1,005 research outputs found

    Uniqueness property for quasiharmonic functions

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    In this paper we consider class of continuous functions, called quasiaharmonic functions, admitting best approximations by harmonic polynomials. In this class we prove a uniqueness theorem by analogy with the analytic functions

    Pluripolarity of Graphs of Denjoy Quasianalytic Functions of Several Variables

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    In this paper we prove pluripolarity of graphs of Denjoy quasianalytic functions of several variables on the spanning se

    Comparison and verification of research results of geodesic works carried out in meliorative systems with the help of geoinformation software

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    The article covers the issues of creation, optimization and rational use of a system that provides the current status, dynamics and changes of location indicators by conducting geodetic and topographic research using modern technologies of mapping based on geoinformation systems, as well as the problems of geodetic and topographic research

    Basic properties of the preparation "Loramor" in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the objective facial region

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    The article reflects the results of the study of the main properties of the drug "Loramor" in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region (МFR) among patients who were treated in the department of maxillofacial surgery of the city medical association of Samarkand. The results of the study prove the effectiveness of the use of the drug "Loramor" in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region.В статье отражены результаты исследования основных свойств препарата «Лорамор» в комплексном лечении гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний челюстно-лицевой области среди пациентов,находившихся на лечении в отделении челюстно-лицевой хирургии Самаркандского городского медицинского объединения. Полученные результаты исследования доказывают эффективность использования препарата «Лорамор» в комплексном лечении гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний челюстно-лицевой области


