625 research outputs found

    OTELO Survey: Deep BVRI broadband photometry of the Groth strip. II Properties of X-ray Emitters

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    The Groth field is one of the sky regions that will be targeted by the OTELO (OSIRIS Tunable Filter Emission Line Object) survey in the optical 820 nm and 920 nm atmospheric windows. This field has been observed by AEGIS (All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey) covering the full spectral range, from X-rays to radio waves. Chandra X-ray data with total exposure time of 200ksec are analyzed and combined with optical broadband data of the Groth field in order to study a set of structural parameters of the X-ray emitters and its relation with X-ray properties. We processed the raw, public X-ray data using the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations and determined and analyzed different structural parameters in order to produce a morphological classification of X-ray sources. Finally, we analyzed the angular clustering of these sources using 2-point correlation functions. We present a catalog of 340 X-ray emitters with optical counterpart. We obtained the number counts and compared them with AEGIS data. Objects have been classified by nuclear type using a diagnostic diagram relating X-ray-to-optical ratio (X/O) to hardness ratio (HR). Also, we combined structural parameters with other X-ray and optical properties, and found for the first time an anticorrelation between the X/O ratio and the Abraham concentration index which might suggest that early type galaxies have lower Eddington rates than those of late type galaxies. A significant positive angular clustering was obtained from a preliminary analysis of 4 subsamples of the X-ray sources catalog. The clustering signal of the opticaly extended counterparts is similar to that of strongly clustered populations like red and very red galaxies, suggesting that the environment plays an important role in AGN phenomena.Comment: 23 pages, 19 Postscript figure

    On the dynamics of the adenylate energy system: homeorhesis vs homeostasis.

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    Biochemical energy is the fundamental element that maintains both the adequate turnover of the biomolecular structures and the functional metabolic viability of unicellular organisms. The levels of ATP, ADP and AMP reflect roughly the energetic status of the cell, and a precise ratio relating them was proposed by Atkinson as the adenylate energy charge (AEC). Under growth-phase conditions, cells maintain the AEC within narrow physiological values, despite extremely large fluctuations in the adenine nucleotides concentration. Intensive experimental studies have shown that these AEC values are preserved in a wide variety of organisms, both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Here, to understand some of the functional elements involved in the cellular energy status, we present a computational model conformed by some key essential parts of the adenylate energy system. Specifically, we have considered (I) the main synthesis process of ATP from ADP, (II) the main catalyzed phosphotransfer reaction for interconversion of ATP, ADP and AMP, (III) the enzymatic hydrolysis of ATP yielding ADP, and (IV) the enzymatic hydrolysis of ATP providing AMP. This leads to a dynamic metabolic model (with the form of a delayed differential system) in which the enzymatic rate equations and all the physiological kinetic parameters have been explicitly considered and experimentally tested in vitro. Our central hypothesis is that cells are characterized by changing energy dynamics (homeorhesis). The results show that the AEC presents stable transitions between steady states and periodic oscillations and, in agreement with experimental data these oscillations range within the narrow AEC window. Furthermore, the model shows sustained oscillations in the Gibbs free energy and in the total nucleotide pool. The present study provides a step forward towards the understanding of the fundamental principles and quantitative laws governing the adenylate energy system, which is a fundamental element for unveiling the dynamics of cellular life

    Pb(II) Induces Scramblase Activation and Ceramide-Domain Generation in Red Blood Cells

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    The mechanisms of Pb(II) toxicity have been studied in human red blood cells using confocal microscopy, immunolabeling, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and atomic force microscopy. The process follows a sequence of events, starting with calcium entry, followed by potassium release, morphological change, generation of ceramide, lipid flip-flop and finally cell lysis. Clotrimazole blocks potassium channels and the whole process is inhibited. Immunolabeling reveals the generation of ceramide-enriched domains linked to a cell morphological change, while the use of a neutral sphingomyelinase inhibitor greatly delays the process after the morphological change, and lipid flip-flop is significantly reduced. These facts point to three major checkpoints in the process: first the upstream exchange of calcium and potassium, then ceramide domain formation, and finally the downstream scramblase activation necessary for cell lysis. In addition, partial non-cytotoxic cholesterol depletion of red blood cells accelerates the process as the morphological change occurs faster. Cholesterol could have a role in modulating the properties of the ceramide-enriched domains. This work is relevant in the context of cell death, heavy metal toxicity and sphingolipid signaling.AGA was a predoctoral student supported by the Basque Government and later by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). This work was also supported in part by grants from the Spanish Government (FEDER/MINECO BFU 2015-66306-P to F.M.G. and A.A.) and the Basque Government (IT849-13 to F.M.G. and IT838-13 to A.A.), and by the Swiss National Science Foundation

