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    2828 research outputs found

    Cultural-Based Deviance on Islamic Law; Zakat Tekke Wale’ Spending in Basala, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Owners of swallow's nest in Basala District, South Konawe Regency give zakat of tekke wale' (swallow's nest) using gold zakat rate. This implies deviation from Islamic law and striking difference from the provisions of zakat law formulated by most Muslim scholars. This research aims to reveal the business phenomenon and practice of tekke wale' zakat spending, the factors beyond preference to use zakat with gold rate as well as culture-based deviations on Islamic law regarding this specific practice of zakat. This research is qualitative with an empirical-normative approach which includes interviews with swallow nest owners, community leaders, and religious leaders. Besides, it involves literature review to gather the data. The research shows that swallow nest business is a relatively new livelihood for local people so they have no definite guidance on how to spend the zakat. Their preference using gold zakat rate are due to five factors, ranging from lack of knowledge, assumption that swallow's nest is not a part of agricultural business, easy calculation in giving zakat using gold rate, following the previous swallow's nest owners, to easiness to determine the zakat recipients and spending period. Meanwhile, three forms of deviation from Islamic law existing at the practice urges the specific legal product concerning this specific commodity.&nbsp

    Cultural Analysis of the Arabic Language Textbooks of Muhammadiyah Elementary School

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    Culture is an important aspect of language. In the case of language textbooks, culture has an important role in conveying values to student learners. The objectives of this research are: 1) Describe the elements of Culture according to Keontjaraningrat; 2) Describe the cultural elements in Arabic books for Muhammadiyah elementary schools. The research method used was document analysis of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Arabic language textbooks for grades 4, 5 and 6, using Koentjaraningrat's cultural elements approach. The results of this research show that Koenjtaraningrat's seven cultural elements, namely religious systems and religious ceremonies, social systems and organizations, knowledge systems, language, art, livelihoods, and technological equipment systems are in the Muhammadiyah Elementary School Arabic language textbooks for grades 4, 5, and 6. Specifically for religious systems, the author provides the largest portion of the book's contents, marked by the mention of verses from the Koran and hadith at the beginning of each theme, the names of the characters used, pictures of people wearing Islamic clothing, as well as instilling morals contained in conversational texts

    Expressive Speech Acts in the Introductory Discourse of Online Dating Tinder in Malaysia

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    Tinder is a popular social media platform that is widely used in Malaysia. This research aims to describe the form of expressive speech acts in the introductory discourse of the online dating media Tinder in Malaysia. This type of research employed a qualitative descriptive technique. The data used consists of words or phrases with expressive speech acts. The data source for this research is chats used by netizens on the online dating application Tinder in Malaysia. The research's method of collecting data involved listening, taking notes, and documenting. The data analysis method used in this research is the intralingual and extra-lingual matching method. The findings indicated that numerous expressive speech acts were included in the Tinder introduction application used in Malaysia. Expressive speech acts are speech acts that function to express or show the speaker's psychological attitude towards a situation, such as congratulating, apologizing, thanking, blaming, praising, blaming, forgiving, and condoling The expressive speech acts found were 33% of the expressive speech acts of praise, 21% of the expressive speech acts of congratulations or greetings, 12% of the expressive speech acts of apologizing, 12% of the expressive speech acts of praying, and 13% of the expressive speech acts of admiration. The frequency of expressive speech acts of praising is 33%, whereas that of apologizing is 12%. The results showed that the form of praise is the most dominant expressive speech act. Therefore, it can be concluded that speakers in Tinder media use expressions of praise to attract interest in interlocutors and engage in conversation.Tinder merupakan salah satu media sosial yang banyak digunakan di Malaysia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk tuturan ekspresif dalam wacana perkenalan media online dating Tinder di Malaysia. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata atau kalimat yang mengandung tindak tutur ekspresif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah chat yang digunakan warganet dalam aplikasi online dating Tinder di Malaysia. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode simak, catat dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode padan intralingual dan ekstralingual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam aplikasi perkenalan Tinder yang digunakan di Malaysia ditemukan sejumlah tindak tutur ekspresif. Tindak tutur ekspresif yang ditemukan yaitu tindak tutur ekspreif memuji yang ditemukan sejumlah 33%, tindak tutur ekspresif mengucapkan selamat atau salam sejumlah 21%, tindak tutur ekspresif meminta maaf sejumlah 12%, tindak tutur ekspresif mendoakan 21%, dan tindak tutur ekspresif kagum sejumlah 13%. Tindak tutur ekspresif memuji memiliki frekuensi paling banyak yaitu sejumlah 33%, adapun tindak tutur ekspresif meminta maaf memiliki frekuensi paling sedikit yaitu sejumlah 12%. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam menarik lawan tutur dalam media Tinder penutur menggunakan ungkapan pujian agar dapat menarik perhatian mitra tutur

