83 research outputs found

    The 2009 multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 421: Variability and correlation studies

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    We performed a 4.5-month multi-instrument campaign (from radio to VHE gamma rays) on Mrk421 between January 2009 and June 2009, which included VLBA, F-GAMMA, GASP-WEBT, Swift, RXTE, Fermi-LAT, MAGIC, and Whipple, among other instruments and collaborations. Mrk421 was found in its typical (non-flaring) activity state, with a VHE flux of about half that of the Crab Nebula, yet the light curves show significant variability at all wavelengths, the highest variability being in the X-rays. We determined the power spectral densities (PSD) at most wavelengths and found that all PSDs can be described by power-laws without a break, and with indices consistent with pink/red-noise behavior. We observed a harder-when-brighter behavior in the X-ray spectra and measured a positive correlation between VHE and X-ray fluxes with zero time lag. Such characteristics have been reported many times during flaring activity, but here they are reported for the first time in the non-flaring state. We also observed an overall anti-correlation between optical/UV and X-rays extending over the duration of the campaign. The harder-when-brighter behavior in the X-ray spectra and the measured positive X-ray/VHE correlation during the 2009 multi-wavelength campaign suggests that the physical processes dominating the emission during non-flaring states have similarities with those occurring during flaring activity. In particular, this observation supports leptonic scenarios as being responsible for the emission of Mrk421 during non-flaring activity. Such a temporally extended X-ray/VHE correlation is not driven by any single flaring event, and hence is difficult to explain within the standard hadronic scenarios. The highest variability is observed in the X-ray band, which, within the one-zone synchrotron self-Compton scenario, indicates that the electron energy distribution is most variable at the highest energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 18 pages, 14 figures (v2 has a small modification in the acknowledgments, and also corrects a typo in the field "author" in the metadata

    Repertoire sequencing of B cells elucidates the role of UNG and mismatch repair proteins in somatic hypermutation in humans

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    The generation of high-affinity antibodies depends on somatic hypermutation (SHM). SHM is initiated by the activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), which generates uracil (U) lesions in the B-cell receptor (BCR) encoding genes. Error-prone processing of U lesions creates a typical spectrum of point mutations during SHM. The aim of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism of SHM in humans; currently available knowledge is limited by the number of mutations analyzed per patient. We collected a unique cohort of 10 well-defined patients with bi-allelic mutations in genes involved in base excision repair (BER) (UNG) or mismatch repair (MMR) (MSH2, MSH6, or PMS2) and are the first to present next-generation sequencing (NGS) data of the BCR, allowing us to study SHM extensively in humans. Analysis using ARGalaxy revealed selective skewing of SHM mutation patterns specific for each genetic defect, which are in line with the five-pathway model of SHM that was recently proposed based on mice data. However, trans-species comparison revealed differences in the role of PMS2 and MSH2 in strand targeting between mice and man. In conclusion, our results indicate a role for UNG, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2 in the generation of SHM in humans comparable to their function in mice. However, we observed differences in strand targeting between humans and mice, emphasizing the importance of studying molecular mechanisms in a human setting. The here developed method combining NGS and ARGalaxy analysis of BCR mutation data forms the basis for efficient SHM analyses of other immune deficiencies

    Novas cultivares brasileiras de uvas para mesa e para elaboração de sucos.

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    O Programa de Melhoramento da Videira tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uvas para diversas finalidades, (incluindo mesa e elaboração de sucos), que apresentem maior resistência a doenças e ampla adaptação climática.Resumo referente ao Simpósio Paranaense de Fruticultura (3.: 2017 nov. 21-23: Pato Branco, PR

    Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)

