145 research outputs found

    Étude sur l’entreposage de la matière grasse chez des femmes obèses post-ménopausées présentant un taux élevé ou normal d’apolipoprotéine B

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    CONTEXTE: L'inefficacité de captation des acides gras libres (AGL) par le tissu adipeux blanc (TAB) est connue pour favoriser la résistance à l'insuline (RI) dans les tissus périphériques, mais dans le foie, elle favorise également la production accrue de lipoprotéines contenant l'apolipoprotéine B100 (lipoprotéines apoB). Nous avons récemment démontré que les femmes post-ménopausées obèses avec un nombre élevé de lipoprotéines apoB à jeun (apoB plasmatique > 1,2 g/L) avaient plus de RI que les femmes avec un taux d’apoB normal. Notre objectif était donc d'examiner si l'inefficacité de captation des AGL pourrait être un mécanisme expliquant la RI, in vivo dans cette population. HYPOTHÈSES: Les femmes ménopausées en surpoids/obèses avec un taux d’apoB élevé ont moins d'efficacité à capter les AGL par le TAB que les femmes avec un taux d’apoB faible. MÉTHODES/RÉSULTATS: L'efficacité de captation des AGL a été examinée dans 22 femmes non diabétiques en surpoids/obèses. La population a été séparée selon la médiane d’apoB (0.9 g/L) en 2 groupes; les femmes ayant un taux d’apoB inférieur vs supérieur à la médiane (N=11/groupe). L'efficacité de captation des AGL par le TAB a été indirectement évaluée en suivant le sort d'un repas riche en gras (0.0162g 13C-trioléine/g de matières grasses, 66% de gras, 47g gras/m2 surface corporelle) marqué au 13C-trioléine, sur 6h en circulation ([13C]TG et [13C]AGL plasmatiques) et en oxydation (13CO2 dans l’air expiré [AE]). L’enrichissement en 13C des échantillons d’AE et du plasma a été mesuré par spectrométrie de masse pour ratio isotopique. Les femmes ayant un apoB élevé avaient une clairance plasmatique totale postprandiale des TG (p <0,05) réduite sans diminuer de la clairance plasmatique totale des AGL, par rapport aux femmes ayant un faible taux d’apoB. Cependant, en examinant le sort du 13C-trioléine, les femmes ayant un apoB élevé avait une réduction de la clairance des [13C]TG plasmatiques (44,78 μM vs 7,81 μM; p <0,05) et des [13C]AGL plasmatiques (2,64 uM vs 0,06 uM; p <0,05) à 6h, sans aucune différence en % récupéré de 13C-trioléine dans le CO2 de l’AE. Ces données suggèrent que les femmes ayant un taux d’apoB élevé ont une réduction postprandiale de la clairance et de la captation de 13Ctrioléine par le TAB. CONCLUSION: La captation inefficace des AGL par le TAB des femmes post-ménopausées en surpoids et obèses avec un surplus d’apoB peut être un mécanisme sousjacent à la RI chez ces sujets.BACKGROUND: Inefficiency of fatty acid (FA) trapping in white adipose tissue (WAT) is known to promote insulin resistance (IR) in peripheral tissue, but in the liver, it also promotes increased secretion of apolipoprotein B100-lipoproteins (apoB-lipoproteins). We recently demonstrated that post-menopausal obese women with high numbers of fasting apoB-lipoproteins (plasma apoB> 1.2 g/L) had higher IR than women with normal apoB. Our aim was thus to examine whether inefficiency of FA trapping was a mechanism explaining IR in vivo in this population. HYPOTHESES: Postmenopausal overweight and obese women with high apoB have lower efficiency of FA trapping in WAT than women with low apoB. METHODS/RESULTS: The efficiency of FA trapping was examined in 22 non-diabetic overweight and obese women, and the group was separated around median apoB (0.9 g/L) into women with higher vs lower apoB (N=11 per group). The efficiency of FA trapping in WAT was indirectly assessed by following the fate of a 13C-triolein labelled high-fat meal (0.0162g 13C-triolein/g of fat, 66% fat, 47 g fat/m2 body surface area) over 6 hours in circulation (plasma [13C]TG and [13C]FA) and oxidation (breath 13CO2). 13Cenrichment of breath and plasma samples was measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Women with higher apoB had delayed total postprandial plasma TG clearance (p<0.05) but not total plasma free FA clearance compared to women with lower apoB. However, examining the fate of 13C-triolein revealed that women with higher apoB had delayed plasma [13C]-TG clearance (44.78 μM vs 7.81 μM; p<0.05) and plasma [13C]-FA clearance (2.64 μM vs 0.06 μM; p<0.05) at 6 hours, without any differences in % recovered 13C-triolein in breath CO2. This data suggests that women with higher apoB have lower postprandial 13C-triolein clearance and trapping in WAT. CONCLUSION: Ineffective FA trapping in WAT in post-menopausal overweight and obese women with higher apoB may be a mechanism underlying IR in these subjects

