54 research outputs found


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    The article is dedicated to the analysis of research concepts of formation and development of youth subculture in Ukrainian scientific literature. It was found out that the term "youth subculture" originated in Western science on the verge of social sciences at the beginning of twentieth century.It was found out that the beginning of investigation of youth subculture as a phenomenon of culturaldifferentiation of society is the understanding of the heterogeneity of social and cultural space. Researchers in the field of sociology, cultural studies, psychology, ethnography and other social sciences, are studying the value orientation of ethnic and social groups state their distinctiveness from the socio-cultural community through marginality and deviance of behavior.It is proved that former USSR and Soviet Ukraine scientists’ research approaches to the problems of youthsubculture substantially differ from foreign scientists’ research of the same period. Thus, the concepts of formation and development of youth subculture are mainly limited to the classification of youth associations and periodization of thehistorical formation of the young generation.The analysis of periodization of formal and informal youth associations’ development makes it possible toidentify the main directions of youth trends and find out their political choice, to investigate the formation of social and cultural ideas and to analyze the dynamics of patriotic revival among young people.On the basis of Soviet scientific literature analysis it is found out that scientific interest in youth issues became especially apparent in the social sciences, but was often limited to general problems of the young generation and periodization stages of the young person development. In the former USSR there were ethnic, psychological, spiritual, moral, gender, physical problems of youth, that were able to unite it in a certain subculture. However, at a time when in foreign literature there was a variety of scientific approaches to the analysis of youth issues (anthropological, ethnographic, historical, cultural, sociological, etc.), politicization of Soviet scientific literature prevented multiaspect analysis of youth issues and formulated research ideas in line with the Communist Party. Conflict of generations, which was vividly discussed in the context of foreign philosophical and sociological discourse in Soviet literature was denied by ideologically oriented domestic scientists. Rejecting any contradictions in socialist society, they argued that the conflict of generations is possible only within the class structure of society, and under socialism, the contradictions can have only local conditionality.It is determined that modern Ukrainian researchers in democratic reforms, publicity and pluralism of the 1980s see the conditions for the emergence of modern formal and informal youth subcultures. It is proved that by the mid-1980s youth subculture appears to be an exponent of social and political attitudes of the young generation, which indicates the presence of a new alternative ideology and the emergence of new value orientations. The need of self-determination, identity, approaching to the global youth community is embodied in the latest trends of youth subculture, forming their own value orientations, spiritual and moral guidance.It is concluded, that modern foreign and domestic researches on the problems of youth subculture arecharacterized by a multiplicity of approaches. If at first the youth were studied within such sciences as, sociology, philosophy, ethnology, and psychology, contemporary researches of the present day would be enriched by various discourses of modern science, based on the meeting-points of many other humanities. Today reasoning and identifying the nature and trends of youth subculture development requires a complex analysis based on a combination of different methodologies.Статья посвящена анализу исследовательских концепций формирования и развития украинской молодежной субкультуры. Изложены гипотезы исторического развития молодежной субкультуры СССР и Украины.Освещается динамика научных представлений о молодежной субкультуре, приводятся концепции и теории ееформирования. Раскрывается историческая периодизация развития отечественных молодежных формальных инеформальных объединений, а также сущность современных научных подходов к проблематике украинской молодежной субкультуры.Стаття присвячена аналізу дослідницьких концепцій становлення та розвитку української молодіжної субкультури. Викладені гіпотези історичного розвитку молодіжної субкультури СРСР та України. Висвітлюється динаміка наукових уявлень про молодіжну субкультуру та наводяться концепції і теорії її формування. Розкривається історична періодизація розвитку вітчизняних молодіжних формальних і неформальних об’єднань, а також сутність сучасних наукових підходів до проблематики української молодіжної субкультури

    Скінченноелементне дослідження пружної фільтрації в ґрунтах із тонкими включеннями