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    From 1985 to 2016, the prevalence of underweight decreased, and that of obesity and severe obesity increased, in most regions, with significant variation in the magnitude of these changes across regions. We investigated how much change in mean body mass index (BMI) explains changes in the prevalence of underweight, obesity, and severe obesity in different regions using data from 2896 population-based studies with 187 million participants. Changes in the prevalence of underweight and total obesity, and to a lesser extent severe obesity, are largely driven by shifts in the distribution of BMI, with smaller contributions from changes in the shape of the distribution. In East and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the underweight tail of the BMI distribution was left behind as the distribution shifted. There is a need for policies that address all forms of malnutrition by making healthy foods accessible and affordable, while restricting unhealthy foods through fiscal and regulatory restrictions

    Objawy i przyczyny zagrożenia niedostosowaniem społecznym dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym

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    Pojawiają się coraz to nowsze formy zaburzeń zachowania u małych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Niektóre z nich mogą świadczyć o zagrożeniu niedostosowaniem społecznym dziecka. Artykuł prezentuje objawy i przyczyny niedostosowania w celu umożliwienia prowadzenia skutecznej profilaktyki niedostosowania społecznego już w placówkach przedszkolnych. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była także ocena poziomu wiedzy nauczycieli przedszkola dotyczącej niedostosowania społecznego małych dzieci. Do przeprowadzenia badań użyto metody sondażu. Nauczyciele udzielili anonimowych odpowiedzi na przygotowanych wcześniej kwestionariuszach. To pozwoliło na zebranie wielu szczerych opinii na temat niedostosowania społecznego małych dzieci. Zebrane informacje pozwoliły dostrzec, że zjawisko niedostosowania społecznego jest coraz powszechniejsze w placówkach przedszkolnych. W przedszkolach wciąż brakuje możliwości poznawania środowiska domowego ucznia, a jest to konieczne, aby móc postawić prawidłową diagnozę. Wielu nauczycieli nie dostrzega w zaburzeniach zachowania dziecka objawów niedostosowania społecznego. Dlatego konieczne jest dalsze badanie tego zjawiska i uświadamianie wychowawcom jego wagi.More and more new forms of behavioral disorders appear in young preschool children. Some of them may indicate the threat of a child’s social maladjustment. The article presents the symptoms and causes of maladjustment in order to enable effective prevention of social maladjustment in pre-school institutions. The aim of the research was also to measure the level of knowledge of preschool teachers about social maladjustment of young children. The survey method was used to do the research. Teachers gave anonymous answers to previously prepared questionnaires. This allowed to gather a lot of honest opinions about the social maladjustment of young children. The collected information has allowed to see that the phenomenon of social maladjustment is becoming more and more common in kindergarten institutions. Kindergartens still lack the opportunity to explore the student’s home environment, and this is necessary to be able to make the correct diagnosis. Many teachers do not see any signs of social maladjustment in their child’s behavioral disorders. Therefore, further investigation of this phenomenon is necessary and making educators aware of its importance

    Methodology of early childhood e-education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Practical study

