98 research outputs found

    Alltagsvorstellungen ĂŒber Gewaltopfer in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Delikt und Geschlecht - eine internetbasierte Studie

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    Gegenstand dieses internetbasierten Experiments ist die Frage, inwieweit sich die EinschĂ€tzung von Gewaltopfern in der Allgemeinbevölkerung in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Delikt und Geschlecht unterscheidet. Die globale Hypothese ist, dass die Alltagsvorstellungen ĂŒber mĂ€nnliche und weibliche Opfer stereotyp-konforme Muster aufweisen, d.h. Frauen eher opfertypische, MĂ€nner eher tĂ€tertypische Zuschreibungen erfahren. Grundlage des Experiments sind Fallvignetten mit der Beschreibung vier gewalttĂ€tiger Übergriffe, die jeweils im Geschlecht von TĂ€ter und Opfer variieren (2x2x4). Als abhĂ€ngige Variablen werden die EinschĂ€tzung des Opfers bezĂŒglich Dimensionen wie »Belastung«, »Verantwortung« und »Anzeigeverhalten« sowie Verhaltensempfehlungen an das Opfer erhoben. Die Rekrutierung der Stichprobe erfolgte via Internet und mittels einer Presse mitteilung. An der Studie nahmen N = 1771 Personen teil, wobei die Stichprobe internetspezifische Verzerrungen aufwies. Anhand der varianzanalytischen Auswertungen werden delikt- und geschlechtsspezifische Zuschreibungen aufgezeigt

    Soft Copy Digital Mammography

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    Genetic Polymorphisms in Genes Related to Oxidative Stress (GSTP1, GSTM1, GSTT1, CAT, MnSOD, MPO, eNOS) and Survival of Rectal Cancer Patients after Radiotherapy

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    Radiotherapy exerts part of its antineoplastic effect by generating oxidative stress, therefore genetic variation in oxidative stress-related enzymes may influence survival of rectal cancer patients. We hypothesized that genetic polymorphisms associated with higher amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that exaggerate cytotoxic activity could improve survival after radiotherapy. We followed 114 rectal cancer patients who received radiotherapy for an average of 42.5 months. Associations between genotypes (GSTP1, GSTM1, GSTT1, CAT, MnSOD, MPO and eNOS) and overall survival were assessed using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards regression. As hypothesized, patients carrying low ROS producing eNOS Glu298Asp asparagine allele showed an increased hazard of death compared to homozygous carriers of the glutamine allele (hazard ratio (HR): 2.10, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.01–4.38). However, carriers of low ROS producing MPO G463A A allele had a decreased hazard of death compared to patients homozygous for the G allele (HR: 0.44, 95% CI: 0.21–0.93) although patients homozygous for the A allele had a slightly increased hazard (HR: 1.12, 95% CI: 0.25–5.08). This explorative study provides first results and highlights the need for further, larger studies to investigate association between genetic variation in oxidative stress genes and survival of rectal cancer patients who received radiotherapy

    Das NetzDG in der praktischen Anwendung

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    What are the practical effects of the Network Enforcement Act, which came into force in 2017 and was controversial from the start? Which compliance structures have the big three social networks Facebook, YouTube and Twitter implemented with regard to the removal of illegal user content? In addition to a presentation and evaluation of previous studies, monitoring reports and NetzDG reports from the social networks, possible criteria for “over-blocking” are identified and subsumed in this third volume of the series. On the occasion of the NetzDG evaluation commissioned by the federal government, the study was carried out additionally and independently of this. It is not based on any commissioning by public or private bodies.Welche Auswirkungen hat das 2017 in Kraft getretene, von Beginn an umstrittene Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz in der praktischen Anwendung? Welche Compliance-Strukturen haben die großen drei Sozialen Netzwerke Facebook, YouTube und Twitter in Bezug auf die Entfernung rechtswidriger Nutzerinhalte umgesetzt? Neben einer Darstellung und Bewertung bisheriger Studien, Monitoring-Berichte und NetzDG-Reports der Sozialen Netzwerke werden im vorliegenden dritten Band der Schriftenreihe auch mögliche Kriterien fĂŒr ein “Overblocking” eruiert und subsumiert. Die Studie ist aus Anlass der von der Bundesregierung beauftragten NetzDG-Evaluation zusĂ€tzlich und unabhĂ€ngig hiervon durchgefĂŒhrt worden. Ihr liegt keine Beauftragung durch öffentliche oder private Stellen zugrunde