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    Introduction. One of the main tasks of paleomagnetic studies is to obtain a framework of reference poles for calculating the kinematic characteristics of lithospheric taxones as a basis for geodynamic reconstructions. Each paleomagnetic reference point must have a precise (±10 Ma) geochronological dating and a maximum paleomagnetic reliability index. A correct paleomagnetic pole (PMP) can be obtained from the data of geochronological and paleomagnetic studies conducted in one and the same geological object, such as a suite, an intrusive complex etc. In the Yakutian diamondiferous province (YDP), such objects include basalt nappes of the Upper Devonian Appainskaya suite, which stratigraphic position is undoubted (Fran, 385–375 Ma).Geological setting (in brief). In the eastern segments of the Siberian platform, a powerful cycle of tectonic and magmatic activity in the Middle Paleozoic produced transgressive and sheet intrusions, volcanic pipes, lava and tuff formations comprised of basites, as well as all the currently known industrial diamondiferous kimberlite bodies. Magmatic activity of basites was associated with formation of paleorift systems, including the largest one, Viluyi paleorift (Fig. 1). In the Middle Paleozoic, the geodynamic setting for magmatism and rifting was determined by the plume-lithosphere interaction. The rise of the plume’s matter underneath the thinned lithosphere was accompanied by decompression melting and formation of basaltic magmas in large volumes.We have studied basalts of the Appainskaya suite which were sampled from the Ygyatta and Markha river valleys (Fig. 2). In the coastal outcrops at the Ygyatta river, two nappes are observed, a (stratigraphically) lower outcrop 17÷23/10 containing plagiophyre palagonite basalts (upper five meters are outcropped), and an upper outcrop 16/10 containing olivinophyric palagonite basalts (upper three meters are outcropped). In the coastal outcrops of the Markha river, from the Enerdek loop to the M. Dyukteli river (outcrop 16÷20/14), only plagiophyric basalts of the lower nappe are developed. At this location, the total capacity of the basalts can reach 35–40 m. In view of the fact that the basalts lie subhorizontally at angles up to 5° (outcrop 17/14, Fig. 3), oriented samples were taken in the modern system of coordinates.Formational features of the chemical composition typical of the Middle Paleozoic intrusive basites (higher contents of Ti, Fe and K) are less clear in derivatives of the effusive facies. By their chemical composition, the basalts are normal alkalinity rocks (the sum of alkali not higher than 3.05 %; SiO2=48.1–49.7 %; rather moderate content of TiO2=1.9–2.5 %) (Fig. 4 A, B). The amount of magnesia (Mg#) ranges from 46 to 56. The main carriers of natural remanent magnetization (NRM, In) are titanomagnetites that belong to titanomagnetite and hemo-ilmenite series (Fig. 4).Research. Our research was conducted in specialized laboratories using modern equipment and facilities of Geo-Scientific Research Enterprise (NIGP) PJSC ALROSA (Mirny), Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS (Irkutsk), Kazan Federal University (Kazan) and Institute of Geology of Diamond and Precious Metals SB RAS (Yakutsk).Research results. By magnetic (scalar and vector) parameters, basalts of the Appainskaya suite are characterized by the bimodal distribution of magnetic susceptibility values, NRM and æ: geometric means are 810·10–5 Si-units and 225·10–3 А/m, respectively, at the Ygyatta river, and 1470·10–5 SI-units and 490·10–3 А/m, respectively, at the Markha river (Table 1, Fig. 5). Factor Q is below 1. Results of the petrophysical observations are consistent with the geological materials and suggest that the basalts at the Ygyatta river occupy the upper stratigraphic horizon.The studied outcrops of basalts of the Appainskaya suite have the following characteristic components of Inch:1. Component А – negative vectors of the characteristic NRM are clustered in the fourth sector of the stereogram (sample Igy179m1, Fig. 10, Fig. 14 А, Table 2). Found in outcrop 16/10. Component А is metachronic Inm that formed due to heating of basalts by dolerites of the Ygyatta sill, which suggests the dyke-type of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) (Fig. 6 C) and a high oxidation level of titanomagnetites (sample 179, Fig. 8).2. Component B – steep positive vectors of the characteristic Inch (samples Igy224m2, Mrh142m2 and Mrh176t2, Fig. 10, Fig. 14 А, Table. 