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    Soil environments are heterogeneous in their nature. This heterogeneity creates significant difficulties both in terms of construction practice and in terms of the mathematical modeling and computer simulation of the physical-chemical processes in these heterogeneous soil arrays. From the standpoint of mathematical modeling, the issue is the discontinuity of functions, which characterize the examined processes, on such inclusions. Moreover, the characteristics of such inclusions may depend on the defining functions of the processes studied (head, temperature, humidity, the concentration of chemicals, and their gradients). And this requires the modification of conjugation conditions and leads to the nonlinear boundary-value problems in heterogeneous areas. That is why this work has examined the impact of the existence of thin inclusions on the conjugation conditions for the defining functions of the filtration and geomigration processes on them. The conjugation condition for heads has also been modified while the mathematical model of an elastic filtration mode in a heterogeneous array of soil, which contains thin weakly permeable inclusions, has been improved. The improvement implies the modification of conjugation conditions for heads on thin inclusions when the filtering factor of the inclusion itself is nonlinearly dependent on the head gradient. The numerical solution to the corresponding nonlinear boundary-value problem has been found using a finite-element method. A series of numerical experiments were conducted and their analysis was carried out. The possibility of a significant impact on the head jump has been shown taking into consideration the dependence of filtration characteristics of an inclusion on head gradients. In particular, the relative difference of head jumps lies between 26 % and 99 % relative to the problem with a stable filtration factor for an inclusion. In other words, when conducting forecast calculations, the influence of such dependences cannot be neglectedГрунтовые среды по своей природе являются неоднородными. Эта неоднородность создает значительные трудности как с точки зрения практики строительства, так и с точки зрения математического и компьютерного моделирования физико-химических процессов в этих неоднородных грунтовых массивах. С точки зрения математического моделирования проблемой является разрывность функций, которыми характеризуются исследуемые процессы, на таких включениях. Более того, характеристики таких включений могут зависеть от определяющих функций исследуемых процессов (напор, температура, влажность, концентрация химических веществ и их градиенты). А это требует модификации условий сопряжения и приводит к нелинейным краевым задачам в неоднородных областях. Именно поэтому было исследовано влияние наличия тонких включений на условия сопряжения для определяющих функций фильтрационных и геомиграцийних процессов на них. Также модифицировано условие сопряжения для напоров и усовершенствована математическая модель упругого режима фильтрации в неоднородном массиве грунта, который содержит тонкие слабопроницаемые включения. Совершенствование заключается в модификации условий сопряжения для напоров на тонких включениях, когда коэффициент фильтрации самого включения нелинейно зависит от градиента напоров. Числовое решение соответствующей нелинейной краевой задачи найдено методом конечных элементов. Проведен ряд численных экспериментов и осуществлено их анализ. Показана возможность значительного влияния на скачок напоров учета зависимости фильтрационных характеристик включения от градиентов напоров. В частности, относительная разница прыжков напоров лежит в пределах от 26 % до 99 % относительно задачи с постоянным коэффициентом фильтрации для включения. То есть, при проведении прогнозных расчетов влиянием таких зависимостей пренебрегать нельзяҐрунтові середовища по своїй природі  є неоднорідними. Ця неоднорідність створює значні труднощі як з точки зору практики будівництва, так і з точки зору математичного і комп’ютерного моделювання фізико-хімічних процесів в цих неоднорідних ґрунтових масивах. З точки зору математичного моделювання проблемою є розривність функцій, якими характеризуються досліджувані процеси, на таких включеннях. Більше того, характеристики таких включень можуть залежати від визначальних функцій досліджуваних процесів (напір, температура, вологість, концентрація хімічних речовин та їх градієнти). А це вимагає модифікації умов спряження та приводить до нелінійних крайових задач в неоднорідних областях. Саме тому в роботі було досліджено вплив наявності тонких включень на умови спряження для визначальних функцій фільтраційних та геоміграційних процесів на них. Також модифіковано умову спряження для напорів та вдосконалено математичну модель пружного режиму фільтрації в неоднорідному масиві ґрунту, який містить тонкі слабопроникні включення. Вдосконалення полягає у модифікації умов спряження для напорів на тонких включеннях, коли коефіцієнт фільтрації самого включення нелінійно залежить від градієнта напорів. Числовий розв’язок відповідної нелінійної крайової задачі знайдено методом скінченних елементів. Проведено ряд числових експериментів та здійснено їх аналіз. Показана можливість значного впливу на стрибок напорів урахування залежності фільтраційних характеристик включення від градієнтів напорів. Зокрема, відносна різниця стрибків напорів лежить в межах від 26 % до 99 % відносно задачі зі сталим коефіцієнтом фільтрації для включення. Тобто, при проведенні прогнозних розрахунків впливом таких залежностей нехтувати не можн

