42 research outputs found

    Kasvatustieteiden opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä attribuutioiden vaikutuksesta opiskelumotivaatioon

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    Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Tampereen yliopiston kasvatustieteiden opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä attribuutioiden vaikutuksesta heidän opiskelumotivaatioonsa. Attribuutiolla tarkoitetaan yksilön tapaa selittää onnistumisiaan ja epäonnistumisiaan itselleen. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin Weinerin attribuutioteorian kolmea ulottuvuutta: syyn sijaintia, syyn pysyvyyttä ja syyn kontrolloitavuutta. Lisäksi teoreettisena viitekehyksenä hyödynnettiin motivaatiota opintojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella, joka sisälsi monivalintakysymyksiä sekä avoimia kysymyksiä. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin sekä luokittelun keinoin. Ensiksi haluttiin selvittää yleisesti opiskelijoilla ilmeneviä attribuutioita. Seuraavaksi tarkasteltiin opiskelumotivaatiota lisääviä ja laskevia attribuutioita sekä sellaisia attribuutioita, jotka eivät vaikuta opiskelumotivaatioon yksilön menestyessä opinnoissaan. Lopuksi selvitettiin, kokevatko opiskelijat attribuutioiden vaikuttavan heidän opiskelumotivaatioonsa ja kuinka paljon. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että tutkimuksen vastaajajoukko on lähtökohtaisesti onnistumismotivoituneita, sillä menestymistilanteissa sisäiset attribuutiot korostuivat, kun taas epäonnistumistilanteissa muuttuvat attribuutiot korostuivat. Opiskelumotivaatiota laskevat syyt ovat usein muuttuvia, mikä tukee ajatusta onnistumismotivoituneesta opiskelijasta. Tuloksista näkyy myös vastaajien kiinnostus omaa alaa kohtaan. Menestystä selitetään aiheen kiinnostavuudella ja motivaatiota lisänneiksi syiksi mainitaan menestymistilanteissa uuden oppiminen ja epäonnistumistilanteissa oppimisen nälkä. Motivaatiota laskeviksi syiksi mainitaan muun muassa aiheen kiinnostamattomuus tai vaikeus, kokemus oman vaivannäön hyödyttömyydestä sekä tiedostettu panostamattomuus. Näistä viimeinen kertoo yliopistosta tutkimuksen toteutusympäristönä. Yliopisto tutkimuksen kontekstina näkyy myös esimerkiksi motivaatiota lisäävissä attribuutioissa, joissa mainitaan priorisoinnin pakollisuus. Menestymistilanteissa motivaatioon vaikuttamattomat syyt ovat yleisesti ulkoisia. Kaiken kaikkiaan opiskelijat kokevat attribuutioiden vaikuttavan heidän opiskelumotivaatioonsa melko paljon

    Sodankäyntiä lähikirjastojen ympärillä : retorinen analyysi Helsingin Sanomien vuoden 2002 kirjastokeskustelusta

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    Summary: Warfare around public libraries : a rhetorical analysis of the articles concerning libraries published in Helsingin Sanomat in 200

    Origins and Recovery from Superinfections and Soft Tissue Necrosis

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    The aim of the study was to gather further information regarding the reasons for superinfections and soft tissue necrosis, and to compare them with common gingivitis and periodontitis. A further aim is to see if there are differences in the recovery from these diseases which all are associated with microorganisms. The information was gathered retrospectively from 250 patients and altogether 4022 visits to a specialist. The material was chosen randomly according to the first letter of the patient’s surname, among the 250 patients that were selected. The treatments of 155 patients took place between 1987-2016. The treatment of some patients had started earlier, but the controls had been continued for a long time after 1987. The examinations have been clinical, microbiological, and based on anamnesis, roentgenograms and histopathological examinations. The follow-up time was between 1 to 40 years. The patients who had periodontitis or superinfection were treated in the same way. Antibiotic therapy was prescribed for recurring infections, or if the patient had a difficult disease. In periodontal-endodontic infections, root canals were treated. Periapical lesions were surgically treated. Both periodontitis and superinfections occurred predominantly in the age group between 41 and 60 years. Narcotic- or snuff-addicts were not included in the material, nor were alcoholics, although 6 patients did report moderate use of alcohol. Diseases and other infections had been treated both in patients with periodontitis and in the superinfection group. Oral symptoms were the same, except that the superinfections were violent. The difference in diagnosis was based on the anamnestic information of the antibiotics which induced the acute reaction, on the clinical and microbiological studies. The patients had received 12 different antibiotics, from which 10 induced superinfection. Extraction of teeth did not prevent normal infection, nor superinfection. The infections appeared as ulcers, white coverings or the flush of mucosa, and if the teeth remained, gingival pockets were purulent. The found micro-organisms were yeasts, mould, bacteria, also periodontopathogens. In the superinfection group, some multiply resistant organisms were found. The prognosis of the treatment was good both for patients with periodontitis and superinfection. Flap necrosis is a local, rare surgical complication, in which one factor is superinfection. Incorrect treatment of soft tissue did not lead to flap necrosis in this study. Superinfection is a different disease to periodontitis or gingivitis, because it is induced by antibiotics, and it is linked with multiply resistant microorganisms that are not sensitive to the antibiotics used. Normal periodontal, surgical and endodontic treatments are suitable for patients with periodontal- endodontic problems or superinfection. Superinfection can be very severe, locally or in the whole periodontium, if the infection is bacterial. When the infection was due to yeasts or moulds, local infection was not found. The recovery prognosis is good both in periodontitis and in superinfection. The connection to other diseases is not clear. Cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, accidents and other infections were in anamnesis both in patients with periodontitis and in patients with superinfection. Patients with urinary tract infections who were prescribed antibiotic treatments were more prone to superinfection. Anyone can contract a superinfection. In a healthy gingival, it appears as ulcers, coverings, flushing or gingival bleeding, whereas in patients with periodontitis, the superinfection is mainly purulent. Endodontic superinfection is also possible.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinta : Opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioille

