259 research outputs found

    Relationship Between HPV Vaccination and Sexual Activity, Sexual Health Care Utilization, and Perceived Risk

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    The relationship between sexual activity, sexual health care utilization, and perceived risk for HPV-related outcomes was examined in sample of college women, to explore recent concerns that HPV vaccination may be related to an increase in risky sexual behaviors. Vaccinated and not vaccinated women completed an anonymous, online survey including age of vaccination, age at each sexual partner, condom use, use and intentions to use sexual health care services, and perceptions of risk. Vaccinated women also reported perceptions of change because of vaccination. Women were matched on age, race, and poverty status. Number of partners since vaccination was calculated among the vaccinated women as partners at or after age of vaccination. Number of partners since vaccination for not vaccinated women was calculated using the age of vaccination of the matched pair, to allow comparison across equivalent time intervals. Number of vaginal, oral received, and anal partners were not different for vaccinated and not vaccinated women. Although, after vaccination, women who received the vaccine reported performing oral sex on a larger number of partners than not vaccinated women, the number of vaginal, oral, and anal sex partners for which a condom was not used was not different for vaccinated and not vaccinated women. Therefore, the number of partners from which STI infection was likely was similar for all women. Although use of sexual health care services since vaccination was not different for vaccinated and not vaccinated women, not vaccinated women reported higher intentions to receive a pelvic exam in the next year and a Pap smear in the next three years than vaccinated women. Intentions to receive an STI test in the next year were not different, however. Perceptions of risk for HPV-related outcomes were also not different for vaccinated and not vaccinated women. Among vaccinated women, the majority reported they had not changed their sexual activity, condom use, or use of health care services because of the vaccine. This study indicates that HPV vaccination is not related to greater risky sexual activity but that efforts to increase intentions to use sexual health care services among vaccinated women should be addressed

    The relationships between depression and other outcomes of chronic illness caregiving

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    BACKGROUND: Many caregivers with chronically ill relatives suffer from depression. However, the relationship of depression to other outcomes of chronic caregiving remains unclear. This study tested a hypothesized model which proposed that hours of care, stressful life events, social support, age and gender would predict caregivers' outcomes through perceived caregiver stress. Depression was expected to mediate the relationship between perceived stress and outcomes of chronic caregiving (physical function, self-esteem, and marital satisfaction). METHODS: The sample for this secondary data analysis consisted of 236 and 271 subjects from the Americans' Changing Lives, Wave 1, 1986, and Wave 2, 1989, data sets. Measures were constructed from the original study. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model, and an exploratory structural modeling method, specification search, was used to develop a data-derived model. Cross-validation was used to verify the paths among variables. RESULTS: Hours of care, age, and gender predicted caregivers' outcomes directly or through perceived caregiver stress (p < .01). Depression mediated the relationship between perceived stress and psychological outcomes and explained 40% and 11% of the variance in self-esteem and marital satisfaction, respectively. CONCLUSION: Depression predicted psychological outcomes. Whether depression predicts physical health outcomes needs to be further explored

    Reform oder Utopie?

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    Die Besitzlosigkeit bzw. Armut der Priester und der Verzicht der Kirche auf jede politische Herrschaft waren eine der wesentlichsten Forderungen der hussitischen Bewegung und Inhalt des vierten Prager Artikels (1421). Auf dem Konzil zu Basel verteidigte der englische Theologe Peter Payne dieses Programm in einem theologischen Disput gegen den spanischen Kanonisten Juan Palomar. Diese Arbeit analysiert in ihrem Hauptteil die Rede Paynes vor dem Konzil: Ihre Struktur, die verwendete Begrifflichkeit und die Argumentation Paynes. In der Einleitung wird die Quellenlage behandelt: Alle Reden aus Basel wurden vollständig überliefert (die Rede Paynes in einer einzigen Handschrift) und später ediert. Das zweite Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit dem „Egerer Richter“ (1432), in dem die hermeneutischen Grundlagen und die Regeln für den Disput formuliert werden. Im dritten Kapitel wird die Genese des vierten Prager Artikels skizziert: Die Reformstimmung in Böhmen in der zweiten Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts, der entscheidende Einfluss des Wyclifismus auf das theologische Denken (nicht nur) an der Prager Universität. Die Positionen von Johannes Wyclif fanden Eingang auch in das theologische Werk von Johannes Hus, der genauso wie Wyclif die Kritik der angeblichen Missstände in der Kirche (die Simonie) mit der Forderung einer umfassenden Kirchenreform (Rückkehr zum Evangelium und zur Praxis der ecclesia primitiva) verbunden hat. Bei der eigentlichen Analyse der Rede Paynes auf dem Konzil (4. Kapitel) wird zunächst auf die wichtigsten Begriffe eingegangen: Die Definitionen und Begrifflichkeiten stammen ursprünglich vor allem aus dem Kontext des sog. theoretischen Armutsstreites (z.B. Wilhelm von Ockham) und Payne adaptiert sie mit Hilfe von Wyclif auf den ganzen Weltklerus. Als für die Diskussion äußerst problematisch erweist sich der Gesetzesbegriff Paynes: Die Heilige Schrift (in ihrem wörtlichen Sinn) soll der höchste Schiedsrichter sein und steht daher über der Kirche. Das Konzil verstand sich dagegen als der höchste Repräsentant der unfehlbaren Kirche, in der die Schrift normativ ausgelegt werden darf bzw. soll. Seine Thesen begründet Payne hauptsächlich mit einigen Stellen aus der Bibel und mit verschiedenen Zitaten der Kirchenväter (vor allem Klemens von Rom, Hieronymus, Augustinus und Bernhard von Clairvaux). Diese werden im 5. Kapitel genauer analysiert und anschließend wird im 6. Kapitel auch die replica von Juan Palomar bzw. ihre Argumentation kurz vorgestellt

