13 research outputs found

    Antioxidants of Edible Mushrooms

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    Oxidative stress caused by an imbalanced metabolism and an excess of reactive oxygen species (ROS) lead to a range of health disorders in humans. Our endogenous antioxidant defense mechanisms and our dietary intake of antioxidants potentially regulate our oxidative homeostasis. Numerous synthetic antioxidants can effectively improve defense mechanisms, but because of their adverse toxic effects under certain conditions, preference is given to natural compounds. Consequently, the requirements for natural, alternative sources of antioxidant foods identified in edible mushrooms, as well as the mechanistic action involved in their antioxidant properties, have increased rapidly. Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of mushrooms have been intensively studied. Edible mushrooms might be used directly in enhancement of antioxidant defenses through dietary supplementation to reduce the level of oxidative stress. Wild or cultivated, they have been related to significant antioxidant properties due to their bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, vitamins, carotenoids and minerals. Antioxidant and health benefits, observed in edible mushrooms, seem an additional reason for their traditional use as a popular delicacy food. This review discusses the consumption of edible mushrooms as a powerful instrument in maintaining health, longevity and life quality

    Antioxidant and oxidative stress: a mutual interplay in age-related diseases

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    Aging is the progressive loss of organ and tissue function over time. Growing older is positively linked to cognitive and biological degeneration such as physical frailty, psychological impairment, and cognitive decline. Oxidative stress is considered as an imbalance between pro- and antioxidant species, which results in molecular and cellular damage. Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the development of age-related diseases. Emerging research evidence has suggested that antioxidant can control the autoxidation by interrupting the propagation of free radicals or by inhibiting the formation of free radicals and subsequently reduce oxidative stress, improve immune function, and increase healthy longevity. Indeed, oxidation damage is highly dependent on the inherited or acquired defects in enzymes involved in the redox-mediated signaling pathways. Therefore, the role of molecules with antioxidant activity that promote healthy aging and counteract oxidative stress is worth to discuss further. Of particular interest in this article, we highlighted the molecular mechanisms of antioxidants involved in the prevention of age-related diseases. Taken together, a better understanding of the role of antioxidants involved in redox modulation of inflammation would provide a useful approach for potential interventions, and subsequently promoting healthy longevity

    The effect of a Mediterranean diet model on serum beta-carotene concentration. A preliminary assessment

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    Background. Some of the main nutritional reasons for recommending a Mediterranean diet is to prevent metabolic diseases arising through free radical formation. A key constituent compound is β-carotene which, amongst the carotenoids, displays the greatest provitamin A activity as well as possessing significant antioxidant properties. Objectives. Principally, to determine the relationship between serum β-carotene levels and the effect of Mediterranean diet guidelines in a selected group of women. Materials and Methods. The subject group consisted of 26 women aged 19-22 years. A nutritional assessment was performed using 3 day repeats of 24-hour recall interviews. A 9-point aMED (alternate Mediterranean Diet) score was used to study dietary habits. Serum β-carotene was measured by liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (HPLC-PDA). Results. β-carotene dietary intake was highly variable, ranging from 734 to 14476 μg/day (median 3022 μg/day). Serum β-carotene concentration ranged between 0.071-1.905 μmol/L (median 0.519 μmol/L) and was significantly associated with the Mediterranean Diet model (Spearman r=0.633, p<0.001). Out of the dietary sources of β-carotene, consuming carrots had the most significant impact on its serum concentration. Other dietary factors positively affecting serum β-carotene were: consumption of nuts and seeds, pulses, a favourable ratio of mono-unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids and eating fruit and wholegrain cereal products. Conclusions. Adopting a Mediterranean-based diet had a positive effect on increasing serum beta-carotene levels.Wprowadzenie. Sposób żywienia oparty o zalecenia diety śródziemnomorskiej rekomendowany jest w celu prewencji chorób metabolicznych, w patomechanizmie których uczestniczą wolne rodniki. β-karoten jest związkiem charakteryzującym się największą spośród karotenoidów aktywnością prowitaminy A, a także wykazuje właściwości antyoksydacyjne. Cel badań. Zasadniczym celem pracy było zbadanie zależności pomiędzy stężeniem β-karotenu w surowicy krwi a stosowaniem zaleceń diety śródziemnomorskiej w wybranej grupie kobiet. Materiał i metody. W badaniach uczestniczyło 26 kobiet w wieku 19-22 lata. Dane dotyczące spożycia produktów spożywczych uzyskano przy pomocy wywiadu 24-godzinnego, który przeprowadzono 3-krotnie. Nawyki żywieniowe badanych kobiet oceniane były przy pomocy 9-punktowej skali a-MED (alternate Mediterranean Diet Score). Stężenie β-karotenu w surowicy krwi oznaczono metodą chromatografii cieczowej z detekcją fotodiodową (HPLC-PDA). Wyniki. Pobranie -karotenu z dietą przez badane kobiety charakteryzowało się dużą zmiennością i zawarte było w przedziale wartości od 734 do 14476 μg/dobę (mediana 3022 μg/dobę). Stężenie beta-karotenu w surowicy krwi badanych mieściło się w zakresie 0,071-1,905 μmol/l (mediana 0,519 μmol/l). Stężenie β-karotenu w surowicy krwi było w znaczący sposób powiązane z przyjętym modelem diety śródziemnomorskiej (R w teście Spearmana=0,633, p<0,001). Spośród żywieniowych źródeł β-karotenu wpływ na stężenie tej prowitaminy w surowicy krwi wywierało spożycie marchwi. Do innych czynników żywieniowych mających dodatni wpływ na stężenie β-karotenu w surowicy krwi należało spożycie orzechów i nasion oraz roślin strączkowych, a także korzystny stosunek kwasów tłuszczowych jednonienasyconych do nasyconych, oraz spożycie owoców i produktów zbożowych pełnoziarnistych. Wnioski. Sposób odżywiania zbliżony do śródziemnomorskiego modelu spożycia dodatnio wpływał na stężenie β-karotenu w surowicy krwi badanych kobiet

