Open Journal Systems UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Raden Intan Lampung / Raden Intan State Islamic Institute of Lampung
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    3841 research outputs found

    Strategi Manajemen Penguatan Karakter Muslim Khairu Ummah: Peran Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) di Masyarakat Lampung

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    The Indonesian Ulema Council, as one of the religious organizations in Indonesia, always proclaims Islam rahmatan lil alamin. This article aims to examine and dig deeper into the principles of khairu umah which are strengthened by the MUI in Lampung society and how. This research uses a qualitative approach using data collection tools; interviews, observation and documentation, data obtained through primary data, namely: MUI management in Lampung Province, Ulama in Lampung Province, and Islamic religious figures and social observers in Lampung. The informant provided information related to the focus of this research. The validity of the data is used through technical triangulation, namely the integration of data obtained from interviews, observation and documentation with analysis steps through the stages of data reduction, data display and conclusion. Based on data findings in the field; The principles of Khairu Ummah which are strengthened in the Lampung community include; As-Shidqu, al-amanah wal-wafa bil 'ahdi, al 'is, at-ta'awun and istiqomah. The way to strengthen the principles of Khairu Ummah is by providing an example or qudwah hasanah for religious practice with the character of rahmatan lil'alamin with the Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar method and strengthening faith in Allah SWT. through ADW media, al-Ukhuwah Bulletin Publication, MUI on -lone, TV MUI and Mutiara Hikmah Ramadhan as well as the ta'lim assembly

    Diversity and Functional Role of The Coleoptera Order in The Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Area, Yogyakarta

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    The aim of this research that was conducted in the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Area Yogyakarta was to determine the diversity and functional role of Coleoptera in the area. The research was conducted by survey, with observation method, in March-April 2021. Data were collected through purposive random sampling with Sorting, Yellow Pan Trap, and Hunting methods. The results of research at six stations indicated the presence of 30 individuals belonging to four families of Arthropoda order Coleoptera, namely Lilioceris lilii (Chrysomelida), Charidotella sexpunctata (Chrysomelidae), Lytta stygica (Meloidae), Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Carabaeidae), and Harmonia axyridis (Coccinellidae). Based on their functional roles, the Carabaeidae and Coccinellidae families that dominate this finding act as predators, while the Chrysomelidae and Meloidae families act as herbivores. The results of the analysis using PAST 4.07b software show that Coleoptera diversity in the area is included in the low diversity index category with a value of 0.773, a low species richness index with a value of 0.6213, and an evenly distributed abundance index with a value close to 1.ABSTRAK: Penelitian yang dilakukan di Kawasan Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran Yogyakarta ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan peran fungsional Coleoptera di kawasan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan secara survei, dengan metode observasi pada bulan Maret-April 2021. Data dikumpulkan melalui purposive random sampling dengan kombinasi metode Sorting, Yellow Pan Trap, dan Hunting. Hasil penelitian di enam stasiun  menunjukkan adanya 30 individu yang termasuk ke dalam empat famili Arthropoda ordo Coleoptera yaitu Lilioceris lilii (Chrysomelida), Charidotella sexpunctata (Chrysomelidae), Lytta stygica (Meloidae), Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Carabaeidae), dan Harmonia axyridis (Coccinellidae). Berdasar peran fungsionalnya, famili Carabaeidae dan Coccinellidae yang mendominasi temuan ini berperan sebagai predator, sedangkan famili Chrysomelidae dan Meloidae berperan sebagai herbivor. Hasil analisis menggunakan software PAST 4.07b menunjukkan bahwa keanekaragaman Coleoptera di kawasan tersebut termasuk ke dalam kategori indeks keanekaragaman rendah dengan nilai 0,773, indeks kekayaan jenis rendah dengan nilai 0,6213, dan indeks kelimpahan yang merata dengan nilai mendekati 1

    Dragonfly (Odonata) Species Diversity in the Sigolo-Golo Tourism Area, Jombang, East Java

