780 research outputs found

    The Heart of Atrial Fibrillation: Integrating Yoga for Holistic Care

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    Atrial fibrillation (afib) is a chronic disease with no reliable cure that is caused by a chaotic heart rhythm. The heart has both metaphysical and physical meaning as the place where the spirit resides, a symbol of love, and as an organ that provides life. Yoga can be integrated as a holistic modality that has both physical and metaphysical benefits. Literature demonstrates that yoga can reduce self-assessed symptoms of afib, secondary outcomes, and objective episodes of afib. Negative emotional states can increase afib frequency. Yoga has been found to improve emotional states, ability to cope with chronic disease, perceived wellness, and quality of life. This project introduced yoga as a holistic modality to 12 patients with a diagnosis of afib and utilized a Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle for rapid quality improvement. Of the patients introduced to yoga, 83% were willing to learn more and practice yoga on their own. At the 12 week follow up, 33% were practicing at least some yoga, 25% reported an improved feeling of wellness, 33% found the yoga sequence helpful, and 8.3% found the online resource helpful. Watson’s human caring theory was chosen as the theoretical foundation of this project as it focuses on caring, transcends cure, and emphasizes wellness independent of a bio-medical cure. The concepts of holistic transpersonal care and being open to the spiritual in human caring theory is synergistic with the concept of connection with the universe, which is central to yoga practice. Future direction includes the design and development of a Yoga for Heart Health group class

    On faint companions in the close environment of star-forming dwarf galaxies. Possible external star formation triggers ?

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    We have searched for companion galaxies in the close environment of 98 star-forming dwarf galaxies (SFDGs) from field and low density environments, using the NASA Extragalactic Database. Most of the companions are dwarf galaxies which due to observational selection effects were previously disregarded in environmental studies of SFDGs. A subsample at low redshift, cz<2000 km/s, was chosen to partially eliminate the observational bias against distant dwarf companions. We find companion candidates for approximately 30% of the objects within a projected linear separation s_p<100 kpc and a redshift difference (Delta cz)<500 km/s. The limited completeness of the available data sets, together with the non-negligible frequency of HI clouds in the vicinity of SFDGs indicated by recent radio surveys, suggest that a considerably larger fraction of these galaxies may be accompanied by low-mass systems. This casts doubt on the hypothesis that the majority of them can be considered truly isolated. The velocity differences between companion candidates and sample SFDGs amount typically to (Delta cz)<250 km/s, and show a rising distribution towards lower (Delta cz). This is similarly found for dwarf satellites of spiral galaxies, suggesting a physical association between the companion candidates and the sample SFDGs. SFDGs with a close companion do not show significant differences in their Hbeta equivalent widths and B-V colours as compared to isolated ones. However, the available data do not allow us to rule out that interactions with close dwarf companions can influence the star formation activity in SFDGs.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in A&A; also available at http://www.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~knoeske/PUB_LIST/sfdg_comps.ps.g

    An experimental study of airfoil instability tonal noise with trailing edge serrations

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    This paper presents an experimental study of the effect of trailing edge serrations on airfoil instability noise. Detailed aeroacoustic measurements are presented of the noise radiated by an NACA-0012 airfoil with trailing edge serrations in a low to moderate speed flow under acoustical free field conditions. The existence of a separated boundary layer near the trailing edge of the airfoil at an angle of attack of 4.2 degree has been experimentally identified by a surface mounted hot-film arrays technique. Hot-wire results have shown that the saw-tooth surface can trigger a bypass transition and prevent the boundary layer from becoming separated. Without the separated boundary layer to act as an amplifier for the incoming Tollmien-Schlichting waves, the intensity and spectral characteristic of the radiated tonal noise can be affected depending upon the serration geometry. Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the airfoil wakes for a straight and serrated trailing edge are also reported in this paper. These measurements show that localized normal-component velocity fluctuations that are present in a small region of the wake from the laminar airfoil become weakened once serrations are introduced. Owing to the above unique characteristics of the serrated trailing edges, we are able to further investigate the mechanisms of airfoil instability tonal noise with special emphasis on the assessment of the wake and non-wake based aeroacoustic feedback model. It has been shown that the instability tonal noise generated at an angle of attack below approximately one degree could involve several complex mechanisms. On the other hand, the non-wake based aeroacoustic feedback mechanism alone is sufficient to predict all discrete tone frequencies accurately when the airfoil is at a moderate angle of attack

    Decoding neural responses to temporal cues for sound localization

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    The activity of sensory neural populations carries information about the environment. This may be extracted from neural activity using different strategies. In the auditory brainstem, a recent theory proposes that sound location in the horizontal plane is decoded from the relative summed activity of two populations in each hemisphere, whereas earlier theories hypothesized that the location was decoded from the identity of the most active cells. We tested the performance of various decoders of neural responses in increasingly complex acoustical situations, including spectrum variations, noise, and sound diffraction. We demonstrate that there is insufficient information in the pooled activity of each hemisphere to estimate sound direction in a reliable way consistent with behavior, whereas robust estimates can be obtained from neural activity by taking into account the heterogeneous tuning of cells. These estimates can still be obtained when only contralateral neural responses are used, consistently with unilateral lesion studies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01312.001

    Joule-assisted silicidation for short-channel silicon nanowire devices

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    We report on a technique enabling electrical control of the contact silicidation process in silicon nanowire devices. Undoped silicon nanowires were contacted by pairs of nickel electrodes and each contact was selectively silicided by means of the Joule effect. By a realtime monitoring of the nanowire electrical resistance during the contact silicidation process we were able to fabricate nickel-silicide/silicon/nickel- silicide devices with controlled silicon channel length down to 8 nm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Multifunctional Devices and Logic Gates With Undoped Silicon Nanowires