    Representasi Konflik Aceh dalam Cerpen Kontemporer Pascaperjanjian Damai

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    This study aims to examine the representation of the Aceh conflict in Raisa Kamila’s short stories Mati Lampu and Cerita dari Cot Panglima, published in 2020. The research used a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection carried out though library research and note-taking techniques. A sociological approach to literature was employed, alongside the application of Hall’s concept of representation. The results show that Mati Lampu represents the Aceh conflict as daily events filled with threats and alarms. In contrast, Cerita dari Cot Panglima, portrays the conflict as depriving civilians of security and fostering sentiments against the Javanese ethnicity.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji representasi konflik Aceh pada cerpen Mati Lampu dan Cerita dari Cot Panglima karya Raisa Kamila yang terbit tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pustaka dan simak-catat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan konsep representasi Hall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerpen Mati Lampu merepresentasikan konflik Aceh dengan peristiwa yang penuh ancaman dan kewaspadaan dan hal itu sering terjadi setiap harinya. Adapun cerpen  Cerita dari Cot Panglima konflik Aceh direpresentasikan sebagai peristiwa yang merampas keamanaan warga sipil dan adanya sentimen terhadap etnis Jawa

    Manifestations of Folklore in Literature Learning: Comparative Study of Indonesia & Russia

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    Language and literature learning is closely related to character values ​​instilling to students. Character cultivation can be conveyed through literary works. Literary works containing character values not only come from Indonesian local culture, but it also folktales from Russian. This article aims to investigate the process of cultivating character education through learning literature containing folklore. The formal object of research was cultural theory with a comparative perspective. The material objects were the Damarwulan Folklore (Indonesia) and Цветок папоротника (Tsvetok Paporotnika or Fern Flower) folktale. Data that was taken were in the form of words, sentences, and paragraphs in Indonesian & Russian folktales. Data collection techniques in this research used reading and note-taking. The data analysis technique used in this research is to identify the research focus, interpret the data hermeneutically, and generalize the findings. The results of the research show that Indonesian and Russian folklore have relevant values, both among humans, oneself and nature.Pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra sangat erat kaitannya dengan penanaman nilai karakter pada siswa. Penanaman karakter dapat disampaikan melalui karya sastra. Tidak hanya cerita dari budaya lokal ada pula cerita rakyat dari budaya Rusia yang mengandung nilai karakter untuk siswa. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penanaman pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sastra bermuatan cerita rakyat. Objek formal penelitian berupa teori budaya dengan perspektif bandingan. Objek materialnya berupa Cerita Rakyat Damarwulan (Indonesia) dan Bunga Pakis (Rusia). Data berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf dalam cerita rakyat Indonesia & Rusia. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan mengidentifikasi fokus penelitian, menafsirkan secara hermeneutik, dan menggeneralisasi temuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerita rakyat Indonesia dan Rusia memiliki nilai-nilai yang relevan, baik sesama manusia, diri sendiri, maupun alam

    Al-Nahwu Al-Wazhifi Ahmad Al-Mutawakkil dan Kontribusinya pada Pengembangan Nahwu Fungsional

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    Learning nahwu in Arabic language studies is still a theme that requires the right approach so that learning Arabic for non-Arabs becomes easier and more functional. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the thinking of Ahmad al-Mutawakkil, a pioneer of functional nahwu theory, namely about al-nahwu al-wazhifi and the contribution of his thinking to the development of nahwu learning. This biographical type of literature study uses data collection techniques through reviewing and searching for library sources that are relevant to functional nahwu. Data analysis uses historical methods and content analysis. This research resulted in: 1) The characteristics of al-nahwu al-wazhifi al-Mutawakkil include: aspects of using language both spoken and written which are limited and simple, the relationship between i'rab and sentence structure is applied appropriately and correctly to produce a clear and understandable meaning, and summarizes the basic methodological principles adopted in functional grammar, 2) al-Mutawakkil's thoughts regarding al-nahwu al-wazhifi contributed greatly to the development of nahwu learning by increasing the learning outcomes of Arabic language learners. The simplification of nahwu learning which is oriented towards communication aspects prioritizes pragmatic and communicative functional elements of language

    Matrilineal Marriage System in AR Rizal's Novel Limpapeh: A Literary Socio-anthropology Study

