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    La preocupación creciente de los trabajadores hacia los posibles efectos nocivos de la exposición a campos electromagnéticos, está suponiendo una percepción desproporcionada de los riesgos derivados de la exposición. En la actualidad, no existe evidencia científica sobre dichos efectos nocivos, siendo aconsejable la vigilancia sobre las exposiciones que están fuera de los límites de seguridad. Desde este Servicio de Prevención y en colaboración con el Servicio de Física Médica, hemos elaborado un procedimiento que garantice, mediante criterios preventivos básicos, la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores que manejan equipos emisores de radiaciones no ionizantes, en nuestro hospital y centros de especialidades. Para la elaboración de este procedimiento hemos revisado la literatura científica relativa a los efectos de los campos electromagnéticos sobre la salud, reuniones periódicas de trabajo entre ambos servicios, identificación y ubicación de los equipos de radiaciones no ionizantes, y asesoramiento por expertos en la materia. El procedimiento establece medidas de control para los trabajadores, y medidas de control para los equipos. Con la finalidad de conseguir una buena difusión e implantación de dicho procedimiento, hemos elaborado dípticos y carteles, donde reflejamos las medidas de control para trabajadores y equipos: Onda Corta, Microondas, Magnetoterapia, Resonancia Magnética Nuclear, Láser y Ultravioleta El procedimiento con sus carteles explicativos ha sido distribuido específicamente por servicios, realizando formación e información de los trabajadores que maneja dichos equipos.Employee increasing concern about possible dangerous effects of the exposure to electromagnetic fields is meaning a distorted perception of the exposure related risks. Currently, there is no scientific evidence of the dangerous effects mentioned although surveillance over the exposures out of the safety limits is recommended. Within this Prevention Department in cooperation with The Medical Physics Department a procedure based on basic preventive criteria has been elaborated to guarantee health and safety of the employees who handle non-ionizing radiation emitting equipment in our hospital and specialized centers. To draw the procedure: scientific literature related to the electromagnetic fields effects over health has been checked, periodical working meetings have been held between both above mentioned departments; non-ionizing radiation equipment have been identified as well as the places they are based or used; and expert people advice has been used. The procedure sets control and follow-up measurements both for people and equipment such as follows: Shortwave, microwave and magnetic therapy, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Laser, Ultraviolet radiation. The procedure and illustrative posters have been deployed to the linked departments, the information and training having been given to the employees who work with kind of equipment

    Benito Pérez Galdós

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    In Galdós\u27 time, the tensions between such diverse phenomena as coins and credit, free trade and protectionist tariffs, factory work and domestic economy, masculine and feminine, and private and public exacerbated friction among peoples—those of pueblo and rural origins, whose voices rasped and whose bright colors raked the eye, and a nascent, insecure bourgeosie who, fearful of the masses, strove to imitate the aristocracy. Old and new converged also with the question of suffrage and citizenship to aggravate social malaise and political upheavals—Carlist wars, palace intrigues, the Revolution of 1868 and overthrow of Queen Isabel, the brief reign of Amadeo of Savoy, the aborted First Republic and the Bourbon Restoration (1875-1885), which reached Spain from England in the imported person of Alfonso XII. These turbulent events undergird the cultural, historical, and political events of the novels by Benito Pérez Galdós (1843–1920) to be discussed in this chapter. Galdós is the author of seventy-seven novels, twenty-six original plays, and numerous occasional pieces, written between 1867 and 1920. These divide into two main categories: the historical and the contemporary social novels, now more appropriately described as novels of modernity The forty-six historical novels, called Episodios nacionales, make up five series, each consisting of ten interconnected novels, except the fifth series, left unfinished. The thirty-one novels of modernity, published between 1870 and 1915, also divide into two groups: Novelas de la primera época ( Novels of the Early Period, 1870–1879) and Las novelas de la serie contemporánea ( The Contemporary Social Novels, 1881–1915). The novels of the early period comprise Galdós\u27 first attempts at novel writing, as well as four so-called thesis novels : Doña Perfecta (1876), the sequel Gloria (1876–1877), Marianela (1878), and La familia de León Roch ( The Family of León Roch, 1878–1879). The next group of novels represents what Galdós called his segunda manera —his second style, a different kind of writing ... a more sophisticated and varied mode of narrative presentation

    Spanish literature and the language of new media

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    Spanish prose, 1975–2002

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    The Naturalist novel

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    Romantic prose, journalism, and costumbrismo

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