    Depression and anxiety in relation to catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met genotype in the general population: The Nord-TrĂžndelag Health Study (HUNT)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene contains a functional polymorphism, Val158Met, which has been linked to anxiety and depression, but previous results are not conclusive. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the Val158Met COMT gene polymorphism and anxiety and depression measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in the general adult population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the Nord-TrĂžndelag Health Study (HUNT) the association between the Val158Met polymorphism and anxiety and depression was evaluated in a random sample of 5531 individuals. Two different cut off scores (≄ 8 and ≄ 11) were used to identify cases with anxiety (HADS-A) and depression (HADS-D), whereas controls had HADS-A <8 and HADS-D <8.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The COMT genotype distribution was similar between controls and individuals in the groups with anxiety and depression using cut-off scores of ≄ 8. When utilizing the alternative cut-off score HADS-D ≄ 11, Met/Met genotype and Met allele were less common among men with depression compared to the controls (genotype: p = 0.017, allele: p = 0.006). In the multivariate analysis, adjusting for age and heart disease, depression (HADS-D ≄ 11) was less likely among men with the Met/Met genotype than among men with the Val/Val genotype (OR = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.18–0.76).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this population-based study, no clear association between the Val158Met polymorphism and depression and anxiety was revealed. The Met/Met genotype was less likely among men with depression defined as HADS-D ≄ 11, but this may be an incidental finding.</p

    Miniaturization in Biocatalysis

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    The use of biocatalysts for the production of both consumer goods and building blocks for chemical synthesis is consistently gaining relevance. A significant contribution for recent advances towards further implementation of enzymes and whole cells is related to the developments in miniature reactor technology and insights into flow behavior. Due to the high level of parallelization and reduced requirements of chemicals, intensive screening of biocatalysts and process variables has become more feasible and reproducibility of the bioconversion processes has been substantially improved. The present work aims to provide an overview of the applications of miniaturized reactors in bioconversion processes, considering multi-well plates and microfluidic devices, update information on the engineering characterization of the hardware used, and present perspective developments in this area of research

    Parallel use of shake flask and microtiter plate online measuring devices (RAMOS and BioLector) reduces the number of experiments in laboratory-scale stirred tank bioreactors

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    Background Conventional experiments in small scale are often performed in a Black Box fashion, analyzing only the product concentration in the final sample. Online monitoring of relevant process characteristics and parameters such as substrate limitation, product inhibition and oxygen supply is lacking. Therefore, fully equipped laboratory-scale stirred tank bioreactors are hitherto required for detailed studies of new microbial systems. However, they are too spacious, laborious and expensive to be operated in larger number in parallel. Thus, the aim of this study is to present a new experimental approach to obtain dense quantitative process information by parallel use of two small-scale culture systems with online monitoring capabilities: Respiration Activity MOnitoring System (RAMOS) and the BioLector device. Results The same mastermix (medium plus microorganisms) was distributed to the different small-scale culture systems: 1) RAMOS device; 2) 48-well microtiter plate for BioLector device; and 3) separate shake flasks or microtiter plates for offline sampling. By adjusting the same maximum oxygen transfer capacity (OTRmax), the results from the RAMOS and BioLector online monitoring systems supplemented each other very well for all studied microbial systems (E. coli, G. oxydans, K. lactis) and culture conditions (oxygen limitation, diauxic growth, auto-induction, buffer effects). Conclusions The parallel use of RAMOS and BioLector devices is a suitable and fast approach to gain comprehensive quantitative data about growth and production behavior of the evaluated microorganisms. These acquired data largely reduce the necessary number of experiments in laboratory-scale stirred tank bioreactors for basic process development. Thus, much more quantitative information is obtained in parallel in shorter time.Cluster of Excellence “Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass”, which is funded by the Excellence Initiative by the German federal and state governments to promote science and research at German universities

    Ethanol-Associated Changes in Glutamate Reward Neurocircuitry: A Minireview of Clinical and Preclinical Genetic Findings

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    Herein, we have reviewed the role of glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, in a number of neurochemical, -physiological, and -behavioral processes mediating the development of alcohol dependence. The findings discussed include results from both preclinical as well as neuroimaging and postmortem clinical studies. Expression levels for a number of glutamate-associated genes and/or proteins are modulated by alcohol abuse and dependence. These changes in expression include metabotropic receptors and ionotropic receptor subunits as well as different glutamate transporters. Moreover, these changes in gene expression parallel the pharmacologic manipulation of these same receptors and transporters. Some of these gene expression changes may have predated alcohol abuse and dependence because a number of glutamate-associated polymorphisms are related to a genetic predisposition to develop alcohol dependence. Other glutamate-associated polymorphisms are linked to age at the onset of alcohol-dependence and initial level of response/sensitivity to alcohol. Finally, findings of innate and/or ethanol-induced glutamate-associated gene expression differences/changes observed in a genetic animal model of alcoholism, the P rat, are summarized. Overall, the existing literature indicates that changes in glutamate receptors, transporters, enzymes, and scaffolding proteins are crucial for the development of alcohol dependence and there is a substantial genetic component to these effects. This indicates that continued research into the genetic underpinnings of these glutamate-associated effects will provide important novel molecular targets for treating alcohol abuse and dependence