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    This research is motivated by the existence of a unique marriage system in the matrilineal tradition in Minangkabau society which is found in local Minangkabau color novels. Based on this background, this research examines the form of marital relations in local color novels in Minangkabau as a matrilineal tradition. The novel studied in this research is the novel Limpapeh by AR Rizal. Regarding the matrilineal marriage system, it is worth researching because since the era of modern literature in Indonesia, Minangkabau literature has been famous for ironic stories related to marriage and customs. After reform through his novel, AR Rizal displays the current state of society with a marriage system that still maintains the system of the past and is still often found in the reality of today's society even though it is only expressed in the form of works of fiction. This research is a qualitative research using the content analysis method. The results of this research show that the forms of the marriage system in the novel Limpapeh by AR Rizal are marriages within the tribe, marriages outside the tribe, and marriages using the traditional system of collecting money. These three things are unique to Minangkabau traditions and customs which are still maintained today and are expressed in novels as literary works.  The benefits of this research are theoretically useful for multidisciplinary research in literary research, namely studying literary anthropology as a combination of literary science, sociology and anthropology. Practically it can be a reference for other researchers and a further basis for further research.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya keunikan sistem perkawinan dalam tradisi matrilineal masyarakat Minangkabau yang terdapat pada novel berwarna lokal Minangkabau. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bentuk hubungan perkawinan dalam novel lokal berwarna di Minangkabau sebagai tradisi matrilineal. Novel yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Limpapeh karya AR Rizal. Mengenai sistem perkawinan matrilineal patut untuk diteliti karena sejak era sastra modern di Indonesia, sastra Minangkabau terkenal dengan cerita-cerita ironis terkait perkawinan dan adat istiadat. Pasca reformasi melalui novelnya, AR Rizal menampilkan keadaan masyarakat saat ini dengan sistem perkawinan yang masih mempertahankan sistem masa lalu dan masih sering dijumpai dalam realitas masyarakat saat ini meskipun hanya dituangkan dalam bentuk karya fiksi. . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk sistem perkawinan dalam novel Limpapeh karya AR Rizal adalah perkawinan dalam suku, perkawinan luar suku, dan perkawinan dengan sistem adat yaitu mengumpulkan uang. Ketiga hal tersebut menjadi ciri khas tradisi dan adat istiadat Minangkabau yang masih dipertahankan hingga saat ini dan dituangkan dalam novel sebagai karya sastra. Manfaat penelitian ini secara teoritis bermanfaat untuk penelitian multidisiplin dalam penelitian sastra, yaitu mengkaji antropologi sastra sebagai gabungan ilmu sastra, sosiologi dan antropologi. Secara praktis dapat menjadi referensi bagi peneliti lain dan landasan bagi penelitian selanjutnya


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    ABSTRACT Polygamy is one of the problems in the marriage that many Islamic scholars often discuss. The case of polygamy is still considered taboo; however, others consider it a good and necessary practice as a solution and social alternative, as it is also mentioned in verse Qur’an about polygamy. This research examines and explores the spiritual values of polygamy in polygamous marriages by Kiai, who cares for Islamic boarding schools in Madura, which provides an overview of polygamous household life based on spiritual values. There are two main problems (1) What is the nature of polygamy in the view of the Madurese kiai: (2) What is the spiritual meaning for the Madurese kiai? The study was written by collecting data using the social definition paradigm, also known as the interpretive sociology paradigm. The study results explain that the family and the community highly guard the descentants of the Kiai to continue leadership and preach religious knowledge so that if a Kiai marries who does not have children, then a Kiai will practice polygamy. It is accepted by a wife to protect the descentants of the Kiai. ABSTRAK Poligami merupakan salah satu masalah dalam perkawinan yang sering dibicarakan oleh banyak ulama Islam. Kasus poligami masih dianggap tabu; Namun, sebagian  berpandangan sebagai praktik yang baik dan perlu sebagai solusi dan alternatif  sosial, sebagaimana juga disebutkan dalam ayat al-Qur’an tentang poligami. Fokus penelitian ini pada dua hal: Pertama, Praktik poligami dikalangan Kiyai pengasuh pondok pesantren di Madura. Kedua, mengungkap tentang orientasi praktik poligami Kiyai di Madura guna menjaga ketersambungan nasab (keturunan) dan kelestarian keilmuan. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologis. Data-data dalam penelitian ini ditulis dengan mengumpulkan data menggunakan paradigma definisi sosial atau dikenal juga dengan paradigma sosiologi interpretatif dengan teknik wawancara. Adapun hasil penelitian ini: pertama: praktik poligami adalah suatu hal yang biasa terjadi dikalangan Kiyai pengasuh pondok pesantren di Madura.  Pada praktiknya poligami dilakukan dengan seorang yang masih ada keterikatan nasab guna menjaga keturunan Kiai untuk meneruskan estafet kepemimpinan dan mendakwahkan ilmu agama. Kedua, Praktik poligami juga bertujuan untuk menjaga kelestarian dan sanad keilmuan. sehingga jika seorang Kiai menikah dengan yang tidak memiliki anak, maka seorang Kiai akan berpoligami. Hal itu diterima oleh seorang istri untuk melindungi keturunan Kiai

