Jurnal Online IAIN Madura
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    3174 research outputs found

    Is Bullying a Moral Disability? Identification of Bullying Behavior In Kindergarten

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    The phenomenon of bullying is a crucial issue that invoked children’s daily lives in school environment. Bullying does not only occured at primary and secondary school levels, but generally its existence can be identified since children on the early educational stage. Understanding bullying behavior and actions carried out by children, both as actors and victims, required serious treatment. Children are in the early cognitive development phase and have a moral dilemma, which causes bullying to become a nature. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach to explore narratives of bullying behavior on early childhood in kindergarten schools spread across the Kalimantan region. Through obtaining informant data from teachers at schools, it was found that bullying usually happen in physical, verbal and relational forms. Gender differences between boys and girls also influence the tendency for forms of bullying. Teachers' mechanism efforts to overcome bullying are brought in many strategies that focus on both the perpetrator, target and mediator.Fenomena perundungan merupakan isu krusial yang kerap mewarnai keseharian anak di lingkungan sekolah. Bullying tidak hanya terjadi pada jenjang sekolah dasar dan menengah, namun umumnya sudah dapat diidentifikasi keberadaannya sejak anak mengenyam pendidikan usia dini. Pemahaman terhadap perilaku dan tindakan bullying yang dilakukan anak baik sebagai aktor maupun korban memerlukan penanganan yang serius. Anak berada pada fase perkembangan kognitif awal dan moral dilemma sehingga menyebabkan bullying sebagai peristiwa yang alamiah terjadi sehari-hari. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis untuk menggali narasi perilaku bullying pada anak usia dini di 16 sekolah taman kanak-kanak yang tersebar di wilayah Kalimantan. Melalui pemerolehan data informan para tenaga pendidik di sekolah didapati bahwa tindakan bullying lazimnya terjadi dalam bentuk fisik, verbal dan relasional. Perbedaan gender antara anak laki-laki dan perempuan turut mempengaruhi kecenderungan bentuk bullying. Upaya mekanisme guru untuk mengatasi bullying dilakukan dalam banyak strategi yang berfokus baik terhadap pelaku, target dan penengah.

    Cultural-Based Deviance on Islamic Law; Zakat Tekke Wale’ Spending in Basala, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Owners of swallow's nest in Basala District, South Konawe Regency give zakat of tekke wale' (swallow's nest) using gold zakat rate. This implies deviation from Islamic law and striking difference from the provisions of zakat law formulated by most Muslim scholars. This research aims to reveal the business phenomenon and practice of tekke wale' zakat spending, the factors beyond preference to use zakat with gold rate as well as culture-based deviations on Islamic law regarding this specific practice of zakat. This research is qualitative with an empirical-normative approach which includes interviews with swallow nest owners, community leaders, and religious leaders. Besides, it involves literature review to gather the data. The research shows that swallow nest business is a relatively new livelihood for local people so they have no definite guidance on how to spend the zakat. Their preference using gold zakat rate are due to five factors, ranging from lack of knowledge, assumption that swallow's nest is not a part of agricultural business, easy calculation in giving zakat using gold rate, following the previous swallow's nest owners, to easiness to determine the zakat recipients and spending period. Meanwhile, three forms of deviation from Islamic law existing at the practice urges the specific legal product concerning this specific commodity.&nbsp

    Eksplorasi Peran Lingkungan dalam Masa Transisi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini ke Sekolah Dasar : The Role of the Environment in the Transition from Early Childhood to Elementary School

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    Transisi anak dari PAUD ke SD merupakan periode krusial dalam perkembangan pendidikan anak. Lingkungan belajar yang disediakan selama fase ini memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung adaptasi, perkembangan sosial emosional dan keterampilan akademik. Tujuan dalam penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi peran lingkungan dalam masa transisi PAUD ke SD. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Systematic Literature Review. Tinjauan literature review mendeksripsikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bagaimana lingkungan dapat ditingkatkan untuk mendukung transisi dan perkembangan holistik anak dari fase PAUD ke SD. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa data tematik untuk menyusun, menganalisis dan menyimpulkan pembahasan dengan kata kunci peran lingkungan, transisi paud ke sd, dan teori ekologi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa lingkungan yang dirancang dengan baik dapat membuat pengalaman belajar anak dengan optimal, merangsang minat belajar, dan mengembangkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Kesimpulannya adalah efektifitas lingkungan dan adaptasi diperlukan untuk menawarkan pemahaman secara mendalam tentang meningkatkan kualitas transisi anak daro PAUD ke SD dari lingkungan anak.The transition from early childhood education to primary school is a crucial period in a child's educational development. The learning environment provided during this phase plays an important role in supporting adaptation, social-emotional development and academic skills. The aim of the study was to explore the role of the environment in the transition from ECE to primary school. The method used in the study was Systematic Literature Review. The literature review describes an in-depth understanding of how the environment can be improved to support the transition and holistic development of children from the ECE phase to primary school. The data analysis used is thematic data to organize, analyze and conclude the discussion with the keywords of the role of the environment, the transition from ECE to PS, and ecological theory. The results showed that a well-designed environment can optimize children's learning experiences, stimulate interest in learning, and develop children's growth and development