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    The sigolo-golo area is a tourist area with waterfalls and rivers. It is located in a secondary forest far enough from settlements, so it has the potential to be a habitat for dragonfly diversity. This study aims to analyze the composition and diversity of dragonflies in the Sigolo-golo tourist area. Data collection was carried out using the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method. The results of research conducted in three locations showed that there were 12 species from five families, namely Libellulidae, Euphaeidae, Calopterygidae, Chlorocyphidae, and Platicnemididae, with a total of 319 individuals. The species with the highest relative abundance value in this study was Pantala flavescens with a value of 77.40%. The value of species diversity at this location is H' = 0.984, which indicates that the diversity index value is low.ABSTRAK: Kawasan Sigolo-golo merupakan area wisata dengan terdapat air terjun dan sungai, yang terletak di dalam hutan sekunder yang cukup jauh dari pemukiman, sehingga berpotensi sebagai habitat bagi keanekaragaman capung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis komposisi, dan keanekaragaman capung di kawasan wisata Sigolo-golo. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES). Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di tiga lokasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 12 spesies dari lima famili, yaitu Libellulidae, Euphaeidae, Calopterygidae, Chlorocyphidae, Platicnemididae dengan total 319 individu. Nilai kelimpahan relatif yang tinggi pada penelitian ini yaitu Pantala flavescens dengan nilai sebesar 77.40%. Nilai keanekaragaman jenis pada lokasi ini adalah H' = 0.984, yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks keanekaragaman tergolong rendah

    The Diversity of Waterbirds Species in Jatipapak Mangrove Ecosystem at Kucur Resort, Alas Purwo National Park, East Java

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    The study aims to determine the composition and diversity of waterbirds species in the Jatipapak mangrove ecosystem at Alas Purwo National Park (APNP). This research was conducted on September-October 2020 with terrestrial and marine surveys in three stations. Data collection includes the waterbirds species and the number of individuals of each species. Data analysis used species composition and diversity index (Shannon Wiener=H’). The results of the study obtained the existence of 837 individuals waterbirds consisting of seven families, 16 genera, and 23 species. The waterbird communities in this area are composed of 11 species of resident birds and 12 species of migratory birds. The diversity index of waterbird species obtained is 2.31 which means moderate level. Based on the conservation status, there were 22 species of waterbirds that were classified as least concern (LC) and one species namely the Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) which was included in the Vulnerable (VU) category.ABSTRAK: Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi dan keanekaragaman spesies burung air di ekosistem mangrove Jatipapak di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo (TNAP). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September-Oktober 2020 dengan survei darat dan laut di tiga stasiun. Data yang dicatat meliputi spesies burung air dan jumlah individu setiap jenis. Analisis data menggunakan penentuan komposisi spesies dan indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon Wiener (H’). Hasil penelitian diperoleh 837 individu burung air yang terdiri dari 7 famili, 16 genus, dan 23 spesies. Komunitas burung air di kawasan ini terdiri dari 11 spesies burung penetap dan 12 spesies burung migran. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis burung air yang diperoleh adalah 2,31 yang berarti dalam kategori sedang. Berdasarkan status konservasi, terdapat 22 spesies burung air yang tergolong least concern (LC) dan satu spesies yaitu bangau tongtong (Leptoptilos javanicus) yang masuk dalam kategori Vulnerable (VU)

    The Role Of Zakat In The Digital Era 4.0 For Families In Solving Social Problems Integrated With Technology

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    Management in the management of zakat nationally was socialized after the issuance of Law Number 38 of 1999 concerning Zakat Management in Indonesia. However, in the course of the management of zakat management in Indonesia, there are problems in the formation of zakat management at the regional, district, sub-district and zakat managers in the form of community organizations. So that in zakat management the distribution of zakat is not right on target so that zakat management gets pros and cons in the community. The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply the implications of zakat management in Indonesia through the literature so that answers are obtained such as the contribution of solutions in this study. The methodology in this research is the type in this research is a qualitative research literature. While the approach in this study uses a normative juridical approach. The results in this study are the management of zakat management must be adjusted to the needs of those who are entitled to receive it according to the socio-economic conditions of Muslim citizens.Keywords: Role, Zakat, digital era 4.0, family, technolog

    Unveiling Political Persona Visual Framing Analysis of Presidential Candidates' Instagram Branding for the 2024 Indonesian Election

