13 research outputs found

    Nafasi ya Kiswahili katika lugha ya alama ya Tanzania

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    Sign language in Tanzania is a relatively new field of linguistics that is yet to attract many researchers and linguists in particular Tanzanian Sign Language (TSL) functions as a unifying tool for the deaf in the country and, probably, beyond. This language, which is still at its early stage of development, is used in the same linguistic environment with Kiswahili, the national language, which is more established. The situation leaves TSL disadvantaged and is thus likely to cause a one-way linguistic influence, from Kiswahili to TSL. This paper, therefore, examines the nature and impact of the situation. Firstly, it focuses on the question of whether or not TSL is an independent language that has developed as a seperate language, quite distinct from the spoken languages of the communities that surround it, especially Kiswahili. Secondly, it examines the extent to which Kiswahili has influenced TSL and thus the role that the former plays in learning and developing the latter. The results of the study show that Kiswahili has had some influence on TSL but the influence is marginal at lexical level. Of all the signs studied, only 13% were directly related to Kiswahili. The majority of the signs studied were found to be iconic in nature, but only 12% of all signs were semantically transparent. Even in these cases where the signs are transparent, the transparency of the signs is not based on one`s knowledge of Kiswahili. Most of the transparent signs are common gestures that any person of any ethnic origin can interpret. The study has thus established that TSL is more of a sign language than signed language. It is an indigenous African sign language, unrelated to the Western Sign Languages, except for the manual alphabet. Finally, the study predicts that much of the transperancy and iconicity in TSL will gradually fade away as the language develops across time, space, and generations

    African Linguistics in Central and Eastern Europe, and in the Nordic Countries

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    Kiziwi, kipofu na kilema: ubaguzi au heshima?

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    ‘The deaf, the blind and the lame: discrimination or respect?’ In this article we investigate what the assignment of these (and other) words to the KI-class means. We depart from the common explanation which says that the KI-class here signals contempt since it is not the typical class for human beings in Swahili. We then analyse the surprisingly large corpus of nouns referring to people in the KI-class and show how they got assigned to this class. This leads us to a more general statement about the meaning of a noun class. The final section is a case study of one particular word, kigego, and what it formerly stood for in Vuaso (Upare) and other societies bordering the Swahili world

    Pengembangan buku ajar pengayaan teks cerita pendek berbasis religius pada siswa kelas XI IPA MAN 1 Kota Malang

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    Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan, proses pengembangan, dan ketepatan buku ajar pengayaan teks cerita pendek berbasis karakter religius pada siswa kelas XI IPA MAN 1 Kota Malang. Spesifikasi produk yang diharapkan dalam pengembangan ini adalah buku ajar pengayaan dengan karakteristik (1) wujud, (2) isi dan cakupan, (3) sistematika, (4) bahasa, dan (5) kegrafikkan. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan 4-D. Model pengembangan 4-D terdiri dari empat tahap pengembangan, yaitu pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah pedoman wawancara, lembar validasi, dan angket respon siswa. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mendapatkan persentase 89,63% dari ahli materi, 79,31% dari ahli kegrafikkan, 81,29% dari ahli bahasa, 75% dari praktisi, sedangkan dari angket respon siswa mendapatkan persentase 85%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku ajar pengayaan yang dikembangkan sudah valid dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran.Kata kunci:pengembangan, buku ajar pengayaan, cerpen, karakter religius

    Effect of intercropping on the severity of powdery mildew on green gram

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    Meeting: Symposium on Intercropping in Semi-Arid Areas, 2d, 4-7 Aug. 1980, Morogoro, TZIn IDL-391

    Kiziwi, kipofu na kilema: ubaguzi au heshima?

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    ‘The deaf, the blind and the lame: discrimination or respect?’ In this article we investigate what the assignment of these (and other) words to the KI-class means. We depart from the common explanation which says that the KI-class here signals contempt since it is not the typical class for human beings in Swahili. We then analyse the surprisingly large corpus of nouns referring to people in the KI-class and show how they got assigned to this class. This leads us to a more general statement about the meaning of a noun class. The final section is a case study of one particular word, kigego, and what it formerly stood for in Vuaso (Upare) and other societies bordering the Swahili world

    Preferensi Siswa SMP terhadap Materi Cerita Fantasi: Membaca Cerita atau Menyimak Podcast

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memetakan preferensi siswa terhadap bacaan buku cerita fantasi atau menyimak cerita fantasi di podcast. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yakni mengetahui preferensi siswa SMP terhadap materi bacaan, antara memilih membaca cerita fantasi melalui buku cerita atau menyimak cerita fantasi di podcast. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan wawancara, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data penyebaran kuesioner melalui google form dan wawancara dengan siswa. Analisis data menggunakan teknik reduksi, menyajikan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga sekolah, yakni 15 siswa SMP Tamansiswa Batu, 10 siswa MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu dan 10 siswa SMPN 25 Malang.  Hasil penelitian ini yakni (1) Preferensi ini menunjukkan bahwa media podcast dapat lebih efektif digunakan saat pembelajaran khususnya pada cerita fantasi, dan (2) antara siswa perempuan dan siswa laki-laki, sebagian besar sama-sama menyukai media podcast untuk pembelajaran karena siswa dapat lebih mudah memahami daripada membaca buku.This research was conducted to map students' preferences for reading fantasy story books or listening to fantasy stories on podcasts. This research aims to determine junior high school students' preferences for reading material, whether they choose to read fantasy stories through storybooks or listen to fantasy stories on podcasts. The data sources for this research are questionnaires and interviews, while the data collection techniques are distributing questionnaires via Google Form and interviews with students. Data analysis uses reduction techniques, presenting data and conclusions. The research subjects consisted of three schools, namely 15 students from SMP Tamansiswa Batu, 10 students from MTs Hasyim Asyari Batu and 10 students from SMPN 25 Malang.  The results of this research are (1) This preference shows that podcast media can be used more effectively when learning, especially in fantasy stories, and (2) between female and male students, most of them both like podcast media for learning because students can easier to understand than reading a book

    Nafasi ya Kiswahili katika lugha ya alama ya Tanzania

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    Sign language in Tanzania is a relatively new field of linguistics that is yet to attract many researchers and linguists in particular Tanzanian Sign Language (TSL) functions as a unifying tool for the deaf in the country and, probably, beyond. This language, which is still at its early stage of development, is used in the same linguistic environment with Kiswahili, the national language, which is more established. The situation leaves TSL disadvantaged and is thus likely to cause a one-way linguistic influence, from Kiswahili to TSL. This paper, therefore, examines the nature and impact of the situation. Firstly, it focuses on the question of whether or not TSL is an independent language that has developed as a seperate language, quite distinct from the spoken languages of the communities that surround it, especially Kiswahili. Secondly, it examines the extent to which Kiswahili has influenced TSL and thus the role that the former plays in learning and developing the latter. The results of the study show that Kiswahili has had some influence on TSL but the influence is marginal at lexical level. Of all the signs studied, only 13% were directly related to Kiswahili. The majority of the signs studied were found to be iconic in nature, but only 12% of all signs were semantically transparent. Even in these cases where the signs are transparent, the transparency of the signs is not based on one`s knowledge of Kiswahili. Most of the transparent signs are common gestures that any person of any ethnic origin can interpret. The study has thus established that TSL is more of a sign language than signed language. It is an indigenous African sign language, unrelated to the Western Sign Languages, except for the manual alphabet. Finally, the study predicts that much of the transperancy and iconicity in TSL will gradually fade away as the language develops across time, space, and generations