    Environmental Theology and Worship Teaching of Lombok Wetu Telu Old Manuscripts

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    This study aims to explore the intertwining of two Islamic teachings, namely environmental values and worship practice in three old manuscripts popular among Wetu Telu people in North Lombok. It questions how the three, Serat Rengganis, Usada Rara, and Tuḥfah al-Mursalāh ilā Rūḥ an-Nabī deliver the teaching through its contents about the two themes. Those manuscripts are well known and routinely recited among Wetu Telu in Bayan, a village that routinely holds a ritual called pepaosan. The anthropological method used in this paper relies on primary data through in-depth observation, interviews with relevant parties, as well as manuscript content mapping. The finding shows that environmental values and worship teaching among Wetu Telu in North Lombok are mostly based on those manuscripts with Serat Rengganis as the mostly referred and popular one. The manuscripts likely use metaphors to deliver the teaching which makes it hard to understand the meaning without attending the pepaosan to listen to explanations from the experts. Integration of both teachings is mainly clear from how Wetu Telu people are supposed to behave well to God, fellow humans, and nature. Both individual and social worship of Wetu Telu, like ṣalāt (prayer) and al-ḥajj (pilgrimage), also indicate how the three old manuscripts still play an important role within the community

    Islamic Education Policy: New Directions of ‎Learning Based on Pancasila Learner Profile ‎at Mambaul Ulum Islamic Junior High School ‎in Ponjanan Timur

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    This research aims to investigate the implementation of the Pancasila-based Student Profile Learning Management at Mambaul Ulum Islamic Junior High School in East Ponjanan as a systematic effort to strengthen the character and values of Pancasila among its students. The research method employed a qualitative approach conducted through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis. The data were carefully analyzed through the stages of reduction, display, and verification to identify patterns and learning practices as well as the implementation of Islamic education policies and Pancasila values at the school. The results of the research indicate that the implementation of the Pancasila-based Student Profile Learning Management at Mambaul Ulum Islamic Junior High School in East Ponjanan is carried out to strengthen students' character through Pancasila values. The initial step involves teachers as facilitators in understanding these values. Pancasila integration is carried out in the curriculum and extracurricular activities. The roles of parents, teachers, and the community are important in student development. Pancasila values are integrated into both the curriculum and extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, the school culture is also created as conducive as possible to support the instillation of Pancasila values for students at the school.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki implementasi manajemen Pembelajaran berbasis Profil Pelajar Pancasila di SMP Islam Mambaul Ulum Ponjanan Timur sebagai upaya sistematis untuk memperkuat karakter dan nilai-nilai Pancasila pada siswanya. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, dan analisis dokumen. Data tersebut dianalisis secara cermat melalui tahapan reduksi, display, dan verifikasi untuk mengidentifikasi pola dan praktik pembelajaran serta implementasi kebijakan pendidikan Islam dan nilai-nilai Pancasila di sekolah tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bawah implementasi manajemen Pembelajaran berbasis Profil Pelajar Pancasila di SMP Islam Mambaul Ulum Ponjanan Timur dilakukan untuk memperkuat karakter siswa melalui nilai-nilai Pancasila. Langkah awal melibatkan guru sebagai fasilitator dalam pemahaman nilai-nilai tersebut. Integrasi Pancasila dilakukan dalam kurikulum dan ekstrakurikuler. Peran orang tua, guru, dan masyarakat penting dalam pembinaan siswa. Nilai-nilai Pancasila diintegrasikan dalam kurikulum maupun dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Sementara itu, budaya sekolah juga diciptakan sekondusif mungkin dalam upaya mendukung penanaman nilai-nilai Pancasila bagi siswa di sekolah tersebut

    Pembangunan Ekonomi Kreatif Era Endemi Melalui Kebijakan Publik Sebagai Model Maslahah Al-Ammah Di Pamekasan Madura

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    Penanganan ekonomi menjadi hal penting dalam setiap daerah untuk memastikan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya dan setiap daerah pula memiliki prinsip dan kebijakan yang berbeda, seperti kabupaten Pamekasan memiliki kebijakan publik untuk mengatur perekonomian masyarakat dengan mempertimbangkan maslahah al-ammah dalam kebijakannya. Penelitian ini dikaji dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hukum empiris menemukan bahwa Kabupaten Pamekasan memiliki peraturan perekonomian masa endemic yang termaktub dalam peraturan Kabupaten pamekasn No 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah dan Perekonomi Kreatif dengan memberikan pendampingan kepada masyarakat meliputi desai grafis, kuliner, olahraga, pemasaran dengan melibatkan beberapa lembaga terkait seperti Dinas Koperasi, Desperindag, Kepemudaan, Pedesaan, dan Pendamping dari Pemkab yang memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas masyarakat dalam meningkatkan perekonomian sehingga menjadi perekonomian yang kreatif