    Word Accent of the Speakers of the South Bohemian Dialect in Doudleby Area

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    Katedra českého jazykaPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Assessing the potential of Ge/SiGe quantum dots as hosts for singlet-triplet qubits

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    We study double quantum dots in a Ge/SiGe heterostructure and test their maturity towards singlet-triplet (ST0S-T_0) qubits. We demonstrate a large range of tunability, from two single quantum dots to a double quantum dot. We measure Pauli spin blockade and study the anisotropy of the gg-factor. We use an adjacent quantum dot for sensing charge transitions in the double quantum dot at interest. In conclusion, Ge/SiGe possesses all ingredients necessary for building a singlet-triplet qubit

    All rf-based tuning algorithm for quantum devices using machine learning

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    Radio-frequency measurements could satisfy DiVincenzo's readout criterion in future large-scale solid-state quantum processors, as they allow for high bandwidths and frequency multiplexing. However, the scalability potential of this readout technique can only be leveraged if quantum device tuning is performed using exclusively radio-frequency measurements i.e. without resorting to current measurements. We demonstrate an algorithm that automatically tunes double quantum dots using only radio-frequency reflectometry. Exploiting the high bandwidth of radio-frequency measurements, the tuning was completed within a few minutes without prior knowledge about the device architecture. Our results show that it is possible to eliminate the need for transport measurements for quantum dot tuning, paving the way for more scalable device architectures

    Enhancement of proximity induced superconductivity in planar Germanium

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    Holes in planar Ge have high mobilities, strong spin-orbit interaction and electrically tunable g-factors, and are therefore emerging as a promising candidate for hybrid superconductorsemiconductor devices. This is further motivated by the observation of supercurrent transport in planar Ge Josephson Field effect transistors (JoFETs). A key challenge towards hybrid germanium quantum technology is the design of high quality interfaces and superconducting contacts that are robust against magnetic fields. By combining the assets of Al, which has a long superconducting coherence, and Nb, which has a significant superconducting gap, we form low-disordered JoFETs with large ICRN products that are capable of withstanding high magnetic fields. We furthermore demonstrate the ability of phase-biasing individual JoFETs opening up an avenue to explore topological superconductivity in planar Ge. The persistence of superconductivity in the reported hybrid devices beyond 1.8 T paves the way towards integrating spin qubits and proximity-induced superconductivity on the same chip

    A singlet triplet hole spin qubit in planar Ge

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    Spin qubits are considered to be among the most promising candidates for building a quantum processor. GroupIV hole spin qubits have moved into the focus of interest due to the ease of operation and compatibility with Si technology. In addition, Ge offers the option for monolithic superconductor-semiconductor integration. Here we demonstrate a hole spin qubit operating at fields below 10 mT, the critical field of Al, by exploiting the large out-of-plane hole g-factors in planar Ge and by encoding the qubit into the singlet-triplet states of a double quantum dot. We observe electrically controlled g-factor-difference-driven and exchange-driven rotations with tunable frequencies exceeding 100 MHz and dephasing times of 1 μ\mus which we extend beyond 150 μ\mus with echo techniques. These results demonstrate that Ge hole singlet-triplet qubits are competing with state-of-the art GaAs and Si singlet-triplet qubits. In addition, their rotation frequencies and coherence are on par with Ge single spin qubits, but they can be operated at much lower fields underlining their potential for on chip integration with superconducting technologies

    Changing practice in dementia care in the community: developing and testing evidence-based interventions, from timely diagnosis to end of life (EVIDEM)

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    Background Dementia has an enormous impact on the lives of individuals and families, and on health and social services, and this will increase as the population ages. The needs of people with dementia and their carers for information and support are inadequately addressed at all key points in the illness trajectory. Methods The Unit is working specifically on an evaluation of the impact of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and will develop practice guidance to enhance concordance with the Act. Phase One of the study has involved baseline interviews with practitioners across a wide range of services to establish knowledge and expectations of the Act, and to consider change processes when new policy and legislation are implemented. Findings Phase 1, involving baseline interviews with 115 practitioners, identified variable knowledge and understanding about the principles of the Act. Phase 2 is exploring everyday decision-making by people with memory problems and their carers