    Evaluation of extra-virgin olive oils shelf life using an electronic tongue-chemometric approach

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    Physicochemical quality parameters, olfactory and gustatoryretronasal positive sensations of extra-virgin olive oils vary during storage leading to a decrease in the overall quality. Olive oil quality decline may prevent the compliance of olive oil quality with labeling and significantly reduce shelf life, resulting in important economic losses and negatively condition the consumer confidence. The feasibility of applying an electronic tongue to assess olive oils usual commercial light storage conditions and storage time was evaluated and compared with the discrimination potential of physicochemical or positive olfactory/gustatory sensorial parameters. Linear discriminant models, based on subsets of 58 electronic tongue sensor signals, selected by the meta-heuristic simulated annealing variable selection algorithm, allowed the correct classification of olive oils according to the light exposition conditions and/or storage time (sensitivities and specificities for leave-one-out cross-validation: 8296 %). The predictive performance of the E-tongue approach was further evaluated using an external independent dataset selected using the KennardStone algorithm and, in general, better classification rates (sensitivities and specificities for external dataset: 67100 %) were obtained compared to those achieved using physicochemical or sensorial data. So, the work carried out is a proof-of-principle that the proposed electrochemical device could be a practical and versatile tool for, in a single and fast electrochemical assay, successfully discriminate olive oils with different storage times and/or exposed to different light conditions.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, from Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984—Associate Laboratory LSRELCM funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI)—and by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and under the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit. Nuno Rodrigues thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for the Ph.D. Grant (SFRH/BD/104038/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Observation of associated near-side and away-side long-range correlations in √sNN=5.02  TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    Two-particle correlations in relative azimuthal angle (Δϕ) and pseudorapidity (Δη) are measured in √sNN=5.02  TeV p+Pb collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements are performed using approximately 1  μb-1 of data as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and the transverse energy (ΣETPb) summed over 3.1<η<4.9 in the direction of the Pb beam. The correlation function, constructed from charged particles, exhibits a long-range (2<|Δη|<5) “near-side” (Δϕ∼0) correlation that grows rapidly with increasing ΣETPb. A long-range “away-side” (Δϕ∼π) correlation, obtained by subtracting the expected contributions from recoiling dijets and other sources estimated using events with small ΣETPb, is found to match the near-side correlation in magnitude, shape (in Δη and Δϕ) and ΣETPb dependence. The resultant Δϕ correlation is approximately symmetric about π/2, and is consistent with a dominant cos⁡2Δϕ modulation for all ΣETPb ranges and particle pT

    The Spread of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus from the Middle East to the World

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    The ongoing global spread of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV; Genus Begomovirus, Family Geminiviridae) represents a serious looming threat to tomato production in all temperate parts of the world. Whereas determining where and when TYLCV movements have occurred could help curtail its spread and prevent future movements of related viruses, determining the consequences of past TYLCV movements could reveal the ecological and economic risks associated with similar viral invasions. Towards this end we applied Bayesian phylogeographic inference and recombination analyses to available TYLCV sequences (including those of 15 new Iranian full TYLCV genomes) and reconstructed a plausible history of TYLCV's diversification and movements throughout the world. In agreement with historical accounts, our results suggest that the first TYLCVs most probably arose somewhere in the Middle East between the 1930s and 1950s (with 95% highest probability density intervals 1905–1972) and that the global spread of TYLCV only began in the 1980s after the evolution of the TYLCV-Mld and -IL strains. Despite the global distribution of TYLCV we found no convincing evidence anywhere other than the Middle East and the Western Mediterranean of epidemiologically relevant TYLCV variants arising through recombination. Although the region around Iran is both the center of present day TYLCV diversity and the site of the most intensive ongoing TYLCV evolution, the evidence indicates that the region is epidemiologically isolated, which suggests that novel TYLCV variants found there are probably not direct global threats. We instead identify the Mediterranean basin as the main launch-pad of global TYLCV movements

    Composition, potential emissions and agricultural value of pig slurry from Spanish commercial farms