    The Influence of The Intensity of Gadget Use on The Individualism of Tadris IPS Students at IAIN Madura

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the intensity of gadget use on individualism. The research method used in this research is a quantitative approach with a survey type, The data collected can be analyzed statistically to obtain information about the opinions, attitudes or behavior of respondents. The analysis used is descriptive statistics and to answer the hypothesis using a simple linear regression technique The results showed that the average intensity of gadget use by Tadris IPS IAIN Madura students was 65.05. The individualism attitude of students had an average of 48.38 included in the high category because it was close to the maximum value of 60. The results of effect of the intensity of gadget use on the individualism value is 7.421 which is greater than the table value which is equal to 2.048. Thus it can be concluded that the intensity of use has an influence in fostering an attitude of individualism from students of Tadris IPS IAIN Madura. This is also reinforced by the resulting significance level of 0.00, which is smaller than the significance value of 0.05

    Perkembangan Implementasi Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk: Paradigma Baru Waqf Produktif di Indonesia

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    This research aims to evaluate CWLS practices that have been published by the government, then propose improvements that can be made for future development of the CWLS instrument. The methodology of this research is literature study research with a qualitative approach. This method involves analysis and synthesis of written sources that are relevant to answering research questions or understanding the problem being researched. Findings - The advantages of CWLS include that the risk is entirely borne by the Government, the returns offered are quite cooperative because they are free from tax, flexible in obtaining CWLS, and fully supported by various related agencies. Weaknesses in CWLS studied in this research include Human Resources, in this case, namely Nazhir, who is still relatively incompetent, especially in contemporary waqf science, and Sharia Financial Institutions, there are only 27 institutions that are partners in collecting CWLS. Opportunities that Indonesia can take advantage of in CWLS include the demographic bonus which will make the majority of Indonesia's population of productive age with the hope of participating in CWLS, Indonesia as the most generous country in the world, as well as a strong legal umbrella. The challenges that will be faced in CWLS are differences in opinion from Islamic Schools of Imams, traditional waqf is still strong in society, as well as moral hazards that may occur within social institutions

    Integration of Digital Technology in Social Studies Teaching and Learning to Improve Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes

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    This study examines the effectiveness of integrating digital technology in Social Studies learning on junior high school students' motivation and learning outcomes. Using a mixed methods sequential explanatory design, the study involved 200 students divided into experimental and control groups. Quantitative analysis results showed significant differences in learning outcomes (t(198) = 4.72, p < 0.001, d = 0.67) and learning motivation (t(198) = 3.89, p < 0.001, d = 0.55) between the two groups. The experimental group demonstrated a greater increase in post-test scores (M = 82.45, SD = 7.23) compared to the control group (M = 75.18, SD = 8.56). Qualitative analysis revealed positive perceptions from students and teachers towards digital technology integration, with 85% of students reporting increased learning interest. Significant development in students' digital skills was also observed, with average scores increasing from 2.8 to 4.2 over one semester. Long-term impact was evident from 75% of students in the experimental group reporting continued use of learned digital skills after 6 months. These findings indicate that integrating digital technology in Social Studies learning can enhance students' motivation, learning outcomes, and digital skills, as well as provide a more contextual and meaningful learning experience

    Analisis Akad Transaksi Jual Beli Pada Anak Usia Dini Perspektif Maslahah

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    Penelitian ini berlatar belakang pada hukum terhadap akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usia dini. Diimana salah satu syarat melakukan transaksi jual beli yaitu antara penjual dan pembeli harus sama-sama baligh dan cakap namun realitanya banyak para anak-anak usia dini yang sudah melakukan transakski akad jual beli di berbagai toko atau kios. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hukum dari akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usia dini persepektif maslahah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan penelitian ini yaitu library research dengan mengumpulkan berbagai sumber yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hukum dari akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usis dini yaitu boleh (jaiz) dengan mempertimbnagkan faktor-faktor kebaikan dan kesejahteraan didalamnya.Penelitian ini berlatar belakang pada hukum terhadap akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usia dini. Diimana salah satu syarat melakukan transaksi jual beli yaitu antara penjual dan pembeli harus sama-sama baligh dan cakap namun realitanya banyak para anak-anak usia dini yang sudah melakukan transakski akad jual beli di berbagai toko atau kios. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hukum dari akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usia dini persepektif maslahah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan penelitian ini yaitu library research dengan mengumpulkan berbagai sumber yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hukum dari akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usis dini yaitu boleh (jaiz) dengan mempertimbnagkan faktor-faktor kebaikan dan kesejahteraan didalamnya


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