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    Personal branding on Instagram is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of political campaigns. The adoption of political branding concept provides candidates with the opportunity to build and manage their brand identity as a key element in their campaign strategy. This research will adopt a visual framing analysis approach using Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism as a theoretical foundation. Within this framework, this research will explore the dimensions of personal branding of the 2024 Presidential Election’s candidates in Indonesia, involving three main candidates, Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo. This research employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method, collecting data from the visual Instagram feeds of each presidential candidate (@aniesbaswedan, @prabowo, and @ganjar_pranowo), taken between October 26th and December 11th, 2023. It was found that each of the candidates reflects dimensions such as physique, personality, relationship, culture, reflection, and self-image in their Instagram posts. Through a deeper understanding of these personal branding strategies, this research can uncover their impact on voter perceptions and the dynamics of competition in the Indonesian political arena. Furthermore, by comprehending the characteristics of effective personal branding through visual framing analysis, candidates can optimize their political marketing strategies on Instagram

    Freight Courier Payroll System in Islamic Law Review (Study on Id Express Way Halim Bandar Lampung)

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    The more advanced about freight forwarding services in the modern era, many people now like to send goods through freight forwarding services such as one of Id Express to facilitate people in carrying out goods delivery activities, where consumers only pay service wages to the Id Express after a transaction where the determination of service wages is carried out by the Id Express. The focus of this research is how the practice of paying couriers for goods in Id Express and seen from the perspective of shari'ah economic law? The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the practice of paying couriers for goods in Id Express and seen from the perspective of shari'ah economic law. This research is a field research. The power collection methods used are; interviews and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed qualitatively with a descriptive approach to explain the entire wage system at Id Express Way Halim, Bandar Lampung. The results of this study found that the freight courier wage system on Id Express Way Halim is a wage system seen from the delivery of goods, where the courier must send goods according to the target given from the Id Express and if the couriers do not send packages according to the target, their salaries will be deducted by 50% from the Id Express, while the wage system is not explained at the beginning of the agreement between the courier and the company, so in Islamic Law it is not allowed because it is not in accordance with the print of the Qur'an surah Hud verse 85, then does not meet the requirements of ijarah which is the willingness of both parties. And not in accordance with Consumer Protection Law No. 8 of 1999 Article 8 Point c.Keywords: Goods Courier Wages System, Id Express Way HalimThe more advanced goods delivery services in the modern era, many people now like to send goods through goods delivery services, such as Id Express, to make it easier for people to carry out goods delivery activities, where consumers only pay service fees to Id Express after a transaction occurs where the determination fee for services performed by Id Express Way Halim, Bandar Lampung Jl. Urip Sumarjo No. 164A, Kota Bandar Lampung. By determining service fees, it can be seen from determining the distance, determining the weight of goods, and determining the type of service and so on, how does Id Express determine service fees, one of which is regarding the wage system. Based on this background, the formulation of the problem in this thesis is 1) How is the freight courier wage system at Id Express in Bandar Lampung?; 2) What is the review of Islamic law regarding the goods courier wage system at Id Express Way Halim Bandar Lampung?;. The objectives of this thesis are: 1) To explain the goods courier wage system at Id Express Way Halim 2) To explain an overview of Islamic law regarding the goods courier wage system at Id Express Way Halim, Bandar Lampung. The research in this thesis is a field research. The power collection method used is; interviews and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively using a descriptive approach to explain the entire wage system at Id Express Way Halim, Bandar Lampung. Based on the results of this study it was found that the goods courier wage system at Id Express Way Halim, namely the wage system seen from the delivery of goods, where the courier must deliver goods according to the target given by Id Express and if the goods couriers do not send packages according to the target then their salary will be deducted by 50% from Id Express, while the wage system is not explained at the beginning of the agreement between the courier and the company, so that in Islamic law it is not allowed because it is not in accordance with the commandments of the Koran sura Hud verse 85, then it does not meet the requirements Ijarah is the willingness of both parties. And not in accordance with Consumer Protection Law No. 8 of 1999 Article 8 Point c.