2). Found in outcrops 20/10 and 16÷18/14. Component В is typical of the outcrops with significant deviations of the axes of the AMS ellipse (Fig. 6 D, E), which suggests epigenetic changes in the basalts. New occurrences of titanomaghemites are observed in the studied outcrops (sample 228, Fig. 8), which leads to an almost complete destruction of vector In0 and formation of viscous NRM – Inv, which are oriented in the direction similar to the geomagnetic field. This conclusion is supported by the ‘artificial magnetization reversal’ tests (Fig. 11 А).3. Component C – negative vectors of the characteristic NRM are clustered in the first sector of the stereogram at angles varying from –50 to –40° (Fig. 12, Fig. 14, Table 2). Found in four outcrops at the Ygyatta river (outcrops 17/10, and 21÷23/10).4. Component D – positive vectors of the characteristic NRM are clustered in the third sector of the stereogram at angles varying from 40 to 50° (Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Table 2). Found in four outcrops at the Markha river (outcrops 20А, 20В, and 20С/14).The primary origin of characteristic components C and D of the basalts is determined as follows:- The ‘sedimentary’ type of AMS (Fig. 6 E, and Fig. 6 F);- According to the differential thermomagnetic analysis (DTMA), the mineral carrier of magnetization is virtually unaltered titanomagnetite with the Curie point of ≈550°C (samples 254 and 204, Fig. 8);- The presence of samples with negative NRM vectors (Table 1);- The magnetically stable state of the components is confirmed by high values of hysteresis parameters (Fig. 7) and the ‘artificial magnetization reversal’ experiment (Fig. 11 B).- The positive inversion test (Table 3, Fig. 14 B, and Fig. 14 C): γ/γс=5.1/6.2 at the sample level, and γ/γс=8.7/16.2 at the site level.Discussion. Data on 12 sites and previously published values were used to calculate the reference paleomagnetic pole (PMP) (Fran) (Table 5, Fig. 15, А). The PMP coordinates are as follows: latitude j=1.7°, longitude l=92.8°, and confidence intervals dp/dm=3.7/5.9°. The PMP’s paleomagnetic reliability index is high enough, and the PMP can be thus considered as a reference for the Frasnian period (370±5 Ma). On this basis, taking into account the previous paleomagnetic data, paleomagnetic reconstructions of the Siberian platform, ranging from 420 up to 325 Ma, are obtained in our study (Fig. 15, B). In the above-mentioned period of time, the Siberian platform gradually moved in one direction, mostly latitudinal, from 11° to 25° N. After the Appainskaya time, the latitudinal movement was replaced by motions in the predominantly meridional eastward direction, and the average displacement velocity in these segments increased from 4.4 to 6.7 cm/year. It is possible that after the formation of the Appainskaya suite (Fran), the Siberian platform could pass the three hot spots representing the modern Atlantic islands near the northwestern coast of Africa (Canary, Madeira and Azores, i.e. the northern flank of the African superplume). These hotspots might have formed the tracks (Fig. 15) that controlled the intrusion of alkaline ultrabasic melts and formation of kimberlites in the Late Devon – Early Carbon.Conclusion. In the lower stream composed of the palagonite plagiophyre basalts of the Appainskaya suite, the paleomagnetic studies reveal two primary components of the NRM vectors, from bottom to top, D and C, respectively, with the direct and reverse polarity. Their presence in the basalts is marked by the ‘sedimentary’ type of AMS, practically un-oxidized titanomagnetites, and the positive inversion test.The reference PMP for the basalts of the Appainskaya suite, which is determined in our studies, provides for a more precise definition of the paleogeographic position and reconstruction of the drift of the Siberian platform in the Middle Paleozoic (from 420 to 325 Ma) and makes it possible to associate this drift with probable energy sources (i.e. hot spots), which might have been related to the intrusion of kimberlites.Проведены петро- и палеомагнитные исследования базальтов Ыгыаттинской впадины Вилюйской палеорифтовой системы, распространенных в долинах рек Марха и Ыгыатта. Базальты участвуют в сложении аппаинской свиты D3ap франского времени (385–375 млн лет), формируя два разноуровневых потока: нижний – плагиофировый палагонитовый и верхний – оливинофировый. Базальты обладают векторами естественной остаточной намагниченности (ЕОН) разной природы: вязкой, метахронной и первичной. Их носителем является титаномагнетит, испытавший окисление разной степени, вплоть до титаномаггемитов. Присутствие первичной компоненты ЕОН доказано для большинства обнажений по комплексу геолого-геофизических признаков. На основе полученных и опубликованных данных рассчитан реперный палеомагнитный полюс для франского времени с координатами: широта j=1.7°, долгота l=92.8° и доверительными интервалами dp/dm=3.7/5.9°, который может использоваться для решения разных задач стратиграфии, геохронологии, металлогении, геодинамики и пр. Выполненные палеомагнитные реконструкции предполагают, что в конце позднего девона – начале раннего карбона (375–345 млн лет) Сибирская платформа могла пройти над мантийными плюмами, которые вызвали внедрение щелочно-ультраосновных расплавов и формирование кимберлитов.

