16 research outputs found
Background/Objective: The aim of this review is to raise awareness among people about misuse or misuse of information about the most commonly used performance enhancing substances. Methods: In this study, the related literature was studied by using the screening model. Data were obtained from various articles and internet websites. Conclusion: Although the potential side effects of anabolic androgenic anabolic steroids are known, their unconscious use in different ways requires that this issue be considered as multidimensional. It is thought that societies will be more conscious with scientific studies about these powerful drugs by experts and sports performance coaches in this field. As a result, for any reason, human beings did not hesitate to use every method in order to look more aesthetically appealing and to strengthen physically and physiologically throughout history. It is important to explain to the people via scientific methods that they can reach their aims through natural methods and that most importantly is to stay healthy. Article visualizations
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the 8-week high intensity circuit training method on circulation and respiratory system and body fat ratios, which is applied to university students and students with similar sports backgrounds. The participants of the study were at least 5 years of sports age (N = 60) who are educated in Istanbul University of Development and Physical Education and Sports (n = 30) volunteers who were randomly sampled by non-random sampling methods. Body Composition Measurements were analyzed by measuring the body fat ratios and body mass index in the Istanbul University of Development physical education and sports high school performance measurement laboratory and blood pressure was determined by the detection of diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Respiratory parameter measures were determined by cardiopulmonary respiratory function test at Chest Diseases Department of Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty. All measurements were performed before and after the 8-week program. As a result, pre- and post-training diastolic blood pressure results of participants were significantly different between forced vital capacity and forced vital capacity values of 1 second (p> 0,05), A significant difference was found in systolic blood pressure results before and after training (P> 0, 00). There was a significant difference (P> 0.00) between the body mass index results and the weight and fat ratios of participants before and after training. Combined resistance training in combined with high severity contributes to the use of fats as an energy source during exercise and to the weight loss process. Article visualizations
Background/Objective: The aim of this review is to investigate general information about blood flow restriction in strength training. Methods: In this study, the related literature was studied by using the screening model. Data were obtained from various articles and internet websites. Of the indexes and databases used in the research; (6) scientific studies on Yöktez, (3) on Pubmed, (3) on Researchgate, (2) on Physiopedia and (4) on Google Scholar were examined. Scientific studies where the effects of blood flow restriction on sedentary individuals (11), the effects of blood flow restriction on individual athletes (1), the effects of blood flow restriction on team athletes (3), and the effects of blood flow restriction on individuals after injury examined (3), were used in our research. Conclusion: The aim of this review is to investigate the application methods and effects of venous blood flow restriction technique, which has recently become popular in resistance training. In this direction, resistance training applied with the BFR technique has been examined with this review by making a literature review. As a result, it is thought that the BFR technique may have a positive effect on the post-injury recovery process and can also help increase the sportive performance and competition gain. It can be said that it can give positive results in terms of hypertrophy if it is evaluated as an aid to strength training, which is quite popular. It is estimated that they will be able to do their daily activities more freely if it is applied to elderly people. It is thought that a very popular movement such as squat, when applied together with venous blood flow restriction, can increase the strength of jumping, besides, if it is applied in anaerobic-based branches, sportive performance can also increase positively.
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The purpose of this study is: comparison and determination of the balance skills of football players through dynamic posturography with some selected parameters. The experimental group of the research is composed of super amateur level football players who have at least 4 years of sports experience and study at Istanbul Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports (N=90). The sample, which was determined through convenience sampling method, is composed of voluntary participants (n=30). Data form (sport year, position, dominant foot preference) was applied as the data collection tool. Balance measurements were performed by a specialist physician from the Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Department of Audiology through a dynamic posturography. Six gradual sensorial organization tests were applied to the participant. Every step was repeated three times, the steps were applied from simple to difficult (eyes open and platform static) (eyes closed platform and cabin moving). With respect to how to read test result the data from the participants were compared to the maximum theoretical limit. The results were evaluated in a range of 0-100. According to the result, obtained 100 points constitute perfectness. T test and Anova analysis were applied as the statistical process. As a result, a significant difference was found in auditory, prefer and composite equilibrium parameters according to the foot preferences of footballers. Significant differences were also found in the balance skill scores of goalkeepers and defense players. It has been determined that goalkeeper’s visual balance skills are better. In the literature survey, dynamic posturography and sensory organizational testing was not used as a measure of balance skills performed on athletes. Article visualizations
#seikeinkuffar - Hat sich der (De-) Radikalisierungsprozess durch das Internet verändert und welche Relevanz hat das für die Soziale Arbeit?