    Non-financial reporting of companies and the necessity of its confirmation by auditors in Ukraine

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    The relevance of the study is caused by the fact that the non-financial reporting of business entities and the intensification of process of globalization are becoming nowadays an important source of information for making managerial decisions by different groups of stakeholders. The process of its implementation, definition of types, forms and content remains legally unregulated for Ukraine. A process of its audit requires a systemic solution and an appropriate independent audit opinion.The purpose of the article is to summarize the European and international experience in the field of regulation of drawing up and publication of non-financial reporting, to work out problems of its content definition and to provide proposals for the regulation of these issues in Ukraine, to define the recommended groups of indicators, and to ground the main directions and tasks of their audit.It is proposed to create a general concept for the implementation and development of non-financial reporting in Ukraine, which may require the adoption of the future Law of Ukraine “On Public Non-Financial Reporting”, national standards for its preparation, and relevant methodological recommendations for their implementation. The directions of development of theoretical, organizational and methodical issues of audit of non-financial reporting are provided.A number of valid normative acts of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine in terms of the regulation of audit of non-financial reporting and improvement of professional qualifications of specialists require clarification and accompaniments

    Some biological, behavioral and social aspects of the perfumery use in the Ukrainian population sample (part 1. age associations)

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    The aim. The study encompassed some aspects related to perfumes use, which can potentially influence the individual perfume choice, in particular, among different age groups of the Ukrainian population. Factors related to perfumes choice, the state of awareness of respondents regarding quality, safety, and existing stereotypes regarding the characteristics of perfumes and potential harmful effects on the human body were investigated. Materials and methods. The analysis was performed on a sample of 124 residents of Ukraine. Respondents, who were randomly selected, were offered a questionnaire, developed by us, which included 15 items on the demographic characteristics of the subjects and questions related to the perfume use of and stereotypes about them. The Pearson chi-squared (χ2) test was used to analyze the relationships between qualitative characteristics. Results and discussion. About 98 % of surveyed persons in Ukraine use perfumery. Associations were found between age and the probability of purchase by the study participants of non-original perfume products and awareness of the safety of various perfume products. It has been established, that the determining factors when choosing a perfume is a certain scent, while the brand is given secondary importance. An increase in the effect of the brand in older age groups of the population has been demonstrated. Behavioral features of perfume use have been established: in younger women, it is associated with increased self-esteem and the influence of social networks, with age, the focus shifts to the desire for a positive effect on the mood from the use of a certain fragrance. However, in all age groups, the main purpose of perfume using was to improve the emotional state. Middle-aged women are more democratic in choosing perfumery with a specific gender orientation. Conclusions. For the first time in Ukraine, a pilot study was conducted to find possible associations between some biological, behavioral and demographic characteristics and the perfume use. Such factors as age and education level are promising for further analysis of the selected issue


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    Objective: The purpose of the research was to optimize technology for producing a magneto controllable nanocomposite Ag@Fe3O4 with modern physicochemical and therapeutic requirements using methods of mathematical design of the experiment. Methods: To optimize the synthesis process of the nanocomposite Ag@Fe3O4, the method of factor experiment was used. Mathematical calculations were performed using the STATISTICA 10 StatSoft Inc. system and Excel spreadsheet processor of MS Office 2019 Professional Plus. Results: Based on the study of technological parameters of nanocomposite synthesis Ag@Fe3O4 (16 experiments) a regression equation was obtained: Y = 106.415+0.038X1+4.448Х2+1.806Х3–1.593Х4–18.945Х5–109.980Х6. By the use of this equation the synthesis parameters were optimized with the help of steepest ascent method. It was found that the maximum yield of Ag@Fe3O4 can be achieved under the following conditions: X1 (magnetite synthesis time, min)–40; X2 (glucose content in solution,%)–10; X3 (temperature of the Tollens reaction, °С)–65; X4 (magnetite silver coating time, min)–30; X5 (pH, units)–8.5; X6 (rate of addition of ammonia, mol/min)–0.36. Conclusion: Using mathematical design of the experiment, a technology was developed for producing Ag@Fe3O4 with modern physicochemical and therapeutic requirements

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the W boson polarisation in ttˉt\bar{t} events from pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV in the lepton + jets channel with ATLAS

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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