544 research outputs found
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In Situ/Subcellular Localization of Arabinogalactan Protein Expression by Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
The arabinogalactan proteins are highly glycosylated and ubiquitous in plants. They are involved in several aspects of plant development and reproduction; however, the mechanics behind their function remains for the most part unclear, as the carbohydrate moiety, covering the most part of the protein core, is poorly characterized at the individual protein level. Traditional immunolocalization using antibodies that recognize the glycosidic moiety of the protein cannot be used to elucidate individual proteins' distribution, function, or interactors. Indirect approaches are typically used to study these proteins, relying on reverse genetic analysis of null mutants or using a reporter fusion system. In the method presented here, we propose the use of RNA probes to assist in the localization of individual AGPs expression/mRNAs in tissues of Arabidopsis by fluorescent in situ hybridization, FISH. An extensive description of all aspects of this technique is provided, from RNA probe synthesis to the hybridization, trying to overcome the lack of specific antibodies for the protein core of AGPs
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A Data-Driven Feature Extraction Method for Enhanced Phonocardiogram Segmentation
In this work, we present a method to extract features from heart sound signals in order to enhance segmentation performance. The approach is data-driven, since the way features are extracted from the recorded signals is adapted to the data itself. The proposed method is based on the extraction of delay vectors, which are modeled with Gaussian mixture model priors, and an information-theoretic dimensionality reduction step which aims to maximize discrimination between delay vectors in different segments of the heart sound signal. We test our approach with heart sounds from the publicly available PhysioNet dataset showing an average F1 score of 92.6% in detecting S1 and S2 sounds
Active Contours Based Segmentation and Lesion Periphery Analysis For Characterization of Skin Lesions in Dermoscopy Images
This paper proposes a computer assisted diagnostic (CAD) system for the detection of melanoma in dermoscopy images. Clinical findings have concluded that in case of melanoma, the lesion borders exhibit differential structures such as pigment networks and streaks as opposed to normal skin spots, which have smoother borders. We aim to validate these findings by performing segmentation of the skin lesions followed by an extraction of the peripheral region of the lesion that is subjected to feature extraction and classification for detecting melanoma. For segmentation, we propose a novel active contours based method that takes an initial lesion contour followed by the usage of Kullback-Leibler divergence between the lesion and skin to fit a curve precisely to the lesion boundaries. After segmentation of the lesion, its periphery is extracted to detect melanoma using image features that are based on local binary patterns. For validation of our algorithms, we have used the publicly available PH dermoscopy dataset. An extensive experimental analysis reveals two important findings: 1). The proposed segmentation method mimics the ground truth data accurately, outperforming the other methods that have been used for comparison purposes, and 2). The most significant melanoma characteristics in the lesion actually lie on the lesion periphery
Sex-specific differences in the synaptonemal complex in the genus Oreochromis (Cichlidae)
Total synaptonemal complex (SC) lengths were estimated from Oreochromis aureus Steindachner (which has a WZ/ZZ sex determination system), O. mossambicus Peters and O. niloticus L. (both of which have XX/XY sex determination systems). The total SC length in oocytes was greater than that in spermatocytes in all three species (194±30 μm and 134±13 μm, 187±22 μm and 127±17 μm, 193±37 μm and 144±19 μm, respectively). These sex-specific differences did not appear to be influenced by the type of sex determination system (the female/male total SC length ratio was 1.45 in O. aureus, 1.47 in O. mossambicus and 1.34 in O. niloticus) and do not correlate with the lack of any overall sex-specific length differences in the current Oreochromis linkage map. Although based on data from relatively few species, there appears to be no consistent relationship between sex-specific SC lengths and linkage map lengths in fish. Neomale (hormonally masculinized genetic female) O. aureus and O. mossambicus had total SC lengths of 138±13 μm and 146±13 μm respectively, more similar to normal males than to normal females. These findings agree with data from other vertebrate species that suggest that phenotypic sex, rather than genotype, determines traits such as total SC length, chiasmata position and recombination pattern, at least for the autosomes