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    [EN] Pig slurry is a valuable fertilizer for crop production but at the same time its management may pose environmental risks. Slurry samples were collected from 77 commercial farms of four animal categories (gestating and lactating sows, nursery piglets and growing pigs) and analyzed for macronutrients, micronutrients, heavy metals and volatile fatty acids. Emissions of ammonia (NH3) and biochemical methane potential (BMP) were quantified. Slurry electrical conductivity, pH, dry matter content and ash content were also determined. Data analysis included an analysis of correlations among variables, the development of predictionmodels for gaseousemissions and the analysis of nutritional content of slurries for crop production. Descriptive information is provided in this work and shows a wide range of variability in all studied variables. Animal category affected some physicochemical parameters, probably as a consequence of different slurry management and use of cleaning water. Slurries from gestating sows and growing pigs tended to be more concentrated in nutrients, whereas the slurry from lactating sows and nursery piglets tended to be more diluted. Relevant relationships were found among slurry characteristics expressed in fresh basis and gas emissions. Predictivemodels using on-farmmeasurable parameterswere obtained forNH3 (R2 = 0.51) andCH4 (R2 = 0.76), which suggests that BMP may be estimated in commercial farms from easily determined slurry characteristics. Finally, slurry nutrient composition was highly variable. Therefore, complete analyses of slurries should be performed for an effective and environmental friendly land application.This project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2011-30023) and the Valencian Government (ACOMP/2013/118). We thank the BABEL Project, Building Academic Bonds between Europe and Latin America. Erasmus Mundus Programme Action 2 for PhD fellowships. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Antezana-Julian, WO.; Blas, CD.; García-Rebollar, P.; Rodríguez, C.; Beccaccia, A.; Ferrer Riera, P.; Cerisuelo, A.... (2016). Composition, potential emissions and agricultural value of pig slurry from Spanish commercial farms. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 104(2):159-173. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10705-016-9764-3S1591731042Aarnink AJA, Verstegen MWA (2007) Nutrition, key factor to reduce environmental load from pig production. Livest Sci 109(1–3):194–203Abubaker J, Risberg K, Jönsson E, Dahlin A S, Cederlund H, Pell M (2015) Short-term effects of biogas digestates and pig slurry application on soil microbial activity. Appl Environ Soil Sci. Article ID 658542: 1–15Adekunle KF, Okolie JA (2015) A review of biochemical process of anaerobic digestion. Adv Biosci Biotechnol 6:205–212Angelidaki I, Alves M, Bolzonella D, Borzacconi L, Campos JL, Guwy J, Kalyuzhnyi S, Jenicek P, Van Lier JB (2009) Defining the biomethane potential (BMP) of solid organic wastes and energy crops: a proposed protocol for batch assays. Water Sci Technol 59(5):927–934Antezana W, Calvet S, Beccaccia A, Ferrer P, De Blas C, García-Rebollar P, Cerisuelo A (2015) Effects of nutrition on digestion efficiency and gaseous emissions from slurry in growing pigs: III. Influence of varying the dietary level of calcium soap of palm fatty acids distillate with or without orange pulp supplementation. Anim Feed Sci Technol 209:128–136APHA (2005) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. Centennial, BaltimoreBai ZH, Qin W, Chen Q, Oenema O, Zhang FS (2014) Changes in pig production in china and their effects on nitrogen and phosphorus use and losses. Environ Sci Technol 48:12742–12749Beccaccia A, Ferrer P, Ibáñez MA, Estellés F, Rodríguez C, Moset V, De Blas C, Calvet S, García-rebollar P (2015) Relationships among slurry characteristics and gaseous emissions at different types of commercial spanish pig farms. Span J Agric Res 13(1):1–15Conn KL, Topp E, Lazarovits G (2007) Factors influencing the concentration of volatile fatty acids, ammonia, and other nutrients in stored liquid pig manure. J Environ Qual 36(2):440–447Diacono M, Montemurro F (2010) Long-term effects of organic amendments on soil fertility. A review. Agron Sustain Dev 30:401–422. doi: 10.1051/agro/2009040Díez JA, Hernaiz P, Muñoz MJ, Torre A, Vallejo A (2006) Impact of pig slurry on soil properties, water salinization, nitrate leaching and crop yield in a four-year experiment in Central Spain. Soil Use Manag 20(4):444–450Dourmad J-Y, Jondreville C (2007) Impact of nutrition on nitrogen, phosphorus, Cu and Zn in pig manure, and on emissions of ammonia and odours. Livest Sci 112(3):192–198EUROSTAT (2015) Pig farming sector—statistical portrait. Pig Farming in the European Union: considerable variations from one member state to another. Statistics in Focus 15/2014. Author: Pol Marquer, Teresa Rabade, Roberta Forti ISSN:2314-9647, Catalogue number: KS-SF-14-015-EN-NFangueiro D, Lopes C, Surgy S, Vasconcelos E (2012a) Effect of the pig slurry separation techniques on the characteristics and potential availability of N to plants in the resulting liquid and solid fractions. Biosyst Eng 113(2):187–194Fangueiro D, Ribeiro H, Vasconcelos E, Coutinho J, Cabral F (2012b) Influence of animal slurries composition and relative particle size fractions on the C and N mineralization following soil incorporation. Biomass Bioenergy 47:50–51Ferrer P, Cambra-López M, Cerisuelo A, Peñaranda D, Moset V (2014) The use of agricultural substrates to improve methane yield in anaerobic co-digestion with pig slurry: effect of substrate type and inclusion level. Waste Manag 34:196–203Galassi G, Colombini S, Malagutti L, Crovetto GM, Rapetti L (2010) Effects of high fibre and low protein diets on performance, digestibility, nitrogen excretion and ammonia emission in the heavy pig. Anim Feed Sci Technol 161:3–4Gopalan P, Jensen PD, Batstone DJ (2013) Anaerobic digestion of swine effluent: impact of production stages. Biomass Bioenergy 48:121–129Hernández D, Fernández JM, Plaza C, Polo A (2007) Water-soluble organic matter and biological activity of a degraded soil amended with pig slurry. Sci Total Environ 378:101–103Hernández D, Polo A, Plaza C (2013) Long-term effects of pig slurry on barley yield and N use efficiency under semiarid mediterranean conditions. Eur J Agron 44:47–86Hristov AN, Oh J, Lee C, Meinen R, Montes F, Ott T, Firkins J, Rotz A, Dell C, Adesogan A, Yang W, Tricarico J, Kebreab E, Waghorn G, Dijkstra J, Oosting S (2013) Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in livestock production—A review of technical options for non-CO2 emissions. In: Gerber PJ, Henderson B, Makkar HPS (eds) FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 177. FAO, RomeIguácel F, Yagüe MR, Betrán J, Orús F (2011) Ensayos de Fertilización Con Purín Porcino, En Cereales de Invierno de Secano, Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural, Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria, Gobierno de Aragón. Informe Técnico 226:15Jarret G, Cerisuelo A, Peu P, Martinez J, Dourmad JY (2012) Impact of pig diets with different fibre contents on the composition of excreta and their gaseous emissions and anaerobic digestion. 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    Female Audit Partners and Extended Audit Reporting: UK Evidence

