91 research outputs found

    Potential Role of Phosphatidylinositol 3 Kinase, rather than DNA-dependent Protein Kinase, in CpG DNA–induced Immune Activation

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    Unmethylated CpG motifs present in bacterial DNA stimulate a strong innate immune response. There is evidence that DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) mediates CpG signaling. Specifically, wortmannin (an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase [PI3]-kinases including DNA-PK) interferes with CpG-dependent cell activation, and DNA-PK knockout (KO) mice fail to respond to CpG stimulation. Current studies establish that wortmannin actually inhibits the uptake and colocalization of CpG DNA with toll-like receptor (TLR)-9 in endocytic vesicles, thereby preventing CpG-induced activation of the NF-ÎșB signaling cascade. We find that DNA-PK is not involved in this process, since three strains of DNA-PK KO mice responded normally to CpG DNA. These results support a model in which CpG signaling is mediated through TLR-9 but not DNA-PK, and suggest that wortmannin-sensitive member(s) of the PI3-kinase family play a critical role in shuttling CpG DNA to TLR-9

    Significance of serum palmitoleic acid levels in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), are chronic intestinal diseases of unknown etiology that present with variable disease extents and outcomes. The use of biomarkers for the diagnosis and management of IBDs is considered beneficial. Palmitoleic acid (PO) is an adipose tissue-derived mono-unsaturated free fatty acid that potentially serves as a lipokine in metabolic and inflammatory diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the significance of PO levels in the serum of patients with UC and CD. The study included patients with UC (n = 22), patients with CD (n = 35), and controls (n = 22). The levels of serum PO were analyzed using gas chromatography. The association of serum PO levels with the clinical features and disease outcomes in IBD was examined. Serum PO levels were significantly higher in patients with CD than in controls, whereas no difference in these levels was observed between patients with UC and controls. Serum PO levels were significantly associated with the CD activity index. Additionally, high serum PO levels were associated with an increased risk of surgical intervention requirement during follow-up. In a pilot study with a few patients, high PO levels were observed in the mesenteric tissue in the active disease site of patients with CD (n = 7) compared with those with colon cancer (n = 6). Elevated serum PO levels might serve as a marker for local inflammation and prognosis in patients with CD

    ă‚·ăƒłăƒȘョォゾョ ă‚·ăƒ„ăƒƒă‚”ăƒł ă‚·ă‚ż ă‚žăƒ§ă‚»ă‚€ ノ ăƒ‹ăƒłă‚·ăƒł ăƒȘă‚čクă‚čコケăƒČ ăƒąăƒă‚€ă‚ż ăƒȘă‚čク ăƒ’ăƒ§ă‚Šă‚« ノ ă‚±ăƒłăƒˆă‚Š

