80 research outputs found

    Videogames, Experiential Reality, Ethics, and Gamers

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    “Videogames are a waste of time and rob people of a chance at a real life.” This has long been the status quo regarding videogames and gamers. Videogames, Experiential Reality, Ethics, and Gamers rallies against this by undermining the philosophical assumption that comes with the claims against gaming, namely that reality is solely and completely physically determined. On this quest, “legends and philosophical clans” shall be called upon and united to besiege the conventional notion that there is a sole physical reality. This notion is cut down like so many orcs, leaving the Individual Champion as the lone warrior left standing. This Champion of experiential reality, the individual that determines his own reality, is now alone on the hilltop of victory. Looking out he sees a vast expanse of new possibilities he must traverse: a complicated landscape of ethical quandaries to be vanquished before victoriously being welcomed home. This journey is taken in two chapters as follows:1) Games Gettin’ Real takes on the metaphysical quest to determine what can be considered real and how reality is determined for and by the individual based on what one deems as valuable to the self. 2) Games, Ethics, and Social Networking For Realz explores the ethical framework of videogames, how people interact with games, and the ethical responsibilities that players have to people both inside and outside of the game. Accompanied by Kant, notable existentialists such as Kierkegaard, an Evil Genius, and more, the Champion and his allies march forth discovering a bounty of philosophic treasures to be found in knowledge of the world and the self as they intersect with the realm of gaming

    A Proposed Twelve-Year Required Physical Education Program for the Kelso Public Schools.

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    The purpose of this field study is to establish a twelve-year graded physical education program which might be used beneficially in the public school system of Kelso, Washington

    Monitoria na disciplina de química orgânica, envolvendo teoria e práticas laboratoriais: um relato de experiência

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    The tutoring experience is of great importance for the monitor's academic training, as in addition to contact with the professor and his teaching methodologies, the monitor can deepen his knowledge, which is fundamental for his academic training. In this context, the article to report the experience of monitoring the discipline of Organic Chemistry II (theoretical/practical) at UECE. The monitors accompanied the theoretical classes, clarifying the doubts of the students, and the practical classes, in which they evaluated, tested and prepared six experiments, which were related to the contents addressed in the theoretical classes. The monitor played an indispensable role in the practical classes with the students, clarifying their doubts in the execution of the practice and in the elaboration of the reports. In this context, it can be said that the students' teaching-learning process became more effective with the work of the monitors, generating multiple learning, where students, monitor and teacher exchanged didactic and pedagogical experiences.A experiência da monitoria é de grande importância para a formação acadêmica do monitor, pois além do contato com o professor e suas metodologias didáticas, o monitor pode aprofundar seus conhecimentos, fundamental para a sua formação acadêmica. Neste contexto, o artigo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência de monitoria na disciplina de Química Orgânica II (teórico/prática) da UECE. Os monitores acompanharam as aulas teóricas, esclarecendo as dúvidas dos alunos, e as aulas práticas, em que avaliaram, testaram e preparam seis experimentos, que tinham relação com os conteúdos abordados nas aulas teóricas. O monitor exerceu nas aulas práticas, um papel indispensável com os alunos, esclarecendo suas dúvidas na execução da prática e na elaboração dos relatórios. Nesse contexto, pode-se afirmar que o processo de ensino aprendizagem dos alunos tornou-se mais efetivo com a atuação dos monitores, gerando uma aprendizagem múltipla, onde alunos, monitor e professor trocaram experiências didáticas e pedagógicas

    Gothic Revival Architecture Before Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill

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    The Gothic Revival is generally considered to have begun in eighteenth-century Britain with the construction of Horace Walpole’s villa, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, in the late 1740s. As this chapter demonstrates, however, Strawberry Hill is in no way the first building, domestic or otherwise, to have recreated, even superficially, some aspect of the form and ornamental style of medieval architecture. Earlier architects who, albeit often combining it with Classicism, worked in the Gothic style include Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor, William Kent and Batty Langley, aspects of whose works are explored here. While not an exhaustive survey of pre-1750 Gothic Revival design, the examples considered in this chapter reveal how seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Gothic emerged and evolved over the course of different architects’ careers, and how, by the time that Walpole came to create his own Gothic ‘castle’, there was already in existence in Britain a sustained Gothic Revivalist tradition

    Alain Baudot : la passion des mots…

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    André Massicotte : Ou le rayonnement de l’excellence

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    Rose-Marie Landry : À la conquête d’horizons de plus en plus lointains

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    Nos ambassadeurs de la musique : Le Quatuor de guitares du Canada

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    La musique : L’ange gardien et la raison d’être de Jean Letang

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