    The influence of carotenoid and chlorophyll content on the oxidative processes in the selected vegetable oils

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    Purpose: More than 100 plant species have been classified as oil products, but only a few of them are used in industrial production. In the available literature, there are no studies that would describe the relationship between the content of plant dyes and their impact on auto-oxidative processes. Therefore, this study aimed to determine dye composition and to define their effect on the acid value, peroxide value and quality assessment of selected refined and unrefined oils. Materials and methods: Twenty samples from different manufacturers were evaluated. Oils were purchased from retail trade of the Bialystok city. The total colour, acid, and peroxide values were determined in accordance with the Polish Standards PN-ISO 3960: 1996, PN-A-86934: 1995 and PN-ISO 3960: 1996, respectively. Results: Statistically significant differences of total colour values between both groups were found (p=0.002). The acid value of refined oils was lower than in an unrefined group (p=0.02). A positive statistically significant correlation was noticed between the total colour value and the acid value in the refined group (R=0.65, p=0.04). No significant effect of plant dyes on the acid or peroxide value of unrefined oils was observed. Conclusions: Refined and unrefined oils purchased in the city of Bialystok mostly met the standard values with the exception of cold-pressed oil from black cumin seeds, where the acid and peroxide value exceeded the values set in Codex Alimentarius

    Quantitative evaluation of 1,3,1,6 beta-D-glucan contents in wild-growing species of edible Polish mushrooms

