365 research outputs found

    From respect to reburial: negotiating pagan interest in prehistoric human remains in Britain, through the Avebury consultation

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    The recent Avebury Consultation on reburial has drawn considerable public and professional attention to the issue of pagan calls for respect towards the care of human remains. Our work has pointed to the importance of archaeologists and others engaging seriously and respectfully with pagans as significant stakeholders in our heritage. The Avebury Reburial Consultation suggests this dialogue is increasing in strength, but we identify problems in the process. We focus here on approaches to the prehistoric dead and worldviews enabling communication from which calls or ‘claims’ for the reburial of prehistoric pagan human remains, versus their retention for scientific study, are articulated; frameworks for assessing and adjudicating such ‘claims’; and implications for the interest groups concerned. We argue that room must be made for philosophical debate and the emotional and spiritual views of pagans, in order to improve dialogue, develop common ground, and enable participatory decision-making and situational pragmatism

    Investigation of slowing down and charge-exchange of nickel and uranium ions in gases and solids in the energy range (60 - 200) MeV/u

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    In this thesis new slowing down and charge-state measurements will be presented in the energy range of (60 - 200) MeV/u. These measurements were done using the Fragment Separator (FRS) facility at GSI in Darmstadt. The presented data were taken during two experimental runs. The experiments were divided into two parts. In the first part a 200 MeV/u Ni27+ beam was used. The evolution of charge states as a function of the target thickness was investigated covering both the non-equilibrium and equilibrium region. This was done with various mono-atomic materials (Z2 = 6, 7, 10, 13, 18, 22) and compound materials (ethylene, polyethylene and polypropylene). From the measured charge-state distributions the one-electron ionization and capture cross sections have been extracted. A 40 % gas-solid difference is observed in the ionization cross sections for the mono-atomic materials. In the compound materials a 30 % difference is observed between ethylene and the polymers. The experimental cross sections for the mono-atomic materials have been compared with theoretical calculations [1, 2]. The theoretical ionization cross sections agree quite well with the corresponding experimental ionization cross sections. In the gaseous targets the agreement between experiment and theory is better than 3 %. For the capture cross sections the agreement between experiment and theory is also very good for the lighter target materials (Z2 <= 7). For the heavier targets large deviations up to one order of magnitude are observed. These deviations are due to the increasing importance of the non-radiative capture channel in heavier target materials which is quite difficult to calculate accurately. The results motivate for further refinement of the theory in this energy region. In the second part 3 different uranium beams were used with initial energies of 61 MeV/u (U86+ incident), 85 MeV/u (U73+ incoming) and 200 MeV/u (U81+ incident) to measure the evolution of the charge states again and the energy loss as a function of the target thickness in the same materials as used in the first part plus some additional mono-atomic materials Z2 = 29, 36, 47, 54. From the measured charge-state distributions and energy losses the mean charges and stopping forces have been extracted. At 61 MeV/u we observe a gas-solid difference in the mean charge of up to 4 charge states for the mono-atomic