Search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √ s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Results of a search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum are reported. The search uses 20.3 fb−1 of √ s = 8 TeV data collected in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events are required to have at least one jet with pT > 120 GeV and no leptons. Nine signal regions are considered with increasing missing transverse momentum requirements between Emiss T > 150 GeV and Emiss T > 700 GeV. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model expectations. The results are translated into exclusion limits on models with either large extra spatial dimensions, pair production of weakly interacting dark matter candidates, or production of very light gravitinos in a gauge-mediated supersymmetric model. In addition, limits on the production of an invisibly decaying Higgs-like boson leading to similar topologies in the final state are presente
Synergids and filiform apparatus in the sexual and apomictic dandelions from section Palustria (Taraxacum, Asteraceae)
An evolutionary trend to reduce “unnecessary costs” associated with the sexual reproduction of their amphimictic ancestors, which may result in greater reproductive success, has been observed among the obligatory apomicts. However, in the case of the female gametophyte, knowledge about this trend in apomicts is not sufficient because most of the ultrastructural studies of the female gametophyte have dealt with amphimictic angiosperms. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in contrast to amphimictic plants, synergids in apomictic embryo sacs do not form a filiform apparatus. We compared the synergid structure in two dandelions from sect. Palustria: the amphimictic diploid Taraxacum tenuifolium and the apomictic tetraploid, male-sterile Taraxacum brandenburgicum. Synergids in both species possessed a filiform apparatus. In T. brandenburgicum, both synergids persisted for a long time without any degeneration, in spite of the presence of an embryo and endosperm. We propose that the persistent synergids in apomicts may play a role in the transport of nutrients to the embryo
Errores de medicación en pediatría
Concerns regarding patient safety affect healthcare, and medication errors are the most frequent category of medical errors and linked with severe consequences. This study discusses epidemiologic characteristics of medication errors in pediatric patients and points out prevention strategies. Approximately 8% of the studies on the subject of medication errors identified in different national and international databases are distinctively related to the pediatric population. Children are vulnerable to medication errors due to intrinsic factors, such as proper anatomic and physiological characteristics; and due to extrinsic factors, with emphasis on the lack of public health politics and changes in the pharmaceutical industry to attend children's needs. The available evidences indicate, as imperative, the implementation of strategies to prevent medication errors, contributing to promote patient safety.La seguridad del paciente es un problema de salud pública y los errores con medicamentos son los más frecuentes y más graves. Este artículo describe características epidemiológicas de errores de medicación en áreas de atención pediátrica y algunas estrategias de prevención. Aproximadamente 8% de las investigaciones sobre errores de medicación identificadas en las bases de datos nacionales e internacionales se refieren específicamente a niños. Los niños tienen mayor vulnerabilidad a la ocurrencia de errores debidos a factores intrínsecos, con destaque para características anatómicas y fisiológicas, e extrínsecos, en particular con respecto a falta de políticas sanitarias y de la industria farmacéutica orientada a la atención de tales características. Evidencias muestran la necesidad de aplicar estrategias para prevenir errores de medicación, promoviendo la seguridad del paciente.A segurança do paciente constitui problema de saúde pública, e erros com medicamentos são os mais freqüentes e graves. O artigo apresenta características epidemiológicas dos erros de medicação em diferentes áreas de atendimento pediátrico, e aponta estratégias de prevenção. Aproximadamente 8% das pesquisas sobre erros de medicação identificadas em bases de dados nacionais e internacionais referem-se à população pediátrica. Crianças apresentam maior vulnerabilidade à ocorrência de erros devido a fatores intrínsecos, destacando-se características anatômicas e fisiológicas; e extrínsecos, relativos à falta de políticas de saúde e da indústria farmacêutica voltadas ao atendimento de tais especificidades. As evidências apontam para a necessidade de implementação de estratégias de prevenção de erros de medicação, contribuindo para promover a segurança do paciente.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL
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