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    盼的 ćčłæˆ16ćčŽă«é–‹ç™șされた橊湠ăƒȘă‚čクă‚čコケè‡Șć·±è©•äŸĄèĄš(仄䞋,ă‚čコケ)を甹いどèšșç™‚æ‰€ă§ć‡șç”Łă—ăŸć„łæ€§ăźćŸ—ç‚čを缗ć‡șし,ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻăƒŹăƒ™ăƒ«ăźć‚Ÿć‘ăšă‚čコケぼç‰čćŸŽ,ćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ăšăźé–ąé€Łă‚’æ€œèšŽă™ă‚‹.æ–čæł• ćŻŸè±ĄăŻAèšșç™‚æ‰€ă§ćčłæˆ20ćčŽ1月 12æœˆă«ćˆ†ćš©ă—ć”ćŠ›ăŒćŸ—ă‚‰ă‚ŒăŸ124損である.èšș療éŒČよりă‚čă‚łă‚ąăźè©•äŸĄé …ç›źăšćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ăźæƒ…ć ±ă‚’ćŽé›†ă—,ă‚čコケA(戝èšșæ™‚è©•äŸĄç‚č)ずă‚čコケB(ćŠŠćš ćŸŒćŠæœŸè©•äŸĄç‚č),ćˆèšˆă‚čコケ(ă‚čコケAずă‚čコケBăźç·ćˆćŸ—ç‚č)を缗ć‡șした.æŹĄă«,ă‚čコケA,ă‚čコケB,ćˆèšˆă‚čă‚łă‚ąăă‚Œăžă‚Œă«ă€ă„ăŠæ—©ç”Ł,ćˆ†ćš©æ™‚ç•°ćžžć‡șèĄ€(1,000ml仄䞊),䜎ć‡șç”Ÿäœ“é‡ć…,ćžćŒ•ćˆ†ćš©,ćžçŽ‹ćˆ‡é–‹ćˆ†ćš©ăź5é …ç›źăšäœŽăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€(0-1ç‚č)・䞭ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€(2-3ç‚č)・高ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€(4ç‚č仄䞊)間ぼ閱連をみた.甐果 ćčłć‡ćčŽéœą30.5±3.45æ­ł,ćˆç”Łć©Š4ć‰Č,ç”Œç”Łć©Š6ć‰Čであった.ă‚čă‚łă‚ąćˆ„ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€ćˆ„ć‰Č搈は,ă‚čコケAで1ç‚čが37.9%ăšæœ€ă‚‚ć€šă,䜎ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€ăŒćŠæ•°(58.9%)を捠めた.ă‚čコケBでは0ç‚čが80.6%ăšæœ€ă‚‚ć€šă,ćŒçŸ€ăŒ8ć‰Č仄䞊(83.1%)を捠めた.ćˆèšˆă‚čă‚łă‚ąă‚’ăżă‚‹ăšäž­ăƒ»é«˜ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€ćˆă‚ă›ăŠć…šäœ“ăź50.1%を捠めた.ćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ă«ç•°ćžžăŒăȘかったäș‹äŸ‹ăŻć…šäœ“た78.2%で,うちèšșç™‚æ‰€ăŒć˜ç‹Źă§æ‰±ăˆăȘă„äž­ăƒ»é«˜ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€ăŻ37.1%であった.侀æ–čæ—©ç”Ł,ćˆ†ćš©æ™‚ç•°ćžžć‡șèĄ€,䜎ć‡șç”Ÿäœ“é‡ć…,ćžćŒ•ćˆ†ćš©,ćžçŽ‹ćˆ‡é–‹ăźćž°ç”ă‚’ăšăŁăŸäș‹äŸ‹ăŻć…šäœ“た21.8%あり,ă†ăĄäœŽăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻçŸ€ăŻ3.2%(4件)あった.ă‚čコケBで抠ç‚čされたäș‹äŸ‹ă‚’æŠ‚èŠłă™ă‚‹ăšćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ă«ć€§ăăȘćœ±éŸżă‚’ćŠăŒă™äș‹äŸ‹ă§ă‚ăŁăŸ.χ2ç‹Źç«‹æ€§ăźæ€œćźšăźç”æžœ,ç‰čに,Bă‚čコケでéȘšç›€äœ,IUGR,䜎䜍胎盀,ćŒèƒŽă«ă‚ˆă‚Š2ç‚čä»„äžŠăźćŸ—ç‚čăŒä»˜ă„ăŸć Žćˆăš,ćžçŽ‹ćˆ‡é–‹ă‚„äœŽć‡șç”Ÿäœ“é‡ć…ă§ă‚ă‚‹ć‚Ÿć‘ă«é–ąé€ŁăŒă‚ăŁăŸ.甐論 1.ă‚čコケAはćźčæ˜“ă«ćŠ ç‚čă•ă‚Œă‚‹ăŒćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ă«ćœ±éŸżă‚’äžŽăˆă‚‹é …ç›źăŻć°‘ăȘく,ă‚čコケBはćźčæ˜“ă«ćŠ ç‚čされăȘいが抠ç‚čă•ă‚Œă‚‹ăšćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ă«ç›Žç”ă™ă‚‹é …ç›źăŒć€šă‹ăŁăŸ.2.ćŠŠç”Łć©Šă‚‰ăŒćż ćźŸă«ă‚čă‚łă‚ąăźè©•äŸĄćŸșæș–ă‚’ćźˆă‚Œă°,çŽ„ćŠæ•°ăŒäșŒæŹĄăƒ»äž‰æŹĄćŒ»ç™‚æ–œèš­ă§ăźć„èšșăƒ»ćˆ†ćš©ăŒé©ćˆ‡ă§ă‚ă‚‹ăšćˆ€æ–­ă•ă‚Œă‚‹.3.ăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻćŸ—ç‚čăŒćˆ†ćš©ćž°ç”ă‚’ćæ˜ ă—ăŠă„ăȘいäș‹äŸ‹ăŒäž€éƒšć­˜ćœšă—ăŸ.4.ćŠŠć©ŠăźćŸŒćŠæœŸăźè©•äŸĄă«ăŠă„ăŠ2ç‚č仄䞊たăƒȘă‚čă‚ŻćŸ—ç‚čăŒä»˜ăć Žćˆă«ăŻ,ćžçŽ‹ćˆ‡é–‹ăšäœŽć‡șç”Ÿäœ“é‡ć…ăȘă©ăźç•°ćžžćž°ç”ă‚’ć–ă‚‹ć‚Ÿć‘ăŒă‚ă‚Š,ă‚čコケBăźæœ‰ç”šæ€§ăŒç€ș攆された.Aim To use the pregnancy risk score self-assessment form developed in 2004 to examine the relationship between the risk level of women who delivered at a clinic and the birth result.Method The subjects were 124 women who gave birth from JanuaryDecember 2008 at Clinic A and from whom consent was obtained.Birth results and scored items were collected from medical records to calculate Score A(first medical examination),Score B(latter half of pregnancy),and the Total Score(A and B).Next, with regard to each score,correlations were sought between five items(premature delivery,intrapartum abnormal bleeding(1,000ml or more),low birth weight infant,vacuum extraction and caesarean delivery) and the low(0-1 points),intermediate(2-3 points)and high(4 or more points)risk groups. Results Subjects\u27 mean age was 30.5±3.45 years with 40% primipara and 60% multipara.Inspection showed a correlation tending toward caesarean section(r=0.506)or low birth weight infant(r=0.409),particularly when two or more points were assigned for breech presentation, IUGR,low lying placenta or twin fetus to Score B. Conclusion When two or more points were assigned to the risk score during the latter half of pregnancy, there was a tendency toward caesarean operation,lower birth weight infant or other abnormal results, suggesting the utility of Score B