    مسؤولية وزير التعليم عن العودة للمدراس في ظل أزمة فيروس كورونا المستجد- كوفيد 19-: دراسة فقهية معاصرة The Responsibility of the Minister of Education for Returning to Schools in light of the Emerging Crisis of Covid-19: A Contemporary Jurisprudence Study

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    جاء هذا البحث ليجيب عن سؤال: هل وزير التعليم مسؤول فعلا عن ما قد يصاب به الطلبة من ضرر إذا عادوا لمدارسهم؟ من خلال التعريف بأثر فيروس كورونا على الجوانب التعليمية، وبيان أركان الضمان وتنزيل ما قرره علماؤنا من أقوال وآراء متعلقة بالموضوع على تصرفات الوزير. وذلك باتباع المنهج الاستقرائي الوصفي الذي يلائم محتوى البحث، ثم اتباع المنهج الاستنباطي في بيان الحكم الشرعي لسؤال البحث. وقد توصل البحث إلى أن قرار التعطيل إنما صدر من مجلس الوزراء، وفق خطة مرسومة خاضعة لتقدير السلطات الصحية، فكان الوزير متسبباً لا مباشراً، فلا ضمان عليه إنما الضمان بالتعدي، ولما كان العلم هو الركن الأساسي الذي تقوم عليه المجتمعات، فإن قرار العودة للمدارس، يترتب عليه مصالح وغايات سامية، تفوق المفاسد والأضرار فانتفى الضمان عن الوزير عملا بقاعدة الجواز الشرعي ينافي الضمان . الكلمات المفتاحية: جائحة فيروس كورونا، وزير التعليم، الضمان، العودة للمدارس. This research aims to answer the question whether the Minister of Education is responsible for any infections or harm that may happen to students when they return to schools by explaining the effect of Covid-19 on the education level, uncovering the pillars of guarantee, and showcasing our Islamic Scientists’ opinions on the Minister’s behaviors. The study adopted the descriptive-inductive method because it is appropriate for the research content, and then the deductive method was used to clarify the shar\u27i ruling regarding the main question. The research concluded that the decision of schools’ closure was issued by the Council of Ministers, according to well-studied plans that were under the supervision of health authorities. Therefore, the Minister of Education was a causer not an initiator. Since education is the cornerstone of societies, the decision to return to school entails lofty interests and objectives, outweighing the disadvantages, and there is no guarantee from the Minister pursuant to the rule of lawful permissibility is incompatible with guarantee . Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Ministry of Education, Liability, Reopening schools

    Teacher Education, Teacher Preparation and Professional Development of Secondary Schoolteachers in Light of Recent Global Trends

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    The purpose of this study is to present a brief overview of the nature of teacher education and preparation programs, and the professional development of secondary schoolteachers in the Arab world, and to offer insights into recent global trends in the matter.By examining some of the relevant literature and scholarly work, this study’s main objective is to provide a comprehensive picture of the teacher-program-related policies offered by education colleges/institutions in the region in the light of global trends. To achieve this, the researchers surveyed most of the existing related studies conducted in the region. This was pursued through analysis of evidence, methodologies, underlying ideologies, and indicators of examined literature. Similarly, an analysis of publications relating to recent global trends was undertaken.Results suggest that a comprehensive “five-year” teacher programs is ideal to be integrated into higher education in the Arab world due to its feasibility, affordability as well as lower financial costs. It was found that that the components of existing teacher programs must be subject to evaluation and review for further development. However, the results indicate not only that the strategy of candidate admission and enrollment in colleges are not based on appropriate criteria, but also that a clear policy for teaching licensure is ignored.The study emphasizes the need to establish fully equipped teacher training centers. To attain this, we strongly suggest selecting or creating well-equipped and administratively affiliated schools to the colleges to provide an experimental environment for candidates to practice what they have learned. Achieving a balance between different course packages should be considered