materials. The corresponding stopping powers (forces) at the same specific energy only show a gas-solid difference for light materials (Z2 <= 7). The stopping forces are compared with calculations done with the PASS code [3, 4], ATIMA code [5] and the Hubert et al. tables [6]. The agreement is quite good between experiment and theory. The PASS code predicts by using the experimental mean charges a gas-solid difference in the stopping force for the heavier target materials. In the data at 200 MeV/u there is a gas-solid difference in the ionization rate for U81+ ions similar to the Ni27+ results.In dieser Dissertation werden neue Ladungsverteilungen und Energieverlustmessungen präsentiert. Diese Messungen wurden am Fragment Separator (FRS) bei der GSI in Darmstadt durchgeführt. Die Daten, die hier vorgestellt werden, wurden in zwei Experimenten aufgenommen. Die Experimente bestanden aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil wurde mit einem 200 MeV/u Ni27+ Strahl gemessen. Ziel dieser Messung war die Entwicklung der Ladungsverteilung als Funktion der Targetdicke vom Nichtgleichgewicht bis Gleichgewicht zu untersuchen. Dies wurde mit verschiedenen Targets gemacht (Z2 = 6, 7, 10, 13, 18, 22, Äthylen, Polyäthylen und Polypropylen). Von den gemessenen Ladungsverteilung konnten die Umladungsquerrschnitte für Elektroneneinfang und -verlust extrahiert werden. Ein Gas-Festkörper Effekt von 40 % wurde im Ionizationsquerrschnitt für die monoatomaren (reinen Elemente) Targets gemessen. Im Äthylen und den Polymeren (Polyäthylen und Polypropylen) war ein Effekt von 30 % zu sehen. Die experimentellen Umladungsquerrschnitte für die monoatomaren Targets wurden mit theoretischen Rechnungen von A. Surzhykov und S. Fritzsche [1] und V. P. Shevelko [2] verglichen. In der Ionization stimmen die theoretischen Rechnungen mit den experimentellen Werten gut überein. In den Gastargets ist die Übereinstimmung besser als 3 %. Im Elektroneneinfang gibt es gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Experiment und Theorie bei den leichten Targets (Z2 <= 7), bei den schweren Targets gibt es grosse Abweichungen bis zu einer Grössenordnung. Diese Abweichung kommt zustande, weil der nicht-radiative Querrschnitt einen grösseren Anteil hat bei den schweren Targets und dieser Teil sehr schwer theoretisch zu rechnen ist. Die Ergebnisse sind eine Motivation für Verbesserungen in der Theorie im diesen Energiebereich. Im zweiten Teil wurde ein Uranstrahl bei drei verschiedenen Energien benutzt, diese waren 61 MeV/u mit 86+ als Eingangsladungszustand, 85 MeV/u mit 73+ als Eingangsladungszustand und 200 MeV/u mit 81+ als Eingangsladungszustand. Ziel dieser Messung war es wiederum, die Entwicklung der Ladungsverteilung zu untersuchen und auch Energieverluste zu messen. Dieselben Targets wurden benutzt und zusätzlich wurden folgende Targets vermessen Z2 = 29, 36, 47, 54. Von den gemessenen Ladungsverteilungen und Energieverlusten wurde die mittlere Ladung und das Bremsvermögen bestimmt. Bei 61 MeV/u ist ein Gas-Festkörper Effekt in der mittleren Ladung bei den monoatomaren Targets zu sehen. Der Effekt hat eine Grösse von fast 4 Ladungen. Das dazu gehörige Bremsvermögen zeigt nur einen Gas-Festkörper Effekt bei den leichteren Targets (Z2 <= 7). Die experimentellen Werte wurden mit dem PASS Programm [3, 4], dem ATIMA Programm [5] und den Hubert et al. Tabellen [6] verglichen. Die theoretischen Rechnungen von den Programmen stimmen mit den experimentellen Werten gut überein. PASS sagt einen Gas-Festkörper Effekt bei den schwereren Targets voraus, weil experimentelle Ladungen als Eingangsparameter benutzt wurden. Bei der 200 MeV/u Messung wurde ein Gas-Festkörper Unterschied in der Ionizationsrate in der Entwicklung des U81+ Ladungszustand beobachtet, ähnlich wie in der Ni27+ Messung