    High Serum Vaspin Concentrations in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Background: Adipocytokines are associated with energy homeostasis and mediate various immune responses and inflammatory processes. Vaspin is a novel adipocytokine that is thought to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. Aim: We aimed to evaluate serum vaspin levels in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and determine its possible associations with the course and to clarify its intestinal localization. Methods: Serum samples were obtained from patients with Crohn\u27s disease (CD; n = 30) and ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 33) and from healthy volunteers (controls; n = 26). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were performed for all patients. Vaspin immunohistochemical staining was performed for intestines affected with IBD. Results: Serum vaspin concentrations were significantly higher in patients with UC than in patients with CD and controls (422.9 ± 361.9 vs. 163.4 ± 116.2 vs. 147.5 ± 89.4 pg/mL, respectively; P < 0.01). There was no difference in the serum vaspin concentrations between the patients with CD and controls. There was also no difference in the serum vaspin concentrations between the patients with active IBD and those with inactive IBD. However, the serum vaspin concentrations of most patients with UC increased after remission induction. Vaspin was expressed in the adipocytes of the mesenteric adipose tissues but not in the epithelial or inflammatory cells of large intestines of the patients with IBD. Conclusions: Serum vaspin concentrations are elevated in patients with UC and increase further after remission induction, suggesting that vaspin may aid the auxiliary diagnosis of UC and may be useful for assessing disease activity in patients