    Петро- и палеомагнитные характеристики структурно-вещественных комплексов месторождения алмазов трубка Нюрбинская (Среднемархинский район, Западная Якутия)

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    Modeling of physical and geological properties of a study object is an integral part of geological surveys at each stage. Without a model of physical and geological properties (PhGM) it is impossible to obtain a complete set of reflection indicators of an object in physical fields. The models are useful in solving a wide range of tasks on substantiation of survey methods and routines for interpreting the field data. Generally, a mineral deposit FGM contains the main elements represented by structural–material complexes (SMC) characterized by specific values of geometrical and physical parameters. We attempted at developing an PhGM of the diamond deposits controlled by the Middle Paleozoic trappe magmatism zone of the Vilyui paleoaulacogen. With this goal, in the period from 2002 to 2016, we carried out petrographic, paleomagnetic and geochemical studies of the SMC of the Nyurbinskaya pipe of Nakyn kimberlite field located in the Middle Markha district, West Yakutia. We studied terrigenous–carbonate rocks of the Late Cambrian of the Morkokinskaya and Oldondinskaya suites (Є3mrk and Є3–O1ol, respectively), dolerites of the Vilyui–Markha intrusive complex (βPZ2vm), autolithic kimberlite breccias of the Nakyn intrusive complex (iPZ2nk), and sandstones of the Early Jurassic Ukugut suite (J1uk). Important information was obtained on a wide range of petromagnetic parameters and paleomagnetism of the deposit SMC, elemental chemical composition of ferromagnetic minerals, and other data that can prove useful in discovering promising kimberlite sites in the Vilyui–Markha dike belt. The position of the paleomagnetic pole for the Late Cambrian of the Siberian Platform was clarified: latitude Φ=–35°, longitude Λ=136°, and confidence intervals dp/dm=3.5/6.9°. The poles were estimated for kimberlites (Φ=–11.5°, Λ=111.2°, dp/dm=3.5/7.5°) and pre-pipe basites (Φ=–14.6°, Λ=117.4°, dp/dm=3.7/7.1°). According to the Nyurbinskaya deposit PhGM developed on the basis of the paleomagnetic data, there was the Late Silurian – Early Devonian (S2–D1) stage of kimberlite- and trappe formation. The results of our study can enhance the prospects for discovering new primary diamond deposits on the Siberian platform.Физико-геологические модели (ФГМ) являются неотъемлемой частью всех этапов геологоразведочных работ. Без формирования и исследования ФГМ невозможно получить целостную структуру признаков отражения поискового объекта в физических полях. Помимо этого, разработка такого рода моделей позволяет решать и обширный круг задач по обоснованию элементов методики работ, а также технологии интерпретации полевых материалов. Основными элементами строения ФГМ месторождений полезных ископаемых являются структурно-вещественные комплексы (СВК), характеризующиеся определенными значениями геометрических и физических параметров. С целью разработки ФГМ месторождений алмазов, контролируемых зоной среднепалеозойского траппового магматизма Вилюйского палеоавлакогена, в период с 2002 по 2016 г. проведены петро-, палеомагнитные и геохимические исследования СВК трубки Нюрбинской Накынского кимберлитового поля Среднемархинского района: терригенно-карбонатных пород позднего кембрия моркокинской Є3mrk и олдондинской Є3–O1ol свит, долеритов вилюйско-мархинского интрузивного комплекса βPZ2vm, автолитовых кимберлитовых брекчий накынского интрузивного комплекса iPZ2nk, а также песчаников ранней юры укугутской свиты J1uk. В результате получена важная информация по широкому спектру петромагнитных параметров и палеомагнетизму СВК месторождения, элементному химическому составу ферромагнитных минералов и т.д., которую целесообразно использовать для обнаружения перспективных на присутствие кимберлитовых тел участков в пределах Вилюйско-Мархинского дайкового пояса. Исследованиями уточнен палеомагнитный полюс для позднего кембрия Сибирской платформы (широта Φ=–35°, долгота Λ=136° и доверительные интервалы dp/dm=3.5/6.9°), а также рассчитаны полюсы по кимберлитам (Φ=–11.5°, Λ=111.2°, dp/dm=3.5/7.5°) и дотрубочным базитам (Φ=–14.6°, Λ=117.4°, dp/dm=3.7/7.1°). Разработанная на основе палеомагнитных данных динамическая ФГМ месторождения трубка Нюрбинская свидетельствует о существовании позднесилурийской – раннедевонской (S2–D1) эпохи кимберлито- и траппообразования, что расширяет перспективы обнаружения новых коренных месторождений алмазов на Сибирской платформе

    Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV

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    The jet energy scale and its systematic uncertainty are determined for jets measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 7TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 38 pb-1. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kt algorithm with distance parameters R=0. 4 or R=0. 6. Jet energy and angle corrections are determined from Monte Carlo simulations to calibrate jets with transverse momenta pT≥20 GeV and pseudorapidities {pipe}η{pipe}<4. 5. The jet energy systematic uncertainty is estimated using the single isolated hadron response measured in situ and in test-beams, exploiting the transverse momentum balance between central and forward jets in events with dijet topologies and studying systematic variations in Monte Carlo simulations. The jet energy uncertainty is less than 2. 5 % in the central calorimeter region ({pipe}η{pipe}<0. 8) for jets with 60≤pT<800 GeV, and is maximally 14 % for pT<30 GeV in the most forward region 3. 2≤{pipe}η{pipe}<4. 5. The jet energy is validated for jet transverse momenta up to 1 TeV to the level of a few percent using several in situ techniques by comparing a well-known reference such as the recoiling photon pT, the sum of the transverse momenta of tracks associated to the jet, or a system of low-pT jets recoiling against a high-pT jet. More sophisticated jet calibration schemes are presented based on calorimeter cell energy density weighting or hadronic properties of jets, aiming for an improved jet energy resolution and a reduced flavour dependence of the jet response. The systematic uncertainty of the jet energy determined from a combination of in situ techniques is consistent with the one derived from single hadron response measurements over a wide kinematic range. The nominal corrections and uncertainties are derived for isolated jets in an inclusive sample of high-pT jets. Special cases such as event topologies with close-by jets, or selections of samples with an enhanced content of jets originating from light quarks, heavy quarks or gluons are also discussed and the corresponding uncertainties are determined. © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

    Measurement of the inclusive and dijet cross-sections of b-jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    The inclusive and dijet production cross-sections have been measured for jets containing b-hadrons (b-jets) in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements use data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 34 pb^-1. The b-jets are identified using either a lifetime-based method, where secondary decay vertices of b-hadrons in jets are reconstructed using information from the tracking detectors, or a muon-based method where the presence of a muon is used to identify semileptonic decays of b-hadrons inside jets. The inclusive b-jet cross-section is measured as a function of transverse momentum in the range 20 < pT < 400 GeV and rapidity in the range |y| < 2.1. The bbbar-dijet cross-section is measured as a function of the dijet invariant mass in the range 110 < m_jj < 760 GeV, the azimuthal angle difference between the two jets and the angular variable chi in two dijet mass regions. The results are compared with next-to-leading-order QCD predictions. Good agreement is observed between the measured cross-sections and the predictions obtained using POWHEG + Pythia. MC@NLO + Herwig shows good agreement with the measured bbbar-dijet cross-section. However, it does not reproduce the measured inclusive cross-section well, particularly for central b-jets with large transverse momenta.Comment: 10 pages plus author list (21 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version published in European Physical Journal

    Search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √ s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Results of a search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum are reported. The search uses 20.3 fb−1 of √ s = 8 TeV data collected in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events are required to have at least one jet with pT > 120 GeV and no leptons. Nine signal regions are considered with increasing missing transverse momentum requirements between Emiss T > 150 GeV and Emiss T > 700 GeV. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model expectations. The results are translated into exclusion limits on models with either large extra spatial dimensions, pair production of weakly interacting dark matter candidates, or production of very light gravitinos in a gauge-mediated supersymmetric model. In addition, limits on the production of an invisibly decaying Higgs-like boson leading to similar topologies in the final state are presente

    Observation of associated near-side and away-side long-range correlations in √sNN=5.02  TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    Two-particle correlations in relative azimuthal angle (Δϕ) and pseudorapidity (Δη) are measured in √sNN=5.02  TeV p+Pb collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements are performed using approximately 1  μb-1 of data as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and the transverse energy (ΣETPb) summed over 3.1<η<4.9 in the direction of the Pb beam. The correlation function, constructed from charged particles, exhibits a long-range (2<|Δη|<5) “near-side” (Δϕ∼0) correlation that grows rapidly with increasing ΣETPb. A long-range “away-side” (Δϕ∼π) correlation, obtained by subtracting the expected contributions from recoiling dijets and other sources estimated using events with small ΣETPb, is found to match the near-side correlation in magnitude, shape (in Δη and Δϕ) and ΣETPb dependence. The resultant Δϕ correlation is approximately symmetric about π/2, and is consistent with a dominant cos⁡2Δϕ modulation for all ΣETPb ranges and particle pT