31 research outputs found

    Language endangerment and language documentation in Africa

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    The Role of Demographic Factors in the Process of Language Maintenance and Shift in Khartoum, Sudan

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    This paper intends to investigate the role of demographic factors such as sex, age, education, ethnicity, intermarriage, migration and job status in the process of language shift among ethnic migrant groups in Khartoum, Sudan. The paper depends on structured questionnaires to collect data on language presidency, language use and language attitudes among fourteen ethnic groups living in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan. The main objective of the study is to investigate the role of these factors in accelerating or hindering the process of language shift among the groups under study. PSS was used in the process of data analysis using Qui square test to find correlation between demographic factors and language shift among the groups under investigation. Results showed a significant correlation between language shift and factors such as age, sex, and education among the Beja, the Darfurians and the Nuba Mountains ethnic groups. A less degree of significance between demographic factors and language shift was registered by the groups descending from Southern Sudan who showed a strong tendency to preserve their linguistic and cultural heritage during their stay in Khartoum

    Sudan: Language Situation

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    Abstract: The goals and means of language study continue in the very center of debates among specialists in language teaching/learning. Different views relating to language and its functions are reflected in two main approaches to language teaching/learning. On the one hand, language is considered to be principally instrumental, a means of communicating thought and information. One the other hand, language is viewed as an important element of human being’s thought processes, perceptions, and self-expressions; and as such, it is placed at the core of translingual and transcultural competence. This paper investigates the current situation of teaching/learning foreign languages in the Sudanese universities with special focus on the goals of teaching these languages and their role in students’ future. Goals of language teaching and students’ attitudes towards the process will be related to the job opportunities available for the students on graduation. Data for the paper have been collected using questionnaires and interviews administered to students and teachers from five language departments at Khartoum University: English, French, German, Russian, and Chinese. Questionnaires and interviews on language attitude will be administered among Four-year language majors representing the four departments. The central question the paper tries to answer is whether there is a realistic match between the goals of language teaching/learning set by policy makers and students’ interests and expectations. Results are expected to contribute to the efforts made to restructure language-in-education curriculum at university level in a way that addresses the expectations of both policy makers and students. Keywords: Foreign language teaching and learning, goals, attitude