    The Values of The Ukhwah Trilogy in The Qur’an and Its Relevance for Deradicalization Efforts

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    The value of ukhuwah is often understood as a teaching of brotherhood that applies to fellow groups or religions only. The main focus in this study is the values of the Ukhuwwah Trilogy: ukhuwwah Islamiyyah (brotherhood among Muslims), ukhuwwah basyariyyah (brotherhood among mankind), as well as ukhuwwah wathaniyah (brotherhood in national bonds). This research is a literature study using descriptive methods and a contextual interpretation approach. The result provides that the verses of the Qur’an talking about ukhuwah has implications for the meaning of social relations which are not only about teachings and rules relating to fellow Muslims, but also the values of brotherhood among human beings which are an important factor in creating internal and inter-religious harmony. So that the values contained in the ukhuwah verses can be used as guidelines in deradicalization efforts. These verses also have implications for meaning as guidelines for living side by side by establishing good communication with anyone based on humanity (basyariyyah). The main goal is also to maintain good relations between citizens based on nationalism

    Regulation Of Sharia Microfinance Institutions Toward Credit Cooperations Based On Sharia Principles

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    In empowering the people's economy through providing inclusive and sharia-based financial access. Islamic microfinance institutions, namely credit cooperatives, which aim to provide financial services in accordance with sharia principles to their members. One of the theories underlying the regulation of Islamic microfinance institutions towards credit cooperatives based on Islamic principles is that Islamic finance must follow Islamic principles in every aspect of its operations, including the prohibition of usury, gharar, and maysir, as well as an emphasis on fairness, sustainability, and economic empowerment. The problem of different understanding and interpretation of sharia principles is a challenge in the implementation of this law. In addition, compliance with and supervision of sharia principles is also a problem because it requires deep understanding and effective oversight mechanisms. The purpose of the regulation of Islamic microfinance institutions for credit cooperatives based on sharia principles is to create financial institutions that can provide financial services in accordance with sharia principles to their members. This includes empowering the people's economy, creating a fair and sustainable financial system, and providing more inclusive financial alternatives for the community.Keywords: Economic empowerment, sharia principles, compliance, supervision, regulatio

    Learning Outcomes and Reading Literacy Improvements through the Android Application "My Biotech" on Biology Technology Innovation Material

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    This study is a classroom action research conducted at SMA Negeri A Bondowoso, specifically in class XC with a total of 36 students, during the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023. In this research, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The results of a questionnaire completed by students and teachers in observation sheets during learning were used to generate quantitative data. Qualitative data was collected through observations and interviews with students and teachers. Data collection techniques include observation and testing. Two colleagues were involved as student activity observers. The results improved significantly between cycles I and II. The results of student activity in asking questions during learning were as high as 45% in cycle I to 49% in cycle II. The increase in reading literacy leads to increased listening skills from 51% in cycle I to 58% in cycle II. The increase in students' posttest results was 71% in cycle I and 84% in cycle II. Finally, according to the results of student responses, students who liked biotechnology material increased their acquisition from 47% in cycle I to 52% in cycle II.ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri A Bondowoso yaitu pada kelas XC dengan jumlah siswa 36 dan dilakukan pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data Kuantitatif didapat dari hasil angket yang diisi oleh siswa dan guru dalam lembar observasi selama pembelajaran. Data Kualitatif diperoleh dari hasil Observasi dan Wawancara kepada siswa dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dan tes. Observer aktivitas siswa melibatkan dua orang teman sejawat. Terdapat hasil peningkatan yang signifikan antara siklus I dan siklus II. Pada penilaian aktivitas siswa, Hasil keaktifan siswa dalam bertanya selama pembelajaran pada siklus I sebanyak 45%, selanjutnya dihasilkan peningkatan sebesar 49% pada siklus II.  Kemudian peningkatan dari hasil literasi membaca, pada aspek keterampilan menyimak pada siklus I sebesar 51% menjadi 58% pada siklus II. Peningkatan hasil post test siswa pada siklus I sebesar 71% dan siklus II sebesar 84%.  Terakhir, pada hasil respon siswa, siswa yang menyukai materi bioteknologi mengalami peningkatan dari yang sebelumnya diperoleh sebesar 47% pada siklus I, naik secara signifikan dengan perolehan 52% pada siklus II


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    Open Journal Systems UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Raden Intan Lampung / Raden Intan State Islamic Institute of Lampung is based in Indonesia
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