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    Background. Macrofungal β-glucans are mainly represented by compounds with β-1,3- and β-1,6 glycosidic bonds. They have been shown to have immunomodulatory, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. Although there are many reports on the bioactivity and structure of fungal glucans, studies on the quantitative assessment of these compounds are sparse. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine total β-glucans and 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan contents in selected species of wild-growing edible Polish mushrooms. Material and methods. Eight species of wild-growing edible mushrooms Boletus pinophilus, Hydnum repandum, Craterellus cornucopioides, Suillus variegatus, Suillus granulatus, Gyroporus cyanescens, Tricholomopsis rutilans, and Auricularia auricula-judae and one species of cultivated mushroom for comparison purposes Agaricus bisporus, were analyzed. Quantitative analysis of 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucans was done using a colorimetric method in accordance with Nitschke et al. Result. Mean total β-glucan content varied from 13.5 g/100 g dry mass in A. bisporus (portobello variety) to 40.9 g/100 g dry mass in T. rutilans. Mean 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan content in the analyzed fruiting bodies ranged from 3.9 g/100 g dry mass in Agaricus bisporus (cremini) to 16.8 g/100 g dry mass in Auricularia auricula-judae (wood ear). The following mushrooms demonstrated the greatest percentage of 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan contents in relation to the total β-glucan content: Gyroporus cyanescens (54%), Suillus granulatus (49.8%), Auricularia auricula-judae (47.9%), and Suillus variegatus (40.6%). Conclusions. Among the analyzed species, wild-growing mushrooms had a generally higher average 1,3-1,6-β-Dglucan content compared with cultivated mushrooms such as A. bisporus. The highest average content of these polysaccharides was observed in medicinal mushroom Auricularia auricula-judae. Comparable 1,3-1,6-β-D-glucan content, in relation to this mushroom species, was found in Gyroporus cyanescens, Suillus granulatus and Suillus variegatus, which points to the possibility of the use of these species of mushrooms as medicinal foods.Wprowadzenie. β-glukany grzybów wielkoowocnikowych występują głównie w postaci związków o wiązaniach β-1,3 oraz β-1,6 glikozydowych. Wykazano, że posiadają one właściwości immunomodulacyjne, przeciwnowotworowe i przeciwutleniające. Pomimo, że istnieje wiele doniesień na temat bioaktywności i struktury glukanów grzybowych, badania dotyczące ilościowej oceny tych związków są rzadkie. Cel. Celem badań była ocena i oznaczenie całkowitej zawartości β-glukanów oraz 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w wybranych jadalnych gatunkach polskich grzybów dziko rosnących. Materiał i metody. Przebadano osiem gatunków grzybów jadalnych dziko rosnących: borowika sosnowego (Boletus pinophilus), kolczaka obłączastego (Hydnum repandum) lejkowca dętego (Craterellus cornucopioides) maślaka pstrego (Suillus variegatus) maślaka ziarnistego (Suillus granulatus) piaskowca modrzaka (Gyroporus cyanescens), rycerzyka czerwonozłotego (Tricholomopsis rutilans) i uszka bzowego (Auricularia auricula-judae) oraz jeden uprawny – pieczarkę dwuzarodnikową (Agaricus bisporus) w celach porównawczych. Ilościową ocenę 1,3-1,6-β-Dglukanów przeprowadzono metodą kolorymetryczną według Nitschke i wsp. Wyniki. Średnia całkowita zawartość β-glukanów wahała się od 13,5 g/100 g suchej masy w pieczarce dwuzarodnikowej (A. bisporus, odmiany portobello) do 40,9 g/100 g suchej masy w rycerzyku czerwonozłotym (T. rutilans). Średnia zawartość 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w analizowanych owocnikach grzybów wynosiła od 3.9 g/100 g s.m. w pieczarce dwuzarodnikowej (A. bisporus odmiany cremini) do 16,8 g /100 g s.m. w uszaku bzowym (Auricularia auricula-judae). Największy udział 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w stosunku do całkowitej zawartości β-glukanów wykazywały następujące gatunki grzybów: piaskowiec modrzak (Gyroporus cyanescens) (54%), maślak ziarnisty (Suillus granulatus) (49,8%), uszak bzowy (Auricularia auricula-judae) (47,9%) oraz maślak pstry (Suillus variegatus) (40,6%). Wnioski. Pośród analizowanych grzybów, gatunki dziko rosnące charakteryzowały się wyższą średnią zawartością 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów w porównaniu do uprawnych – pieczarki dwuzarodnikowej (A. bisporus). Najwyższą średnią zawartość tych polisacharydów stwierdzono w owocnikach grzybów leczniczych – uszak bzowy (Auricularia auricula- judae). Porównywalną zawartość 1,3-1,6-β-D-glukanów, w stosunku do uszaka bzowego, stwierdzono w owocnikach piaskowca modrzaka, maślaka ziarnistego oraz maślaka pstrego, co wskazuje na możliwość wykorzystania tych gatunków grzybów jako żywności funkcjonalnej

    Breastfeeding as an important factor of reduced infants’ infection diseases

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    Purpose: Respiratory tract infections and severe allergy reactions are a leading cause of hospitalization and morbidity in infants and children. The protection of breastfeeding against infectious diseases as well as allergy development has often been suggested. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the various models of infant nutrition, its immunity influence and children response after 3-6 years of age. Materials and methods: The research was based on a voluntarily questionnaire, filled in by parents of pre-school children. Information on breast and milk formula feeding duration (never; 1-6 months; 6-12 months; 12-24 months; 24>months) were collected. The frequency of infections, chronic diseases, and allergies occurrence was analysed. Results: A statistically significant differences between infants breastfeeding and milk formula feeding in case of reduced infection (p=0.003) and infection recurrences (p=0.001) were found. This relationship was not found among children at further stages of development. There was no correlation between the consumption of only mothers’ milk, and the reduced occurrence of asthma, allergies, and eczema. Conclusions: Maternal milk has an influence on the reduced risk of infection in the first year of the child’s life compared to children fed only with artificial mixture