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Research and Design of a Routing Protocol in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    无çșżäŒ æ„Ÿć™šçœ‘络䜜äžș慹球æœȘæ„ćć€§æŠ€æœŻäč‹äž€ïŒŒé›†æˆäș†äŒ æ„Ÿć™šæŠ€æœŻă€ć”Œć…„ćŒèźĄçź—æŠ€æœŻă€ćˆ†ćžƒćŒäżĄæŻć€„ç†ć’Œè‡Șç»„ç»‡çœ‘æŠ€æœŻïŒŒćŻćźžæ—¶æ„ŸçŸ„ă€é‡‡é›†ă€ć€„ç†ă€äŒ èŸ“çœ‘ç»œćˆ†ćžƒćŒșćŸŸć†…çš„ć„ç§äżĄæŻæ•°æźïŒŒćœšć†›äș‹ć›œé˜Čă€ç”Ÿç‰©ćŒ»ç–—ă€çŽŻćąƒç›‘æ”‹ă€æŠąé™©æ•‘çŸă€é˜Čæćæă€ć±é™©ćŒșćŸŸèżœçš‹æŽ§ćˆ¶ç­‰éą†ćŸŸć…·æœ‰ććˆ†ćčżé˜”çš„ćș”ç”šć‰æ™Żă€‚ æœŹæ–‡ç ”ç©¶ćˆ†æžäș†æ— çșżäŒ æ„Ÿć™šçœ‘络的ć·Čæœ‰è·Żç”±ćèźźïŒŒćč¶é’ˆćŻčć€§è§„æšĄçš„æ— çșżäŒ æ„Ÿć™šçœ‘ç»œèźŸèźĄäș†äž€ç§æ ‘çŠ¶è·Żç”±ćèźźïŒŒćźƒæ čæźèŠ‚ç‚čćœ°ć€äżĄæŻæ„ćœąæˆè·Żç”±ïŒŒä»Žè€Œçź€ćŒ–äș†ć€æ‚çčć†—çš„è·Żç”±èĄšæŸ„æ‰Ÿć’Œç»ŽæŠ€ïŒŒèŠ‚çœäș†äžćż…èŠçš„ćŒ€é”€ïŒŒæé«˜äș†è·Żç”±æ•ˆçŽ‡ïŒŒćźžçŽ°äș†ćż«é€Ÿæœ‰æ•ˆçš„æ•°æźäŒ èŸ“ă€‚ äžșæ”ŻæŒæ­€è·Żç”±ćèźźæœŹæ–‡æć‡șäș†äž€ç§è‡Ș适ćș”ćŠšæ€ćœ°ć€ćˆ†é…çź—â€”â€”ADARAdaptiveDynamicAddre...As one of the ten high technologies in the future, wireless sensor network, which is the integration of micro-sensors, embedded computing, modern network and Ad Hoc technologies, can apperceive, collect, process and transmit various information data within the region. It can be used in military defense, biomedical, environmental monitoring, disaster relief, counter-terrorism, remote control of haz...ć­ŠäœïŒšć·„ć­ŠçĄ•ćŁ«é™ąçł»äž“äžšïŒšäżĄæŻç§‘ć­ŠäžŽæŠ€æœŻć­Šé™ąé€šäżĄć·„çš‹çł»_é€šäżĄäžŽäżĄæŻçł»ç»Ÿć­Šć·ïŒš2332007115216

    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eÎŒe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the bb‟b\overline{b} dijet cross section in pp collisions at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the W boson polarisation in ttˉt\bar{t} events from pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV in the lepton + jets channel with ATLAS

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