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    he basic skills of both the student and the teacher. Its task is not only to activate the child and include him / her in the educational process, but also to meet the current social needs. The ability to use information technology is one of the key competences developed by the Council of Europe in Bern in 1996. Currently, they are also the foundation of the Polish core curriculum. No wonder that also in our education many tools have been developed to help students acquire new knowledge and consolidate existing skills. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was necessary to implement distance learning, based in most schools on the Microsoft Teams communication platform. This was a new challenge for teachers and often a test of their digital competences. Many of them tried to meet the needs of students by changing teaching methods and adapting them to the changing world. This article was created to present selected technological resources, applications and educational platforms used by early childhood education teachers based on own research carried out in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the period from 30/11/2020 to 28/03/2021. The main research problem of the analysis presented below was an attempt to find out which tools are used by teachers during distance learning and which remain unknown to a wider audience, although they could potentially be useful in teaching. The main reason for publishing the following report was to create a reference database of technological tools enabling remote learning and activating students during it. The survey method was used to conduct the research. Teachers gave anonymous answers to previously prepared questionnaires. This allowed for gathering many honest opinions about the well-known and used educational applications and platforms. The collected data made it possible to notice that many teachers use several basic tools, but most of them do not expand their workshop with new technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct training in the field of distance learning methodology and further improvement of teachers in this area.W ostatnich latach nastąpił gwałtowny rozwój technologii cyfrowej. Korzystanie z niej stało się jedną z podstawowych umiejętności zarówno ucznia, jak i nauczyciela. Jej zadaniem jest nie tylko aktywizacja dziecka i włączenia go w proces edukacyjny, ale i wyjście naprzeciw aktualnym potrzebom społecznym. Umiejętność używania technologii informatycznych jest bowiem jedną z kompetencji kluczowych opracowanych przez Radę Europy w Bernie w 1996 roku. Obecnie są one fundamentem również polskiej podstawy programowej. Nic więc dziwnego, że również w naszej edukacji powstało wiele narzędzi ułatwiających uczniom przyswajanie nowej wiedzy i utrwalanie już posiadanych umiejętności. W czasie pandemii Covid-19 konieczne okazało się wdrożenie nauczania zdalnego, opartego w większości szkół na platformie komunikacyjnej Microsoft Teams. Było to nowe wyzwanie dla nauczycieli i często test posiadanych przez nich kompetencji cyfrowych. Wielu z nich starało się sprostać potrzebom uczniów zmieniając metody dydaktyczne i dostosowując je do zmieniającego się świata. Niniejszy artykuł powstał w celu zaprezentowania wybranych zasobów technologicznych, aplikacji i platform edukacyjnych stosowanych przez nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w oparciu o badania własne przeprowadzone w województwie mazowieckim w okresie od 30.11.2020 do 28.03.2021. Głównym problemem badawczym poniższej analizy była próba zorientowania się, z jakich narzędzi korzystają nauczyciele w okresie nauczania zdalnego, a które pozostają nieznane dla szerszego grona odbiorców, choć potencjalnie mogłyby być użyteczne w dydaktyce. Podstawowym powodem publikacji poniższego raportu było stworzenie referencyjnej bazy narzędzi technologicznych umożliwiających zdalne nauczanie i aktywizowanie uczniów podczas niego. Do przeprowadzenia badań użyto metody sondażu. Nauczyciele udzielili anonimowych odpowiedzi na przygotowanych wcześniej kwestionariuszach. To pozwoliło na zebranie wielu szczerych opinii na temat znanych i używanych do nauczania aplikacji i platform edukacyjnych. Zebrane dane pozwoliły dostrzec, że wielu nauczycieli korzysta z kilku podstawowych narzędzi, jednak większość nie rozbudowuje swojego warsztatu pracy o kolejne nowoczesne technologie. Dlatego konieczne jest przeprowadzanie szkoleń w zakresie metodyki zdalnego nauczania i dalsze doskonalenie się nauczycieli w tym zakresie

    Sense of risk of work addiction among teachers

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    Objectives The aim of the study was to analyze the self-awareness of teachers regarding their possible addiction to work and to search for methods of preventing addiction. Material and methods Quantitative research on teachers' awareness of work addiction was conducted among 116 professionally active teachers working in primary and secondary schools in the Masovian Voivodeship. For their needs, a research questionnaire was designed containing twelve statements related to addiction criteria. Results Before these statements on work addiction were presented to respondents, they were asked if they felt that they were currently at risk of work addiction due to their work. The vast majority of respondents, as many as one hundred and three people (89%), answered that they had no such concerns. After familiarizing themselves with the questionnaire and selecting statements that matched their opinions about themselves, they were asked again about their sense of being at risk of addiction. The results differed significantly, because forty-six people gave an affirmative answer, which is almost 40% of the teachers surveyed. Conclusions All changes in the education system, reforms, and the use of ICT in teaching are stressors for teachers. Despite the constant increase in responsibilities related to e.g. remote teaching and the influx of refugees, they are still poorly paid. We should remember that the quality of an education system depends on the quality of its teachers. Therefore, if we want to improve the quality of education in Polish schools, we should first of all take care of the well-being of teachers. Perhaps the dissemination of the phenomenon of work addiction will change its perception, especially among professions burdened with high social expectations