    A temperate former West Antarctic ice sheet suggested by an extensive zone of bed channels

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    Several recent studies predict that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will become increasingly unstable under warmer conditions. Insights on such change can be assisted through investigations of the subglacial landscape, which contains imprints of former ice-sheet behavior. Here, we present radio-echo sounding data and satellite imagery revealing a series of ancient large sub-parallel subglacial bed channels preserved in the region between the Möller and Foundation Ice Streams, West Antarctica. We suggest that these newly recognized channels were formed by significant meltwater routed along the icesheet bed. The volume of water required is likely substantial and can most easily be explained by water generated at the ice surface. The Greenland Ice Sheet today exemplifies how significant seasonal surface melt can be transferred to the bed via englacial routing. For West Antarctica, the Pliocene (2.6–5.3 Ma) represents the most recent sustained period when temperatures could have been high enough to generate surface melt comparable to that of present-day Greenland. We propose, therefore, that a temperate ice sheet covered this location during Pliocene warm periods

    Increasing prevalence of a fluoroquinolone resistance mutation amongst Campylobacter jejuni isolates from four human infectious intestinal disease studies in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Campylobacter jejuni is the most common bacterial cause of human infectious intestinal disease. Methods: We genome sequenced 601 human C. jejuni isolates, obtained from two large prospective studies of infectious intestinal disease (IID1 [isolates from 1993–1996; n = 293] and IID2 [isolates from 2008–2009; n = 93]), the INTEGRATE project [isolates from 2016–2017; n = 52] and the ENIGMA project [isolates from 2017; n = 163]. Results: There was a significant increase in the prevalence of the T86I mutation conferring resistance to fluoroquinolone between each of the three later studies (IID2, INTEGRATE and ENIGMA) and IID1. Although the distribution of major multilocus sequence types (STs) was similar between the studies, there were changes in both the abundance of minority STs associated with the T86I mutation, and the abundance of clones within single STs associated with the T86I mutation. Discussion: Four population-based studies of community diarrhoea over a 25 year period revealed an increase over time in the prevalence of the T86I amongst isolates of C. jejuni associated with human gastrointestinal disease in the UK. Although associated with many STs, much of the increase is due to the expansion of clones associated with the resistance mutation

    Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS

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    We present the results of a search for new, heavy particles that decay at a significant distance from their production point into a final state containing charged hadrons in association with a high-momentum muon. The search is conducted in a pp-collision data sample with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 33 pb^-1 collected in 2010 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. Production of such particles is expected in various scenarios of physics beyond the standard model. We observe no signal and place limits on the production cross-section of supersymmetric particles in an R-parity-violating scenario as a function of the neutralino lifetime. Limits are presented for different squark and neutralino masses, enabling extension of the limits to a variety of other models.Comment: 8 pages plus author list (20 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version to appear in Physics Letters

    Measurement of the polarisation of W bosons produced with large transverse momentum in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

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    This paper describes an analysis of the angular distribution of W->enu and W->munu decays, using data from pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2010, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 35 pb^-1. Using the decay lepton transverse momentum and the missing transverse energy, the W decay angular distribution projected onto the transverse plane is obtained and analysed in terms of helicity fractions f0, fL and fR over two ranges of W transverse momentum (ptw): 35 < ptw < 50 GeV and ptw > 50 GeV. Good agreement is found with theoretical predictions. For ptw > 50 GeV, the values of f0 and fL-fR, averaged over charge and lepton flavour, are measured to be : f0 = 0.127 +/- 0.030 +/- 0.108 and fL-fR = 0.252 +/- 0.017 +/- 0.030, where the first uncertainties are statistical, and the second include all systematic effects.Comment: 19 pages plus author list (34 pages total), 9 figures, 11 tables, revised author list, matches European Journal of Physics C versio

    Observation of a new chi_b state in radiative transitions to Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S) at ATLAS

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    The chi_b(nP) quarkonium states are produced in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.4 fb^-1, these states are reconstructed through their radiative decays to Upsilon(1S,2S) with Upsilon->mu+mu-. In addition to the mass peaks corresponding to the decay modes chi_b(1P,2P)->Upsilon(1S)gamma, a new structure centered at a mass of 10.530+/-0.005 (stat.)+/-0.009 (syst.) GeV is also observed, in both the Upsilon(1S)gamma and Upsilon(2S)gamma decay modes. This is interpreted as the chi_b(3P) system.Comment: 5 pages plus author list (18 pages total), 2 figures, 1 table, corrected author list, matches final version in Physical Review Letter

    Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon cross-section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV using 35 pb-1 of ATLAS data

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    A measurement of the differential cross-section for the inclusive production of isolated prompt photons in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 7 TeV is presented. The measurement covers the pseudorapidity ranges |eta|<1.37 and 1.52<=|eta|<2.37 in the transverse energy range 45<=E_T<400GeV. The results are based on an integrated luminosity of 35 pb-1, collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The yields of the signal photons are measured using a data-driven technique, based on the observed distribution of the hadronic energy in a narrow cone around the photon candidate and the photon selection criteria. The results are compared with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations and found to be in good agreement over four orders of magnitude in cross-section.Comment: 7 pages plus author list (18 pages total), 2 figures, 4 tables, final version published in Physics Letters