    Hubungan Jurnalistik Bentuk dan Makna: Analisis Tematik Konten Berita Al-Jazeera dan Mu’jam Mustalahat al-I’lamiyah

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    This research explores thematic analysis based on lexical and grammatical cohesion in a journalistic context, especially on news narratives from Al Jazeera newspaper, Mu'jam Mustalahat al-I'lamiyah, and the Dictionary of Press &; Media. The objective of this study is to understand the relationship between form and meaning in the domain of journalism. A descriptive qualitative approach is used to reveal the details of these aspects. The data collection method is focused on literature research to obtain data. In data analysis, lexical and grammatical codes are identified based on content, theme, meaning, and concept description. Lexical cohesion in each news narrative is explained through Word Frequency Analysis to assess the recurrence of words, while the use of linkage markers is assessed to evaluate grammatical fluency. The results revealed the interrelationship between form and meaning, with the identification of 58 forms of Arabic basic word concepts in the form of fi'il madhi and 14 nominal phrase forms, the jumlah-ismiyah. This finding can be applied to enrich the news narrative in the Indonesian journalistic context in the form of 230 journalistic terms and 30 themes related to Middle Eastern journalism

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kreatif dalam Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Nonformal Bagi Anak Usia Dini di Suku Anak Dalam Desa Sekaladi

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    This research aims to carry out the application of creative learning in the implementation of non-formal education for early childhood in the Anak Tribe in Sekaladi Village, Mestong District, Muaro Jambi Regency. This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive research type. The subjects of this research were early childhood children from the Anak Dalam Tribe in Sekaladi Village. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation and documentary studies of the required data sources, the aim of which is to implement creative learning for early childhood in the Anak Dalam Tribe in Sekaladi Village. The results of this research are as follows; (1) The teaching team applies creative learning in the implementation of non-formal education for early childhood in the Anak Dalam Tribe in Sekaladi Village with various learning media that support the learning process, namely: Learning to introduce traditional and modern musical instruments, Literacy learning using the media "Literacy Board" , Learning based on Information and Communication Technology, Storytelling learning using Hand Puppet media, Motor Learning using "Portable Sensory Path" media, Finger Painting learning, and dancing learning. (2) Early childhood children from the Children's Tribe in Sekaladi Village are very enthusiastic and have great interest in participating in learning activities by sharing learning media using a combination of existing methods. In conclusion, the teaching team who applied various existing learning media made learning better and the Anak Dalam Tribe children were more active and had great enthusiasm for learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukuan penerapan pembelajaran kreatif dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan nonformal bagi anak usia dini di Suku Anak dalam Desa Sekaladi Kecamatan Mestong, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak usia dini Suku Anak Dalam Desa Sekaladi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumenter terhadap sumber data yang dibutuhkan, yang tujuannya untuk menerapkan pembelajaran kreatif bagi anak usia dini di Suku Anak Dalam Desa Sekaladi. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah sebagai berikut; (1) Tim pengajar menerapkan pembelajaran kreatif dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan nonformal bagi anak usia dini di Suku Anak Dalam Desa Sekaladi dengan berbagai media pembelajaran yang mendukung pada saat proses pembelajaran yaitu : Pembelajaran pengenalan alat musik tradisonal dan modern, Pembelajaran literasi menggunakan media “Papan Literasi”, Pembelajaran berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, Pembelajaran mendongeng menggunakan media Boneka Tangan, Pembelajaran Motorik dengan media “Portabel Sensory Path”, Pembelajaran seni melukis jari (Finger Painting), dan Pembelajaran menari. (2) Anak usia dini Suku Anak Dalam Desa Sekaladi sangat bersemangat dan memiliki minat besar dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar dengan berbagi media pembelajaran dengan gabungan metode yang ada. Kesimpulannya tim pengajar yang menerapakan berbagai media pembelajaran yang ada membuat pembelajaran lebih baik dan anak-anak Suku Anak Dalam lebih aktif dan memiliki semangat belajar yang besar


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