    Uma análise sociolingüística inicial do dialeto Aljouf

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    This paper presents an initial sociolinguistic analysis of the varieties of Saudi Arabic spoken in the Aljouf region. The main objective of the paper is to uncover some of the sociolinguistic aspects characterizing the Jouf dialect as distinct from other Arabic variants in Saudi Arabic. Word lists and interviews were used for collecting data in Aljouf and four other areas, namely Ha’il, Alhijaz, Jazan, and Alkhubar. Four other dialects were included to provide a comparative dimension for the analysis, which was expected to consolidate the findings. Students enrolled in the sociolinguistics course at Jouf University participated actively in the process of data collection. The main criteria for selecting students were an affiliation with Aljouf and the named comparable regions. Results suggest that there are clear dialectal differences between the Aljouf dialect and the four other dialects. Variations in lexical choice were found to be relatively large between regions. Specifically, the differences between the Aljouf dialect and the Jazan dialect are greater than those between the Aljouf dialect and the Ha’il dialect. Age and gender differences were found to be significant among speakers of the Aljouf dialect. The speech of men and women proved to be slightly different with regard to certain lexical choices. Men and women used certain words that were exclusive to each sex. Speech variants between young men and women were reported by a considerable number of subjects. Slang and swearing, on the other hand, were identified as characterizing the speech of young males, who tended to use these words less as they approached adulthood.Este artículo presenta un primer análisis sociolingüístico de las variedades del árabe saudí habladas en la región de Aljouf. El objetivo principal del trabajo es desvelar algunos de los aspectos sociolingüísticos que caracterizan al dialecto de Jouf como distinto de otras variantes del árabe saudí. Se utilizaron listas de palabras y entrevistas para recopilar datos en Aljouf y otras cuatro zonas, a saber, Ha’il, Alhijaz, Jazan y Alkhubar. Se incluyeron otros cuatro dialectos para aportar una dimensión comparativa al análisis, con lo que se esperaba consolidar las conclusiones. Los estudiantes matriculados en el curso de sociolingüística de la Universidad de Jouf participaron activamente en el proceso de recogida de datos. Los principales criterios de selección de los estudiantes fueron la pertenencia a Aljouf y a las regiones comparables nombradas. Los resultados sugieren que existen claras diferencias dialectales entre el dialecto de Aljouf y los otros cuatro dialectos. Las variaciones en la elección léxica resultaron ser relativamente grandes entre las regiones. En concreto, las diferencias entre el dialecto de Aljouf y el dialecto de Jazan son mayores que entre el dialecto de Aljouf y el dialecto de Ha’il. Las diferencias de edad y sexo resultaron significativas entre los hablantes del dialecto de Aljouf. El habla de hombres y mujeres resultó ser ligeramente diferente en lo que respecta a ciertas elecciones léxicas. Hombres y mujeres utilizaban ciertas palabras exclusivas de cada sexo. Un número considerable de sujetos señalaron variantes del habla entre hombres y mujeres jóvenes. La jerga y las palabrotas, por otra parte, se identificaron como característicos del habla de los jóvenes varones, que tendían a utilizar menos estas palabras a medida que se acercaban a la edad adulta.Este documento apresenta uma análise sociolingüística inicial das variedades de árabe saudita faladas na região de Aljouf. O principal objetivo do trabalho é descobrir alguns dos aspectos sociolingüísticos que caracterizam o dialeto Jouf como distinto de outras variantes do árabe saudita. Foram utilizadas listas de palavras e entrevistas para a coleta de dados em Aljouf e em outras quatro áreas, a saber: Ha'il, Alhijaz, Jazan e Alkhubar. Quatro outros dialetos foram incluídos para fornecer uma dimensão comparativa para a análise, o que se esperava para consolidar os resultados. Os alunos matriculados no curso de sociolingüística da Universidade de Jouf participaram ativamente do processo de coleta de dados. Os principais critérios para a seleção dos estudantes foram uma afiliação com Aljouf e as regiões denominadas comparáveis. Os resultados sugerem que existem claras diferenças dialetais entre o dialeto Aljouf e os outros quatro dialetos. As variações na escolha lexical foram consideradas relativamente grandes entre as regiões. Especificamente, as diferenças entre o dialeto Aljouf e o dialeto Jazan são maiores do que aquelas entre o dialeto Aljouf e o dialeto Ha'il. As diferenças de idade e gênero foram consideradas significativas entre os falantes do dialeto Aljouf. O discurso de homens e mulheres provou ser ligeiramente diferente em relação a certas escolhas léxicas. Homens e mulheres usaram certas palavras que eram exclusivas de cada sexo. As variantes do discurso entre homens e mulheres jovens foram relatadas por um número considerável de sujeitos. Gírias e palavrões, por outro lado, foram identificados como característicos da fala de jovens homens, que tendiam a usar menos essas palavras quando se aproximavam da idade adulta


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    This paper investigates language attitudes among ethnic migrant groups in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan. A questionnaire was used to collect data on language preference, language parents prefer their children to learn, and reasons for language preference. Results suggest that while positive attitude played a significant role in learning Arabic among some of the groups under investigation, it proved to be of no help in maintaining the groups’ ethnic languages. Arabic was reported as very important for education, religious activities, economic privileges and social interaction. Ethnic languages, on the other hand, were preferred for purely symbolic reasons (symbolizing groups’ ethnic identity)

    Language Status and Use in Dilling City, the Nuba Mountains

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    This paper had been presented for promotion at the university of Khartoum. To get the full text please contact the other at [email protected] paper examines the status and use of language in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan. It is based on responses to 1496 questionnaires administered to people belonging to 37 different ethnic groups. Subjects were asked about language proficiency, language use in different domains and language attitudes. Factors such as sex, generation, intermarriage, education and urbanisation were correlated to the process of language shift among the groups under investigation. The results suggest a clear language shift towards Arabic across many different groups, especially the Dilling, Ama and Gulfan. Education and urbanisation were found to have strong effects on the shift away from ethnic languages. Women appear to have taken the lead in the process. Their growing role in socioeconomic life and the increasing opportunities for women to get an education have been among the main impetuses for women to abandon their own ethnic languages

    Language Situation

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    This paper had been presented for promotion at the university of Khartoum. To get the full text please contact the other at [email protected] approximately 29 million inhabitants of Africa’s largest country, Sudan, speak at least 135 distinct languages belonging to three different language families, Afroasiatic, Niger–Congo, and Nilo–Saharan (compares Figures 1 and 2). Sudan’s current political boundaries were established at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. In 1899, the country was placed under the jurisdiction of Britain as well as Egypt in nominal recognition of the historical claims of the khedive of Egypt, though reserving supreme civil and military authority to an offical nominated by the British colonial government. This so-called ‘Condominium Period,’ which lasted until the country’s independence on January 1, 1956, was preceded by the Turco–Egyptian period, whic