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    Vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinta on asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuuden kehittämisen keskeinen menettely. Vaaratapahtumista oppiminen edellyttää sekä pienemmän riskin tapahtumien jatkuvaa seurantaa että vaikutuksiltaan vakavampien tapahtumien tarkempaa tutkintaa. Tätä varten organisaatiossa tulee olla tutkintaan tarvittavat resurssit, osaaminen ja sovitut menettelytavat. Vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinta perustuu systeemilähtöiseen turvallisuusajatteluun. Tarkastelun kohteena ei ole yksittäinen työntekijä, vaan koko monimutkainen toimintajärjestelmä, jossa vaaratapahtuma sattui. Tutkinnassa noudatetaan ns. juurisyyanalyysi -mallia, jossa tavoitteena on tunnistaa tapahtumalle altistaneet perimmäiset puutteet turvallisuuden hallinnassa, johtamisessa ja toiminnan suunnittelussa. Näiden puutteiden korjaamisella saavutetaan laaja-alaisia ja vaikuttavia muutoksia asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Tämä opas on laadittu ohjaamaan vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinnan toimeenpanoa sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioissa. Oppaassa on kuvattu vaaratapahtumien tutkinnan keskeiset periaatteet, tutkinnan toteutus sekä tutkintoihin perustuva toiminnan kehittäminen. Opas on tarkoitettu kaikille sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimijoille

    Respiratory disease and the role of oral bacteria

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    The relationship between oral health and systemic conditions, including the association between poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, and respiratory disease, has been increasingly debated over recent decades. A considerable number of hypotheses have sought to explain the possible role of oral bacteria in the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases, and some clinical and epidemiological studies have found results favoring such an association. This review discusses the effect of oral bacteria on respiratory disease, briefly introduces the putative biological mechanisms involved, and the main factors that could contribute to this relationship. It also describes the role of oral care for individuals who are vulnerable to respiratory infections

    Acute periodontal lesions

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    This is a review and update on acute conditions affecting the gingival tissues, including abscesses in the periodontium, necrotizing periodontal diseases, and other acute conditions that cause gingival lesions with acute presentation, such as infectious process not associated with oral bacterial biofilms, muco-cutanenous disorders, and traumatic and allergic lesions. A periodontal abscess is clinically important since it is a relatively frequent dental emergency, it can compromise the periodontal prognosis of the affected tooth, and because bacteria within the abscess have been identified, mainly by the type of etiology, and there are clear diffrences between those affecting a previously existing periodontal pocket ahd those affecting healthy sites. Therapy for this acute condition consists of drainage and tissue debridement, with individual evaluation of the need for systemic antimicrobial therapy. the definitive treatment of the pre-existing condition should be accomplished after the acute phase is controlled. Necrotizing periodontal disease (NPD) present three typical clinical features : papilla necrosis, gingival bleeding, and pain. Although the prevalence of these diseases is not high, their importance is clear, since they represent the most severe conditions associated with dental biofilm, with very rapid tissue destruction. In adittion to bacteria, the etiology of NPD includes numerous factors that alter the host response and predispose to these diseases, including HIV infection, malnutrition, stress, and tobacco smoking. The treatment consists of superficial debridement, careful mechanical oral hygiene, rinsing with chlorhexidine, and daily re-evaluation. Systemic antimicrobials may be used adjunctively in severe cases or in non-responding conditions and the best option is metronidazole.Once the acute disease is under control, definitive treatment should be provided, including the adequate therapy for the pre-existing gingivitis or periodontitis. Among other acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, but not caused by the microorganisms present in oral biofilms , are infectious diseases, muco-cutaneous diseases and traumatic or allergic lesions. In most cases, the gingival envolvement is not severe, though they are common and may prompt a dental emergency visit. These conditions may the direct result of a trauma or the consequence of the breaking of vesicles and bullae. A proper differential diagnosis is important for an adequate management of the case

    Acute periodontal lesions

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    Improving co-operation on the bridge : preliminary study

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    Ilmestynyt suomeksi: Komentosiltayhteistyön kehittäminen, Merenkulkulaitoksen julkaisuja 1/200