982 research outputs found

    Near-infrared spectroscopy of EX Lupi in outburst

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    EX Lup is the prototype of the EXor class of young eruptive stars: objects showing repetitive brightenings due to increased accretion from the circumstellar disk to the star. In this paper, we report on medium-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of EX\,Lup taken during its extreme outburst in 2008, as well as numerical modeling with the aim of determining the physical conditions around the star. We detect emission lines from atomic hydrogen, helium, and metals, as well as first overtone bandhead emission from carbon monoxide. Our results indicate that the emission lines are originating from gas located in a dust-free region within ~ 0.2 AU of the star. The profile of the CO bandhead indicates that the CO gas has a temperature of 2500 K, and is located in the inner edge of the disk or in the outer parts of funnel flows. The atomic metals are probably co-located with the CO. Some metallic lines are fluorescently excited, suggesting direct exposure to ultraviolet photons. The Brackett series indicates emission from hot (10000 K) and optically thin gas. The hydrogen lines display a strong spectro-astrometric signal, suggesting that the hydrogen emission is probably not coming from an equatorial boundary layer; a funnel flow or disk wind origin is more likely. This picture is broadly consistent with the standard magnetospheric accretion model usually assumed for normally accreting T Tauri stars. Our results also set constraints on the eruption mechanism, supporting a model where material piles up around the corotation radius and episodically falls onto the star.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Optical spectroscopy of EX Lupi during quiescence and outburst: Infall, wind, and dynamics in the accretion flow

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    We explore the accretion mechanisms in EX Lupi, prototype of EXor variables, during its quiescence and outburst phases. We analyse high-resolution optical spectra taken before, during, and after its 2008 outburst. In quiescence and outburst, the star presents many permitted emission lines, including typical CTTS lines and numerous neutral and ionized metallic lines. During the outburst, the number of emission lines increases to over a thousand, with narrow plus broad component structure (NC+BC). The BC profile is highly variable on short timescales (24-72h). An active chromosphere can explain the metallic lines in quiescence and the outburst NC. The dynamics of the BC line profiles suggest an origin in a hot, dense, non-axisymmetric, and non-uniform accretion column that suffers velocity variations along the line-of-sight on timescales of days. Assuming Keplerian rotation, the emitting region would be located at ~0.1-0.2 AU, consistent with the inner disk rim, but the velocity profiles of the lines reveal a combination of rotation and infall. Line ratios of ions and neutrals can be reproduced with a temperature of T~6500 K for electron densities of a few times 1012^{12}cm−3^{-3} in the line-emitting region. The data confirm that the 2008 outburst was an episode of increased accretion, albeit much stronger than previous EX Lupi and typical EXors outbursts. The line profiles are consistent with the infall/rotation of a non-axisymmetric structure that could be produced by clumpy accretion during the outburst phase. A strong inner disk wind appears in the epochs of higher accretion. The rapid recovery of the system after the outburst and the similarity between the pre-outburst and post-outburst states suggest that the accretion channels are similar during the whole period, and only the accretion rate varies, providing a superb environment for studying the accretion processes.Comment: 15 pages plus 26 pages online material, accepted by A&

    The Galaxy Population of Low-Redshift Abell Clusters

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    We present a study of the luminosity and color properties of galaxies selected from a sample of 57 low-redshift Abell clusters. We utilize the non-parametric dwarf-to-giant ratio (DGR) and the blue galaxy fraction (fb) to investigate the clustercentric radial-dependent changes in the cluster galaxy population. Composite cluster samples are combined by scaling the counting radius by r200 to minimize radius selection bias. The separation of galaxies into a red and blue population was achieved by selecting galaxies relative to the cluster color-magnitude relation. The DGR of the red and blue galaxies is found to be independent of cluster richness (Bgc), although the DGR is larger for the blue population at all measured radii. A decrease in the DGR for the red and red+blue galaxies is detected in the cluster core region, while the blue galaxy DGR is nearly independent of radius. The fb is found not to correlate with Bgc; however, a steady decline toward the inner-cluster region is observed for the giant galaxies. The dwarf galaxy fb is approximately constant with clustercentric radius except for the inner cluster core region where fb decreases. The clustercentric radial dependence of the DGR and the galaxy blue fraction, indicates that it is unlikely that a simple scenario based on either pure disruption or pure fading/reddening can describe the evolution of infalling dwarf galaxies; both outcomes are produced by the cluster environment.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Quantifying the Importance of Ram Pressure Stripping in a Galaxy Group at 100 Mpc