    AutoDock-SS: AutoDock for Multiconformational Ligand-based Virtual Screening

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    Ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) can be pivotal for identifying potential drug leads, especially when the target protein’s structure is unknown. However, current LBVS methods are limited in their ability to consider the ligand conformational flexibility. This study presents AutoDock-SS (Similarity Searching), which adapts protein–ligand docking for use in LBVS. AutoDock-SS integrates novel ligand-based grid maps and AutoDock-GPU into a novel three-dimensional LBVS workflow. Unlike other approaches based on pregenerated conformer libraries, AutoDock-SS’s built-in conformational search optimizes conformations dynamically based on the reference ligand, thus providing a more accurate representation of relevant ligand conformations. AutoDock-SS supports two modes: single and multiple ligand queries, allowing for the seamless consideration of multiple reference ligands. When tested on the Directory of Useful Decoys─Enhanced (DUD-E) data set, AutoDock-SS surpassed alternative 3D LBVS methods, achieving a mean AUROC of 0.775 and an EF1% of 25.72 in single-reference mode. The multireference mode, evaluated on the augmented DUD-E+ data set, demonstrated superior accuracy with a mean AUROC of 0.843 and an EF1% of 34.59. This enhanced performance underscores AutoDock-SS’s ability to treat compounds as conformationally flexible while considering the ligand’s shape, pharmacophore, and electrostatic potential, expanding the potential of LBVS methods

    Bahrain Meaning in the Story of Musa and Khidr

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    In surah Al-Kahf verses 60-82, the term bahrain has a deeper connotation than its lexical sense. It is because the passage is linked to the story of Musa and Khidr. The two prophets reflect the several types of knowledge that the term bahrain encompasses. This research aims to examine and uncover the meaning of the word bahrain. This study employed a semiotic approach and a qualitative descriptive research method. The stages in analyzing the data are isytiqaq kabir, syntagmatic-paradigmatic, and semiotics analysis. Isytiqaq kabir was adopted to determine the denotative meaning of the Bahrain word. Syntagmatic-paradigmatic analysis was employed to explain the valence of the bahraini. Semiotics was adopted to analyze the signs in the verses that build meaning. Based on the isytiqaq kabir analysis, the term bahr signifies sea, honor, a prominent position, knowledge, benefit, and being generous. Meanwhile the result of syntagmatic-paradigmatic analysis, bahrain has two seas of knowledge: rational and intuitive knowledge. After going through three stages of linguistic analysis, Allah instructs Musa to learn from Khidr so that he can be wiser in dealing with his people. This research contributes to the treasures of new interpretations of the Qur'anic verses using linguistic concepts and theories

    The Role of Information in Strategic Planning and Decision Making: Overview on Economic Organizations in Oman

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    This study aims to investigate the issue of the role of information in strategic planning and decision making in Omani economic organizations. It also attempts to understand the process and the importance of information in decision making. A qualitative method was applied to achieve the study objectives. Thirty participants from eleven organizations were selected for in-depth interviews. Nineteen of the participants are general directors, seven are directors, while the rest are advisors at their organizations. All interviews were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The results show that Omani government economic organizations usually take two types of decisions: technical routine decisions that are regularly made by managers and other decision makers and strategic decisions directed toward achieving the future aspirations of the organization. The type of decision is affected by the level of management and time of making the decision. Participants form different economic organizations are agreed that there should be a clear strategy for making and evaluating decisions, starting from gathering and analyzing relevant data and following through to implementation of the final decision

    Antioxidant and hepatorenal protective effects of bee pollen fractions against propionic acid‐induced autistic feature in rats

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    In the brain, propionic acid (PA) can cross cell membranes and accumulate within cells, leading to intracellular acidification, which may alter neurotransmitter release (NT), communication between neurons, and behavior. Such elevation in levels of PA constitutes a neurodevelopmental metabolic disorder called propionic acidemia, which could clinically manifest as autism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effects of different fractions of bee pollen (BP) on PA‐induced autism in rats, and to evaluate their effects on the expression of liver and renal biomarkers. Groups of rats received treatments of different fractions of BP at a dose of 250 mg/kg of body weight/day for a period of 1 month. Normal control group I and group II were orally administered with phosphate‐buffered saline and propionic acid, respectively, for 3 days. BP contains various health‐promoting phenolic components. Different fractions of BP administered pre‐ and post‐treatment with PA showed significant reduction in the levels of liver and renal biomarkers (p < .05). Also, a significant enhancement in the levels of glutathione S‐transferase (GST), catalase CAT), and ascorbic acid (VIT C) was observed. Supplementation with BP significantly reduced biochemical changes in the liver, kidneys, and brain of rats with PA‐induced toxicity. It exhibited protective effects against oxidative damage and reactive oxygen species produced by PA‐induced adverse reactions in rats. Taken together, our study shows that BP possesses protective effects in PA‐induced liver and kidney damage

    Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middle-income countries, 2000–2018