Die Bachelorarbeit: „#seikeinkuffar" - „Hat sich der (De-) Radikalisierungsprozess durch das Internet verändert und welche Relevanz hat das für die Soziale Arbeit?" beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Online-(De-)Radikalisierung und Online-Prävention, wobei der Fokus auf Jugendliche gelegt worden ist. Diese Arbeit befasst sich als erstes mit der Aufzählung der Veränderung des Radikalisierungsprozesses welche durch das Internet eingeleitet worden ist. Die theoretische Auseinandersetzung umfasst verschiedene Theorien, Faktoren und Phasen des Online-Radikalisierungsprozesses. Weiters werden die Begriffe „Propaganda“ und „extremistische Propaganda“ nähergebracht, indem eine Analyse gemacht wird, wie Propaganda mit Hilfe vom Internet verändert beziehungsweise weiterentwickelt worden ist. Außerdem werden die Begriffe „Islamismus“ und „Salafismus“ miteinander verglichen. Letztendlich werden Präventionsmöglichkeiten, unter anderem auf Extremismus spezialisierte Projekte, und Methoden, mit welchen die Professionist*innen mit islamistisch radikalisierten Jugendlichen arbeiten, analysiert.The bachelor thesis: "#seikeinkuffar" - "Has the (de)radicalisation process changed with the internet and what relevance does this have for social work?" deals with the topic of online (de)radicalisation and online prevention, with a focus on young people.
This paper deals with the numerous changes, which can be observed within the process of radicalisation and are caused by the Internet. The theoretical discussion covers different theories, factors and phases of the online radicalisation process. Furthermore, the terms "propaganda" and "extremist propaganda" are introduced in thesis and an analysis is made of how propaganda has been changed or further developed with the help of the Internet. Meanwhile, the terms "Islam" and "Salafism" will be compared with each other in order to create an overview of these terms. Meanwhile, prevention possibilities including projects specialising in extremism and methods used by professionals to work with radicalised Islamist youth are being analysed
„Echte Momente“.Auswirkungen von Interkulturalität in der Sozialen Arbeit mit Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund aus Sicht der Professionist*innen
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung Forschung und Projektentwicklung: “Fremdsein und Befremdetsein in der Sozialen Arbeit” unter der Leitung von Mag.a Dr.in Aydt-Haßlinger und Mag.a Dr.in Novy verfasst. Sie setzt sich mit der Frage “Wie wird Interkulturalität in der Sozialen Arbeit mit Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund erlebt?” auseinander. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden relevante Begrifflichkeiten wie Migration, Diskriminierung und soziale Identität definiert. Auch wird hier die Profession Soziale Arbeit thematisiert und näher darauf eingegangen. Der zweite Teil, welcher sich auf die empirischen Inhalte der Arbeit bezieht, setzt sich aus der Methodik zur qualitativen Forschung, Datenerhebung und Teilnehmer*innenauswahl zusammen. Unsere Forschung erfolgte mittels Gesprächskreise. Hierbei wurden Mitarbeiter*innen aus der offenen Jugendarbeit, Bewährungshilfe, stationären Sozialpädagogik und der Arbeit mit unbegleiteten minderjährigen Flüchtlingen herangezogen. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen der durchgeführten Gesprächskreise wurden die Erfahrungen der Teilnehmer*innen im Kontext interpretiert. Es stellte sich heraus, dass einzelne Fälle sich trotz der speziellen Thematik aus so vielen verschiedenen situationsspezifischen und personenbezogenen Facetten zusammensetzen, dass ein Rezept für eine zur Gänze richtige Vorgehensweise nicht existiert. Abschließend ist auch eine Projektskizze zu finden, die eine Idee für ein digitales Forum für den Austausch unter Professionist*innen darstellt, welches die soziale Arbeit mit Jugendlichen qualitativ aufwerten soll.The following paper was written as part of the course “Estrangement in Social Work”, hosted by Mag.a Dr.in Aydt-Haßlinger and Mag.a Dr.in Novy. We concentrated on the question “How is interculturality seen by professionals working with adolescents who have a history of migration”. In the first part of the text, relevant terms, including migration, discrimination and social Identity, are explained. Furthermore, Social Work as a profession itself will be discussed. The second part, which is meant to focus on the empirical content of the paper, includes the description of the methods used for qualitative research, data collection and participant selection. The research was conducted by means of discussion groups. Therefore, professionals in youth work, probation services, social pedagogy, and unaccompanied underaged refugees were consulted. Based on the findings of the discussion groups, the experiences of the participants were analysed and connected to theoretical knowledge. It turned out that individual cases, despite being linked to specific topics, contain multitudes of facets unique in regard to persons or situations involved, which is why there is no such thing as a recipe for perfect procedure. Finally, the idea for a forum for youth workers, which should improve the quality of work, will be described with a brief project outlin
Вплив тренувань на опір без вправ на баланс на навички статичного балансу
Background and Study Aim: The aim is to evaluate the effect of resistance training without balance exercises on the static balance skill.