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    We examine two members of the NGC 4065 group of galaxies: a bent-double (a.k.a. wide angle tail) radio source and an HI deficient spiral galaxy. Models of the X-ray emitting intragroup gas and the bent-double radio source, NGC 4061, are used to probe the density of intergalactic gas in this group. HI observations reveal an asymmetric, truncated distribution of neutral gas in spiral galaxy, UGC 07049, and the accompanying radio continuum emission reveals strong star formation. We examine the effectiveness of ram pressure stripping as a gas removal mechanism and find that it alone cannot account for the HI deficiency that is observed in UGC 07049 unless this galaxy has passed through the core of the group with a velocity of ~800 km/s. A combination of tidal and ram pressure stripping are necessary to produce the HI deficiency and asymmetry in this galaxy.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    The 2008 outburst of EX Lup - silicate crystals in motion

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    EX Lup is the prototype of the EXor class of eruptive young stars. These objects show optical outbursts which are thought to be related to runaway accretion onto the star. In a previous study we observed in-situ crystal formation in the disk of EX Lup during its latest outburst in 2008, making the object an ideal laboratory to investigate circumstellar crystal formation and transport. This outburst was monitored by a campaign of ground-based and Spitzer Space Telescope observations. Here we modeled the spectral energy distribution of EX Lup in the outburst from optical to millimeter wavelengths with a 2D radiative transfer code. Our results showed that the shape of the SED at optical wavelengths was more consistent with a single temperature blackbody than a temperature distribution. We also found that this single temperature component emitted 80-100 % of the total accretion luminosity. We concluded that a thermal instability, the most widely accepted model of EXor outbursts, was likely not the triggering mechanism of the 2008 outburst of EX Lup. Our mid-infrared Spitzer spectra revealed that the strength of all crystalline bands between 8 and 30 um increased right after the end of the outburst. Six months later, however, the crystallinity in the 10 um silicate feature complex decreased. Our modeling of the mid-infrared spectral evolution of EXLup showed that, although vertical mixing should be stronger during the outburst than in the quiescent phase, fast radial transport of crystals (e.g., by stellar/disk wind) was required to reproduce the observed mid-infrared spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 37 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    The XMM/2dF survey III: Comparison between optical and X-ray cluster detection methods

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    We directly compare X-ray and optical techniques of cluster detection by combining SDSS photometric data with a wide-field (∌1.8\sim 1.8 deg2^{2}) XMM-{\em Newton} survey in the North Galactic Pole region. The optical cluster detection procedure is based on merging two independent selection methods - a smoothing+percolation technique, and a Matched Filter Algorithm. The X-ray cluster detection is based on a wavelet-based algorithm, incorporated in the SAS v.5.2 package. The final optical sample counts 9 candidate clusters with richness of more than 20 galaxies, corresponding roughly to APM richness class. Three, of our optically detected clusters are also detected in our X-ray survey. The most probable cause of the small number of optical cluster candidates detected in our X-ray survey is that they are relatively poor clusters, fainter than the X-ray flux limit (for extended sources) of our survey fx(0.3−2keV)≃2×10−14ergcm−2s−1f_{x}(0.3-2 {\rm keV}) \simeq 2 \times 10^{-14} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte

    The Benchmark Ultracool Subdwarf HD 114762B: A Test of Low-Metallicity Atmospheric and Evolutionary Models

