2,460 research outputs found

    On smallest triangles

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    Pick n points independently at random in R^2, according to a prescribed probability measure mu, and let D^n_1 <= D^n_2 <= ... be the areas of the binomial n choose 3 triangles thus formed, in non-decreasing order. If mu is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure, then, under weak conditions, the set {n^3 D^n_i : i >= 1} converges as n --> infinity to a Poisson process with a constant intensity c(mu). This result, and related conclusions, are proved using standard arguments of Poisson approximation, and may be extended to functionals more general than the area of a triangle. It is proved in addition that, if mu is the uniform probability measure on the region S, then c(mu) <= 2/|S|, where |S| denotes the area of S. Equality holds in that c(mu) = 2/|S| if S is convex, and essentially only then. This work generalizes and extends considerably the conclusions of a recent paper of Jiang, Li, and Vitanyi

    High resolution infrared spectroscopy from space: A preliminary report on the results of the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment on Spacelab 3

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    The ATMOS (Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy) experiment has the broad purpose of investigating the physical structure, chemistry, and dynamics of the upper atmosphere through the study of the distributions of the neutral minor and trace constituents and their seasonal and long-term variations. The technique used is high-resolution infrared absorption spectroscopy using the Sun as the radiation source, observing the changes in the transmission of the atmosphere as the line-of-sight from the Sun to the spacecraft penetrates the atmosphere close to the Earth's limb at sunrise and sunset. During these periods, interferograms are generated at the rate of one each second which yield, when transformed, high resolution spectra covering the 2.2 to 16 micron region of the infrared. Twenty such occultations were recorded during the Spacelab 3 flight, which have produced concentration profiles for a large number of minor and trace upper atmospheric species in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Several of these species have not previously been observed in spectroscopic data. The data reduction and analysis procedures used following the flight are discussed; a number of examples of the spectra obtained are shown, and a bar graph of the species detected thus far in the analysis is given which shows the altitude ranges for which concentration profiles were retrieved

    The role of inclusions in the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks in low allloy steels

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    Imperial Users onl

    High molecular weight forms of alkaline phosphatase

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    Infectious mononucleosis

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    Foraging Behavior of Tetramorium Caespitum in an Urban Environment: the Effect of Food Quality on Foraging

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    Animals\u27 foraging strategies are directly related to their fitness. Proposed models of optimal foraging assume that animals strategize in terms of maximizing benefits over the cost of acquiring resources. Ants are social insects that are comparable in biomass to humans inhabiting the plant. As such, it is crucial to understand the foraging strategies of such an influential member of the ecosystem. With the ever-increasing rate of urbanization and human encroachment, it is even more important to consider the foraging patterns of species inhabiting urban areas. In this study we investigate optimal foraging strategies in the pavement ant, Tetramorium caespitum. Specifically, our study examined if pavement ant colonies would alter their foraging behavior so as to maximize benefits and minimize costs. To do this, we exposed the ants to food of two varying nutritional qualities to test how they allocated foragers across these two resources.Food quantity, distance to the food source and terrain were the same in both types of resources. Across a two day period, we saw that T. caespitum colonies increased ant recruitment when food quality increased and decreased ant recruitment when food quality decreased. Our control treatments where food quality did not change also did not see a change in ant recruitment. This study shows that species that live in urban areas, such as T. caespitum, can adapt to forage optimally. Studies like this can be used to make predictions about survival of species that are newly associated with urban environments

    Chitosan Decontamination with Non-Thermal Nitrogen Plasma to Enable Internal Use

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    Chitosan (CS) is a ubiquitous biopolymer and is recognized as a promising biomedical material. Potential medical applications for chitosan are extensive and many have shown impressive results. However, chitosan is clinically only used as a topical hemostatic agent due to an inability to sterilize and depyrogenate chitosan without negatively altering its physical and biological properties with conventional techniques. We hypothesized that non-thermal nitrogen plasma (NtNP) would sterilize and depyrogenate chitosan while preserving its biological properties. Since plasma is a surface treatment, we micronized chitosan using cryo-ball and cryo-jet milling to increase its surface to volume ratio. Cryo-jet milling produced the smallest mean particle size (16.05 μm) and reduced molecular weight 36.5% (MW) and degree of deacetylation (DD) 9.6%. NtNP treatment of the resultant chitosan powder produced a sterile chitosan with endotoxin levels \u3c2.50 EU/g, but further reduced MW 40% and DD 6.3%. Nitrogen content and bioadhesivity were unaltered. We tested biologic functionality in a murine orthotopic bladder cancer model in which a previous study showed chitosan dramatically enhanced anti-tumor properties of interleukin-12 (IL-12). We found that bladder tumors regressed – and mice survived to 90 days – in 88% (n=16) and 92% (n=12) of C57Bl/6 mice treated with unsterile chitosan+IL-12 and plasma-sterilized chitosan+IL-12, respectively, but only 8% (n=12) and 0% (n=3) of mice treated with saline and CS-alone, respectively. All plasma-sterilized chitosan+IL-12 (n=11) and 92% of unsterile chitosan+IL-12 (n=13) treated mice rejected tumors upon re-challenge. These results are equivalent to the previously published chitosan+IL-12 study suggesting NtNP sterilization preserved the biological properties of chitosan. A rat model showed that hemostatic chitosan pads sterilized with electron beam irradiation and NtNP stopped femoral artery and artery/vein bleeding better than pads treated with either treatment alone and equivalent to unsterilized pads. A porcine kidney bleeding model showed that NtNP-sterilized pads had superior hemostatic properties compared to e-beam sterilized pads. No complications associated with implanting the pads were observed 14-weeks post-operatively. Histologic examination demonstrated tissue and inflammatory reactions characteristic of foreign body implants. Knowledge gained in these studies will allow clinical testing of parenteral applications of chitosan, including immediate trials of chitosan+IL-12 in bladder cancer patients

    First flight of the ATMOS instrument during the Spacelab 3 Mission, April 29 through May 6, 1985

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    The underlying rationale and the implementation of the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) investigation are discussed, a description of the sensor is given, and the ground tests and integration procedures leading to the Spacelab 3 flight are described. The data reduction and analysis procedures used after the flight are discussed, a number of examples of the spectra obtained are shown, and the concentration profiles as a function of altitude for the minor and trace gases measured during the mission are presented. On the basis of the instrument's ability to survive both the launch and the reentry of the shuttle and its flawless performance while on orbit, the concepts involved in the investigation have been proved by the Spacelab 3 flight, and an extended series of reflights is currently being planned as a part of the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS) Missions. The goals for the investigation during these missions are also discussed
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