Material and Methods: The universe of the study consists of volunteer students who are chosen among the students with similar physical characteristics and training history (n=15) who are taking education at Istanbul Gelisim University, High School of Physical Education and Sports (n = 1286) who have any current health problems and disability history. An information form questionnaire (age, height, and weight, training history) was applied as a personal data collection tool. Static balance skill of the participants tested through AC International East Sp. Z O.O. which has the brand of– SIGMA Balance Platform which is found at performance measurement and evaluation laboratory of Istanbul Gelisim University, High School of Physical Education and Sports. Test procedures were applied before and after the 6-week resistance training program.
Results: Statistically significant differences were detected in test values of Static balance skill x axis deviation rate of the study group, rate of deviation from the center in the x axis, the length of distance and average surface area which is used (P<0,05).Conclusions: It was identified that 6-week resistance training practices without balance exercises have a positive effect on the development of static balance skill.Предпосылки и цель исследования: Цель состоит в том, чтобы оценить влияние тренировок с отягощениями без упражнений на равновесие на навык статического равновесия.
Материал и методы. В исследовании принимали участие студенты-добровольцы, которые выбираются из числа студентов с аналогичными физическими характеристиками и историей обучения (n = 15), которые обучаются в Стамбульском университете Гелисим, Высшая школа физической культуры и спорта (n = 1286), которые не имеют какие-либо текущие проблемы со здоровьем и истории инвалидности. Информационный опросник (возраст, рост и вес, история тренировок) использовался в качестве инструмента сбора личных данных. Навыки статического равновесия участников, проверенные через AC International East Sp. Z O.O. которая имеет бренд - SIGMA Balance Platform, которая находится в лаборатории измерения и оценки производительности Стамбульского университета Гелисим, Высшая школа физической культуры и спорта. Процедуры испытаний применялись до и после 6-недельной программы тренировок с отягощениями.
Результаты: Статистически значимые различия были обнаружены в тестовых значениях навыка «Статическое равновесие», степени отклонения оси x в исследуемой группе, степени отклонения от центра по оси x, длины расстояния и средней площади поверхности, которая используется (P <0, 05).
Выводы: было установлено, что 6-недельные тренировки с отягощениями без упражнений на равновесие положительно влияют на развитие навыка статического равновесия.Передумови та мета дослідження: Мета полягає в тому, щоб оцінити вплив тренувань з обтяженнями без вправ на рівновагу на навик статичної рівноваги.
Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні брали участь студенти-добровольці, які обираються з числа студентів з аналогічними фізичними характеристиками і історією навчання (n = 15), які навчаються в Стамбульському університеті Геліса, Вища школа фізичної культури і спорту (n = 1286), які не мають якісь або поточні проблеми зі здоров'ям і історії інвалідності. Інформаційний опитувальник (вік, зріст і вагу, історія тренувань) використовувався в якості інструменту збору особистих даних. Навички статичної рівноваги учасників, перевірені через AC International East Sp. Z O.O. яка має бренд - SIGMA Balance Platform, яка знаходиться в лабораторії вимірювання та оцінки продуктивності Стамбульського університету Геліса, Вища школа фізичної культури і спорту. Процедури випробувань застосовувалися до і після 6-тижневої програми тренувань з обтяженнями.
Результати: Статистично значимі відмінності були виявлені в тестових значеннях навички «Статична рівновага», ступеня відхилення осі x в досліджуваній групі, ступеня відхилення від центру по осі x, довжини відстані і середньої площі поверхні, яка використовується (P <0, 05).
Висновки: було встановлено, що 6-тижневі тренування з обтяженнями без вправ на рівновагу позитивно впливають на розвиток навички статичної рівноваги