77 research outputs found

    Hidrogeología del Karst de Pico Frentes (Cordillera Ibérica, España)

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    The karst system of Pico Frentes has developed within an Upper Cretaceous calcareous series whose well-defined folded geometry determines that its aquifer reserves are held mainly in three hydraulically-connected synclines, with a groundwater capacity of between 5 and 7 hm3 . The recharge to this unconfined peneplain aquifer is autogenous and diffuse. On a large scale, groundwater flow is directed by the base of the synclines, while on a small scale, it flows along groundwater conduits towards the Fuentetoba Spring (210 l/s) and source of the River Mazos (50 l/s), following a highly variable flow regime of low inertia, with other smaller discharges emanating during periods of high water. Analysis of hydrographs of these springs indicates a very variable rate system and little power regulating natural, characteristic of a typical karstic aquifer, with great capacity for renewal and low residence time. Using hydrogram simulations of these upwellings using a mathematical rainfall-runoff model, a detailed quantification of the average water balance was made for a twenty-year time series. This water balance consists of 16,86 hm3 rainfall (100%); natural recharge, 8,35 hm3 (49,53%); EVT 8,50 hm3 (50,41%); pumped groundwater abstractions, 0,01hm3 (0,06%); surface runoff, 0 hm3 , groundwater transfers to other aquifer, 0 hm3 .El sistema kárstico de Pico Frentes se ha desarrollado a favor de un conjunto calcáreo del Cretácico Superior cuya geometría plegada muy bien definida ha condicionado que los acuíferos se sitúen principalmente en tres sinclinales hidráulicamente conectados, con una capacidad de reservas subterráneas de entre 5 y 7 hm3 . La recarga en este acuífero libre y en penillanura es autógena y difusa. El flujo subterráneo va dirigido a gran escala por el fondo de los sinclinales y a pequeña escala mediante corrientes subterráneas hacia los manantiales de Fuentetoba (210 l/s) y nacimiento del rio Mazos (50 l/s), surgiendo en aguas altas otras descargas menores. El análisis de los hidrogramas de estos manantiales indica un sistema de régimen muy variable y poco poder de regulación natural, característica de un acuífero típicamente kárstico, con gran capacidad de renovación y poco tiempo de residencia. Gracias a la simulación de los hidrogramas de estas surgencias mediante un modelo matemático de precipitación –escorrentía, se ha cuantificado de manera detallada el balance hidráulico medio para una serie de 20 años: aportación pluviométrica 16,86 hm3 (100%), recarga natural 8,35 hm3 (49,53%), EVT 8,50 hm3 (50,41%), bombeo de agua subterránea 0,01hm3 (0,06%), escorrentía superficial 0 hm3 , transferencias subterráneas a otros acuíferos 0 hm3

    Peculiarities of the communicative-speech competences of the infants with deviations in language development

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    Only in the process of communication it is possible to find means which are necessary for interaction. Primary nonverbal means of establishing communicative interaction are improving in continuous practice of communication. Non-verbal means of communication are developing and are improving through communicative gestures and as the add-in under already formed means of communication, the words appear - the first means of verbal communication. Thus, communication with close adults provides the formation of the communicative – speech competences of children. This understanding of the ontogeny of the formation of the communicative-speech competences allows us to draw a conclusion about the gradual displacement of non-verbal means of verbal communication. Moreover, these non-verbal means of communication do not disappear, but they are transferred from fixed assets in the subsidiary. In the context of the studied theme: the communicatively-speech competences of children of early ages are non-verbal and verbal means of interaction with close adults and the methods of their usage with the purpose of reaching the appearing of household, gaming, cognitive and creative needs. To achieve the aim of exploring we used the methods of diagnostics of psycho-speech development of the child of early ages (E. V. Sheremetyeva, 2013), which allowed us to make a communicative-speech profile of the child.In the exploring were involved 40 children of the third year of life. On the basis of the obtained data, we can conclude that young children with deviations in language development in contrast to children with normal speech development have not sufficiently formed communicative-speech competences, which negatively affects the productivity of communication. The information of our experimental exploring is the basis for development of complex methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical support of the formation of communicative and speech competences of children with deviations in language development