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    This study investigates whether audit partner gender is associated with the extent of auditor disclosure and the communication style regarding risks of material misstatements that are classified as key audit matters (KAMs). Using a sample of UK firms during the 2013–2017 period, our results suggest that female audit partners are more likely than male audit partners to disclose more KAMs with more details after controlling for both client and audit firm attributes. Furthermore, female audit partners are found to use a less optimistic tone and provide less readable audit reports, compared to their male counterparts, suggesting that behavioural variances between female and male audit partners may have significant implications on their writing style. Therefore, this study offers new insights on the role of audit partner gender in extended audit reporting. Our findings have important implications for audit firms, investors, policymakers and governments in relation to the development, implementation and enforcement of gender diversity

    Perspectives on utilization of edible coatings and nano-laminate coatings for extension of postharvest storage of fruits and vegetables

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    It is known that in developing countries, a large quantity of fruit and vegetable losses results at postharvest and processing stages due to poor or scarce storage technology and mishandling during harvest. The use of new and innovative technologies for reducing postharvest losses is a requirement that has not been fully covered. The use of edible coatings (mainly based on biopolymers) as a postharvest technique for agricultural commodities has offered biodegradable alternatives in order to solve problems (e.g., microbiological growth) during produce storage. However, biopolymer-based coatings can present some disadvantages such as: poor mechanical properties (e.g., lipids) or poor water vapor barrier properties (e.g., polysaccharides), thus requiring the development of new alternatives to solve these drawbacks. Recently, nanotechnology has emerged as a promising tool in the food processing industry, providing new insights about postharvest technologies on produce storage. Nanotechnological approaches can contribute through the design of functional packing materials with lower amounts of bioactive ingredients, better gas and mechanical properties and with reduced impact on the sensorial qualities of the fruits and vegetables. This work reviews some of the main factors involved in postharvest losses and new technologies for extension of postharvest storage of fruits and vegetables, focused on perspective uses of edible coatings and nano-laminate coatings.María L. Flores-López thanks Mexican Science and Technology Council (CONACYT, Mexico) for PhD fellowship support (CONACYT Grant Number: 215499/310847). Miguel A. Cerqueira (SFRH/BPD/72753/2010) is recipient of a fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE Portugal). The authors also thank the FCT Strategic Project of UID/ BIO/04469/2013 unit, the project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462) and the project ‘‘BioInd Biotechnology and Bioengineering for improved Industrial and AgroFood processes,’’ REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028 Co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – FUNCAP, CE Brazil (CI10080-00055.01.00/13)