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    Abstract: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by population and comparable subnational estimates of prevalence and progress across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are required for planning policy and interventions. Here we present a geospatial analysis of EBF prevalence estimates from 2000 to 2018 across 94 LMICs mapped to policy-relevant administrative units (for example, districts), quantify subnational inequalities and their changes over time, and estimate probabilities of meeting the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target (WHO GNT) of ≥70% EBF prevalence by 2030. While six LMICs are projected to meet the WHO GNT of ≥70% EBF prevalence at a national scale, only three are predicted to meet the target in all their district-level units by 2030

    Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middle-income countries, 2000–2018

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    Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)-giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life-is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by population and comparable subnational estimates of prevalence and progress across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are required for planning policy and interventions. Here we present a geospatial analysis of EBF prevalence estimates from 2000 to 2018 across 94 LMICs mapped to policy-relevant administrative units (for example, districts), quantify subnational inequalities and their changes over time, and estimate probabilities of meeting the World Health Organization's Global Nutrition Target (WHO GNT) of ≥70% EBF prevalence by 2030. While six LMICs are projected to meet the WHO GNT of ≥70% EBF prevalence at a national scale, only three are predicted to meet the target in all their district-level units by 2030.This work was primarily supported by grant no. OPP1132415 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Co-authors used by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (E.G.P. and R.R.3) provided feedback on initial maps and drafts of this manuscript. L.G.A. has received support from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brasil (CAPES), Código de Financiamento 001 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (grant nos. 404710/2018-2 and 310797/2019-5). O.O.Adetokunboh acknowledges the National Research Foundation, Department of Science and Innovation and South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis. M.Ausloos, A.Pana and C.H. are partially supported by a grant from the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNDS-UEFISCDI, project no. PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0084. P.C.B. would like to acknowledge the support of F. Alam and A. Hussain. T.W.B. was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Alexander von Humboldt Professor award, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. K.Deribe is supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant no. 201900/Z/16/Z) as part of his international intermediate fellowship. C.H. and A.Pana are partially supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNDS-UEFISCDI, project no. PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2020-2-0351. B.Hwang is partially supported by China Medical University (CMU109-MF-63), Taichung, Taiwan. M.Khan acknowledges Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University for their support. A.M.K. acknowledges the other collaborators and the corresponding author. Y.K. was supported by the Research Management Centre, Xiamen University Malaysia (grant no. XMUMRF/2020-C6/ITM/0004). K.Krishan is supported by a DST PURSE grant and UGC Centre of Advanced Study (CAS II) awarded to the Department of Anthropology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. M.Kumar would like to acknowledge FIC/NIH K43 TW010716-03. I.L. is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigación (SNI), which is supported by the Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT), Panamá. M.L. was supported by China Medical University, Taiwan (CMU109-N-22 and CMU109-MF-118). W.M. is currently a programme analyst in Population and Development at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Office in Peru, which does not necessarily endorses this study. D.E.N. acknowledges Cochrane South Africa, South African Medical Research Council. G.C.P. is supported by an NHMRC research fellowship. P.Rathi acknowledges support from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India. Ramu Rawat acknowledges the support of the GBD Secretariat for supporting the reviewing and collaboration of this paper. B.R. acknowledges support from Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. A.Ribeiro was supported by National Funds through FCT, under the programme of ‘Stimulus of Scientific Employment—Individual Support’ within the contract no. info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/CEEC IND 2018/CEECIND/02386/2018/CP1538/CT0001/PT. S.Sajadi acknowledges colleagues at Global Burden of Diseases and Local Burden of Disease. A.M.S. acknowledges the support from the Egyptian Fulbright Mission Program. F.S. was supported by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (grant no. KQTD20190929172835662). A.Sheikh is supported by Health Data Research UK. B.K.S. acknowledges Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal for all the academic support. B.U. acknowledges support from Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. C.S.W. is supported by the South African Medical Research Council. Y.Z. was supported by Science and Technology Research Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (grant no. Q20201104) and Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Technology Innovation Team Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (grant no. T2020003). The funders of the study had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. The corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. All maps presented in this study are generated by the authors and no permissions are required to publish them

    Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017

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    A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age in 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) from 2000 to 2017 and aggregate these to policy-relevant administrative units. Wasting decreased overall across LMICs between 2000 and 2017, from 8.4% (62.3 (55.1–70.8) million) to 6.4% (58.3 (47.6–70.7) million), but is predicted to remain above the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target of <5% in over half of LMICs by 2025. Prevalence of overweight increased from 5.2% (30 (22.8–38.5) million) in 2000 to 6.0% (55.5 (44.8–67.9) million) children aged under 5 years in 2017. Areas most affected by double burden of malnutrition were located in Indonesia, Thailand, southeastern China, Botswana, Cameroon and central Nigeria. Our estimates provide a new perspective to researchers, policy makers and public health agencies in their efforts to address this global childhood syndemic