    Os nacionalismos ibéricos nos estudos sobre o romanceiro tradicional

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    1 As bases do problema. – 2 Contornos do(s) nacionalismo(s) ibérico(s). – 2.1 O caso português. – 2.2 O caso catalão. – 2.3 O caso galego. – 3 O comparatismo como metodologia. – 4 Que pan-hispanismo? Alguns equívocos e desconhecimentos. – 4.1 Fontes documentais e estudos críticos. – 4.2 Na atividade editorial. – 5 Palavras finaisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combinación de estrategias de innovación docente para la enseñanza de asignaturas de Ciencias de la Tierra: aprendizaje colaborativo y basado en proyectos como fuente de material para el aula invertida

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    Se han combinado diferentes estrategias de innovación docente para la creación de material de uso en el aula invertida. Grupos de alumnos han realizado micro-videotutoriales para la resolución de problemas básicos de cortes geológicos, realizando ellos mismos desde el guion hasta la edición, pasando por la grabación. Mediante esta actividad han tenido que desarrollar un proyecto y trabajar de forma colaborativa. El resultado de este trabajo ha sido una colección de microvideos que están siendo empleados en la formación de otros alumnos mediante el aula invertida en varias asignaturas de Ciencias de la Tierra. Los videos se han puesto a disposición de los alumnos a través de la plataforma Moodle de la UPM para que puedan aprender y repasar las técnicas de resolución de problemas de forma autónoma

    Water seepage beneath dams on soluble evaporite deposits: a laboratory and field study (Caspe Dam, Spain)

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    The paper presents analytical methods and results for assessing the variation in the concentration of sulphate (and other ions) over space and time in groundwater flowing through a soluble evaporite terrain beneath a dam. The influence of effective porosity, groundwater flow velocity and the specific rate of dissolution (K′) are considered. The theoretical analysis was tested in a scale model simulating a dam constructed on heavily karstified bedrock. A simple and useful method for assessing how much material is lost through dissolution and how the rate of dissolution changes over time is considered in the context of the Caspe Dam, Spain

    Singularity resolution depends on the clock

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    We study the quantum cosmology of a flat Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker Universe filled with a (free) massless scalar field and a perfect fluid that represents radiation or a cosmological constant whose value is not fixed by the action, as in unimodular gravity. We study two versions of the quantum theory: the first is based on a time coordinate conjugate to the radiation/dark energy matter component, i.e., conformal time (for radiation) or unimodular time. As shown by Gryb and Thébault, this quantum theory achieves a type of singularity resolution; we illustrate this and other properties of this theory. The theory is then contrasted with a second type of quantisation in which the logarithm of the scale factor serves as time, which has been studied in the context of the 'perfect bounce' for quantum cosmology. Unlike the first quantum theory, the second one contains semiclassical states that follow classical trajectories and evolve into the singularity without obstruction, thus showing no singularity resolution. We discuss how a complex scale factor best describes the semiclassical dynamics. This cosmological model serves as an illustration of the problem of time in quantum cosmology

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it


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    Abstract: The Fuentetoba Spring, with a mean flow of 210 L s À1 , releases the discharge from an aquifer that comprises three hydraulically-connected synclines. The spring has a very irregular flow of between 8 L s À1 and 3,400 L s À1 due to the predominant water circulation that is non-Darcian turbulent flow as an underground torrent in the vadose zone, as well as through well-developed karstic conduits in the phreatic and epiphreatic zones, as attested to by speleological explorations. The long response times to recharge by the Fuentetoba karstic system, seen in the spring's hydrograph, are controlled by regional factors. Nevertheless, certain responses that have very long time lags under high water conditions might be governed in the final stretch of the flowpath by mechanisms of pressure or siphoning of the floodwave, and perhaps by constrictions or plugs of sediment in the conduits