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    We report on the electronic transport properties of multiple-gate devices fabricated from undoped silicon nanowires. Understanding and control of the relevant transport mechanisms was achieved by means of local electrostatic gating and temperature dependent measurements. The roles of the source/drain contacts and of the silicon channel could be independently evaluated and tuned. Wrap gates surrounding the silicide-silicon contact interfaces were proved to be effective in inducing a full suppression of the contact Schottky barriers, thereby enabling carrier injection down to liquid-helium temperature. By independently tuning the effective Schottky barrier heights, a variety of reconfigurable device functionalities could be obtained. In particular, the same nanowire device could be configured to work as a Schottky barrier transistor, a Schottky diode or a p-n diode with tunable polarities. This versatility was eventually exploited to realize a NAND logic gate with gain well above one.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Mergers as triggers for nuclear activity : A near-IR study of the close environment of AGN in the VISTA-VIDEO survey

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    copyright 2014 The Authors; Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical SocietyThere is an ongoing debate concerning the driver of nuclear activity in galaxies, with active galactic nuclei (AGN) either being triggered by major or minor galactic mergers or, alternatively, through secular processes like cold gas accretion and/or formation of bars. We investigate the close environment of active galaxies selected in the X-ray, the radio and the mid-IR. We utilize the first data release of the new near-IR VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) survey of the XMM-Large Scale Structure field. We use two measures of environment density, namely counts within a given aperture and a finite redshift slice (pseudo- 3D density) and closest neighbour density measures ∑2 and ∑5. We select both AGN and control samples, matching them in redshift and apparent Ks-band magnitude. We find that AGN are found in a range of environments, with a subset of the AGN samples residing in overdense environments. Seyfert-like X-ray AGN and flat-spectrum radio-AGN are found to inhabit significantly overdense environments compared to their control sample. The relation between overdensities and AGN luminosity does not however reveal any positive correlation. Given the absence of an environment density-AGN luminosity relation, we find no support for a scheme where high-luminosity AGN are preferentially triggered by mergers. On the contrary, we find that AGN likely trace over dense environments at high redshift due to the fact that they inhabit the most massive galaxies, rather than being an AGN.Peer reviewe

    Piezoelectric Ribbons Printed onto Rubber for Flexible Energy Conversion

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    The development of a method for integrating highly efficient energy conversion materials onto stretchable, biocompatible rubbers could yield breakthroughs in implantable or wearable energy harvesting systems. Being electromechanically coupled, piezoelectric crystals represent a particularly interesting subset of smart materials that function as sensors/actuators, bioMEMS devices, and energy converters. Yet, the crystallization of these materials generally requires high temperatures for maximally efficient performance, rendering them incompatible with temperature-sensitive plastics and rubbers. Here, we overcome these limitations by presenting a scalable and parallel process for transferring crystalline piezoelectric nanothick ribbons of lead zirconate titanate from host substrates onto flexible rubbers over macroscopic areas. Fundamental characterization of the ribbons by piezo-force microscopy indicates that their electromechanical energy conversion metrics are among the highest reported on a flexible medium. The excellent performance of the piezo-ribbon assemblies coupled with stretchable, biocompatible rubber may enable a host of exciting avenues in fundamental research and novel applications

    Multiwavelength characterization of faint ultra steep spectrum radio sources: a search for high-redshift radio galaxies

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    Context. Ultra steep spectrum (USS) radio sources are one of the efficient tracers of powerful high-z radio galaxies (HzRGs). In contrast to searches for powerful HzRGs from radio surveys of moderate depths, fainter USS samples derived from deeper radio surveys can be useful in finding HzRGs at even higher redshifts and in unveiling a population of obscured weaker radio-loud AGN at moderate redshifts. Aims. Using our 325 MHz GMRT observations (5σ ∼ 800 μJy) and 1.4 GHz VLA observations (5σ ∼ 80−100 μJy) available in two subfields (VLA-VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VLA-VVDS) and Subaru X-ray Deep Field (SXDF)) of the XMM-LSS field, we derive a large sample of 160 faint USS radio sources and characterize their nature. Methods. The optical and IR counterparts of our USS sample sources are searched using existing deep surveys, at respective wavelengths. We attempt to unveil the nature of our faint USS sources using diagnostic techniques based on mid-IR colors, flux ratios of radio to mid-IR, and radio luminosities. Results. Redshift estimates are available for 86/116 (∼74%) USS sources in the VLA-VVDS field and for 39/44 (∼87%) USS sources in the SXDF fields with median values (zmedian) ∼1.18 and ∼1.57, respectively, which are higher than estimates for non-USS radio sources (zmedian non−USS ∼ 0.99 and ∼0.96), in the two subfields. The MIR color–color diagnostic and radio luminosities are consistent with most of our USS sample sources at higher redshifts (z > 0.5) being AGN. The flux ratio of radio to mid-IR (S 1.4 GHz/S 3.6 μm) versus redshift diagnostic plot suggests that more than half of our USS sample sources distributed over z ∼ 0.5 to 3.8 are likely to be hosted in obscured environments. A significant fraction (∼26% in the VLA-VVDS and ∼13% in the SXDF) of our USS sources without redshift estimates mostly remain unidentified in the existing optical, IR surveys, and exhibit high radio to mid-IR flux ratio limits similar to HzRGs, and so, can be considered as potential HzRG candidates. Conclusions. Our study shows that the criterion of ultra steep spectral index remains a reasonably efficient method to select high-z sources even at sub-mJy flux densities. In addition to powerful HzRG candidates, our faint USS sample also contains populations of weaker radio-loud AGNs potentially hosted in obscured environments