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    We present a near-infrared spectroscopic study of HD 114762B, the latest-type metal-poor companion discovered to date and the only ultracool subdwarf with a known metallicity, inferred from the primary star to be [Fe/H] = -0.7. We obtained a medium-resolution Keck/OSIRIS J-band spectrum and a low-resolution IRTF/SpeX 0.8-2.4 um spectrum of HD 114762B. HD 114762B exhibits spectral features common to both late-type dwarfs and subdwarfs, and we assign it a spectral type of d/sdM9 +/- 1. We use a Monte Carlo technique to fit PHOENIX/GAIA synthetic spectra to the observations, accounting for the coarsely-gridded nature of the models. Fits to the entire OSIRIS J-band and to the metal-sensitive J-band atomic absorption features (Fe I, K I, and Al I lines) yield model parameters that are most consistent with the metallicity of the primary star and the high surface gravity expected of old late-type objects. The effective temperatures and radii inferred from the model atmosphere fitting broadly agree with those predicted by the evolutionary models of Chabrier & Baraffe, and the model color-absolute magnitude relations accurately predict the metallicity of HD 114762B. We conclude that current low-mass, mildly metal-poor atmospheric and evolutionary models are mutually consistent for spectral fits to medium-resolution J-band spectra of HD 114762B, but are inconsistent for fits to low-resolution near-infrared spectra of mild subdwarfs. Finally, we develop a technique for estimating distances to ultracool subdwarfs based on a single near-infrared spectrum. We show that this "spectroscopic parallax" method enables distance estimates accurate to < 10% of parallactic distances for ultracool subdwarfs near the hydrogen burning minimum mass. (abridged)Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 23 pages, 20 figure

    Star-galaxy separation in the AKARI NEP Deep Field

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    Context: It is crucial to develop a method for classifying objects detected in deep surveys at infrared wavelengths. We specifically need a method to separate galaxies from stars using only the infrared information to study the properties of galaxies, e.g., to estimate the angular correlation function, without introducing any additional bias. Aims. We aim to separate stars and galaxies in the data from the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Deep survey collected in nine AKARI / IRC bands from 2 to 24 {\mu}m that cover the near- and mid-infrared wavelengths (hereafter NIR and MIR). We plan to estimate the correlation function for NIR and MIR galaxies from a sample selected according to our criteria in future research. Methods: We used support vector machines (SVM) to study the distribution of stars and galaxies in the AKARIs multicolor space. We defined the training samples of these objects by calculating their infrared stellarity parameter (sgc). We created the most efficient classifier and then tested it on the whole sample. We confirmed the developed separation with auxiliary optical data obtained by the Subaru telescope and by creating Euclidean normalized number count plots. Results: We obtain a 90% accuracy in pinpointing galaxies and 98% accuracy for stars in infrared multicolor space with the infrared SVM classifier. The source counts and comparison with the optical data (with a consistency of 65% for selecting stars and 96% for galaxies) confirm that our star/galaxy separation methods are reliable. Conclusions: The infrared classifier derived with the SVM method based on infrared sgc- selected training samples proves to be very efficient and accurate in selecting stars and galaxies in deep surveys at infrared wavelengths carried out without any previous target object selection.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The impact of a major cluster merger on galaxy evolution in MACS\,J0025.4-1225

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    We present results of an extensive morphological, spectroscopic, and photometric study of the galaxy population of MACS J0025.4−-1225 (z=0.586), a major cluster merger with clear segregation of dark and luminous matter, to examine the impact of mergers on galaxy evolution. Based on 436 galaxy spectra obtained with Keck DEIMOS, we identified 212 cluster members within 4 Mpc of the cluster centre, and classified them using three spectroscopic types; we find 111 absorption-line, 90 emission-line (including 23 e(a) and 11 e(b)), and 6 E+A galaxies. The fraction of absorption(emission)-line galaxies is a monotonically increasing(decreasing) function of both projected galaxy density and radial distance to the cluster center. More importantly, the 6 observed E+A cluster members are all located between the dark-matter peaks of the cluster and within ~0.3Mpc radius of the X-ray flux peak, unlike the E+A galaxies in other intermediate-redshift clusters which are usually found to avoid the core region. In addition, we use Hubble Space Telescope imaging to classify cluster members according to morphological type. We find the global fraction of spiral and lenticular galaxies in MACS J0025 to be among the highest observed to date in clusters at z>0.5. The observed E+A galaxies are found to be of lenticular type with Sersic indices of ~2, boosting the local fraction of S0 to 70 per cent between the dark-matter peaks. Combing the results of our analysis of the spatial distribution, morphology, and spectroscopic features of the galaxy population, we propose that the starburst phase of these E+A galaxies was both initiated and terminated during the first core-passage about 0.5--1Gyr ago, and that their morphology has already been transformed into S0 due to ram pressure and/or tidal forces near the cluster core. By contrast, ongoing starbursts are observed predominantly in infalling galaxies, and thus appears to be unrelated to the cluster merger.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, accepted by MNRA