    Dinâmica da construção da identidade entre comunidades étnicas em Darfur: uma perspectiva baseada em conflitos

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    This paper investigates dynamics adopted by nine ethnolinguistic communities affected by the current conflict in South Darfur State to construct their ethnic identities. Qualitative data were obtained via focus group discussions, interviews, posters from the landscape, and observation over a period spanning from 2012 to 2013. The findings show that, firstly, there were unprecedented micro-interethnic identity construction dynamics across the study area. Secondly, within these interethnic identities, there were also emerging intra-ethnic identities – all spurred by the wholesale community ethnicisation processes. Thirdly, revitalization of ethnolinguistic identity was found to be the major tool employed by the communities under study, with varying degrees, to establish their distinct identities. Fourthly, ethnolinguistic identities constructed varied from one group to another, ranging from ‘strong’ to ‘moderate’ and ‘weak’, depending on the community’s ethnolinguistic vitality. The paper concluded that the major factor in the emergence of these micro inter- or intra-ethnic identities was the current conflict in Darfur.Este trabajo investiga las dinámicas adoptadas por nueve comunidades etnolingüísticas afectadas por el actual conflicto en el estado de Darfur del Sur para construir sus identidades étnicas. Los datos cualitativos se obtuvieron a través de discusiones de grupos focales, entrevistas, carteles del paisaje y observación durante un período que abarca de 2012 a 2013. Los resultados muestran que, en primer lugar, hubo una dinámica de construcción de identidades microinterétnicas sin precedentes en toda la zona de estudio. En segundo lugar, dentro de estas identidades interétnicas, también había identidades intraétnicas emergentes, todo ello espoleado por los procesos de etnización de la comunidad al por mayor. En tercer lugar, se descubrió que la revitalización de la identidad etnolingüística era la principal herramienta empleada por las comunidades estudiadas, con distintos grados, para establecer sus identidades diferenciadas. En cuarto lugar, las identidades etnolingüísticas construidas variaban de un grupo a otro, oscilando entre “fuerte”, “moderada” y “débil”, dependiendo de la vitalidad etnolingüística de la comunidad. El documento concluye que el factor principal en la aparición de estas micro identidades inter o intraétnicas fue el conflicto actual en Darfur.Este documento investiga a dinâmica adotada por nove comunidades etno-linguísticas afetadas pelo conflito em curso no Estado do Darfur do Sul para construir suas identidades étnicas. Os dados qualitativos foram obtidos através de discussões em grupos de foco, entrevistas, cartazes paisagísticos e observação durante um período de 2012 a 2013. Os resultados mostram que, em primeiro lugar, houve uma dinâmica sem precedentes de construção de identidade micro-interétnica em toda a área de estudo. Em segundo lugar, dentro dessas identidades inter-étnicas, também surgiram identidades intra-étnicas, todas estimuladas por processos de etnização comunitária por atacado. Em terceiro lugar, a revitalização da identidade etno-linguística foi considerada a principal ferramenta empregada pelas comunidades estudadas, em diferentes graus, para estabelecer suas identidades distintas. Quarto, as identidades etnolingüísticas construídas variavam de grupo para grupo, variando de "forte" a "moderado" a "fraco", dependendo da vitalidade etnolingüística da comunidade. O documento conclui que o principal fator no surgimento dessas micro-identidades inter- ou intra-étnicas foi o conflito em curso em Darfur

    Language and Identity in the Context of Conflict: The Case of Ethnolinguistic Communities in South Darfur State

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    Language and Identity in the Context of Conflict: The Case of Ethnolinguistic Communities in South Darfur StateThis study investigate s the pat terns of taking pride in Arab ic and other native languages among the ethnic groups characterised by ethnolinguistic vitality in Nyala and the satellite internally displaced persons‟ camps. The study also look s into how these communities perceived the role their native languages could play in the construction of their ethn ic identities. In addition, factors influencing the construction of ethnic identities were investigated. Data pertaining to language perceptions on identity, and the role of conflict in the process of identity construction were collected. To this end, four tools were employed to collect the data: a thirteen - item questionnaire administered to 711 respondents, 12 focus group discussions held with 112 participants, in - depth interviews with 20 p ersons and participant o bservations. The study came to a number of findings, the most important of which were: (a) the communities investigated were found to have revitalis ed their native languages by taking pride in them in different domains; (b) the re wa s a perceived aversion towards Arabic across the groups studied ; (c) there was a conscious revitalisation of ethnolinguistic identities ; and (d) the current conflict has played a great role in the emergence of revitalised ethnolinguistic identities